113 research outputs found

    Monitoring the realization degree of the socially responsible marketing policy in the management system of trade enterprises

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    The present article distinguishes the Ukrainian business-environment’s functioning features, forming the requirements and imposing restrictions on the specific character of the modern conception of the socially responsible marketing realization. The implementation of the socially responsible marketing policy conducted by trade enterprises has been estimated; the comparative analysis of the dynamics of the socially responsible domestic companies’ development, including those with the foreign capital share, has been carried out. It was found that for the last three years the total number of enterprises, implementing the policy of the socially responsible marketing, has not dramatically changed. In 2015, the politicy is being implemented and used mainly by foreign large companies to one extent or another. The positive tendencies and the most problematic aspects in the practice of the socially responsible marketing application have been specified. The analysis of the trade enterprises has also allowed eliciting and systematizing the main objects and target orientation of the socially responsible marketing programs realization: education, health protection, sport, ecology, charity, person’s state of mind, motivation of personnel, feed-back. The possibility to establish the benefit from the realization of the programs in the field of the social marketing has been estimate

    Особливості використання хмарних систем перекладу в процесі формування інформаційної компетентності перекладачів

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    The current trends in the translator training are shown, which reflect the orientation towards the use of cloud-based automated translation systems. The possibilities of studying cloud-based translation systems in the educational process of training the translator are considered. The role of mastering modern translation tools for forming information competence of translators, particularly technological component, was described. The definition of the list and type of basic translation tools that should be mastered in the studying process was discussed. These tools should include automated translation systems and terminological management systems. It is advisable to provide for the study of both desktop and cloud-based systems. The inclusion in the content of the training translators the study of cloud-based systems of automated translation after desktop systems is proposed. A number of advantages of cloud-based translation systems for the use in the process of training the translators is defined and substantiated. A comparative analysis of the functional of cloud-based automated translation systems (Wordfast Anywhere, XTM Cloud, and MemSource) with the aim of including them in the content of the training program for translators has been carried out.Показано сучасні тенденції підготовки перекладачів, які відображають орієнтацію на використання хмарних автоматизованих систем перекладу. Розглянуто можливості вивчення хмарних систем перекладу в навчальному процесі підготовки перекладача. Описано роль освоєння сучасних засобів перекладу для формування інформаційної компетентності перекладачів, зокрема технологічної складової. Було обговорено визначення переліку та типу основних засобів перекладу, які слід засвоїти в процесі вивчення. Ці інструменти повинні включати автоматизовані системи перекладу та системи термінологічного управління. Доцільно передбачити вивчення як настільних, так і хмарних систем. Запропоновано включення до змісту навчальних перекладачів вивчення хмарних систем автоматизованого перекладу після настільних систем. Визначено та обґрунтовано ряд переваг хмарних систем перекладу для використання у процесі навчання перекладачів. Проведено порівняльний аналіз функціонування хмарних систем автоматизованого перекладу (Wordfast Anywhere, XTM Cloud та MemSource) з метою включення їх у зміст навчальної програми для перекладачів

    Observation of inverse diproton photodisintegration at intermediate energies

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    The reaction pp->{pp}_s\gamma, where {pp}_s is a proton pair with an excitation energy E_{pp}<3 MeV, has been observed with the ANKE spectrometer at COSY-Juelich for proton beam energies of T_p=0.353, 0.500, and 0.550 GeV. This is equivalent to photodisintegration of a free 1S_0 diproton for photon energies E\gamma ~ T_p/2. The differential cross sections measured for c.m. angles 0 deg.<\theta_{pp}<20 deg. exhibit a steep increase with angle that is compatible with E1 and E2 multipole contributions. The ratio of the measured cross sections to those of np->d\gamma is on the 10^{-3}-10^{-2} level. The increase of the pp->{pp}_s\gamma cross section with T_p might reflect the influence of the Delta(1232) excitation.Comment: 4 pages + 4 figure

    Diffractive Contribution to the Elasticity and the Nucleonic Flux in the Atmosphere

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    We calculate the average elasticity considering non-diffractive and single diffractive interactions and perform an analysis of the cosmic-ray flux by means of an analytical solution for the nucleonic diffusion equation. We show that the diffractive contribution is important for the adequate description of the nucleonic and hadronic fluxes in the atmosphere.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 2 figures (uuencoded PostScript


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    A procedure for the determination of several selective androgen receptor modulators in human urine, namely, Andarine (S-4, GTx-007), Ostarine (S-22, GTx-024, MK-2866) and Ligandrol (LGD-4033, VK-5211), as well as a phytosteroid Laxogenin and Ibutamoren (MK-677), related to non-peptide growth hormone secretagogues, has been developed. Most of these are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency due to their anabolic effects. With the aim of the analytes purification and concentration, a procedure for solid-phase extraction with the use of Varian Bond Elut C8 (100 mg, 1 mL), Biotage Isolute C18 (EC) (100 mg, 1 mL) and Waters Oasis HLB (30 mg, 1 mL) cartridges was applied. To achieve good resolution of the analytes, reversed-phase ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer as a detector in positive and negative ion detection modes was used. The limits of detection were in the range of 0.1–0.5 ng/mL, limits of quantification were between 0.25–0.5 ng/mL. Calibration curves were examined to be linear in the wide range of concentrations. Matrix effects were also evaluated and were found not to influence the results of the analytes quantification. The proposed method was applied for the analysis of real samples after single 15 mg oral administration of the analytes. All the analytes were positively detected in the human urine samples in 12h, thus, proving the applicability of the procedure for the analytes quantification in the urine.Key words: UHPLC-MS/MS, SARM, Laxogenin, Ibutamoren, solid-phase extraction, doping control DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.008(Russian)E.V. Dmitrieva, A.Z. Temerdashev, A.A. Azaryan, E.M. Gashimova      Kuban State University, Stavropolskaya st., 149, Krasnodar, 350040, Russian Federation Предложена методика определения в моче некоторых селективных модуляторов андрогенных рецепторов, а именно андарина (S-4, GTx-007), остарина (S-22, GTx-024, MK-2866) и лигандрола (LGD-4033, VK-5211), а также фитостероида лаксогенина и ибутаморена (MK-677), непептидого секрета гормона роста, большинство из которых запрещены к употреблению спортсменами Всемирным антидопинговым агентством по причине их анаболического действия. Для очистки и концентрирования аналитов была исследована возможность применения твердофазной экстракции с использованием патронов Varian Bond Elut C8 (100 мг, 1 мл), Biotage Isolute C18 (EC) (100 мг, 1 мл) и Waters Oasis HLB (30 мг, 1 мл). С целью достижения оптимального разделения аналитов использовали обращенно-фазовый вариант ультра-высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с применением тройного квадрупольного масс-спектрометра в качестве детектора в режиме регистрации положительно и отрицательно заряженных ионов. Пределы обнаружения аналитов находятся в диапазоне 0.1–0.5 нг/мл, пределы определения составляют 0.5–2.5 нг/мл. Градуировочные кривые линейны в широком диапазоне концентраций. Проведена оценка матричных эффектов на результаты определения аналитов и показано, что они не оказывают мешающего влияния на результаты определения. Методика была апробирована на реальных образцах мочи после однократного перорального употребления 15 мг действующего вещества. Спустя 12 часов во всех образцах мочи были обнаружены определяемые аналиты, их концентрации лежали в линейном диапазоне градуировочных зависимостей, что свидетельствует о возможности использования предложенной методики для определения исследуемых аналитов в моче человека.Ключевые слова: УВЭЖХ-МС/МС, САРМ, лаксогенин, ибутаморен, твердофазная экстракция, допинг-контроль DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.3.00


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    A procedure for the determination in the urine of a prohibited by WADA doping agent Andarine (S-4), which is related to the class of the selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), drugs that could be potentially abused by athletes to develop physical characteristics like phytosteriod Laxogenin and several nootropic compounds (Unifiram (DB-232), NSI-189), which improve cognitive function, has been proposed. The “dilute-and-shoot” procedure was used for the sample preparation. Good resolution of peaks was achieved by the reversed-phase ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography / tandem mass-spectrometry with heated electrospray ionization for the detection of both positive and negative ions. The limit of detection of the analytes was between 0.25-5 ng/ml, limit of quantification – 2.5-10 ng/ml, matrix effects – 104-122%. The proposed method was applied for the analysis of real samples after single 15 mg oral administration of the analytes. All analytes were positively detected in urine samples and their concentrations were in the linear range of the calibration curves.Key words: UHPLC-MS/MS, SARM, Andarine, Laxogenin, nootropic, “dilute-and-shoot”, doping control.(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.005 E.V. Dmitrieva, A.Z. Temerdashev, A.A. Azaryan, E.M. Gashimova       Kuban State University, Stavropolskaya st., 149, Krasnodar, 350040, Russian FederationПредложена экспрессная методика определения в моче запрещенного ВАДА андарина (S-4), относящегося к классу селективных модуляторов андрогенных рецепторов, фитостероида лаксогенина и некоторых представителей класса ноотропов (унифирам (DB-232), NSI-189), являющихся когнитивными энхансерами. Для подготовки проб к анализу использовали процедуру «разбавил и вколол», оптимальное разделение аналитов достигалось применением обращенно-фазового варианта ультра-высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с тандемным масс-спектрометрическим детектированием (УВЖХ-МС/МС) с применением источника высокотемпературной электрораспылительной ионизации в режиме регистрации положительных и отрицательных ионов. Предел обнаружения аналитов лежит в диапазоне 0.25-5 нг/мл, предел количественного определения составляет 2.5-10 нг/мл. Оценены матричные эффекты, составляющие 104-122 %. Методика применена для анализа реальных образцов мочи после однократного перорального употребления 15 мг действующего вещества. Во всех пробах мочи спустя 12 часов после употребления были выявлены определяемые аналиты, их концентрации лежат в линейном диапазоне калибровочных кривых.Ключевые слова: УВЭЖХ-МС/МС, САРМ, андарин, лаксогенин, ноотропы, «разбавил и вколол», допинг-контроль DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.00

    First measurements of spin correlations in the np -> d pi^0 reaction

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    The transverse spin correlations Axx and Ayy in the np-> d pi^0 reaction have been measured for the first time in quasi-free kinematics at the COSY-ANKE facility using a polarised deuteron beam incident on a polarised hydrogen cell target. The results obtained for neutron energies close to 353 MeV and 600 MeV are in good agreement with the partial wave analysis of data on the isospin-related pp-> d pi^+ reaction, though the present results cover also the small-angle region, which was largely absent from these data

    Resonance-like coherent production of a pion pair in the reaction pdpdππpd \rightarrow pd\pi\pi in the GeV region

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    The reaction p+dp+d+Xp + d \rightarrow p + d + X was studied at 0.8-2.0 GeV proton beam energies with the ANKE magnetic spectrometer at the COSY synchrotron storage ring. The proton-deuteron pairs emerging with high momenta, 0.6-1.8 GeV/cc, were detected at small angles with respect to the proton beam. Distribution over the reaction missing mass MxM_x reveals a local enhancement near the threshold of the pion pair production specific for the so-called ABC effect. The enhancement has a structure of a narrow bump placed above a smooth continuum. The invariant mass of the dππd\pi\pi system in this enhancement region exhibits a resonance-like peak at Mdππ2.36M_{d\pi\pi} \approx 2.36 GeV/c2c^2 with the width Γ0.10\Gamma \approx 0.10 GeV/c2c^2. A possible interpretation of these features is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A. v2: Added references [42,43] in section IV.A. v3: revised version according to referee remarks v4: revised version according to referee remark

    Coherent pion production in proton-deuteron collisions

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    Values of the proton analysing power in the pd3Heπ0/3Hπ+pd\to{}^{3}\textrm{He}\,\pi^0/^{3}\textrm{H}\,\pi^+ reactions at 350-360~MeV per nucleon were obtained by using a polarised proton beam incident on a deuterium cluster-jet target and with a polarised deuteron beam incident on a target cell filled with polarised hydrogen. These results have a much larger angular coverage than existing data. First measurements are also presented of the deuteron vector analysing power and the deuteron-proton spin correlations. Data were also obtained on the deuteron-proton spin correlation and proton analysing power at small angles at 600~MeV per nucleon, though the angular coverage at this energy was much more restricted even when using a deuteron beam. By combining the extrapolated values of the spin correlations to the forward or backward directions with published measurements of the deuteron tensor analysing powers, the relative phases between the two non-vanishing amplitudes were evaluated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure