567 research outputs found

    Determination and Distribution Map for Radionuclides in Soil Samples from Different Location by Gamma Spectrometry Using Software Analysis

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    The fundamental goal of the current study is to determine the mean activity concentrations of natural and artificial radionuclides of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, and 137Cs using gamma spectrometry for three locations, in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, which are significant and vital countries in the Middle East. The mean absorbed dose rate equals 22.35, 28.96, and 43.34 nGy h-1 for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. The results are consistent with international reports. The dose contribution percentages for investigated locations are 24 %, 30 %, and 46 % for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, respectively. The obtained results were clarified by statistical measurements using one-way ANOVA test to determine the distribution and differences between the averages of the three groups under study, as they may be influenced by geological variations and human intervention. It was found that the Iraq samples followed a symmetrical, standard normal distribution, while samples from Egypt and Saudi Arabia did not. Statistically significant differences were found between the data from the three countries

    Woodlot farming by smallholder farmers in Ganderbal district of Kashmir, India

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    Forest degradation and deforestation are serious threats to resource conservation, subsistence livelihoods and rural income diversification. Woodlot farming on farms has been established as a potential option to increase forest resources from agricultural landscapes and remove human pressure from forests. The study investigated the land-use and landholding pattern, woodlots types and species preference and extent of spatial distribution, land allocation and growing stock of woodlots in the Ganderbal district of Kashmir. Multistage random sampling technique was employed to select 349 farm woodlots from 12 sample villages. Secondary sources were used to collect village-level data on land-use and landholding pattern. Primary data concerning the trees were collected through farm woodlot inventories. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. Results revealed that the total land area in the sample villages is 888.60 ha; 521.60 ha (58.70%) is cultivated land, which is mostly (80.78%) occupied by 1244 marginal farmers. The prevalent woodlots established were plantations of Populus, Salix, Robinia or mixed species. The farm woodlots (61.59 ha) contributed 11.81% of cultivated land and 6.93% of the total geographical area. The average growing stocks of woodlots were estimated to be 204.05 m3/ha for Populus, 191.77 m3/ha for Salix, 109.51 m3/ha for Robinia and 62.31 m3/ha for Mixed. The findings suggested that woodlot farming is the key alternative for forest resource production, livelihood resilience and socioeconomic improvement; hence, the policy must be implicated towards the promotion of woodlot farming by re-orienting the land use through farmer’s motivation and technical, financial and farming input assistance

    Stevens Johnson syndrome in Pakistan: a ten-year survey

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    Objective: A pre-tested questionnaire-based, retrospective study to highlight the causative factors, mode of presentation, complications and outcome of patients with Stevens Johnson syndrome.SETTING: Aga Khan University Hospital over a 10 year period.Methods: All case records with a diagnosis of Steven Johnson Syndrome in the period 1990 to 2000 were retrospectively reviewed. Data was retrieved on a comprehensive questionnaire. The demographic variatbles and drugs taken within the previous 21 days were noted. Date analysis was done by Epi-Info Version 6.0.Results: Of the 101 studied patient files, the most common offender was found to be the Penicillins as a group and Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (Fansidar) when considering all drugs individually. Most common complications included electrolyte disturbances (13.9%) and congestive heart failure (6.9%). Mortality rate was high at 10.1%.CONCLUSION: SJS was found to be a rare condition but having a mortality rate of 10.1%. As it can be induced by a large number of drugs, caution should be practiced while prescribing

    Effect of alkali treatment of lower concentrations on the structure and tensile properties of Pakistan’s coarse cotton fibre

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    Cotton fibres of high Micronaire values are known to have inferior spinning performance. Either reduction of fibres’ fineness or increase in tensile strength is generally expected to improve the spinnability of fibres. In this piece of research, the effects of alkali treatment at lower concentrations (0.75–2.25M) and higher temperatures (70–100 °C) on the cross-section of cotton fibre and on the tensile strength have been investigated. Observations were made using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and single fibre tensile strength testing. It was found that the roundness of the fibre cross section was improved and the tensile strength of the fibres also increased after treatment with alkali at lower concentration (0.75 M) and relatively lower temperature (70 °C). It is proposed that such changes occurred due to possible cellulose dissolution/transformations. It was thus concluded that the alkali treatment of cotton fibres at lower concentrations (0.75 M) and 70 °C for a shorter period of time (45 mins) could lead to improvement in tensile strength and roundness of fibre cross-section, thereby improving micronaire

    Optical Response of DyN

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    We report measurements of the optical response of polycrystalline DyN thin films. The frequency-dependent complex refractive index in the near IR-visible-near UV was determined by fitting reflection/transmission spectra. In conjunction with resistivity measurements these identify DyN as a semiconductor with 1.2 eV optical gap. When doped by nitrogen vacancies it shows free carrier absorption and a blue-shifted gap associated with the Moss-Burstein effect. The refractive index of 2.0+/-0.1 depends only weakly on energy. Far infrared reflectivity data show a polar phonon of frequency 280 cm-1 and dielectric strength delta epsilon= 20

    Risk factors for hospital admission with RSV bronchiolitis in England: a population-based birth cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the timing and duration of RSV bronchiolitis hospital admission among term and preterm infants in England and to identify risk factors for bronchiolitis admission. DESIGN: A population-based birth cohort with follow-up to age 1 year, using the Hospital Episode Statistics database. SETTING: 71 hospitals across England. PARTICIPANTS: We identified 296618 individual birth records from 2007/08 and linked to subsequent hospital admission records during the first year of life. RESULTS: In our cohort there were 7189 hospital admissions with a diagnosis of bronchiolitis, 24.2 admissions per 1000 infants under 1 year (95%CI 23.7-24.8), of which 15% (1050/7189) were born preterm (47.3 bronchiolitis admissions per 1000 preterm infants (95% CI 44.4-50.2)). The peak age group for bronchiolitis admissions was infants aged 1 month and the median was age 120 days (IQR = 61-209 days). The median length of stay was 1 day (IQR = 0-3). The relative risk (RR) of a bronchiolitis admission was higher among infants with known risk factors for severe RSV infection, including those born preterm (RR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.8-2.0) compared with infants born at term. Other conditions also significantly increased risk of bronchiolitis admission, including Down's syndrome (RR = 2.5, 95% CI 1.7-3.7) and cerebral palsy (RR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.5-4.0). CONCLUSIONS: Most (85%) of the infants who are admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis in England are born at term, with no known predisposing risk factors for severe RSV infection, although risk of admission is higher in known risk groups. The early age of bronchiolitis admissions has important implications for the potential impact and timing of future active and passive immunisations. More research is needed to explain why babies born with Down's syndrome and cerebral palsy are also at higher risk of hospital admission with RSV bronchiolitis

    Mikrosfere ropinirol hidroklorida za polagano oslobađanje: Utjecaj procesnih parametara

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    An emulsion solvent evaporation method was employed to prepare microspheres of ropinirole hydrochloride, a highly water soluble drug, by using ethylcellulose and PEG with the help of 32 full factorial design. The microspheres were made by incorporating the drug in a polar organic solvent, which was emulsified using liquid paraffin as an external oil phase. Effects of various process parameters such as viscosity of the external phase, selection of the internal phase, surfactant selection and selection of stirring speed were studied. Microspheres were evaluated for product yield, encapsulation efficiency and particle size. Various drug/ethylcellulose ratios and PEG concentrations were assayed. In vitro dissolution profiles showed that ethylcellulose microspheres were able to control release of the drug for a period of 12 h.Mikrosfere ropinirol hidroklorida, ljekovite tvari vrlo dobro topljive u vodi, pripravljene su metodom isparavanja otapala, koristeći etilcelulozu i PEG te 32 potpuno faktorijalno dizajniranje. Mikrosfere su pripravljene na sljedeći način: otopina ljekovite tvari u polarnom organskom otapalu emulgirana je s tekućim parafinom kao vanjskom uljnom fazom. Ispitivan je utjecaj različitih procesnih parametara poput viskoznosti vanjske faze, vrste interne faze i povrơinski aktivne tvari te brzine mijeơanja. Za pripravljene mikrosfere određeno je iskoriơtenje, učinkovitost inkapsuliranja i veličina čestica. Isprobavani su različiti odnosi ljekovite tvari i etilceluloze te koncentracija PEG-a. In vitro pokusi su pokazali da je oslobađanje ljekovite tvari kontrolirano tijekom 12 h

    Biotechnological model for ubiquitous mixed petroleum- and bio-based plastics degradation and upcycling into bacterial nanocellulose

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    Ubiquitous post-consumer plastic waste is often physically mixed combining recalcitrant petroleum-based plastics with bioplastics, forming (petro-bio)plastic streams. Finding appropriate end-of-life (EoL) strategies for mixed (petro-bio)plastic waste is highly pertinent in achieving environmental protection, sustainability for plastic value chain industries including recyclers and government policy makers worldwide. The presence of bioplastic mixed in with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or other petroleum-based plastic streams poses a substantial drawback to mechanical recycling and strongly impedes the development of sustainable EoL routes. Here, we present a model system for the sustainable management of mixed (petro-bio)plastic waste, demonstrating a biotechnological route through synergy-promoted enzymatic degradation of PET–representing petrochemical polyester plastic–mixed with thermoplastic starch (TPS)–as a model bioplastic. Leaf-branch compost cutinase (LCCICCG) and commercial amylase (AMY) deliver effective depolymerization of this mixed (petro-bio)plastic material, with subsequent bio-upcycling of the mixed waste stream into bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) by Komagataeibacter medellinensis. Compared to LCCICCG and AMY, the LCCICCG/AMY combined treatment synergistically produced a 2.6- and 4.4-fold increase in enzymatic decomposition at 70 °C in four days, respectively, yielding sugars and terephthalic acid (TPA) as the main depolymerization building blocks. Bio-upcycling of post-enzymatic degradation hydrolysates resulted in a high BNC yield of 3 g L−1 after 10 days. This work paves the way for sustainable management routes for challenging mixed recalcitrant plastic and bioplastic waste and prepares opportunities for its participation in the circular production of sustainable eco-polymers

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Grilled Meats from Restaurants

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are a group of lipophilic compounds that can be generated during the preparation of food items at elevated temperatures. They are regarded as potentially genotoxic and carcinogenic to human beings, related to increased incidence of breast and colorectal cancers, oxidative DNA injury, and bad effects on children neuro-differentiation. Thus, they are considered a public health concerns. A total of thirty samples of grilled beef steak, beef kofta and chicken (ten each) were collected from different restaurants. The samples were extracted by magnesium sulfate and sodium acetate in acetonitrile then purified in magnesium sulfate, primary, secondary amine and silica gel, and finally measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Benzo[a]pyrene was recorded with the highest average level (3.63”g/kg) in grilled kofta samples, but it was not detected in chicken samples. On the other hand, PAH4, PAH8 and ƩPAHs content were more abundant in grilled beef steak (5.32, 9.97 and 56.91”g/kg). Meanwhile, they recorded the least concentrations of grilled chicken from different restaurants. Furthermore, benzo[a]pyrene exceeded the permissible limits of the European Commission and Egyptian National Food Safety Authority in grilled kofta samples; further studies are needed to investigate the limits of exposure to these harmful compounds from meats and other food items
