The Effect of Learning Models and Motion Ability on Learning Outcomes of Volleyball Passing Skills for Class VIII Students of Junior High School 6, Academic Year 2019-2020


This study aims to determine: (1) The volleyball passing skills of students taught by using a massed practice model are higher than the volleyball passing skills of students taught with a distributed practice model. (2) the volleyball passing skills of students who have high mobility abilities are higher than students who have low mobility abilities. (3) the interaction between the learning model and the ability of movement to volleyball passing skills. This research was conducted at Junior High School 6 Medan, odd semester of 2019/2020 school year. The research model ∝ uses quasiexperimental with 2 x 2 factorial design, the data analysis technique used is two-way ANOVA with a significant level = 0.05 and continued with the Tukey test. The results showed (1)volleyball passing skills taught by students using massed practice models were higher when compared to volleyball passing skills of students who used distributed practice models, this was indicated by Fcount = 4,24> Ftable = 4.18; (2) volleyball passing skills of students who have high mobility abilities are higher than students who have low mobility abilities, this is indicated by Fcount = 12.15> Ftable = 4.18; (3) there is an interaction between the learning model and the students 'ability to move the students' volleyball passing skills, this is indicated by Fcount = 21.12> Ftable = 4.18. The conclusion, that the massed practice model can improve students' volleyball passing skills

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