22 research outputs found

    Performance of Electrical Water Decarbonizer For Engine Tune Up Purpose

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    Tunning up vehicles are routine, expensive, and time-consuming activities for vehicles owner. Prototype Portable Electrical Water Decarbonizer offers a new concept of cheap, easy, fast,  effective  and  enviromental  friendly  tune  up.  This  research  is  also  solution  for  PT.  YTL Paiton  Probolinggo’s  problem.  This  research  will  started  by  the  calculating  and  design  the generator for split up water into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom through electrolysis as  the  main  component  of  prototype.  From  these  calculations,  a  prototype  will  made  as  an Applied Technology Product. Changes in the performance characteristics of the generator will be analyed for one hour by its temperature, current, voltage, power, gas production flowrate, and the  visualization  of  the  combustion  chamber  as  the  effect  of  decarbonizer.  Research  result indicate : voltage recorded 12V min., 12.5V max. and 12.24V average; current recorded 19,34A min., 20,39A max. and 19.81A average; power recorded 239,25Watt min., 244,79watt max. and 242.72Watt average; electrolite water temperature 25oC min., 64 oC max., 50.51 oC average; gas production flow rate 0.925 L/min min., 1.479 L/min max.,1.27 L/min average. The before and after piston photograph indicated that this prototype decarbonize working properly


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    This study aims to make motorbike helmet using thermoelectric technology by utilizing a Peltier effect. The main system component consists of a double layer heatsink, fan, copper plate, and thermoelectric module. 12 DC Voltage applied to module, and temperature differences rise created. Heat in hot side rejected to environment by heatsink and fan. A copper mounted to cold side to sprayed out the cool sensation to a whole helmet. This study was conducted prototype to analyse the performance of cooling. The results showed a fair enough result that indicated prototype of a cooling system based on thermoelectricity for a motorcyclist helmet can reduce the inside helmet temperature by 18%. The results showed a fair enough result that indicated the temperature inside helmet was reduced from 33°C to 27°C in approximately 10 minutes.  The highest  temperature on  hot  side  is  50°C  and  the  lowest temperate on cold side is 20°C. Q total in helmet to absorb 53 watts; the thermoelectric cold side heat absorption 42.5 watts, the thermoelectric hot side heat emissive 93.5 watts; the heatsink heat rejected 70 watts; the fan specification is 12V DC 0.9A and it can rejected heat by 30 watts

    Engine Combustion Efficiency and Performance of Exhaust Pipe Fuel Preheating System

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    The Exhaust Pipe Preheated Fuel System (EP2FS) is a fuel preheating system that utilizes wasted heat from the muffler. Fuel heating aims to improve the homogeneity of fuel and air mixtures to improve the combustion process in the engine. Making EP2FS requires careful design and calculation because the fuel temperature should not exceed 60oC so as not to evaporate. Design and calculation, using heat transfer theory of helical heat exchanger. A ready-made system will be applied in motor vehicles to be tested for combustion efficiency and performance

    Rancang Bangun Exhaust Pipe Fuel Preheating System (EP2FS) Serta Uji Performa dan Analisis Efisiensi Pembakaran Engine

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    The Exhaust Pipe Preheated Fuel System (EP2FS) is a fuel preheating system that utilizes wasted heat from the muffler. Fuel heating aims to improve the homogeneity of fuel and air mixtures to improve the combustion process in the engine. Making EP2FS requires careful design and calculation because the fuel temperature should not exceed 60 oC so as not to evaporate. Design and calculation, using heat transfer theory of helical heat exchanger will be used . A Prototype of  The Exhaust Pipe Preheated Fuel System will be applied in motor vehicles to be tested. The value changes of flue gas procentage, combustion efficiency, power, torque and acceleration will be the purpose in this research. The Result of this research are from the calculations known to make EP2FS copper pipes are required with an outer diameter of 9.5mm and an internal diameter of 8.3mm and a length of 40cm.The insulator are added to the outer of the coil to prevent heat lost. The number of windings is 2.5 loops. The average fuel temperature out of EP2FS is 59.7 oC. Increased power and torque on the engine using EP2FS is 10% at low engine speed and 1.5% at high engine speed. The exhaust gas composition of EP2FS vehicles is measured better than standard. Use of EP2FS can reduce emissions. Significant differences in emissions are in Carbon Monoxyde (CO) gas which is decrease 40% from standard. The combustion efficiency obtained from the use of EP2FS is increased by 6% from standard. Keywords— Performance, Preheated Fuel, Efficiency.Â

    Pelatihan SolidWorks 3D Design untuk Siswa SMK Al Imam Kalisat Jember

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    Mastering 3D image design software is a demand of the industrial work and creative design. Graduatee from vocational schools are expected to be directly absorbed as a prospective workforce in the field of industry, so they are required to mastering 3D design software. Currently SMK graduates are still less master of the 3D design sotware. Therefore, training is needed to improve the competency of SMK graduates, one of them is Solidworks training.Politeknik Negeri Jember (POLIJE) through the image and computational laboratory is one of the universities that have official certificate of solidworks from PT. Arisma Data Setia ( As solidworks 3DS official partner in Indonesia) and trusted to do a certified solidworks training program. Through BOPTN's community service funding program, the team from POLIJE provides 3D solidworks design training at SMK Al imam Gambiran Kalisat Jember. Implementation of the training program conducted for 3 days. Participants training are 37 students,divided into 2 class sessions. As a further plan of this devotion is to conduct advanced certified training for vocational students who are interested

    Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Premium Dengan Plastik Polypropilene (PP) Hasil Piropilis Terhadap Nilai Kalor Bahan Bakar

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    Pemanfaatan sampah plastik jenis PP (Polypropylene)dengan menggunakan proses pirolisis untuk dijadikan bahan bakar sampah plastik dengan mengunakan reaktor pirolisis kapasitas 10 kg sampah plastik jenis PP menghasilkan 6 liter Bahan Bakar Plastik Pirolisis Cair. Bahan Bakar Plastik Pirolisis (BBPP) kemudian akan diuji nilai kalornya. Pengujian dilanjutkan dengan menguji nilai kalor BBPP bila dicampur dengan bahan bakar premium dengan konsentrasi campuran 10%, 15%, dan 20%. Sebagai pengujian akhir akan diuji nilai kalor dari campuran BBPP dengan octane booster dengan campuran 1:1. Setelah dilakukan pengujian nilai kalor dengan menggunakan bomb calorimeter didapatkan nilai kalor bahan bakar sampah plastik jenis PP(Polypropylene) murni 100% sebesar 11.111,264 kilokalori/gram. Pada campuran BBPP + bensin premium didapatkan nilai kalor tertinggi pada campuran 90% premium + 10% sebesar 11.405,911 kilokalori/gram. Sedangkan untuk nilai kalor campuran BBPP + octane booster didapatkan nilai kalor sebesar 11.203,163 kkal/gram


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh dua hal: pencarian bahan bakar alternatif bersumber non pangan serta semakin menumpuknya sampah plastik. Melalui proses pyrolisis, plastik polypropilene dapat dirubah menjadi bahan bakar cair. Bila bahan bakar plastik polypropilene (BBPP) ingin digunakan pada engine maka ada beberapa standar yang harus dipenuhi. Nilai kalor tinggi merupakan salah satu standar dimaksud. Pengujian nilai kalor BBPP dilakukan untuk 5 macam spesimen yaitu BBPP murni, BBPP + premium dengan konsentrasi campuran 10%, 15%, 20%, serta BBPP + octane booster dengan campuran 1:1. Hasil pengujian nilai kalor dengan menggunakan bomb calorimeter didapatkan nilai kalor BBPP murni 100% sebesar 11.111,264 kcal/gram. Pada campuran BBPP + bensin premium didapatkan nilai kalor tertinggi pada campuran 10% sebesar 11.405,911 kcal/gram. Pada campuran BBPP + octane booster didapatkan nilai kalor sebesar 11.203,163 kcal/gram. Nilai kalor BBPP murni ataupun campuran ternyata masih dibawah nilai kalor premium sebagai bahan bakar acuan yang sebesar 11.414,453 kcal/gram. Untuk saat ini pemakaian BBPP pada engine tanpa modifikasi merupakan suatu tindakan yang memaksakan mesin bekerja dibawah kondisi idealnya. Upaya peningkatan nilai kalor BBPP perlu dilakukan bila ingin dipakai sebagai bahan bakar alternatif untuk engine. Peningkatan nilai kalor BBPP bisa dilakukan dengan proses pemurnian ulang

    Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Water Injector Berbentuk Diffuser Terhadap Fenomena Flooding Pada Aliran Dua Fase Cair – Udara Vertikal Berlawanan Arah

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    Flooding phenomenon becomes a looses in countercurrent two-phase flow of air-liquid in vertical pipe. Water injector sattached in to the pipe prevents the looses occur. With the use of water injector, liquid will flow attached to the inside wall of the pipe, so the air will flow freely in the middle of the pipe. New design of water injectors in diffuser shape, will be studied to replace the old annular water injectors. 10 o , 15 o , and 20 o of water injector angle will be varied to find which ones can make slowing down flooding. This Research will seek water injectors with the most slowing down flooding, indicating by it superficial velocity, fluid flow, and flow patterns. Abetter Water injector is in whis have ability to handle higher flow rate and higher superficial velocity. The best water injectors in a row is a water injector with 10 o , 20 of angle


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    In an effort to develop and improve the energy mix, diversification of one of the new renewable energies that needs to be studied is wind energy. Wind energy is a renewable energy whose availability is of all time. Wind energy is also a renewable energy that does not produce pollution in its development. In Jember district, wind energy has the potential to be studied and developed especially in the southern coastal areas, one of them is on Payangan beach. This study aims to find out how much the potential of wind energy that can be converted into electrical energy on the Payangan coast. Observation of wind speed data using a drone surveyor enables researchers to reach a monitoring point that is impossible to reach by conventional anemometers. The wind speed varies between 3 to 52 m/s with a dominant wind speed of 25.2 m/s which has a wind power potential of 9644 Watt/m 2 and the power absorbed by the generating system is 1402 Watt/ m 2 area of the windmill


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    Pengaruh turbulator terhadap kinerja aliran turbulen pada double tube heat exchanger dapat memecah (partitioning) dan mengganggu (blockage) pola streamline dari fluida yang mengalir ke saluran pipa dalam (inner tube) sehingga mengakumulasi aliran turbulensi dan meningkatkan laju perpindahan kalor dalam pipa. Penelitian Louvered strip twisted ini memiliki variasi sudut serang (q = 15°, 25°, 30°) yang terpasang ditengah pipa bagian dalam dan searah aliran fluida masuk. Laju aliran fluida (air) panas di bagian pipa dalam diteliti dengan interval 400 lt/jam sampai 900 lt/jam dan laju aliran air dingin di bagian pipa luar konstan 900 lt/jam. Kinerja dari double tube heat exchanger meliputi laju perpindahan kalor (QΔLMTD), faktor gesekan (f), NTU (Number of Transfe Unit). Data hasil pengujian dari masing – masing sudut serang turbulator ini dibandingkan data tanpa turbulator (plain tube),  secara keseluruhan terjadi peningkatan laju perpindahan kalor sebesar 40 % sampai 72 % dari pada tanpa turbulator serta menghasilkan faktor gesekan dari 51 % sampai 61 %. Dengan performance ratio rata –rata tertinggi pada turbulator dengan sudut 30O sebesar 0,995.Â