50 research outputs found

    Outcomes of pediatric thyroidectomy: a cross-sectional evaluation

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    INTRODUCTION: Pediatric thyroidectomy is performed by a variety of surgical specialties. Thyroidectomy can result in a number of complications. Previous studies cite that the most common complications in children are pain and transient hypocalcemia. The purposes of this report are to assess the adverse events of thyroidectomies performed in the pediatric population and to assess the relationship between surgical specialties and postoperative thyroidectomy complications. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of cases from January 1, 2014 through November 1, 2015 using the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database for patients undergoing excision of cyst or adenoma of the thyroid, unilateral thyroid lobectomy, or total thyroidectomy. RESULTS: Of the 344 patients who underwent thyroidectomy, 10 (2.9%) experienced at least one complication. The most common complications were readmission, surgical site infections, and wound disruption. There was a statistically significant association between complication incidence and surgical specialty (p=0.006). Pediatric otolaryngology had a statistically significantly higher number of complications than pediatric surgery (p<0.008). CONCLUSION: Overall, the incidence of adverse events following pediatric thyroidectomy was low

    Studi Kasus Gizi Kurang dan Stunting pada Anak Usia 34 Bulan di Desa Mamplam Puskesmas Nibong

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    Masalah gizi kurang dan stunting pada anak balita masih menjadi masalah gizi utama yang perlu mendapat perhatian. Masalah gizi secara langsung disebabkan oleh asupan yang kurang dan penyakit infeksi. Di Indonesia, jumlah balita gizi buruk dan gizi kurang menurut Riskesdas 2018 masih sebesar 17,7%. Prevalensi stunting dalam 10 tahun terakhir menunjukkan bahwa stunting merupakan salah satu masalah gizi terbesar pada balita di Indonesia. Riskesdas 2018 juga menunjukkan 30,8% balita menderita stunting dan 29,9% baduta pendek dan sangat pendek. Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian buruk dan gizi kurang, dan stuntingbaik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah studi kasus terhadap seorang balita berusia 34 bulan di desa Mamplam tahun 2022. Studi kasus ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi pasien selama 3 minggu dengan pendekatan home visit. Diagnosis gizi kurang dan stunting ditegakkan berdasarkan pedoman nasional Permenkes RI no 2 tahun 2020 tentang standar antropometri anak. Setelah didiagnosis, pasien yang edukasi, pemberian makanan tambahan dari puskesmas, melakukan pengamatan pertumbuhannya serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berperan terhadap masalah.Pada kunjungan pertama didapatkan BB pasien 9,2 kg dan TB 84,4 cm dan langsung dilanjutkan dengan pemberian makanan tambahan, pada kunjungan kedua tidak didapatkan pertambahan dari status gizi pasien. Setelah selang 2 minggu didapatkan pertambahan berat badan pasien menjadi 9,7 kg dengan tinggi badan yang masih sama. Kesimpulan studi ini didapatkan beberapa determinan gizi kurang dan stunting pada usia 34 bulan antara lain adalah pengetahuan dan pendidikan ibu, ekonomi keluarga, perilaku dan lingkungan

    Inflow Speed Analysis of Interchange Injections in Saturn's Magnetosphere

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    During its more than 13 years in orbit, the Cassini spacecraft detected a large number of plasma and energetic charged particle injections in Saturn's inner magnetosphere. In the corotating frame of the planet, the plasma contained within an injection moves radially inward with the component particles gaining energy. The highest energy particles in the injection experience stronger gradient‐curvature drifts in the longitudinal direction and can drift out of the main body of the injection. We have used these drift‐out effects to estimate the inflow speed of 19 injections by surveying cases from the available plasma data. We find that the average inflow speed from our sample is 22 km/s, and the values are well distributed between 0 and 50 km/s, with a few higher estimates. We have also computed the radial travel distance of interchange events and found that these are typically one to two Saturn radii. We discuss the implications of these quantifications on our understanding of transport

    Integrating Machine Learning for Planetary Science: Perspectives for the Next Decade

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    Machine learning (ML) methods can expand our ability to construct, and draw insight from large datasets. Despite the increasing volume of planetary observations, our field has seen few applications of ML in comparison to other sciences. To support these methods, we propose ten recommendations for bolstering a data-rich future in planetary science.Comment: 10 pages (expanded citations compared to 8 page submitted version for decadal survey), 3 figures, white paper submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-203

    Saturn's open‐closed field line boundary:a Cassini electron survey at Saturn's magnetosphere

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    We investigate the average configuration and structure of Saturn's magnetosphere in the nightside equatorial and high‐latitude regions. Electron data from the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer's Electron Spectrometer (CAPS‐ELS) is processed to produce a signal‐to‐noise ratio for the entire CAPS‐ELS time of operation at Saturn's magnetosphere. We investigate where the signal‐to‐noise ratio falls below 1, to identify regions in the magnetosphere where there is a significant depletion in the electron content. In the nightside equatorial region we use this to find that the most planetward reconnection x‐line location is at 20 – 25 RS downtail from the planet in the midnight to dawn sector. We also find an equatorial dawn‐dusk asymmetry at a radial distance of >20 RS which may indicate the presence of plasma depleted flux tubes returning to the dayside after reconnection in the tail. Furthermore, we find that the high‐latitude magnetosphere is predominantly in a state of constant plasma depletion and located on open field lines. We map the region of high‐latitude magnetosphere that is depleted of electrons to the polar cap to estimate the size and open flux content within the polar caps. The mean open flux content for the northern and southern polar caps are found to be 25±5 and 32±5 GWb, respectively. The average location of the open‐closed field boundary is found at invariant colatitudes of 12.7±0.6° and 14.5±0.6°. The northern boundary is modulated by planetary period oscillations more than the southern boundary

    ERP markers are associated with neurodevelopmental outcomes in 1–5 month old infants in rural Africa and the UK

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    Introduction: Infants and children in low- and middle-income countries are frequently exposed to a range of poverty-related risk factors, increasing their likelihood of poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. There is a need for culturally objective markers, which can be used to study infants from birth, thereby enabling early identification and ultimately intervention during a critical time of neurodevelopment. Method: In this paper, we investigate developmental changes in auditory event related potentials (ERP) associated with habituation and novelty detection in infants between 1 and 5 months living in the United Kingdom and The Gambia, West Africa. Previous research reports that whereas newborns’ ERP responses are increased when presented with stimuli of higher intensity, this sensory driven response decreases over the first few months of life, giving rise to a cognitively driven, novelty-based response. Anthropometric measures were obtained concurrently with the ERP measures at 1 and 5 months of age. Neurodevelopmental outcome was measured using the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL) at 5 months of age. Results: The described developmental change was observed in the UK cohort, who exhibited an intensity-based response at 1 month and a novelty-based response at 5 months of age. This change was accompanied by greater habituation to stimulus intensity at 5 compared to 1 month. In the Gambian cohort we did not see a change from an intensity-to a novelty-based response, and no change in habituation to stimulus intensity across the two age points. The degree of change from an intensity towards a novelty-based response was further found to be associated with MSEL scores at 5 months of infant age, whereas infants’ growth between 1 and 5 months was not. Discussion: Our study highlights the utility of ERP-based markers to study young infants in rural Africa. By implementing a well-established paradigm in a previously understudied population we have demonstrated its use as a culturally objective tool to better understand early learning in diverse settings world-wide. Results offer insight into the neurodevelopmental processes underpinning early neurocognitive development, which may in the future contribute to early identification of infants at heightened risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcome