53 research outputs found

    Hereditary Properties between a Ring and its Maximal Subrings

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    We study the existence of maximal subrings and hereditary properties between a ring and its maximal subrings. Some new techniques for establishing the existence of maximal subrings are presented. It is shown that if R is an integral domain and S is a maximal subring of R, then the relation dim(R) = 1 implies that dim(S) = 1 and vice versa if and only if (S : R) = 0. Thus, it is shown that if S is a maximal subring of a Dedekind domain R integrally closed in R; then S is a Dedekind domain if and only if S is Noetherian and (S : R) = 0. We also give some properties of maximal subrings of one-dimensional valuation domains and zero-dimensional rings. Some other hereditary properties, such as semiprimarity, semisimplicity, and regularity are also studied.Вивчається існування максимальних підкілєць та спадкові властивості між кільцєм та його максимальними підкільцями. Наведено деякі нові методи встановлення існування максимальних підкілець. Показано, що якщо R — інтегральна область, а S — її максимальне підкільце, то із співвідношення dim(R)=1 випливає, що dim(S)=1, і навпаки тоді i тільки тоді, коли (S:R)=0. Як наслідок показано, що, якщо S є максимальним підкільцем дедекіндової області R, яка є інтегрально замкненою в R, то S є дедекіндовим підкільцем тоді i тільки тоді, коли S є нетеровим та (S:R)=0. Наведено також деякі властивості максимальних підкілець одновимірних областей нормування та нульвимірних кілець. Також вивчено деякі інші спадкові властивості, такі як напівпримарність, напівпростота та регулярність

    Development of a graphical user interface for automatic separation of human voice from Doppler ultrasound audio in diving experiments

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    Doppler ultrasound (DU) is used in decompression research to detect venous gas emboli in the precordium or subclavian vein, as a marker of decompression stress. This is of relevance to scuba divers, compressed air workers and astronauts to prevent decompression sickness (DCS) that can be caused by these bubbles upon or after a sudden reduction in ambient pressure. Doppler ultrasound data is graded by expert raters on the Kisman-Masurel or Spencer scales that are associated to DCS risk. Meta-analyses, as well as efforts to computer-automate DU grading, both necessitate access to large databases of well-curated and graded data. Leveraging previously collected data is especially important due to the difficulty of repeating large-scale extreme military pressure exposures that were conducted in the 70-90s in austere environments. Historically, DU data (Non-speech) were often captured on cassettes in one-channel audio with superimposed human speech describing the experiment (Speech). Digitizing and separating these audio files is currently a lengthy, manual task. In this paper, we develop a graphical user interface (GUI) to perform automatic speech recognition and aid in Non-speech and Speech separation. This constitutes the first study incorporating speech processing technology in the field of diving research. If successful, it has the potential to significantly accelerate the reuse of previously-acquired datasets. The recognition task incorporates the Google speech recognizer to detect the presence of human voice activity together with corresponding timestamps. The detected human speech is then separated from the audio Doppler ultrasound within the developed GUI. Several experiments were conducted on recently digitized audio Doppler recordings to corroborate the effectiveness of the developed GUI in recognition and separations tasks, and these are compared to manual labels for Speech timestamps. The following metrics are used to evaluate performance: the average absolute differences between the reference and detected Speech starting points, as well as the percentage of detected

    Le Tamis et le sable

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    Ce catalogue propose un regard rétrospectif sur le cycle éponyme de trois expositions qui se sont tenues à la Maison Populaire de Montreuil sous la direction d’Ann Lou Vicente, Raphaël Brunel et Antoine Marchand. Dès leur préface (« Sous le visible », p. 6-7), les curateurs convoquent les personnages de Fahrenheit 451 dont la mémoire était la seule garante de la littérature. Ce cycle d’expositions révéle la dimension paradigmatique –quoique cachée– de ces personnages en questionnant la transm..

    An open-source framework for synthetic post-dive Doppler ultrasound audio generation

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    Doppler ultrasound (DU) measurements are used to detect and evaluate venous gas emboli (VGE) formed after decompression. Automated methodologies for assessing VGE presence using signal processing have been developed on varying real-world datasets of limited size and without ground truth values preventing objective evaluation. We develop and report a method to generate synthetic post-dive data using DU signals collected in both precordium and subclavian vein with varying degrees of bubbling matching field-standard grading metrics. This method is adaptable, modifiable, and reproducible, allowing for researchers to tune the produced dataset for their desired purpose. We provide the baseline Doppler recordings and code required to generate synthetic data for researchers to reproduce our work and improve upon it. We also provide a set of pre-made synthetic post-dive DU data spanning six scenarios representing the Spencer and Kisman-Masurel (KM) grading scales as well as precordial and subclavian DU recordings. By providing a method for synthetic post-dive DU data generation, we aim to improve and accelerate the development of signal processing techniques for VGE analysis in Doppler ultrasound

    Which Fields Have No Maximal Subrings?

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