2,635 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Latihan Lompat, Jingkat Dan Langkah Terhadap Hasil Lompat Jauh Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Peusangan Kabupaten Bireun

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    . Olahraga atletik khususnya nomor lompat menuntut unsur kekuatan, kecepatan dan power guna mendapatkan hasil lompatan yang maksimal Plyometrik merupakan salah satu bentuk pelatihan yang baik untuk mengembangkan unsur kekuatan, kecepatan dan power dalam nomor lompat jauh. Salah satu bentuk pelatihan plyometrik yang cocok dan dianjurkan oleh para ahli untuk diberikan kepada siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama adalah pelatihan lompat, jingkat dan langkah bangku. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan lompat, langkah dan jingkat bangku terhadap hasil lompat jauh pada siswa SMP Negeri 1 Peusangan Kabupaten Bireuen. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I dan II SMP Negeri 1 Peusangan kabupaten Bireuen tahun 2012. Pengambilan sampel ditentukan sebanyak 25% dari populasi yaitu 60 orang yang dibagi dalam empat kelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri dari 15 orang, kelompok perlakukan terbagi dalam 3 kelompok dan 1 kelompok untuk kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Metode eksperimen ini penulis gunakan atas dasar sifat penelitian yang memberikan perlakuan terhadap subjek. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes dan pengukuran lompat Jauh. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah analisis varian satu arah (one way analysis of variance- ANOVA) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan plyometrik yang terdiri dari lompat, jingkat dan langkah bangku memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil lompat jauh pada siswa SMP Negeri 1 Peusangan

    Model Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Pada Pkbm Binaan Skb Kabupaten Temanggung

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    The study is aimed at describing the enterpreneurship learning model of the enterpreneurship training and the contribution of the education and training to enterpreneurship in the economic aspects. The study is conducted in the Community Learning Centre (CLC) in Temanggung regency. The study is qualitative research data are analysed by using the interactive analysis model. The subjects of the study are members of the CLC guided group. Research findings show that (1) The curriculum is developed on the basis of the needs of the course participants; learning activities include guided production, marketing, and independent entrepreneurship; emphasis is on trainees\u27 activities in business; and approaches are andragogic involving simulations and group discussions; (2) There is contribution from the training implementation toward the economic aspects in the form of earning increases in of the business units; and (3) There is contribution from the training implementation toward the increament of the knowledge and skills of the trainees as well as of the people in the surroundin

    Keefektifan Pembelajaran Konsep Kimia Larutan dengan Menerapkan Model Penggambaran Mikroskopis di Man Kabupaten Pidie

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    The microscopic concept in chemistry learning can not be obtained directly from the experience or sensory observations. To understand this microscopic concept requires complex intellectual engagement. One way to facilitate learners in understanding the concept of microscopic is by using the appropriate modeling or learning media. In the study of chemical solution, so that learners easy to understand the concept of the microscopic can use a model picture called the microscopic model of depiction. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of learning chemical concept of solution by applying the model of microscopic depiction as well as to know the student\u27s response to microscopic modeling in MAN Kabupaten Pidie Aceh Province. The research design used in this research is quasi experimental design. The results showed that by applying microscopic modeling model can streamline the learning process of chemical solution in MAN Kabupaten Pidie. Furthermore, MAN students in Kabupaten Pidie have a positive response to the application of microscopic modeling of learning chemistry of solution because students feel easier in understanding the chemical concept of solutio

    Manusia dan Sains dalam Perspektif Al-qur’an

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    Islam requires its adherents to study and develop science. Human knowledge continues to evolve with the times and the discovery of the secrets of nature. The Qur'an applies to all ages, even many things that can not be understood by man today, as many things also have begun to be understood over the course of time. All human beings have an interest in knowing the basics of natural science, because starting from the oxygen gas to breathe, the food and the necessary medicines, the environment and the natural disasters all are related to the natural sciences. Without the power of science how can humans can understand the universe to see the greatness of Allah swt. Therefore, the increase of human resources in Islamic society becomes a necessity

    Drawing Mama, a Practical Drawing Tutorial Book for Parents

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    Parents need to be closer to their children, especially when they are in early years. The process of the approach can be done in some creative way, one example is drawing together with children. But apparently many parents claim that they cannot draw. Indeed, parents do not need to be able to draw perfectly, but it will be more valuable if parents can draw properly, because it can make the interaction process between parents and children become more meaningful and memorable for both. For this reason, efforts have been made to provide basic insights and practical drawing techniques for parents. Actually, there are already many materials how to draw for children and adolescents, therefore this practical drawing tech-niques are packaged in the form of a book are intended specifically for parents, especially in Indonesia. The drawing method used in this book is observation and imitation of images. The results of this study are three books learning practical drawing for parents that can be used to support interaction with children at home. Keywords drawing technique, book, parentin

    Pengaruh Penyuntikan Ekstrak Kelenjar Hipofisa Ayam Broiler terhadap Fertilitas, Daya Tetas dan Survival Rate Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio L.)

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    The objectives of this experiment were to study the effect of chicken hypophyse gland exttact for spawning of carp. Each twenty female of about 2950-3050 g/head and 100 of male carp of about 300-350 g body weight/head were used in the experiments. Hypophyse gland extract were prepared from the hypophyse glands of broiler chickens of about 10 days old. As treatments, the extract was injected in five different doses of 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 mg/kg body weight. Each dose was injected twice. The second injection was done after 1 hours. Each treatment consisted of 4 replications as block. Parameter measured included: egg fertility, egg hatching rate and survival rate of larvae, water qualities (temperature, dissolved 02. free CO2, NH3 content and pH). Data were statistically analyzed by variance analysis in randomized block design (RBD). Results indicated that injection of broiler's hypophyse gland extract gave highly significant (P < 0.01) effect on spawning egg fertility, egg hatching rate and survival rate of carp larvae of three days old. The optimal injection dose was found 582 mg broiler's hypophyse gland/kg carp body weight

    Corporate Social Performance of Indonesian State-Owned and Private Companies

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    The objectives of this study are to analyze the difference of corporate social performance between State-owned and private companies in Indonesia, and also to analyze the correlation between the corporate social performance (CSP) and the corporate financial performance by using company size, and institutional ownership as control variables. The population of this study is Indonesian state owned and private companies in the year of 2001-2004. Purposive sampling was used in this study, and final samples are 461 companies. The CSP or CSR (Corporate social responsibility) score is measured by content analysis of corporate annual report using seven item developed by Michael Research Jantzi Research Associate, Inc. The data is tested by independent t-test to determine the mean difference and by using partial correlation test to know the correlation between the corporate social performance and financial performance. The results of this study are that there is no significant difference mean of corporate social performance between state-owned and private owned companies in Indonesia. In addition, the correlation test indicates that there is no association between corporation social performance and financial performance both in SOCs and POCs
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