291 research outputs found

    Reduction method with system analysis for multiobjective optimization-based design

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    An approach for reducing the number of variables and constraints, which is combined with System Analysis Equations (SAE), for multiobjective optimization-based design is presented. In order to develop a simplified analysis model, the SAE is computed outside an optimization loop and then approximated for use by an operator. Two examples are presented to demonstrate the approach

    Neutral dissociation of superexcited molecules in a strong laser field

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    L'objectif principal de cette thĂšse est de rendre compte d'une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale sur la dissociation neutre de molĂ©cules simples dans un champ laser intense crĂ©Ă© par un cristal titane saphir. Ces excitations fortement non linĂ©aires nous indiquent que les molĂ©cules peuvent ĂȘtre peuplĂ©es dans les Ă©tats hyperexcitĂ©s. Dans ce travail, un laser titane saphir femtoseconde est utilisĂ© pour amener les molĂ©cules de H₂, 0₂, NO, CH₄, C₂H₄, C₃, H₆, 1 — C₄H₈ et cis — 2 — C₄H₈ dans les Ă©tats trĂšs excitĂ©s. En utilisant une mĂ©thode de spectroscopic, on arrive Ă  dĂ©tecter des signaux de fluorescence. Le diagramme d'Ă©nergie des fragments excitĂ©s et molĂ©cules neutres supporte l'excitation des Ă©tats hyperexcitĂ©s dans les molĂ©cules que nous avons Ă©tudiĂ©es. La dĂ©pendance hautement non linĂ©aire du rendement produit selon la puissance du laser a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. En outre, les rĂ©sultats soutiennent le mĂ©canisme d'hyperexcitation multiphotonique. En utilisant la technique de pompe (800 nm) et sonde (1338 nm) et aussi de la technique de spectroscopie par fluorescence, nous confirmons le mĂ©canisme de hyperexcitation multiphotonique des molĂ©cules en prĂ©sence d'un champ laser intense. Nous arrivons Ă  dĂ©terminer la durĂ©e de vie des Ă©tats hyperexcitĂ©s en regardant l'attĂ©nuation des signaux de fluorescence observĂ©e Ă  l'aide du faisceau sonde. Nos observations expĂ©rimentales ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement vĂ©rifiĂ©es Ă  l'aide des calculs semi—empiriques. Nous constatons que certaines impulsions laser provoquent la dissociation neutre de nombreuses molĂ©cules

    Stochastic memory process and its application to cumulative outage time in nuclear power plants

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    The safety performance of operating nuclear power plants is strongly affected by the unavailability of safety systems that are designed to mitigate accident conditions. The unavailability of these safety systems during plant operation is controlled by the plant\u27s technical specifications which prescribes limits on the downtime duration (outage time) of the individual safety equipment. In this study, risk- and reliability-based methodologies for the determination of allowable cumulative downtime for safety components and safety systems are developed. The limits on the cumulative downtime durations are determined by taking into account the statistical variations expected from a stochastic process which models both the downtime occurrences as well as the downtime durations. This stochastic process is also expected to track with time, the distribution of the cumulative downtime (or the cumulative residence time while in the failed state). Such processes are referred to as memory processes in the context of this study. Three mathematical models are developed for evaluating the types of processes was developed which can generate thousands of simulations and therefore allows the construction of the cumulative downtime distribution. Various solution techniques for these mathematical models were also developed and applied. The question of partial information was addressed, and the use of the maximum entropy principle in this area was detailed. A solution method for estimating the parameters of maximum entropy distribution using the Laguerre polynomials are also discussed. Finally, these theoretical models were applied to a typical auxiliary feed water system in a pressurized water reactor and a pilot trial for determination of the allowable cumulative downtime for a component and the system was performed

    Techniques for data prediction, smoothing, and updating of operator errors in commercial nuclear power plants

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    A decomposition-based design optimization method with applications

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    A two-level design optimization metholology is described. A progress report of its application to Printed Wiring Board (PWB) assembly examples is given. The design of PWB assemblies is a complex task which is generally conducted as a sequential process. Individual PWBs are usually designed first, followed by the composition of the PWBs into an assembly. As a result, optimizing design considerations such as assembly reliability cannot be accomplished. This study showed that a two-level decomposition method can be employed to optimize for reliability at both the PWB- and the assembly-level in a coupled manner. The two-level decomposition method also resolved the mixed-integer nonlinear programming nature of the problem rather easily

    Transformation of Public Spaces and Changing Pattern of Mobility in a Historic City, Case Study: Isfahan, Iran

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    Esfahan is one of the central and historic cities of Iran, which dates back to 2000 years ago. The city is enriched with crafts and folk art, which has lead to it being registered as part of the Creative Cities Network of UNESCO. The centerpiece of the city, NaghsheJahan Square, was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, and it well represents the brand of the city Esfahan; its intricate mixture of historic architecture, viable urban space for work and recreation for its citizens, and a welcoming landmark on tourists’ maps. The variety of typologies used to build the urban spaces has lead to strong pedestrian patterns throughout a coherence network. Hence, these areas have a powerful potential to change structure, mobility patterns and people’s perception. In spite of this, in recent decades, new developments and urban changes such as mega malls and recreational sites have resulted in new poles in design and architecture in the outside areas of the urban city. This phenomenon is leading to movement of people, energy and resources as well as changes in life styles, the image of the city and its mobility patterns. The objective of this article is to further analyze and discuss how urban transformation and urban changes in a micro and macro scale affect the mobility pattern and pedestrian flow. In order to this, methodology used is based on analysis of literature and environment in two levels; first, urban transformation analysis based on public urban space’s typology and urban space analysis; and second, mobility patterns based on space character and pedestrian flows. The results show that emergence of structures such as megamalls City Center or Dreamland Project create daily driving flows, which decrease urban space’s perception. In conclusion, in historic cities, such as Esfahan, urban changes should be planned and centered around its historic fabric, and public urban spaces should be designed and controlled with mobility’s patterns in mind


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    While seismic hazard is generally moderate in eastern Canada, the seismic risk in urban area is increased by the density of the population, the value and the age of the infrastructure and the relative importance of the economic activities. Among the consequences of a seismic event, damages to infrastructures, such as bridges and overpasses, may compromise the safety of users and the free movement of people and goods. According to modern seismic codes and regulations, structures designed for seismic loading should sustain moderate to severe earthquakes with minimal and reparable damages and without collapse. However, older structures build prior to the introduction of seismic requirements in codes and standards, are more vulnerable and exposed to a high seismic risk. Geotechnical and geological site conditions may result in severe damages to the structures and contribute to their seismic vulnerability. This project proposes to extract these information using geographical information system (GIS) tools at the bridge sites and integrate this information in the seismic evaluation procedures. Local soil amplification and induced effects are integrated into scoring evaluation procedures and seismic risk studies. In this paper, the amplification phenomenon will be investigated by the compilation of existing data for the Saint-Lawrence valley and ambient noise measurements on soil and bridges. The aim of this study is to develop a susceptibility scale to the amplification effect based on GIS information. The results will contribute to a better estimation of the seismic vulnerability of bridges and overpasses to prioritize mitigation as well as post-earthquake interventions

    Material Status Index for Tracking and Progress Reporting of Construction Projects

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    Schedule performance index of earned value method has been reported to generate misleading results at times because of its failure to account for criticality of activities involved, as well as its consideration of monetary values for status reporting. Material can be seen as the fuel needed to execute projects from inception to completion. Material installed provides good indicators of progress achieved onsite vis-a-vis project schedule performance. It correlates well with the role of the schedule performance index (SPI) of the earned value method (EVM). Material is recognized to have a significant impact on achieved progress for physical completion of project activities. This research project is geared towards circumventing the reported limitations of SPI. It presents a study on the development of material status index (MSI) in support of the EVM. Unlike the SPI, the newly developed index accounts for the criticality of project activities. The proposed method is composed of two modules: current status reporting and forecasting. The two modules include selection procedures that allow for engaging only (near) critical activities and by extension materials that impact project duration. Consideration of criticality is carried out via the total float of each activity and percent float (i.e. the ratio of float to activity duration). The MSI current status reporting and also the forecasting module utilize seventy-eight material based factors recognized to cause schedule delays. These factors were reported in a number of studies, primarily the CII 2011 publication on “Global Procurement and Materials Management” and are refined by means of a structured interview with an experienced practitioner in industry. They cover the supply chain material management before material reaches the site, once material is at the gate prior to acceptance and finally onsite. A simulation model is run utilizing users’ judgment on the applicability of these probable causes to the project at hand in the forecasting module. The simulated model serves as input to the forecasting function, which generates probability distribution of forecasted project duration. MSI, can independently and jointly with SPI provide root causes behind problems encountered during project execution. MSI serves to provide added value in alerting management to take corrective actions. A software application is developed to automate the process of MSI method. To validate and demonstrate capabilities of the developed method, it is implemented on two case studies in which the introduced enhancements are clearly portrayed. Forecasting duration and reporting on schedule performance of project using MSI as a supplementary index is more accurate because of its consideration of level of criticality of project activities and capturing actual progress represented by quantity of material installed

    Change in Secondary Metabolites and Expression Pattern of Key Rosmarinic Acid Related Genes in Iranian Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.) Ecotypes Using Methyl Jasmonate Treatments

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    The medicinal herb, lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), which is high in rosmarinic acid (RA), has well-known therapeutic value. The goals of this study were to investigate the effects of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) on RA content, total phenolic content (TPC), and total flavonoid content (TFC), as well as changes in expression of their biosynthesis-related key genes (MoPAL, Mo4CL, and MoRAS) in Iranian lemon balm ecotypes, as first reported. Our results revealed that MeJA doses significantly increase the RA content, TPC, and TFC in both ecotypes compared with the control samples. Additionally, the higher expression levels of MoPAL, Mo4CL, and MoRAS following treatment were linked to RA accumulation in all treatments for both Iranian lemon balm ecotypes. After 24 h of exposure to 150 ”M MeJA concentration, HPLC analysis showed that MeJA significantly increased RA content in Esfahan and Ilam ecotypes, which was about 4.18- and 7.43-fold higher than untreated plants. Our findings suggested that MeJA has a considerable influence on RA, TPC, and TFC accumulation in MeJA-treated Iranian M. officinalis, which might be the result of gene activation from the phenylpropanoid pathway. As a result of our findings, we now have a better understanding of the molecular processes behind RA production in lemon balm plants

    Evaluation effect of dietary egg lecithin on digestive enzymes and body composition of juvenile binni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi Gunther, 1874)

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    In this study, the effects of dietary egg lecithin on digestive enzymes and body biochemical composition of juveniles Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi was evaluated. Four experimental diets including control diet (with 0% egg lecithin) and three diets containing 2%, 4% and 6% egg lecithin were used. At the end of the experiment, digestive enzymes activity (lipase, amylase and alkaline phosphatase) and body biochemical compositions were assessed. The results showed no significant differences between experimental treatments in moisture and ash content. Maximum content of the crude protein and crude lipid were recorded in 4% lecithin treatment and it had significant differences with control group. The digestive enzymes activity (lipase, amylase and alkaline phosphatase) showed significant differences between control and experimental groups. An increasing trend was observed in the digestive enzymes activity among treatments. Based on the results, it was concluded that 4% to 6% dietary egg lecithin in the diet, can promote growth and survival rate of juvenile binni
