279 research outputs found


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    In order to answer the questions raised to guide this study, there is need to review previous literature that relates to variables understudied. Also, to operationally define key concepts used for this study to ensure clarity of the concepts. Literature review shows a vibrant section and significant untouched materials to structure the infrastructure of a precise subject component in whichever category of a research study. It is conducted to obtain a clear consideration about the precise area of study. The literature review is arranged developing themes directly drawn from the literature, chronologically and thematically in this study. Researchers followed literature Review as the main methodology to review the existing empirical knowledge to build conceptual content to support for the proposed research directions. The findings provide the insights on how empirical findings being shared in literature reviews connecting the concept of Band Citizenship behavior and related concepts and implications. Based on the discussion, postulate the future research directions in line with the empirical knowledge gaps found within.Ā  Article visualizations


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    Libraries and information centers are service units held with the responsibility of providing varied information services based on a number of resources. It covers tangible assets, namely library building, equipment, furniture, information resources and staff. The intangible element has been the information services provided by the libraries. The tangible assets and intangible services of libraries are changing greatly due to the development and changes in the area of information technology. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate to accomplish the relationship between Service Quality dimensions, customer experience (CE) library patronage (LP) and library user attitude (LUA) in the context of university library service quality in Sri Lanka. In addition, it investigates the mediating effect of customer experience in the relationship between dimensions of library service quality and the library patronage.Ā  Article visualizations

    Parasiticidal, antifungal and antibacterial activities of Onosma griffithii Vatke

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    Onosma griffithii was screened for possible pharmacological activities. The crude methanolic extract (MeOH) and its fractions demonstrated parasiticidal activity (IC 50 (Ƭg/ml Ā± S.D) = 31.03 Ā± 0.23) against Leishmania major. Based on the IC 50 values, the potency of the standard drug (Pentamidine) and test fractions were of the order as: Pentamidine > crude extract > n-hexane fraction > ethyl acetate (ETOAc) fraction > chloroform fraction (CHCl3) fraction > n-butanol (BUOH) fraction > aqueous fraction. Similarlymoderate antifungal activity was displayed by the crude methanolic extract against Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium solani. Against the Staphylococcus aureus, the aqueous fraction demonstrated moderate antibacterial activity

    Breeding in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.): strategic considerations

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    Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) has a large number of landraces throughout Africa where small-scale farmers have preserved its genetic diversity on-farm. To date, the full genetic diversity of the crop remains largely unexploited. Until recently bambara groundnut never received any appreciable research effort, especially for its genetic improvement. Until then, only selection breeding was practised in which existing landraces were evaluated and their seeds multiplied. However, no new combinations resulting from hybridisation had ever been produced. Recently, collaborative research efforts involving partners from Africa and Europe have produced the first crosses of bambara groundnut. The creation of these crosses is a significant scientific and practical achievement and opens up the possibility of breeding true varieties of this crop. This paper shows how different strategies have been combined to establish the basis of a strategic breeding programme in bambara groundnut. The paper also illustrates the use of landraces in the bambara groundnut breeding programme, as an example of the contribution that landraces can make to increasing productivity in marginal environments and the conservation of a crop's genetic resources on-farm.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (6), pp. 463-471, 200

    Development of Electronic Commerce Adoption Model based on Structural Equation Modeling Techniques

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    Advance Communication Technologies are playing a vital role in business today. In the world currently, many developing nations identified Small and Medium Scale organizations significantly important in counties2019; economic development. But the contribution from the SME sector is considerably low. Therefore, addressing this issue is important in business development. Among many reasons identified as barriers for SMEs to perform, studies have identified that low usage or not using technologies like E-commerce effected to this low performance. Therefore, studies are conducted to identify barriers to use technology in SMEs and many frameworks are tested and verified in different domains. In this study mainly tested and varied a framework which is considering Information Technological factors effecting the adoption of E-commerce technology and how it is effected for SME development. In this study framework is developed using literature analysis and hypothesis are developed based on past studies in terms of Information Technology factors as a main consideration. Model testing part is done using Structural Equation Molding using IBM AMOS. At the end of the study proposed framework is modified with statistical results and finally presented a framework which can be considered as a framework to understand the Information Technology factors effecting the E-commerce adoption and SME development


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    Human Capital is embedded in individuals with intelligence, expertise, knowledge, skills and education pronouncement made by many scholars. There are different phenomena explained by Context Generic Human Capital (HC) and Specific Human Capital. Those organizations that plan, organized and manage HC strategically gain high Organizational Performance than those who donā€™t. HC revolves as a vital factor to win business competition in contemporary firms. HC can be distinguished as ā€œGeneral Human Capitalā€ and ā€œSpecific Human Capitalā€ whereas General HC may be utilized across jobs, firms and industries however Specific HC may be utilized for particular job or in a specific firm etc. The effective management integrates human capabilities to gain valuable, rare and inimitable practices consequently lead to Organizational Performance. The study results recorded a positive significance of Human Capital Practices on Organizational Performance.Ā  Article visualizations

    An Approach to Screening for Resistance to Water and Heat Stress in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

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    Sorghum (Sorglttrm bicolor (L.) hlocnchl is an important food crop of thc arid and scmiarrd tropics but average yields are s t i l l bclow 1.000 kilograms per hcctare. and under drought conditions these may fall below 100 kilogranls per hectare or there may evcn be total crop failure. Breeding for drought ,resistance in sorghum is a complex problem. Th e ohjec~ivco f thi s paper is to drscribc the developnicnt of a screening technique. based on a "physiological approach." Itiitially. a sample of gcnotypes ucrc selected from the sorghum genetic rcsources acccs5ions at the lntcrnational Crops Research I nsti tute for the Semi - Arid Tropics (ICKISAT) Ccntcr 10 rr'prc=,cnt material collected from many countries over a range of altitudes (0 to 2.000 rnetcrs) and nwan annual rainfall (250 to 2 .SO0 niillimcters). covering most of the taxonomic groups. Some advanced hrccding materials were also included in this sample of over 700 lines. They were scrccncd undcr suvcre drought conditions at ICRISAT in thc relatively rain-free summers from 1983 to 19S5. Considerable genetic variation was shown in the response of these genotypes to ~.atcarn d heat stress. Visually observcd dillercnces in "resistant" and "susceptible" genotypes in tcrnis of desiccation tolerance or avoidance. recovery resistance and ability to produce grain after the onwt of rains was thcn shown to be associatcd with spccilic physiological traits. Sc'lcctcd physiological data from a fc\v contrasting genotypes wcrc shown on relati\'e leaf-watcr content (RL\VC). leafwater potential and lcaf stoniatal conductance (gl). Thcse results vcrify that the visual "resi~- tance" traits identificd earlier were bascd on measurable physiological responses. In conclusion. i t is argued that thc approach described has proved to be succcsslul in idcntifying drought-mistant germplasni. With more basic research on the same contrasting genotyps. the problcm of idcntifying drought-rc%istant sorghums could be largely ovcrcome

    Effects of planting density on water use and productivity of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) grown on stored water. II. Water use, light interception and dry matter production

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum] was grown on stored water at Niamey, Niger, at row spacings of 38, 75 or 150 cm. Water extraction based on neutron probe readings was compared with crop transpiration using a porometer and allied measurements. Between 23 and 52 days after sowing, plants at the narrow and medium spacings used c. 77 and 100 mm of water, resp., and those at the wide spacing used between 59 and 75 mm. Estimates of seasonal crop evaporation from leaf resistances and from the green LAI of the crops were 103, 130 and 123 mm for the narrow, medium and wide spacings, resp. The water use/g dry wt. produced was similar for both narrow and medium spacings but water was used more efficiently in the wide spacing. Dry wt. increased in proportion to intercepted radiation with the same efficiency (1.3 g/MJ) irrespective of spacin

    Response of four sorghum lines to mid-season drought. II. Leaf characteristics

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    Four sorghum lines were visually selected on the basis of degree of leaf disiccation for resistance and susceptibility to mid-season drought stress. An association between leaf-rolling and degree of resistance based on this method of selection had previously been observed, prompting this study to identify the physiological contribution of characteristics at the leaf level to mid-season drought resistance. During the drought period, the resistant lines showed more leaf-rolling than the susceptible lines, reducing the effective area of the uppermost leaves by about 75%. Leaf-rolling in the resistant lines occurred over a very narrow range of leaf water-potentials (āˆ’2.0 to āˆ’2.2 MPa) compared to the susceptible lines. The strong correlation between the light-extinction coefficient k and leaf-rolling indicated that changes in k over the season were in part due to differing abilities of the lines to roll their leaves. However, expected differences in leaf temperature between lines due to radiation shedding were not found. Lines exhibiting leaf-rolling had higher leaf conductances, although transpiration rates per unit leaf area were similar. It is suggested that leaf-rolling may alter the leaf surface microclimate so that stomata may remain open and growth continue without associated high rates of water loss

    Effects of planting density on water use and productivity of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) grown on stored water. I. Growth of roots and shoots

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum] was grown on stored water at Niamey, Niger, at row spacings of 38, 75 or 150 cm to determine the physiological basis of exploitation and conservation of water by crops during drought. Between 18 and 32 days after sowing, roots grew rapidly beneath all crops, reaching 140 cm in the narrow spacing, but there were differences between crops in the pattern of growth. Soil cores and trench profiles indicated that plants in wider rows had fewer deeper roots. Substantial differences in both the amount and pattern of shoot growth were recorded in the different populations. Initially growth was fastest at the narrow spacing but stopped by day 45 and eventually the wide spacing produced most DM due mainly to greater survival of tillers. The partitioning of aboveground DM into vegetative and reproductive fractions was similar at all 3 spacings and was consistent with figures for comparable crops elsewhere. The important role of tillers is discussed in relation to the development and maintenance of a canop
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