328 research outputs found

    The place of intertrochanteric osteotomy in the treatment of idiopathic necrosis of the head of the femur

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    The authors present their experience of the use of intertrochanteric osteotomy for the treatment of idiopathic necrosis of the head of the femur. The results obtained from 102 osteotomies performed on 81 patients with the disease are analysed. The mean follow-up is 4.2 years. The results show a statistically significant clinical improvement after operation. Patients presenting with Ficat and Arlet Stage II involvement fared much better than those with more severe changes. Better results were also seen in those with a necrosis angle of less than 200 degrees. No radiological improvement was seen although a high percentage showed no deterioration. The choice of treatment for the condition is discussed in the light of these results

    The Effect of Aqueous Alteration in Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrites from Comparative ICP-MS Bulk Chemistry

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    Terrestrial ages of Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites (CC) indicate that these meteorites have been preserved in or on ice for, at least, tens of thousands of years. Due to the porous structure of these chondrites formed by the aggregation of silicate-rich chondrules, refractory inclusions, metal grains, and fine-grained matrix materials, the effect of pervasive terrestrial water is relevant. Our community defends that pristine CC matrices are representing samples of scarcely processed protoplanetary disk materials as they contain stellar grains, but they might also trace parent body processes. It is important to study the effects of terrestrial aqueous alteration in promoting bulk chemistry changes, and creating distinctive alteration minerals. Particularly because it is thought that aqueous alteration has particularly played a key role in some CC groups in modifying primordial bulk chemistry, and homogenizing the isotopic content of fine-grained matrix materials. Fortunately, the mineralogy produced by parent-body and terrestrial aqueous alteration processes is distinctive. With the goal to learn more about terrestrial alteration in Antarctica we are obtaining reflectance spectra of CCs, but also performing ICP-MS bulk chemistry of the different CC groups. A direct comparison with the mean bulk elemental composition of recovered falls might inform us on the effects of terrestrial alteration in finds. With such a goal, in the current work we have analyzed some members representative of CO and CM chondrite groups

    Miocarditis aguda: diagnóstico mediante resonancia magnética cardiaca

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    Cardiomyopathies are a common cause of morbidity and mortality. Myocarditis, which is included among specific cardiomyopathies, frequently presents non-specific clinical manifestations and thus may be difficult to diagnose, or even be misdiagnosed. Traditionally employed diagnostic techniques, including endomyocardial biopsy, have been shown to be of limited value. Following its overall implantation in clinical practice, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is nowadays widely considered to be the best non-invasive diagnostic tool available for diagnosing myocarditi

    Metodología de selección de especies de arbolado para el sombreado urbano en la parte oriental de la cornisa Cantábrica

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    The mitigation of the Urban Heat Island is one of the biggest future challenges in cities due to climate change. One of the methods to achieve the cooling of urban spaces is the attenuation of solar radiation provided by the trees. In the present article, a methodology of selection of arboreal species is proposed for the improvement of thermal comfort in urbanized areas of the eastern part of the Cantabrian coast. Starting from a pre-selection of native species, a classification of various species suitable for shading is obtained, describing its main characteristics and its possible use scope according to the typology of urban space.La mitigación del efecto Isla de Calor es uno de los mayores retos del futuro en las ciudades debido al cambio climático. Uno de los métodos para conseguir el enfriamiento de los espacios urbanos es la atenuación de radiación solar proporcionada por el arbolado. En el presente artículo se plantea una metodología de selección de especies arbóreas para la mejora del confort térmico en zonas urbanizadas de la parte oriental de la cornisa cantábrica. Partiendo de una preselección de especies autóctonas, se obtiene una clasificación de diversas especies aptas para el sombreado describiéndose sus principales características y su posible ámbito de utilización en función de la tipología de espacio urbano

    Sensitivity of Modern Lighting Technologies to Rapid Voltage Changes

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    Rapid Voltage Changes (RVCs) are one of the Power Quality disturbances that are recently receiving a lot of attention from the point of view of international standards. However, although they can cause or contribute to flicker, IEC 61000-4-15 only addresses periodic amplitude fluctuations and more effort is needed to regulate the occurrence of RVCs, according to their effect on flicker perceptibility. Alongside, flicker perception is challenged by the integration of modern lighting technology, whose response is different from the traditional incandescent lamp. This paper studies the connection between the increasing importance of RVCs and the evolution of illumination technologies. Sensitivity of modern lighting technologies to RVCs is studied by measuring flicker with a high precision light flickermeter. A large set of modern lamps is tested and the relationship between RVCs parameters and flicker perceptibility is analyzed

    ACYL-ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN DESATURASE2 and 3 are responsible for making omega-7 fatty acids in the Arabidopsis aleurone

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    Omega-7 monounsaturated fatty acids (ω-7s) are specifically enriched in the aleurone of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seeds. We found significant natural variation in seed ω-7 content and used a Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross population to fine-map a major quantitative trait loci to a region containing ACYL-ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN DESATURASE1 (AAD1) and AAD3. We found that AAD3 expression is localized to the aleurone where mutants show an approximately 50% reduction in ω-7 content. By contrast, AAD1 is localized to the embryo where mutants show a small reduction in ω-9 content. Enzymatic analysis has previously shown that AAD family members possess both stearoyl- and palmitoyl-ACP Δ9 desaturase activity, including the predominant isoform SUPPRESSOR OF SALICYLIC ACID INSENSITIVE2. However, aad3 ssi2 aleurone contained the same amount of ω-7s as aad3. Within the AAD family, AAD3 shares the highest degree of sequence similarity with AAD2 and AAD4. Mutant analysis showed that AAD2 also contributes to ω-7 production in the aleurone, and aad3 aad2 exhibits an approximately 85% reduction in ω-7s. Mutant analysis also showed that FATTY ACID ELONGASE1 is required for the production of very long chain ω-7s in the aleurone. Together, these data provide genetic evidence that the ω-7 pathway proceeds via Δ9 desaturation of palmitoyl-ACP followed by elongation of the product. Interestingly, significant variation was also identified in the ω-7 content of Brassica napus aleurone, with the highest level detected being approximately 47% of total fatty acids

    Gln27Glu polymorphism in the beta2 adrenergic receptor gene and lipid metabolism during exercise in obese women

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    BACKGROUND: The Glu27Glu genotype in the beta-2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) is associated with fat mass, body mass index and obesity in females. In our population, we previously found an association of higher body mass index (BMI) among women who reported more physical activity and carried the Glu27 allele as compared to non carriers with the same level of activity. OBJECTIVE: To examine the lipid metabolism differences, both at rest and during submaximal exercise in ADRB2 Glu27Glu vs Gln27Gln obese women. SUBJECTS: Eight obese women with the Glu27Glu genotype (age, 43±5 y; body mass index (BMI), 31.7±0.9 kg/m2; percentage fat mass, 42.0±1.3; WHR, 0.83±0.02; and VO2max, 21.6±0.9 ml/kg/min) were compared with seven obese women with the Gln27Gln genotype (age, 43±5 y; BMI, 33.9±1.3 kg/m2; percentage fat mass, 41.6±1.2; WHR, 0.83±0.02; and VO2max, 20.6±0.8 ml/kg/min). MEASUREMENTS: The ADRB2 polymorphism was identified by PCR-RFLP. Respiratory quotient was determined by indirect calorimetry at baseline, during 1 h of walking on a treadmill and 1 h after the exercise. Plasma triglycerides, glycerol, FFA, hydroxybutyrate, glucose and lactate were assayed by spectrophotometric methods. Insulin, leptin and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay. Adrenaline and noradrenaline were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The ADRB2 Glu27Glu subjects had lower plasma glycerol (P=0.047) and lower hydroxybutyrate (P=0.001) throughout the study than the Gln27Gln group. Plasma triglycerides (P=0.001), lactate (P<0.05) and serum insulin (P<0.05) remained higher in the Glu27Glu group vs the Gln27Gln group. The respiratory quotient (RQ) was higher in the Glu27Glu obese women along the study (P=0.046), and fat oxidation was significantly lower in this group during the recovery (P=0.048). The other variables did not differ statistically between groups. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that both lipolysis and fat oxidation promoted by an acute submaximal exercise intervention could be blunted in the polymorphic ADRB2 Glu27Glu group of our female obese population