320 research outputs found

    Role of floral strips and semi-natural habitats as enhancers of wild bee functional diversity in intensive agricultural landscapes

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    Los autores de la UAM pertenecen al Terrestrial Ecology Group, Department of EcologyInstalling patches of flowering plants is a commonly used strategy to enhance refuge and food resources for pollinators in intensive agricultural landscapes. Here, we evaluated how floral strips and semi-natural habitats impact the taxonomic and functional diversity of wild bees in intensively farmed sunflower fields. Pan traps were used to assess bee richness and functional diversity at 22 sampling sites (11 sites were positioned in sunflower fields with floral strips, and 11 control sites were adjacent to semi-natural habitats). Five sampling levels were established in each field, positioned at different distances from the flower strip or semi-natural habitat. Wild bee species richness and functional richness were significantly higher inside floral strips and semi-natural habitats compared to sunflower fields. Functional redundancy was significantly higher inside agricultural fields compared to inside floral strips and semi-natural habitats. Sunflower fields with floral strips had lower Rao values compared to sunflower fields adjacent to semi-natural habitats. The community-weighted mean (CWM) of intertegular distance (distance between where wings attach to body) of wild bees was significantly higher in sunflower fields adjacent to semi-natural habitats. In comparison, the CWM of wing length varied across sampling levels in sunflower fields with semi-natural habitats. Our results show it is essential to have semi-natural habitats within intensive agricultural landscapes to ensure the conservation of wild bee diversity, while the installation of floral strips offers a partial substitute to enhance wild bee diversity when semi-natural habitats are scarce or absentFinancial support was provided by the European Union FEDER INTERREG SUDOE Program (SOE1/P5/E0129). CPC was supported by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (PSG293) and the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence EcolChange

    ACYL-ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN DESATURASE2 and 3 are responsible for making omega-7 fatty acids in the Arabidopsis aleurone

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    Omega-7 monounsaturated fatty acids (ω-7s) are specifically enriched in the aleurone of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seeds. We found significant natural variation in seed ω-7 content and used a Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross population to fine-map a major quantitative trait loci to a region containing ACYL-ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN DESATURASE1 (AAD1) and AAD3. We found that AAD3 expression is localized to the aleurone where mutants show an approximately 50% reduction in ω-7 content. By contrast, AAD1 is localized to the embryo where mutants show a small reduction in ω-9 content. Enzymatic analysis has previously shown that AAD family members possess both stearoyl- and palmitoyl-ACP Δ9 desaturase activity, including the predominant isoform SUPPRESSOR OF SALICYLIC ACID INSENSITIVE2. However, aad3 ssi2 aleurone contained the same amount of ω-7s as aad3. Within the AAD family, AAD3 shares the highest degree of sequence similarity with AAD2 and AAD4. Mutant analysis showed that AAD2 also contributes to ω-7 production in the aleurone, and aad3 aad2 exhibits an approximately 85% reduction in ω-7s. Mutant analysis also showed that FATTY ACID ELONGASE1 is required for the production of very long chain ω-7s in the aleurone. Together, these data provide genetic evidence that the ω-7 pathway proceeds via Δ9 desaturation of palmitoyl-ACP followed by elongation of the product. Interestingly, significant variation was also identified in the ω-7 content of Brassica napus aleurone, with the highest level detected being approximately 47% of total fatty acids

    Gln27Glu polymorphism in the beta2 adrenergic receptor gene and lipid metabolism during exercise in obese women

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    BACKGROUND: The Glu27Glu genotype in the beta-2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) is associated with fat mass, body mass index and obesity in females. In our population, we previously found an association of higher body mass index (BMI) among women who reported more physical activity and carried the Glu27 allele as compared to non carriers with the same level of activity. OBJECTIVE: To examine the lipid metabolism differences, both at rest and during submaximal exercise in ADRB2 Glu27Glu vs Gln27Gln obese women. SUBJECTS: Eight obese women with the Glu27Glu genotype (age, 43±5 y; body mass index (BMI), 31.7±0.9 kg/m2; percentage fat mass, 42.0±1.3; WHR, 0.83±0.02; and VO2max, 21.6±0.9 ml/kg/min) were compared with seven obese women with the Gln27Gln genotype (age, 43±5 y; BMI, 33.9±1.3 kg/m2; percentage fat mass, 41.6±1.2; WHR, 0.83±0.02; and VO2max, 20.6±0.8 ml/kg/min). MEASUREMENTS: The ADRB2 polymorphism was identified by PCR-RFLP. Respiratory quotient was determined by indirect calorimetry at baseline, during 1 h of walking on a treadmill and 1 h after the exercise. Plasma triglycerides, glycerol, FFA, hydroxybutyrate, glucose and lactate were assayed by spectrophotometric methods. Insulin, leptin and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay. Adrenaline and noradrenaline were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: The ADRB2 Glu27Glu subjects had lower plasma glycerol (P=0.047) and lower hydroxybutyrate (P=0.001) throughout the study than the Gln27Gln group. Plasma triglycerides (P=0.001), lactate (P<0.05) and serum insulin (P<0.05) remained higher in the Glu27Glu group vs the Gln27Gln group. The respiratory quotient (RQ) was higher in the Glu27Glu obese women along the study (P=0.046), and fat oxidation was significantly lower in this group during the recovery (P=0.048). The other variables did not differ statistically between groups. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that both lipolysis and fat oxidation promoted by an acute submaximal exercise intervention could be blunted in the polymorphic ADRB2 Glu27Glu group of our female obese population

    El cultivo in vitro: otra manera de propagar la yuca

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    A new host for a new Rossomyrmex minuchae population

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    Social parasites usually rely on chemical cues (cuticular hydrocarbons) to successfully invade and coexist with their hosts. Most ants that are obligate social parasites (slave-makers) can parasitize several related host species with different levels of chemical similarity although there are few exceptions where there is only a single host species. An example of the latter is Rossomyrmex minuchae, which was known to be only associated with Proformica longiseta. However, a recent discovery of a new R. minuchae population revealed that it can parasitize P. nasuta, a species with a separate distribution to P. longiseta. Chemical analyses of cuticular hydrocarbons show local adaptation of the parasite to its host in this new population, being more similar to P. nasuta than to other R. minuchae populations. In addition, genetic analyses evidence differences from the other known populations, from which it split 1.21 Mya during glacial and interglacial periods of the Pleistocene and remained separated to the present day. This historical genetic isolation and the chemical differences found between parasite populations may evidence a speciation process and support the local host–parasite coevolutionM Silvestre and FM Azcárate received administrative and fnancial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project CGL2014-53789-R). Sierra de Guadarrama National Park provided the permits for the sampling (ref 10/101642.9/16). This work was also partially funded by the University of Jaén through the “Plan Operativo de Apoyo a la Investigación 2021-2022

    Avances en la cardiopatía isquémica aguda y crónica

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    Atherothrombosis is a key concept in our new pathophysiologic understanding of cardiovascular disease. It has led to new preventive strategies, both pharmacologic and lifestyle-related, to more specific treatments and to emerging imaging modalities