7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Arus Permukaan Terhadap Sebaran Kualitas Air Di Perairan Genuk Semarang

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    Perairan Genuk merupakan wilayah perairan di sebelah utara Semarang, dimana pada daerah ini terdapat banyak aktivitas pabrik / industri. Pembuangan limbah pabrik yang menuju ke laut dapat merusak kondisi perairan. Turunnya kualitas air yang melewati baku mutu akan menyebabkan gangguan bagi organisme yang berada di sekitar perairan Genuk. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi / nilai parameter fisika-kimia serta dapat melihat persebarannya di daerah Genuk berdasarkan dari pola arus permukaan. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan pada tanggal 12-15 Desember 2013 di perairan Genuk. Materi yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer berupa arus permukaan, temperatur, salinitas, kekeruhan, kecerahan, pH, DO, COD dan logam berat kadmium. Data sekunder berupa data angin, data pasut, peta batimetri dan peta RBI. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan untuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode sampling purposive method. Pengolahan data arus menggunakan SMS 8.1 modul RMA2, wind rose, world current, current rose dan untuk persebaran menggunakan ArcGIS 10.0. Berdasarkan hasil olahan data arus, kecepatan arus rata-rata sekitar 0.067 m/s, dengan karakteristik arus pasang surut. Prosentase arus pasut 88.840% dan arus residu 11.160%. Untuk hasil data kualitas air, temperatur memiliki nilai 30.4°C-31.3°C, salinitas 25 – 35 ppm, kekeruhan 0.53-12.6 NTU, kecerahan 1.5-5.4 meter, pH 6.12-8.34, DO 1.32-3.49 mg/l, COD 339-710 mg/l, logam berat kadmium <0.001-0.003 mg/l. Pola sebaran temperatur, salinitas, kecerahan, pH, dan COD dari konsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi tinggi menuju laut ke arah utara-timur laut. Berbeda dengan kekeruhan, DO dan logam berat kadmium pola persebaran yang terjadi menjauhi pantai, ke arah utara, dengan pola sebaran dari konsentrasi tinggi menuju ke konsentrasi rendah. Berdasarkan baku mutu menurut Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup nomor 51 tahun 2004 nilai kualitas air daerah dekat pantai telah melewati batas baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan

    Ratio of the Main Dimensions and Static Stability Traditional Purse Seiner in Pinrang

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    The fishing vessel is the main vehicle of the fishermen to go to fishing ground and hauling purse seine especially fishing gear. Pinrang Regency ships traditionally built without calculation of naval architecture. Where the purse seine fishing gear in Pinrang Regency has length 330 m nets with a depth of 36 m. The purpose of this research was to examine the main dimension ratio in particular design and static stability of the vessel purse seine in Pinrang Regency. Method of using a case study on two types of vessels have different relative and analyzed by numerical simulation, calculate the ratio of the main dimensions and static stability. The results of this research are the vessels in Pinrang kasko model has the shape of a round bottom and slim body as well as the ratio of the dimensions of the vessels only L/D purse seine LOA 24 m more than the standard reference of vessels (encircling) in Indonesia and on the value of the static stability by the IMO, with a purse seine vessel Pinrang already has a good stability. However, in both types of vessel purse seine size 20 m that has better stability

    Effect Rainfall Season on Coastal Flood in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Floods of rain always occur on the coast of Semarang City every time there is a change of season. The coastal city of Semarang has a flat topography with 13 rivers passing through, causing flood insecurity. The purpose of the study is reviewing rainfall patterns in Semarang City, and reviewing the relationship of rainfall with flood events in coastal parts of Semarang City. The materials used are secondary data (rainfall from BMKG, flood information from online media and newspapers) and field surveys (flood measurement and observation). Rainfall data processed with Excel, flood events (place, time, and height of puddles) are associated with the magnitude of rainfall. Analysis of the interrelationship of rainfall and flooding is associated with aspects of environmental conditions (topography, hydrology, geology). The results showed that during the period June 2018-June 2019 daily rainfall above 100 mm has caused flooding. Monthly rainfall above 100 mm occurs in December, January, February. The conclusion that the rainfall pattern in Semarang City is unimodal with the November-March rainy period and the peak occurs in January

    Analysis of the Readiness of Information TECHNOLOGY for MSMEs in Madiun City Towards the Digital Market

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    The purpose of this analysis activity is to find data on the readiness of UMKM in Madiun City to enter the digital market. This research uses a survey-based approach carried out with a cross-section method. Research data collection is carried out simultaneously and directly on the research object. The population in this study is UMKM in the city of Madiun, with a total sample of 108 UMKM. The source of data in this study is primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires, where the questionnaire research instrument is designed with the integration model approach ERL (E-learning Readiness). The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis with the readiness approach from Aydin and Tasci by measuring readiness based on four factors, namely technology, innovation, people, and self-development. This research concludes that the technology factor is not ready and needs a slight improvement, namely the availability of hardware for UMKM actors to support digital marketing activities. The innovation, Human Resources, and self-development factors show that they are ready but need improvement so that the digital marketing process can be carried out correctly

    Studi Efisiensi Pasar Modal Indonesia Bentuk Setengah Kuat pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Perusahaan Transportasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2019-2020)

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    This research aims to determine how the transportation industry in Indonesia fared during the COVID-19 pandemic. Is this segment of the Indonesian capital market semi-efficient during the COVID-19 pandemic? In order to measure the sample size, Purposive Sampling and Market Adjusted Model approaches are used. The data used is abnormal return data for all IATA-listed transportation providers there are 35 firms that will be evaluated on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2019-2020 term. The Abnormal Return, Market Reaction Speed, Normality Test, and Independent Different Test were used to examine the data (Independent Sample T-Test). The findings of this research show that transportation companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are semi-strongly efficient. Prices were altered by the news of the COVID-19 pandemic with atypical returns that did not last long, allowing the market to achieve a new price equilibrium point. There were also considerable discrepancies in the results of the several abnormal return tests before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: efficient market hypothesis, semi-strong, event study, abnormal retur