768 research outputs found

    Expression of MMP-13 in Human Temporomandibular Joint Disc Derangement and Osteoarthritis

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    Objective: MMP-13 performs digestion of collagen, which is a primary component of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular disc. This study evaluated the expression of MMP-13 in patients with anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR), and in the presence of TMJ osteoarthrosis. Methods: Thirty-nine human temporomandibular joint disc samples were collected and divided in two ways: ADDwR (21 samples), ADDwoR (10 samples), and a control group (8 samples); and with osteoarthrosis (10 samples) and without osteoarthrosis (29 samples). Immunostaining of the TMJ discs was statistically compared between the groups. Results: There was no statistically significant difference for the area of MMP-13 immunostaining between the control group, ADDwR, and ADDwoR, nor between groups with and without osteoarthrosis. Conclusion: This study suggests MMP-13 is not significantly involved in collagen degradation in human TMJ disc displacement or osteoarthrosis

    FasL Expression in Articular Discs of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    Background Apoptosis is a programme of cell death which does not induce an inflammatory response. Recent previous research has suggested a correlation between temporomandibular internal derangement and apoptosis. Fas ligand (FasL) is an apoptosis‐inducing factor, known to trigger apoptosis through distinct signal pathways. This study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of FasL in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) in patients with and without osteoarthrosis (OA). Methods Forty‐two (n = 42) TMJ articular discs were divided into two cut‐offs: (i) 8 control, 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR, and (ii) without OA (n = 25) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (P \u3c 0.05). Results Statistically significant differences were found in the expression of FasL in TMJ discs between the three groups (P = 0.001). ADDwR presented significant higher FasL expression when compared with ADDwoR (P \u3c 0.001). Significant higher FasL expression was observed in the group without OA (P = 0.001). All patients without OA presented ADDwR, while all the patients with OA presented ADDwoR. Conclusion A higher area of in situ immunostaining of FasL was found in temporomandibular discs with reduction, which is the less severe condition. Moreover, a reduced expression of FasL in the discs of patients with osteoarthrosis was found, suggesting that some aspects of apoptosis might underlie the progression of TMJ disorders

    Evidências do Protocolo de Quioto no Brasil : uma análise exploratória descritiva

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar a implantação do Protocolo de Quioto no Brasil, observando como as brasileiras estão sendo inseridas no contexto deste Acordo. Através dos projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), o país participa como voluntário no esforço de redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Com a execução de projetos que apresentam retornos financeiros possibilitados pela venda dos créditos de carbono gerados pelo projeto. A análise dos 154 projetos aprovados no Brasil, até setembro de 2007, possibilitou que se traçasse um perfil deste mercado, com as seguintes características principais: concentração nas mãos de poucas empresas da região Sudeste; predominância de produção de biomassa para uso próprio; criação de um mercado de aproximadamente 20.361.562,66 toneladas de carbono com a geração de US 335.965.948,89 por ano

    Making sense of a strategy that never was: Lessons from an OSF program

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    The Economic Justice Program (EJP) of the Open Society Foundations ran from 2018 until the end of December 2021. During this time EJP developed the Foundations' first-ever strategy dedicated to fighting economic injustice and advanced approaches to good grantmaking for social change. Due to organizational changes, the strategy was never implemented as designed. But it was successful by many other measures; in the words of one staff member: "Despite numerous moments when many of us (definitely me) wondered if it might not actually be possible, we truly became a team, with a strategy and a culture we all believed in."  This brief summarizes the lessons learnt along the way, offering both insights from experience and practical tools for strategy design. Our aim in sharing these lessons is to equip funders and civil society organizations to embrace complexity and to inspire deeper engagement with culture, communications, and other key elements that are critical to bringing any strategy to lif

    Alginate and chitosan fibers produced with olive pomace by wet spinning

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    [Excerpt] Olive oil production generates a considerable amount of olive pomace (OP). This residue is made of olive skins, pulp and stones. Furthermore, it is rich in phenolic compounds which comprise antioxidant and antibacterial properties. This research envisages a sustainable valorization of this relevant Mediterranean waste through the inclusion of olive pomace powder to functionalize alginate and chitosan wet spun fibers. Both biopolymers are natural and biocompatible polysaccharides with numerous favourable properties, such as good biodegradation and non-toxicity

    Interleukin-6 Expression in Disc Derangement of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    The inflammatory process is a coordinated response that protects host after infection or trauma, involving several molecular reactions. Once the inflammation is closely linked to the process of destruction of the temporomandibular joint, this study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), an important inflammatory marker, in temporomandibular articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) and its association with osteoarthrosis (OA). Thirty-eight (n = 38) articular discs were divided into two cutoffs: 1) analysis 1: 4 control (acute pathology), 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR; and 2) analysis 2: without OA (n = 21) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (p \u3c 0.05). In the disc samples, no significant differences were observed between the groups ADDwR and ADDwoR, and with and without OA, in respect to the expression of IL-6 by immunohistochemical examination. Future studies should be conducted with a larger sample size, which could clarify the association of the inflammatory mediator IL-6 with temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Os debates sobre o aborto na mídia brasileira: dos enquadramentos midiáticos a construção de uma democracia plural

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    Este trabalho busca mapear os principais elementos do debate sobre o aborto no Brasil, a partir da análise do desenvolvimento da discussão sobre o tema no âmbito da mídia no país, acompanhando o debate dos anos de 2003 a 2008, no jornal diário Folha de S. Paulo, o periódico de maior circulação no país. Entre tais elementos, buscou-se evidenciar àqueles que são reforçados, muitas vezes, pela presença de grupos que tem grande espaço e voz na mídia, em detrimento de outros. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho, a partir desse mapeamento, é destacar a importância, para o fortalecimento dos espaços democráticos, da pluralidade e do aumento dos espaços de fala, sobretudo, para as mulheres, na discussão sobre o aborto. A idéia geral é a de que os argumentos sob os quais os discursos sobre o aborto são enquadrados não se estabelecem sobre um marco interpretativo coerente com o elemento tomado como central na discussão sobre o tema: o aborto enquanto direito à liberdade de disposição das mulheres sobre seus próprios corpos

    Evidências do Protocolo de Quioto no Brasil: Uma análise exploratória descritiva

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar a implantação do Protocolo de Quioto no Brasil, observando como as ações brasileiras estão sendo inseridas no contexto deste Acordo. Através dos projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), o país participa como voluntário no esforço de redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Com a execução de projetos que apresentam retornos financeiros possibilitados pela venda dos créditos de carbono gerados pelo projeto. A análise dos 154 projetos aprovados no Brasil, até setembro de 2007, possibilitou que se traçasse um perfil deste mercado, com as seguintes características principais: concentração nas mãos de poucas empresas da região Sudeste; predominância de produção de biomassa para uso próprio; criação de um mercado de aproximadamente 20.361.562,66 toneladas de carbono com a geração de US$ 335.965.948,89 por ano.Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), Gases de Efeito Estufa, Redução de Emissões, Créditos de Carbono, Brasil


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    The present study approaches the consecration of the dignity of human person’s principle through the emergency protective measures in the Maria da Penha law. Its main aim is to examine this principle, as being the basis for the application of the measures provided in the Maria da Penha Law. Starting with a research emanating from a deductive method, eminently bibliographic and documentary, and from a post-positivist paradigm focused on values, the richness of the existing discussion on the matter is clear. Thus, because domestic violence against women is linked to a very old concept of women’s stereotype, as being minor and subjugated, and because it was recognized in the twentieth century as a violation of human rights, this issue has been widely discussed in the international community and, recently, in a more emphatic way, in Brazil, as well as the dignity of the human person, which embodies several components and values for each generation of human rights established by Karel Vazak, which is intrinsically linked to the evolution of women’s rights and, consequently, it is necessary to protect them from the gender-based aggression. From the research, it can be learned that the dignity of the human being can only be realized through policies such as Urgent Protective Measures, which, in fact, guarantee the safety of woman at risk