343 research outputs found
CFD Simulation of Reactor Bed for Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage System
Natural Gas (NG) has emerged as an alternative energy source especially in
transportation due to clean burning and have relatively lower price than gasoline. The
world awareness toward environmental issues has promoted NG to be future fuel source
for the sake of future generations. Even though the current NG technology has not yet
convince mankind but still NG receive the overwhelming welcome from global
Publication-ready single nucleotide polymorphism visualization with snipit
Snipit is an analysis and visualization tool designed for summarizing single nucleotide polymorphisms in sequences in comparison to a reference sequence. This tool efficiently catalogues nucleotide and amino acid differences, enabling clear comparisons through customizable, publication-ready figures. With features such as configurable colour palettes, customizable record sorting, and the ability to output figures in multiple formats, snipit offers a user-friendly interface for researchers across diverse disciplines. In addition, snipit includes a specialized recombi-mode for illustrating recombination patterns, which can highlight otherwise often difficult-to-detect relationships between sequences.Snipit is an open-source python-based tool that is hosted on GitHub under a GNU-GPL 3.0 licence (https://github.com/aineniamh/snipit). It can be installed from PyPi using pip. Source code and additional documentation can be found on the GitHub repository
Corporate Governance Attributes and Firm Value: Evidence from Pakistan
A sound corporate governancemechanism is associated with significant and positive effect on firm’s value, increasingproductivity and earnings, decreasing systematic risks and easier access to capital.This paper aims to examine the difference in quality of firm level governance characteristicsand its impact on firm performance for companies listed at Karachi Stock Exchangeduring the years from 2010 to 2013. Empirical analysis was made between firm’s valueas measured by Tobins Q and Corporate Governance characteristics: Board Size, BoardMembers, CEO Duality and Audit Committee independence. The results indicate thatthere is a relationship between corporate governance attributes and firm performancein Pakistan. Members on the Board can add to companies’ activities by ensuring properimplementation of policies. We found positive significant relationship between AuditCommittee Independence and firm performance. CEO duality does affect firm performancebut its value is not significant. We could not find significant relationship betweenboard independence and firm performance. Presence of female directors and familydirectors on the board affects firm performance negatively.Keywords: CorporateGovernance, Firm Performance, Tobins Q, Pakistan, Female Directo
Mangrove carbon stock assessment by optical satellite imagery
Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve or known as Matang Mangroves is the largest single mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia. Covering an area of about 41,000 ha, majority of this area is forest reserve. Mangroves have long been known as extremely productive ecosystem that cycle carbon (C) rapidly, but studies related to carbon in this ecosystem are limited. This study was carried out to assess the carbon stock and quantify their changes following deforestation, wood extraction and forest degradation. Landsat-TM and SPOT-5 satellite images for 1991 and 2011 respectively were utilised to identify mangroves. Vegetation index generated from the images was used as a variable to indicate carbon stock and it was correlated to forest inventory information through regression. The study showed that carbon stocks of Matang Mangroves ranged from 1.03 to 263.65 t C ha-1 and 1.01 to 259.68 t C ha-1 for the years 1991 and 2011 respectively. Total carbon stock in Matang Mangroves was estimated at about 3.04 mil t C in year 1991 and 2.15 mil t C in 2011. The study suggested that the traditional use of vegetation index from optical imagery systems is still relevant and viable in vegetative studies
Analisis Performance Central Prosessing Unit (CPU) Realtime Menggunakan Metode Benchmarking
Perkembangan teknologi semakin berkembang cepat baik dari performa, grafik, bandwidth dan lain-lainnya sehingga mempengaruhi berbagai sendi kehidupan dan profesi, hal ini menyebabkan perubahan sistem pada piranti atau kinerja pada central prosessing unit. Pada dunia bisnis, saat ini telah memfaatkan kemajuan teknologi informasi demi kelancaran kerja dibidang yang digeluti baik sekala kecil maupun sekala besar. Metode yang digunakan benchmarking merupakan suatu proses mengidetifikasi terhadap hardware dan proses suatu tolak ukur sebuah performa yang diharapkan. Adapun langkah pengujian melakukan evalusi kinerja central prosessing unit (CPU) yang dilakukan pada kinerja hardware atau perangkat keras baik prosessor, ram, vega dan lain sebagainya. Hasil pengujian yang dilaksanakan pada cental prosessing unit (CPU) penggunaan ram oleh prosessor i3 sebesar 3.1 Gb, GPU 3%, Disk uses 1%, penggunaan network atau jaringan 7.7 Mbps, penggunaan power suplay very low. Prosessor i5 sebesar 4.2 Gb, GPU 0%, Disk uses 0%, penggunaan network atau jaringan 7.7 Mbps, penggunaan power suplay low. Prosessor i7 sebesar 2.5 Gb, GPU 9%, Disk uses 9%, penggunaan network atau jaringan 104 Kbps, penggunaan power suplay high
Exploring Agricultural Resilience in Volcano-Prone Regions: A Case Study from Mount Merapi, Indonesia
Mount Merapi, one of Indonesia’s most active and dangerous volcanoes, experienced a devastating eruption in 2010, causing numerous fatalities and widespread damage to homes and land, especially in areas vulnerable to the volcano’s activity. Despite the inherent risks, many farmers continue to cultivate the region’s land. This study examines the resilience of farmers in the Mount Merapi area in light of the persistent volcanic activity. Employing a qualitative methodology, including in-depth interviews and field observations, the research reveals that farmers’ resilience is shaped by their individual experiences and the contributions of government, private sector, and community actors. Long-term residence in the area has equipped farmers with the knowledge and confidence required to navigate the risks and hazards associated with the volcano. Farmers prioritize their safety but also focus on safeguarding their livestock and other essential resources, which are integral to their livelihoods. The local community is instrumental in supporting farmers and residents in disaster-prone zones, while external organizations offer additional advantages to farmers’ lives. The study proposes that a collaborative effort among all stakeholders is essential for maintaining farmers’ livelihoods in areas susceptible to volcanic activity
Clinical insights on Tolosa Hunt syndrome: a multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region
Tolosa–Hunt syndrome (THS) related neurological
symptoms are described in literature as “unilateral”,
“recurrent”, “episodic”, “intense”, “severe”, “lancinating” or
“stabbing” pain on the upper face and forehead and may be
misdiagnosed due to the similarity of few symptoms and a
significant number of common characteristics between both
The aim of this brief report is to indicate some important
clinical insights related to Tolosa Hunt syndrome, and to
give a frank account on the multidisciplinary approach on
neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial
We analysed a selection of patients with such clinical
picture. To better describe the proper management of
clinical cases, we report a 50-year-old female reporting an
history of two years of recurrent, severe stabbing pain
around the right eye, prominence of her cheek and
forehead. Her general dentist first mistakenly diagnosed
toothache and, thus, it was subsequently misdiagnosed the
trigeminal neuropathy (TN).
Reported exemplificative case presented a mild ptosis,
diplopia of the right eye, corneal reflex loss, paresthesia and
hyperesthesia of upper part of left side of face. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) findings were suggestive of THS.
Complete resolution of symptoms was achieved with oral
Prednisolone and constant monitoring of symptoms.
THS may be added to the long list of differential diagnosis of
TN and general dentist and oral surgeons should be
informed about such rare causes of facial pain through
continued medical education programs
Motor and Somatosensory Evoked Potential Monitoring Without Wakeup Test during Scoliosis Surgery
Background: Available evidence suggests that Transcranial electric motor evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potential are safe methods to check the integrity of the spinal cord during spine deformity correction surgery. We compare the efficacy of Transcranial electric motor evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potential to detect the nerve injury during Scoliosis surgery.
Objectives: To demonstratethe advantages of combined motor and sensory evoked potential monitoring during Scoliosis surgery.
Methods: We analyzed records of 65 (48 female and 17 male) Scoliosis surgery cases of Transcranial electric motor evoked potential and Somatosensory evoked potential.Mean age was 15.6 years. Patients who showed significant (at least 55%) of unilateral or bilateral amplitude loss , for at least five to ten minutes during the intervention in scoliosis surgery under total intravenous anesthesia will be included.
Results: From 65 patients during surgery seventeen patients have a significant or complete drop of baseline amplitude on transcranial electric motor evoked potentials. Thirteen patients have the complete return of baseline amplitude by surgeon intraoperative intervention, whereas four patients havea reversal of motor response after 8 hours post-operatively. Transcranial electric motor evoked potential monitoring was 100% specific and 100% sensitive, whereas Somatosensory evoked potential was 100% specific and 85% sensitive.
Conclusions: SSEPs and MEPs , in combination give accurate and quick information of nerve or spinal cord insult intraoperatively
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