9 research outputs found

    Implementation of Infrastructure Development Planning in Deli Serdang Regency

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    This research aims to identify the implementation of development planning and explain the impact of development planning in 5 (five) villages in Deli Serdang Regency in terms of infrastructure, including road construction and physical improvements. Additionally, this research also aims to analyze the factors hindering the implementation of development planning, explore the root causes of issues, and present recommendations for improvement. This study is analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach, with 11 (eleven) individuals selected as research samples, and data collected through in-depth interviews, documentation, and field observations. Furthermore, data is analyzed through the processes of reduction, presentation, and verification to ensure the validity and reliability of the research results. The research findings show that, in general, the implementation of regional development planning still has several complex and interconnected shortcomings. The main factors that can lead to failures in the implementation of development planning results include budgetary constraints, often limited resources of the community, and inadequate organizational or regional apparatus resources in carrying out their tasks. Additionally, changes in proposed activities often become a cause of inconsistency between planning and implementation. Not only that, there are additional factors that complicate the situation, such as the role of the government and regional apparatus as formulators of public policies that significantly impact the success of the implementation of development planning. The government's and regional apparatus' role in directing policies can create dynamics that influence the final results of implementation

    The Pattern of Utilizing Local Community Wisdom to Support Tourism in Berastagi

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    Although Berastagi has the allure of night tourism, the city is also known as a culinary center, thanks to the presence of the Pasar Kaget. However, previous research has not extensively addressed the aspects of night tourism and the utilization of local wisdom. This research aims to identify night activities in Berastagi based on the pattern of utilizing local wisdom. The two main theories underlying this research are night tourism and local wisdom. The intended pattern of utilization is a roadmap for how night tourism can be better developed. The theory of night tourism identifies 4 main component patterns: economic, social, environmental, and the night atmosphere. Meanwhile, local wisdom emphasizes the first pattern, which is the value of trust, and the second, which is the cultural life that grows within the community. The research method used is qualitative descriptive, with data obtained through interviews and field observations. The research results show that the Berastagi community has felt the economic impact of night tourism, and integrating Karo culture into night tourism can enhance business opportunities and economic growth. Although there is negative public perception of night tourism, the Karo customary institution in Berastagi plays a role as a local force in safeguarding social aspects during these activities. To enhance night tourism in Berastagi, improvements are needed, such as the concentration of night tourism areas and the incorporation of traditional Karo tribal ornaments. By making Karo culinary and culture the distinctive identity, the city of Berastagi can build a unique night atmosphere, providing a different experience between night and day tourism

    Success Factors in Managing Wastewater Infrastructure through Community Participation (Case Study: Wastewater Infrastructure in Residential Areas of Medan Deli Subdistrict, Medan)

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    Both central and local governments strive to implement sanitation programs, especially in the management of wastewater infrastructure, with a focus on community involvement from planning to maintenance. The Medan Deli Subdistrict, engaged in wastewater infrastructure management through community participation, faces challenges, including a decline in users and dysfunctional management groups. The limited community involvement also impacts the failure of management. The research was conducted in the Medan Deli Subdistrict using survey and exploration methods. The analysis of survey questionnaire data with the Relative Importance Index (RII) method identified five key success factors, used as research indicators to identify obstacles through structured interviews. The research results show that these factors involve the choice of technology, organization, and leadership, which have proven to have a significant impact. Additionally, service convenience, operator performance, and clean and healthy living habits also prove to be drivers of success in this management. In this context, it can be concluded that technical factors, especially the selection of technology and organization, dominate the success of wastewater management. The success of wastewater infrastructure development through community participation also heavily depends on institutional elements and social approaches. However, after identifying success elements, some analyzed obstacles include the process of selecting technology means that are not in line with the needs and preferences of the community, managers responsible for wastewater infrastructure management often relocating without replacement, hindering the administrative process of management, infrastructure maintenance requiring operators to routinely perform operational functions, and a community that is not fully committed to implementing clean water infrastructure management


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    Hutan gambut merupakan hutan tropis dan menjadi sumber daya alam yang unik yang dapat mendukung keanekaragaman flora dan fauna termasuk amfibi. Hutan gambut sering mengalami kebakaran pada saat musim kemarau. Kebakaran dapat mengancam kelangsungan hidup sejumlah flora dan fauna tak terkecuali amfibi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan komposisi amfibi serta untuk mengetahui indeks keanekaragaman dan kemerataan amfibi di Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG) Tanjung Jabung Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES) yang dikombinasikan dengan transek. Transek merupakan transek akuatik yang dibuat sepanjang 500m. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan Indeks Shannon Wiener dan dengan menghitung kemerataan jenis. Hasil penelitian yaitu jenis amfibi yang didapat ada 4 jenis (Fejervarya limnocharis, Fejervarya cancrivora, Hylarana erythraea dan Pulchrana baramica). Nilai keanekaragaman tergolong sedang dengan nilai H’= 1, 03. Hal ini menunjukkan secara ekologis kondisi habitat di HLG Londerang mampu untuk mendukung keberadaan jenis amfibi. Nilai kemerataan jenis amfibi menunjukkan nilai E= 0,74 yang berarti pensebaran amfibi tergolong cukup merata

    Analysis of Determining Service Center Systems towards the Development of The Eastern Part of Medan City

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    The issues in the research area include a high concentration of built-up residential areas with the potential for slums and warehousing activities dominating trade and service areas or residential areas, leading to congestion. This requires attention, considering that the Eastern Part of Medan City has a high built-up area, necessitating the provision of affordable infrastructure and basic services for both newcomers and existing residents in the city. Several development theories and concepts can assist in determining and conceptualizing development in the research area. The study focuses on examining the Sub-Central Service System of the City as a center serving sub-urban areas. Various methods are used in determining service centers, including the scalogram method, Marshall's centrality index, and rank-size rule, which will ultimately provide recommendations for the central service system. After issuing recommendations from these three analyses, the determination of the existing urban internal structure is conducted using a scoring method to identify the central service location. Calculations from multiple service center analysis methods are scored and summed to obtain a total score. The neighborhood with the smallest score has the highest hierarchy value, and vice versa. It is revealed that the Sub-Central Service System is present in all sub-districts in the Eastern Part of Medan City, meaning each sub-district in each neighborhood already has comprehensive facilities. Consequently, the four sub-districts in the Eastern Part of Medan City have the potential for development as they meet service needs and can be directed to become service centers serving their respective sub-districts

    Green Economy Financing According to Fiqh Al-Biah as Part of Maqashid Sharia

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    Economic development in the 20th century had a huge impact on the sustainable development of mankind. On the other hand, however, it has a negative impact on living ecosystems. In many aspects such as the orientation of the interests of sustainable development, the economy and the environment are considered as two opposing aspects. Sustainable Development Based on this, a relatively new concept emerged, namely the green economy. The green economy is a concept that supports human well-being and cares about environmental and ecosystem sustainability in economic development. But on the negative side, economic development can also have an impact on the reduction of natural resources through over-exploitation, industrial pollution, oil, water, and air pollution due to flooding, and the impact on climate change. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are fundamental rules for supporting sustainable development, namely the implementation of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid sharia for the management of Islamic resources in the economy. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are basic rules to support sustainable development, namely the application of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid Sharia law to manage Islamic resources in the economy

    The Effect of Learning Models and Motion Ability on Learning Outcomes of Volleyball Passing Skills for Class VIII Students of Junior High School 6, Academic Year 2019-2020

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    This study aims to determine: (1) The volleyball passing skills of students taught by using a massed practice model are higher than the volleyball passing skills of students taught with a distributed practice model. (2) the volleyball passing skills of students who have high mobility abilities are higher than students who have low mobility abilities. (3) the interaction between the learning model and the ability of movement to volleyball passing skills. This research was conducted at Junior High School 6 Medan, odd semester of 2019/2020 school year. The research model ∝ uses quasiexperimental with 2 x 2 factorial design, the data analysis technique used is two-way ANOVA with a significant level = 0.05 and continued with the Tukey test. The results showed (1)volleyball passing skills taught by students using massed practice models were higher when compared to volleyball passing skills of students who used distributed practice models, this was indicated by Fcount = 4,24> Ftable = 4.18; (2) volleyball passing skills of students who have high mobility abilities are higher than students who have low mobility abilities, this is indicated by Fcount = 12.15> Ftable = 4.18; (3) there is an interaction between the learning model and the students 'ability to move the students' volleyball passing skills, this is indicated by Fcount = 21.12> Ftable = 4.18. The conclusion, that the massed practice model can improve students' volleyball passing skills