460 research outputs found

    The role of CA1 α-adrenoceptor on scopolamine induced memory impairment in male rats

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    Introduction: Similarities in the memory impairment between Alzheimer patients and scopolamine treated animals have been reported. In the present study, the possible role of α-adrenergic receptors of the dorsal hippocampus on scopolamine state-dependent memory in adult male Wistar rats was evaluated. Methods: The animals were bilaterally implanted with chronic cannulae in the CA1 regions of the dorsal hippocampus, trained in a step-through type inhibitory avoidance task, and tested 24 h after training to measure step-through latency. Results: Post-training intra-CA1 administration of scopolamine (0.5 and 2μg/rat) dose-dependently reduced the step-through latency, showing an amnestic response. Amnesia produced by post-training scopolamine (2 μg/rat) was reversed by pre-test administration of the scopolamine (0.5 and 2 μg/rat) that is due to a state-dependent effect. Pre-test intra-CA1 injection of α1-adrenoceptor agonist, phenylephrine (0.25, 0.5 μg/rat) in the dose range that we used, could not affect memory impairment induced by post-training injection of scopolamine (2 μg/rat). However intra-CA1 pretest injection of α2-adrenoceptor agonist, clonidine (0.5 μg/rat) improved post-training scopolamine (2 μg/rat) intra-CA1 injection induced retrieval impairment. Furthermore, pre-test intra-CA1 microinjection of phenylephrine (0.25 and 0.5 μg/rat) or clonidine (0.25 and 0.5 μg/rat) with an ineffective dose of scopolamine (0.25 μg/rat), synergistically improved memory performance impaired by post-training scopolamine (2 μg/rat). Our results also showed that, pre-test injection of α1-receptor antagonist prazosin (1, 2 μg/rat) or α2-receptors antagonist yohimbine (1, 2 μg/rat) before effective dose of scopolamine (2 μg/rat) prevented the improvement of memory by pre-test scopolamine. Conclusion: These results suggest that α1- and α2-adrenergic receptors of the dorsal hippocampal CA1 region may play an important role in scopolamine-induced amnesia and scopolamine state-dependent memory

    Hydatidosis: experience with hepatic and pulmonary hydatid disease

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    From 1989-1992, 35 cases comprising of 20 hepatic and 15 pulmonary hydatid cysts were seen. Four patients with pulmonary hydatid disease had previous or concomitant hepatic hydatidosis compared to no concomitant pulmonary hydatid disease in the hepatic group. Hepatic hydatid disease had a greater tendency to be right sides, infected and calcified. Anaphylactic reactions occurred in 3 of 20 patients with hepatic hydatid disease against none in 15 patients with pulmonary disease. Management consisted of evacuation, drainage and obliteration of the residual cavity by capittonage in the lung and omentoplasty in the liver. Two patients, one hepatic and one with pulmonary hydatid disease developed infection of the residual cavity. Bronchocystic fistula occurred in 4 pulmonary and cystobiliary fistula in 2 hepatic hydatid disease patients. One patient with severe pleuropulmonary hydatidosis required a thoracoplasty. No recurrences have been noted in either group over a mean follow-up of 11 months (range 3 weeks- 3 years)

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Luar Kelas untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aimed to obtain information on the effect of Indonesian language learning outside of the classroom acquisition of learners in grade V Elementary School 09 East Pontianak. The method used is a form of quasi-experimental method with exsperimental design. Based on statistical calculations of the average the pre-test 48,01 and post-test 76.82 obtained t of 8.06 and t table (α = 5% is 2.052 with df = 27) this means t count > t table (8.06> 2.052) then Ha is accepted. This means learning the Indonesian language outside of the classroom provide a considerable influence on the high-class learning outcomes SDN 09 East Pontianak

    Conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy: multivariate analysis of preoperative risk factors

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    Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the gold standard in the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis. Some patients require conversion to open surgery and several preoperative variables have been identified as risk factors that are helpful in predicting the probability of conversion. However, there is a need to devise a risk-scoring system based on the identified risk factors to (a) predict the risk of conversion preoperatively for selected patients, (b) prepare the patient psychologically, (c) arrange operating schedules accordingly, and (d) minimize the procedure-related cost and help overcome financial constraints, which is a significant problem in developing countries.AIM: This study was aimed to evaluate preoperative risk factors for conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy in our setting.SETTINGS AND DESIGNS: A case control study of patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery from January 1997 to December 2001 was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.MATERIALS AND Methods: All those patients who were converted to open surgery (n = 73) were enrolled as cases. Two controls who had successful laparoscopic surgery (n = 146) were matched with each case for operating surgeon and closest date of surgery.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Descriptive statistics were computed and, univariate and multivariate analysis was done through multiple logistic regression.Results: The final multivariate model identified two risk factors for conversion: ultrasonographic signs of inflammation (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 8.5; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.3, 21.9) and age \u3e 60 years (aOR = 8.1; 95% CI: 2.9, 22.2) after adjusting for physical signs, alkaline phosphatase and BMI levels.CONCLUSION: Preoperative risk factors evaluated by the present study confirm the likelihood of conversion. Recognition of these factors is important for understanding the characteristics of patients at a higher risk of conversion

    Perspectives of cardiac care unit nursing staff about developing hospice services in Iran for terminally ill cardiovascular patients: A qualitative study

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    Introduction: The present study was conducted aiming to determine the points of view of cardiac care units' nursing staff about designing and providing Hospice services in Iran for cardiovascular patients in the final stages of life. Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study, the perspectives of 16 Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) nurses selected purposefully among hospitals of Tabriz-Iran University of Medical Sciences were investigated using semi-structured interviews and were analyzed in content analysis method. Results: 33 themes were finally extracted. Some nurses were for and some were against designing and providing Hospice services in Iran. The main reasons identified for supporting this plan included: Possibility of designing and providing these services consistent with high ethical values of Iranian society; approval of authorities due to increasing the load of chronic diseases and aged population; need of families due to the problems in taking care of patients and life concerns; better pain relief and respectful death; decrease of costs as a result of lower usage of diagnostic-therapeutic services, less use of expensive facilities and drugs, and better usage of hospital beds. Conclusion: Growing load of chronic diseases has made the need for Hospice as a necessary issue in Iran. In order to provide these services, studying the viewpoints of health service providers is inevitable. Therefore using and applying the results of this study in planning and policy making about designing and providing these services in Iran for cardiovascular patients in their final stages of lives could be helpful. © 2015, Medknow Publications. All rights reserved

    Rapid Detection of Toxoplasma gondii Antigen in Experimentally Infected Mice by Dot- ELISA

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    Background: Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide endemic disease. In congenitally infected infants and AIDS patients, toxoplasmosis causes high rates of morbidity and mortality. In these cases antibody detection is difficult; so detection of parasite or its components could be useful tool for early detection and following treatment of the infection.Methods: Sixty-three BALB/c mice were injected intra-peritoneal with 5×103 tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii RH strain, nine mice were sacrificed daily for 7 days. Fourteen mice were in­jected with phosphate buffer saline as control group. Dot-ELISA was performed for detection of T.gondii antigen in mice sera and capture - ELISA was done as golden standard assay too.Results : Toxoplasma gondii antigen was detected from day 2 in mice sera ; 22% of mice sera on day 2, 33% on day 3,77% on day 4 and 100% on day 5 till their death on day 7 had shown antigene­mia by dot - ELISA, no positive result was detected in control mice by dot- ELISA.Conclusion: Dot-ELISA is a sensitive method for diagnosis of T. gondii infection in the animal model; also, this technique is more rapid and easy to perform method in comparison with cap­ture-ELISA

    Multiscale Fluctuation Dispersion Entropy of EEG as a Physiological Biomarker of Schizotypy

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    Altered electroencephalography (EEG) activity in schizotypal individuals is a powerful indicator of proneness towards psychosis. This alteration is beyond decreased alpha power often measured in resting state EEG. Multiscale fluctuation dispersion entropy (MFDE) measures the non-linear complexity of the fluctuations of EEGs and is a more effective approach compared to the traditional linear power spectral density (PSD) measures of EEG activity in patients with neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we applied MFDE to EEG signals to distinguish high schizotypy (HS) and low schizotypy (LS) individuals. The study includes several trials from 29 participants psychometrically classified as HS (n=19) and LS (n=10). After preprocessing, MFDE was computed in frontal, parietal, central, temporal and occipital regions for each participant at multiple time scales. Statistical analysis and machine learning algorithms were used to calculate the differences in MFDE measures between the HS and LS groups. Our findings revealed significant differences in MFDE measures between LS and HS individuals in the delta frequency band (at time scale 100 ms). HS individuals exhibited increased complexity and irregularity compared to LS individuals in the delta frequency band particularly in the occipital region. Furthermore, the MFDE measures resulted in high accuracy (96.55%) in discriminating between HS and LS individuals and outperformed the models based on power spectrum, demonstrating the potential of MFDE as a neurophysiological marker for schizotypy traits. The increased non-linear fluctuation in delta frequency band in the occipital region of HS individuals implies the changes in cognitive functions, such as memory and attention, and has significant potential as a biomarker for schizotypy and proneness towards psychosis

    Perspectives of faculty members toward Iranian National Olympiad for medical students: A qualitative study

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    Objective - Regarding to the status of medical science Olympiads in medical science pedagogy, the views of beneficiaries are needed to be examined on them, in particular, faculty members who are the most interested group in the given issue. As such, the purpose of this study is the evaluation of views of the faculty members on the mission and performance of medical science Olympiads in Iran. Material and Methods - The data for this qualitative study were collected through semi-structured interviews and then were analyzed using the content-analysis method. Finally, 95 members of faculty board were selected from universities of medical sciences in Iran and data collection continued till data saturation. Results - Four themes including: points of strength in Olympiads, points of weakness in Olympiads, attitudes of faculty members to Olympiads, and suggestions for better performance of the Olympiads were extracted. The points of strength consisted of: mission, the performing procedures, and the scientific level of the competitions. The points of weakness included: mission, the performing procedures, and the scientific level of the competitions. Most of the participants (79) had positive attitude toward the Olympiads. Participants presented 8 strategies in order to manage the competitions better. Conclusion - It necessary to do more researches to identify the related problems and to use the required. Applying instructor's points and views on the strengths, weakness, and suggestions can be efficient in policy making, designing and performing medical Olympiads. © 2016, Azami-Aghdash S., Ghojazadeh M., Nazavar R., Yaghoubi S., Vahedi L

    Involvement of dorsal hippocampal α-adrenergic receptors in the effect of scopolamine on memory retrieval in inhibitory avoidance task

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    The present study evaluated the possible role of α-adrenergic receptors of the dorsal hippocampus on scopolamine-induced amnesia and scopolamine state-dependent memory in adult male Wistar rats. The animals were bilaterally implanted with chronic cannulae in the CA1 regions of the dorsal hippocampus, trained in a step-through type inhibitory avoidance task, and tested 24. h after training to measure step-through latency. Results indicate that post-training or pre-test intra-CA1 administration of scopolamine (1 and 2μg/rat) dose-dependently reduced the step-through latency, showing an amnestic response. Amnesia produced by post-training scopolamine (2μg/rat) was reversed by pre-test administration of the scopolamine that is due to a state-dependent effect. Interestingly, pre-test intra-CA1 microinjection of α1-adrenergic agonist, phenylephrine (1 and 2μg/rat) or α2-adrenergic agonist, clonidine improved post-training scopolamine (2μg/rat)-induced retrieval impairment. Furthermore, pre-test intra-CA1 microinjection of phenylephrine (0.25, 0.5 and 1 μg/rat) or clonidine (0.25, 0.5 and 1 μg/rat) with an ineffective dose of scopolamine (0.25 μg/rat), synergistically improved memory performance impaired by post-training scopolamine. On the other hand, pre-test injection of α1-receptors antagonist prazosin (1 and 2 μg/rat) or α2-receptors antagonist yohimbine (1 and 2 μg/rat) prevented the restoration of memory by pre-test scopolamine. It is important to note that pre-test intra-CA1 administration of the same doses of prazosin or yohimbine, alone did not affect memory retrieval. These results suggest that α1- and α2-adrenergic receptors of the dorsal hippocampal CA1 regions may play an important role in scopolamine-induced amnesia and scopolamine state-dependent memory. © 2010 Elsevier Inc

    Cardiovascular patients� experiences of living with pacemaker: Qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: A pacemaker implantation is considered major life event for cardiovascular patients, so they will probably have very interesting experiences of living with this device. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of cardiovascular patients living with the pacemaker. METHODS: In this qualitative study, 27 patients were chosen through purposive sampling to achieve data saturation, and their experiences were examined using semi-structured interviews. The patients� statements were recorded with their consent and analyzed using content analysis method. RESULTS: Participants� experiences included three main themes: �Problems and limitations,� �feeling and dealing with pacemaker�, and �sources of comfort� and 10 sub-themes including: physical problems, financial problems, social problems, the first encounter, the feeling of living with the pacemaker, how to cope with pacemaker, satisfaction with pacemaker, good family support, hospital and hospital staff performance, and role of religious beliefs. CONCLUSION: Planning to solve social problems, identifying and changing feelings of patients using pacemakers, reinforcing the resources of comfort especially family support seem to be necessary steps for improving quality of life and impact of using pacemaker. © 2015 Isfahan University of Medical Sciences(IUMS). All rights reserved