168 research outputs found
Enhancement of accuracy of operative control of quality of reduced quarcits in open development
Исследованы основные факторы, влияющие на показатели содержания полезного компонента при открытой разработке железорудных месторождений и даны рекомендации по повышению точности контроля качества железистых кварцитов. Установлена степень влияния на точность оперативного контроля железистых кварцитов температуры, напряженности магнитного поля, влажности и крупности руды. Повышение точности контроля качества железистых кварцитов окажет влияние на общую эффективность системы управления качеством рудопотоков горно-обогатительных комбинатов.Досліджено основні фактори, що впливають на показники вмісту корисного компонента при відкритій розробці залізорудних родовищ і надано рекомендації щодо підвищення точності контролю якості залізистих кварцитів. Встановлено ступінь впливу на точність оперативного контролю залізистих кварцитів температури, напруженості магнітного поля, вологості та крупності руди. Підвищення точності контролю якості залізистих кварцитів вплине на загальну ефективність системи управління якістю рудопотоків гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатів.Investigation of factors affecting the accuracy of operational control of the quality of ferruginous quartzite
Justification of the period of training ore mining
Приведены результаты и получены зависимости величины потери информации о среднеквадратическом отклонении содержания полезного компонента в рудопотоке от периода опробования забоев, которые могут быть использованы для обоснования оптимального периода опробования для функционирования общекарьерной технологии управления качеством рудопотоков.
Наведено результати і отримано залежності величини втрати інформації про середньоквадратичне відхилення вмісту корисного компонента в рудопотоці від періоду опробування забоїв, які можуть бути використані для обґрунтування оптимального періоду випробування для функціонування загальнокар’єрної технології управління якістю рудопотоків
Дослідження впливу якості фінального рудопотоку на прогнозний прибуток гірничо-збагачувального комбінату
Встановлення впливу якісних характеристик фінального рудного вантажопотоку залізорудного ГЗК на показники прогнозного прибутку комбінату: проблема
зниження загальної собівартості виробництва та за рахунок цього підвищення прибутку гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатів України може бути вирішеною шляхом мінімізації витрат на збагачення сировини шляхом формування фінальних рудопотоків з чітко заданими показниками якості, що забезпечують оптимальні режими роботи збагачувального комплексу.Установление влияния качественных характеристик финального рудного грузопотока железорудного ГОКа на показатели прогнозной прибыли комбината: проблема снижения себестоимости производства и за счет этого повышения прибыли горно-обогатительных комбинатов Украины может быть решена путем минимизации затрат на обогащение путем формирования финальных рудопотоков с четко заданными показателям качества, обеспечивающими оптимальные режимы работы обогатительного комплекса.The research is to determine the impact of the qualitative characteristics of final ore-flow of the iron-ore mining processing plant on the indicators of the forecast profit of the plant. This is due to the fact that decrease in the total cost of production and the resulting increase in profits of the iron-ore mining processing plants can be achieved by minimizing the costs of enrichment by means of forming the final ore-flow with the specified quality indicators that ensure the optimal operating conditions for the iron ore mining processing plant
Определена взаимосвязь между периодом опробования забоев ка-
рьера и показателями относительной потери информации о содер-
жании поленого компонента в рудопотоке и прогнозной прибыли
ГОКа. Рассмотрена математическая модель процесса опробования
забоев карьера при формировании общекарьерного рудопотока. На
примере ПАО «Полтавский ГОК» с применением математических
методов дана оценка величины возможного снижения прибыли го-
рно-обогатительного комбината вследствие потери информации о
содержании полезного компонента как функции от дискретности
Mucosa-associated invariant T cells link intestinal immunity with antibacterial immune defects in alcoholic liver disease
Background/aims: Intestinal permeability with systemic distribution of bacterial products are central in the immunopathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (ALD), yet links with intestinal immunity remain elusive. Mucosa-associated invariant T cells (MAIT) are found in liver, blood and intestinal mucosa and are a key component of antibacterial host defences. Their role in ALD is unknown.
Methods/design: We analysed frequency, phenotype, transcriptional regulation and function of blood MAIT cells in severe alcoholic hepatitis (SAH), alcohol-related cirrhosis (ARC) and healthy controls (HC). We also examined direct impact of ethanol, bacterial products from faecal extracts and antigenic hyperstimulation on MAIT cell functionality. Presence of MAIT cells in colon and liver was assessed by quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry/gene expression respectively.
Results: In ARC and SAH, blood MAIT cells were dramatically depleted, hyperactivated and displayed defective antibacterial cytokine/cytotoxic responses. These correlated with suppression of lineage-specific transcription factors and hyperexpression of homing receptors in the liver with intrahepatic preservation of MAIT cells in ALD. These alterations were stronger in SAH, where surrogate markers of bacterial infection and microbial translocation were higher than ARC. Ethanol exposure in vitro, in vivo alcohol withdrawal and treatment with Escherichia coli had no effect on MAIT cell frequencies, whereas exposure to faecal bacteria/antigens induced functional impairments comparable with blood MAIT cells from ALD and significant MAIT cell depletion, which was not observed in other T cell compartments.
Conclusions: In ALD, the antibacterial potency of MAIT cells is compromised as a consequence of contact with microbial products and microbiota, suggesting that the ‘leaky’ gut observed in ALD drives MAIT cell dysfunction and susceptibility to infection in these patients
Measurement of the Spin-Dependence of the pbar-p Interaction at the AD-Ring
We propose to use an internal polarized hydrogen storage cell gas target in
the AD ring to determine for the first time the two total spin-dependent pbar-p
cross sections sigma_1 and sigma_2 at antiproton beam energies in the range
from 50 to 450 MeV. The data obtained are of interest by themselves for the
general theory of pbar-p interactions since they will provide a first
experimental constraint of the spin-spin dependence of the nucleon-antinucleon
potential in the energy range of interest. In addition, measurements of the
polarization buildup of stored antiprotons are required to define the optimum
parameters of a future, dedicated Antiproton Polarizer Ring (APR), intended to
feed a double-polarized asymmetric pbar-p collider with polarized antiprotons.
Such a machine has recently been proposed by the PAX collaboration for the new
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany.
The availability of an intense stored beam of polarized antiprotons will
provide access to a wealth of single- and double-spin observables, thereby
opening a new window on QCD spin physics.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, proposal submitted to the SPS committee of CER
Efficiently sphere-decodable physical layer transmission schemes for wireless storage networks
Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: Results from the global burden of disease study 2017
Background Past research in population health trends has shown that injuries form a substantial burden of population health loss. Regular updates to injury burden assessments are critical. We report Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 Study estimates on morbidity and mortality for all injuries. methods We reviewed results for injuries from the GBD 2017 study. GBD 2017 measured injury-specific mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) using the Cause of Death Ensemble model. To measure non-fatal injuries, GBD 2017 modelled injury-specific incidence and converted this to prevalence and years lived with disability (YLDs). YLLs and YLDs were summed to calculate disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Findings In 1990, there were 4 260 493 (4 085 700 to 4 396 138) injury deaths, which increased to 4 484 722 (4 332 010 to 4 585 554) deaths in 2017, while age-standardised mortality decreased from 1079 (1073 to 1086) to 738 (730 to 745) per 100 000. In 1990, there were 354 064 302 (95% uncertainty interval: 338 174 876 to 371 610 802) new cases of injury globally, which increased to 520 710 288 (493 430 247 to 547 988 635) new cases in 2017. During this time, age-standardised incidence decreased non-significantly from 6824 (6534 to 7147) to 6763 (6412 to 7118) per 100 000. Between 1990 and 2017, age-standardised DALYs decreased from 4947 (4655 to 5233) per 100 000 to 3267 (3058 to 3505). Interpretation Injuries are an important cause of health loss globally, though mortality has declined between 1990 and 2017. Future research in injury burden should focus on prevention in high-burden populations, improving data collection and ensuring access to medical care
The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Background: In estimating the global burden of cancer, adolescents and young adults with cancer are often overlooked, despite being a distinct subgroup with unique epidemiology, clinical care needs, and societal impact. Comprehensive estimates of the global cancer burden in adolescents and young adults (aged 15–39 years) are lacking. To address this gap, we analysed results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019, with a focus on the outcome of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), to inform global cancer control measures in adolescents and young adults. Methods: Using the GBD 2019 methodology, international mortality data were collected from vital registration systems, verbal autopsies, and population-based cancer registry inputs modelled with mortality-to-incidence ratios (MIRs). Incidence was computed with mortality estimates and corresponding MIRs. Prevalence estimates were calculated using modelled survival and multiplied by disability weights to obtain years lived with disability (YLDs). Years of life lost (YLLs) were calculated as age-specific cancer deaths multiplied by the standard life expectancy at the age of death. The main outcome was DALYs (the sum of YLLs and YLDs). Estimates were presented globally and by Socio-demographic Index (SDI) quintiles (countries ranked and divided into five equal SDI groups), and all estimates were presented with corresponding 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). For this analysis, we used the age range of 15–39 years to define adolescents and young adults. Findings: There were 1·19 million (95% UI 1·11–1·28) incident cancer cases and 396 000 (370 000–425 000) deaths due to cancer among people aged 15–39 years worldwide in 2019. The highest age-standardised incidence rates occurred in high SDI (59·6 [54·5–65·7] per 100 000 person-years) and high-middle SDI countries (53·2 [48·8–57·9] per 100 000 person-years), while the highest age-standardised mortality rates were in low-middle SDI (14·2 [12·9–15·6] per 100 000 person-years) and middle SDI (13·6 [12·6–14·8] per 100 000 person-years) countries. In 2019, adolescent and young adult cancers contributed 23·5 million (21·9–25·2) DALYs to the global burden of disease, of which 2·7% (1·9–3·6) came from YLDs and 97·3% (96·4–98·1) from YLLs. Cancer was the fourth leading cause of death and tenth leading cause of DALYs in adolescents and young adults globally. Interpretation: Adolescent and young adult cancers contributed substantially to the overall adolescent and young adult disease burden globally in 2019. These results provide new insights into the distribution and magnitude of the adolescent and young adult cancer burden around the world. With notable differences observed across SDI settings, these estimates can inform global and country-level cancer control efforts. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities, St Baldrick's Foundation, and the National Cancer Institute
Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study
BACKGROUND: While there is a long history of measuring death and disability from injuries, modern research methods must account for the wide spectrum of disability that can occur in an injury, and must provide estimates with sufficient demographic, geographical and temporal detail to be useful for policy makers. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 study used methods to provide highly detailed estimates of global injury burden that meet these criteria. METHODS: In this study, we report and discuss the methods used in GBD 2017 for injury morbidity and mortality burden estimation. In summary, these methods included estimating cause-specific mortality for every cause of injury, and then estimating incidence for every cause of injury. Non-fatal disability for each cause is then calculated based on the probabilities of suffering from different types of bodily injury experienced. RESULTS: GBD 2017 produced morbidity and mortality estimates for 38 causes of injury. Estimates were produced in terms of incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability, cause-specific mortality, years of life lost and disability-adjusted life-years for a 28-year period for 22 age groups, 195 countries and both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: GBD 2017 demonstrated a complex and sophisticated series of analytical steps using the largest known database of morbidity and mortality data on injuries. GBD 2017 results should be used to help inform injury prevention policy making and resource allocation. We also identify important avenues for improving injury burden estimation in the future
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