224 research outputs found


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.A crise financeira do subprime americano iniciada em 2007 globalizou-se afetando toda a economia mundial. A falta de crédito, a queda dos investimentos e a perda da atividade econômica, sentidas inicialmente nos Estados Unidos, comprometeram a economia de todas as nações desenvolvidas e, consequentemente, abalaram a dos demais países. A evolução dessa crise financeira, que pôs em questionamento a hegemonia dos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia como condutores dos avanços políticos e estimuladores do crescimento econômico, abriu os olhos para um consolidado grupo de países emergentes com economias em forte crescimento e grandes mercados internos que, aproando para novos rumos, soube melhor driblar a crise e, assim, sentir menos o impacto das incertezas econômicas e políticas, e cujo desempenho gerou credibilidades como impulsionadores de um novo desenvolvimento. A análise econômica dos países que compõe esse grupo, denominado BRICS, Brasil, Rússia, China e Índia, e, posteriormente, África do Sul, demonstra o quanto eles vêm se destacando no cenário mundial, tanto econômica como politicamente

    CAPRICORN: Communication Aware Place Recognition using Interpretable Constellations of Objects in Robot Networks

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    Using multiple robots for exploring and mapping environments can provide improved robustness and performance, but it can be difficult to implement. In particular, limited communication bandwidth is a considerable constraint when a robot needs to determine if it has visited a location that was previously explored by another robot, as it requires for robots to share descriptions of places they have visited. One way to compress this description is to use constellations, groups of 3D points that correspond to the estimate of a set of relative object positions. Constellations maintain the same pattern from different viewpoints and can be robust to illumination changes or dynamic elements. We present a method to extract from these constellations compact spatial and semantic descriptors of the objects in a scene. We use this representation in a 2-step decentralized loop closure verification: first, we distribute the compact semantic descriptors to determine which other robots might have seen scenes with similar objects; then we query matching robots with the full constellation to validate the match using geometric information. The proposed method requires less memory, is more interpretable than global image descriptors, and could be useful for other tasks and interactions with the environment. We validate our system's performance on a TUM RGB-D SLAM sequence and show its benefits in terms of bandwidth requirements.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA


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    A relativização/limitação do princípio da proteção do trabalhador na relação empregatícia na micro e pequena empresa

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    Este trabalho busca demonstrar que a concepção do princípio da proteção do trabalhador no direito do trabalho, particularmente em relação à norma mais favorável ao trabalhador e ao in dubio pro misero, e de grande parte da teoria do direito do trabalho brasileira aconteceu tendo como paradigma teórico e doutrinário o trabalho industrial ou em grandes empresas, com uma relação de trabalho extremamente vertical e tendo como partes envolvidas o grande capital, de um lado, e o operário, do outro, e com a construção de direitos originada na relação antagônica entre capital e movimento sindical. No entanto, as micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs), responsáveis pela maioria dos empregos formais do país, no que tange ao princípio da proteção do trabalhador, devem ter esta interpretação pro operario relativizada e/ou limitada, eis que a relação de trabalho entre micro e pequenos empresários e seus empregados acontece com relativa horizontalidade. Tampouco, se dá entre o grande capitalista e operário, atuando o patrão, invariavelmente, como um dos trabalhadores/gerente operacional. Destarte, a doutrina trabalhista o intérprete da lei trabalhista deveriam, diante da ausência de legislação específica, sopesar e cotejar as peculiaridades desta relação de trabalho e a importância da existência, sobrevivência e prosperidade destes agentes econômicos fundamentais para a geração de emprego relativizando a proteção ao empregado das micro e pequenas empresas

    Intelligent learning objects: an agent aproach to create interoperable learning objects

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    Reusing learning material is very important to design learning environments for real-life learning. The reusability of learning objects results from the product of three main features: modularity, discoverability and interoperability. We proposed learning objects built based on agent architectures, called Intelligent Learning Objects (ILO). This paper discusses how the ILO approach can be used to improve the interoperability among learning objects, learning menagement systems (LMS) and pedagogical agents.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Improving interoperability among learning objects using FIPA agent communication framework

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    The reusability of learning material is based on three main features: modularity, discoverability and interoperability. Several researchers on Intelligent Learning Environments have proposed the use of architectures based on agent societies. Learning systems based on Multi-Agent architectures support the development of more interactive and adaptable systems and the Learning Objects approach gives reusability. We proposed an approach where learning objects are built based on agent architectures. This paper discusses how the Intelligent Learning Objects approach can be used to improve the interoperability between learning objects and pedagogical agents.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - AgentsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Dynamic Open Vocabulary Enhanced Safe-landing with Intelligence (DOVESEI)

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    This work targets what we consider to be the foundational step for urban airborne robots, a safe landing. Our attention is directed toward what we deem the most crucial aspect of the safe landing perception stack: segmentation. We present a streamlined reactive UAV system that employs visual servoing by harnessing the capabilities of open vocabulary image segmentation. This approach can adapt to various scenarios with minimal adjustments, bypassing the necessity for extensive data accumulation for refining internal models, thanks to its open vocabulary methodology. Given the limitations imposed by local authorities, our primary focus centers on operations originating from altitudes of 100 meters. This choice is deliberate, as numerous preceding works have dealt with altitudes up to 30 meters, aligning with the capabilities of small stereo cameras. Consequently, we leave the remaining 20m to be navigated using conventional 3D path planning methods. Utilizing monocular cameras and image segmentation, our findings demonstrate the system's capability to successfully execute landing maneuvers at altitudes as low as 20 meters. However, this approach is vulnerable to intermittent and occasionally abrupt fluctuations in the segmentation between frames in a video stream. To address this challenge, we enhance the image segmentation output by introducing what we call a dynamic focus: a masking mechanism that self adjusts according to the current landing stage. This dynamic focus guides the control system to avoid regions beyond the drone's safety radius projected onto the ground, thus mitigating the problems with fluctuations. Through the implementation of this supplementary layer, our experiments have reached improvements in the landing success rate of almost tenfold when compared to global segmentation. All the source code is open source and available online (github.com/MISTLab/DOVESEI).Comment: Submitted to IROS 2023 The Last-Mile Robotics Worksho

    PEACE: Prompt Engineering Automation for CLIPSeg Enhancement in Aerial Robotics

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    From industrial to space robotics, safe landing is an essential component for flight operations. With the growing interest in artificial intelligence, we direct our attention to learning based safe landing approaches. This paper extends our previous work, DOVESEI, which focused on a reactive UAV system by harnessing the capabilities of open vocabulary image segmentation. Prompt-based safe landing zone segmentation using an open vocabulary based model is no more just an idea, but proven to be feasible by the work of DOVESEI. However, a heuristic selection of words for prompt is not a reliable solution since it cannot take the changing environment into consideration and detrimental consequences can occur if the observed environment is not well represented by the given prompt. Therefore, we introduce PEACE (Prompt Engineering Automation for CLIPSeg Enhancement), powering DOVESEI to automate the prompt generation and engineering to adapt to data distribution shifts. Our system is capable of performing safe landing operations with collision avoidance at altitudes as low as 20 meters using only monocular cameras and image segmentation. We take advantage of DOVESEI's dynamic focus to circumvent abrupt fluctuations in the terrain segmentation between frames in a video stream. PEACE shows promising improvements in prompt generation and engineering for aerial images compared to the standard prompt used for CLIP and CLIPSeg. Combining DOVESEI and PEACE, our system was able improve successful safe landing zone selections by 58.62% compared to using only DOVESEI. All the source code is open source and available online.Comment: Submitted to ICRA 2024. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2308.1147

    When Being Soft Makes You Tough: A Collision Resilient Quadcopter Inspired by Arthropod Exoskeletons

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    Flying robots are usually rather delicate, and require protective enclosures when facing the risk of collision. High complexity and reduced payload are recurrent problems with collision-tolerant flying robots. Inspired by arthropods' exoskeletons, we design a simple, easily manufactured, semi-rigid structure with flexible joints that can withstand high-velocity impacts. With an exoskeleton, the protective shell becomes part of the main robot structure, thereby minimizing its loss in payload capacity. Our design is simple to build and customize using cheap components and consumer-grade 3D printers. Our results show we can build a sub-250g, autonomous quadcopter with visual navigation that can survive multiple collisions at speeds up to 7m/s that is also suitable for automated battery swapping, and with enough computing power to run deep neural network models. This structure makes for an ideal platform for high-risk activities (such as flying in a cluttered environment or reinforcement learning training) without damage to the hardware or the environment

    Effect of carbamide peroxide and neutral fluoride on enamel surface

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    This study evaluated the effect of a 10% carbamide peroxide gel on enamel surface and the remineralizing capacity of neutral fluoride applied either during or after bleaching treatment. Sixteen fragments were obtained from four extracted human teeth (incisors and molars) and assigned to four groups. Group I served as the control and groups II, III and IV underwent daily 8-hour carbamide peroxide bleaching treatment for 2 weeks. Additionally, group III was treated with 2% neutral fluoride gel for 4 minutes/day, and group IV received one single application of fluoride gel at the end of the 2-week bleaching treatment. Specimens were examined under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Micrograph analysis showed that the bleaching gel caused changes to the enamel surface and that the application of neutral fluoride gel during or after treatment did not completely reverse the changes caused by bleaching. Carbamide peroxide increased enamel porosity. Application of neutral fluoride gel during or after the treatment did not produce any significant decrease in enamel porosity. Total enamel recovery seems to be more strongly associated with the buffering properties of saliva than with the use of different fluoride application protocols