57 research outputs found

    Worker's health in nursing undergraduates' conception

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    En este papel, de abordaje cualitativo, intentamos entender el concepto del curso de enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina sobre la salud del trabajador. Fueron contestadas tres preguntas hechas a veinte académicos: ¿Cuál es tu comprensión sobre la salud del trabajador? ¿De qué forma la enfermería puede ayudar a mejorar la salud del trabajador? ¿Cuál es la relación entre el trabajo y el estilo de vida del trabajador? Los resultados habían sido organizados en forma de temas: conceptos sobre la salud del trabajador; carácter de la enfermería en el contexto de la salud del trabajador y relación entre trabajo y estilo de vida. Destacamos la interrelación entre trabajo y estilo de vida y trabajo con la salud del trabajador. El énfasis a las contemplaciones hechas refuerzan la necesidad que ese tema tiene para ser discutido en las universidades, así como, estimular a los académicos a pensar en su propia salud desde el principio del curso. De esa forma, creemos que puedan incorporar acciones a la protección de su salud en el trabajo.Neste estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, buscamos compreender a concepção do acadêmico de enfermagem do Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina sobre saúde do trabalhador. Foram feitas três questões a vinte acadêmicos: O que entende por saúde do trabalhador? De que forma a enfermagem pode contribuir para a saúde do trabalhador? Qual a relação que existe entre trabalho e estilo de vida? Os resultados foram agrupados nos temas: concepções sobre saúde do trabalhador; papel da enfermagem no contexto da saúde do trabalhador; relação entre trabalho e estilo de vida. Destacamos a interrelação entre trabalho e estilo de vida, e trabalho e saúde do trabalhador. As reflexões realizadas reforçam a necessidade dessa temática ser discutida nas universidades, para que os acadêmicos sejam estimulados a pensar sobre sua saúde desde o início da academia. Assim estimulados, acreditamos que possam incorporar ações de proteção voltadas a sua saúde no trabalho.In this paper, which uses a qualitative approach, we try to understand the conception undergraduate Nursing students at the Federal University of Santa Catarina have regarding worker's health. Three questions were asked to twenty students: What does he/she understand as worker's health? How can Nursing help to improve worker's health? Which is the relation between work and lifestyle? The results were grouped in the following themes: conceptions of worker's health; the role of Nursing in the context of worker's health; and relation between work and lifestyle. We highlighted the interrelation between work and lifestyle, and between work and worker's health. Our reflections reinforce the need to discuss these themes in the universities so that students are stimulated to think about their own health since the beginning of their academic life. That way, we believe that they will be able to incorporate protective actions to their own health in their daily's work

    Cohort profile : the Baependi Heart Study-a family-based, highly admixed cohort study in a rural Brazilian town

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    PURPOSE: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major challenge to global health. The same epidemiological transition scenario is replayed as countries develop, but with variations based on environment, culture and ethnic mixture. The Baependi Heart Study was set up in 2005 to develop a longitudinal family-based cohort study that reflects on some of the genetic and lifestyle-related peculiarities of the Brazilian populations, in order to evaluate genetic and environmental influences on CVD risk factor traits. PARTICIPANTS: Probands were recruited in Baependi, a small rural town in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, following by first-degree and then increasingly more distant relatives. The first follow-up wave took place in 2010, and the second in 2016. At baseline, the study evaluated 1691 individuals across 95 families. Cross-sectional data have been collected for 2239 participants. FINDINGS TO DATE: Environmental and lifestyle factors and measures relevant to cardiovascular health have been reported. Having expanded beyond cardiovascular health outcomes, the phenotype datasets now include genetics, biochemistry, anthropometry, mental health, sleep and circadian rhythms. Many of these have yielded heritability estimates, and a shared genetic background of anxiety and depression has recently been published. In spite of universal access to electricity, the population has been found to be strongly shifted towards morningness compared with metropolitan areas. FUTURE PLANS: A new follow-up, marking 10 years of the study, is ongoing in 2016, in which data are collected as in 2010 (with the exception of the neuropsychiatric protocol). In addition to this, a novel questionnaire package collecting information about intelligence, personality and spirituality is being planned. The data set on circadian rhythms and sleep will be amended through additional questionnaires, actimetry, home sleep EEG recording and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) analysis. Finally, the anthropometric measures will be expanded by adding three-dimensional facial photography, voice recording and anatomical brain MRI

    Recommendations for quality assurance in multiparametric flow cytometry: first consensus of the Brazilian Group of Flow Cytometry (GBCFLUX)

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    ABSTRACT The Brazilian Group of Flow Cytometry (Grupo Brasileiro de Citometria de Fluxo [GBCFLUX]), founded on April 24, 2010, is composed of experts in flow cytometry (FC) area who have the common objective of contributing to technical and scientific advances in Brazilian clinical and research laboratories. Among GBCFLUX working groups, the Quality Control (QC) subcommittee is responsible for discussing data in the literature and contributes to the quality assurance of the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical process in FC. The QC subcommittee's actions began through meetings and lectures, in which data from the literature were reviewed and discussed with all participating members of the GBCFLUX. In a second step, it was decided to draw up a text of technical and scientific consensus recommendations, informative and educative, for dissemination to all FC working groups in Brazil. To this effect, a questionnaire with objective responses was designed and sent to 35 recognized Brazilian institutions, in order to evaluate the QC profile of these institutions. Thus, the QC technical-scientific recommendations, which will be described in this updating article, are intended to ensure the process quality, technical standardization, and reproducibility of results in FC

    Retinoic Acid and VEGF Delay Smooth Muscle Relative to Endothelial Differentiation to Coordinate Inner and Outer Coronary Vessel Wall Morphogenesis

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    Rationale: Major coronary vessels derive from the proepicardium, the cellular progenitor of the epicardium, coronary endothelium, and coronary smooth muscle cells (CoSMCs). CoSMCs are delayed in their differentiation relative to coronary endothelial cells (CoEs), such that CoSMCs mature only after CoEs have assembled into tubes. The mechanisms underlying this sequential CoE/CoSMC differentiation are unknown. Retinoic acid (RA) is crucial for vascular development and the main RA-synthesizing enzyme is progressively lost from epicardially derived cells as they differentiate into blood vessel types. In parallel, myocardial vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression also decreases along coronary vessel muscularization. Objective: We hypothesized that RA and VEGF act coordinately as physiological brakes to CoSMC differentiation. Methods and Results: In vitro assays (proepicardial cultures, cocultures, and RALDH2 [retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2]/VEGF adenoviral overexpression) and in vivo inhibition of RA synthesis show that RA and VEGF act as repressors of CoSMC differentiation, whereas VEGF biases epicardially derived cell differentiation toward the endothelial phenotype. Conclusion: Experiments support a model in which early high levels of RA and VEGF prevent CoSMC differentiation from epicardially derived cells before RA and VEGF levels decline as an extensive endothelial network is established. We suggest this physiological delay guarantees the formation of a complex, hierarchical, tree of coronary vessels. (Circ Res. 2010;107:204-216.)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)[05/60637-6]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)[06/50843-0]DGUCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES/DGU)[4096/09-6]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq)[477418/2004-0]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq)[305260/2007-3]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Spanish Ministry of Science and InnovationSpanish Ministry of Innovation and Science[BFU2009-07929]Junta de Andalucia (Spain)Junta de Andalucia[P06-CTS-01614]Spanish cooperative networks on research TERCEL and RECAVA (ISCIII)Spanish cooperative networks on research TERCEL and RECAVA (ISCIII)European UnionEuropean Union[LSHM-CT-2005-018630

    A saúde do trabalhador na concepção de acadêmicos de enfermagem

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    Neste estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, buscamos compreender a concepção do acadêmico de enfermagem do Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina sobre saúde do trabalhador. Foram feitas três questões a vinte acadêmicos: O que entende por saúde do trabalhador? De que forma a enfermagem pode contribuir para a saúde do trabalhador? Qual a relação que existe entre trabalho e estilo de vida? Os resultados foram agrupados nos temas: concepções sobre saúde do trabalhador; papel da enfermagem no contexto da saúde do trabalhador; relação entre trabalho e estilo de vida. Destacamos a inter-relação entre trabalho e estilo de vida, e trabalho e saúde do trabalhador. As reflexões realizadas reforçam a necessidade dessa temática ser discutida nas universidades, para que os acadêmicos sejam estimulados a pensar sobre sua saúde desde o início da academia. Assim estimulados, acreditamos que possam incorporar ações de proteção voltadas a sua saúde no trabalho.In this paper, which uses a qualitative approach, we try to understand the conception undergraduate Nursing students at the Federal University of Santa Catarina have regarding worker’s health. Three questions were asked to twenty students: What does he/she understand as worker’s health? How can Nursing help to improve worker’s health? Which is the relation between work and lifestyle? The results were grouped in the following themes: conceptions of worker’s health; the role of Nursing in the context of worker’s health; and relation between work and lifestyle. We highlighted the interrelation between work and lifestyle, and between work and worker’s health. Our reflections reinforce the need to discuss these themes in the universities so that students are stimulated to think about their own health since the beginning of their academic life. That way, we believe that they will be able to incorporate protective actions to their own health in their daily’s work.En este papel, de abordaje cualitativo, intentamos entender el concepto del curso de enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina sobre la salud del trabajador. Fueron contestadas tres preguntas hechas a veinte académicos: ¿Cuál es tu comprensión sobre la salud del trabajador? ¿De qué forma la enfermería puede ayudar a mejorar la salud del trabajador? ¿Cuál es la relación entre el trabajo y el estilo de vida del trabajador? Los resultados habían sido organizados en forma de temas: conceptos sobre la salud del trabajador; carácter de la enfermería en el contexto de la salud del trabajador y relación entre trabajo y estilo de vida. Destacamos la interrelación entre trabajo y estilo de vida y trabajo con la salud del trabajador. El énfasis a las contemplaciones hechas refuerzan la necesidad que ese tema tiene para ser discutido en las universidades, así como, estimular a los académicos a pensar en su propia salud desde el principio del curso. De esa forma, creemos que puedan incorporar acciones a la protección de su salud en el trabajo

    Insights into the organization of dorsal spinal cord pathways from an evolutionarily conserved raldh2 intronic enhancer

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    Comparative studies of the tetrapod raldh2 (aldh1a2) gene, which encodes a retinoic acid (RA) synthesis enzyme, have led to the identification of a dorsal spinal cord enhancer. Enhancer activity is directed dorsally to the roof plate and dorsal-most (dI1) interneurons through predicted Tcf- and Cdx-homeodomain binding sites and is repressed ventrally via predicted Tgif homeobox and ventral Lim-homeodomain binding sites. Raldh2 and Math1/Cath1 expression in mouse and chicken highlights a novel, transient, endogenous Raldh2 expression domain in dI1 interneurons, which give rise to ascending circuits and intraspinal commissural interneurons, suggesting roles for RA in the ontogeny of spinocerebellar and intraspinal proprioceptive circuits. Consistent with expression of raldh2 in the dorsal interneurons of tetrapods, we also found that raldh2 is expressed in dorsal interneurons throughout the agnathan spinal cord, suggesting ancestral roles for RA signaling in the ontogenesis of intraspin