104 research outputs found
Estudio de la composición corporal en deportistas masculinos universitarios de difertentes disciplinas deportivas
La antropometría es una de las ciencias aplicadas al deporte. Nos permite obtener medidas corporales (pliegues, perímetros, diámetros, peso, talla) para la obtención de la composición corporal. Se han realizado estudios cinenatropométricos en diferentes disciplinas deportiva de categoría élite, pero muy pocos en deportistas universitarios, de ahí el objetivo delartículo. Se evaluaron 126 deportistas universitarios masculinos, procedentes de diferentes disciplinas deportivas: futbol, triatlón, remo, balonmano y vóley-playa. Un medidor acreditado nivel II por la International Society for the Advancement Kineanthropometry (ISAK), tomo la medidas. La descripción de las características cineantropométricas en las disciplinas evaluadas,adquiere importancia, para que el personal técnico las tome como en la planificación y evaluación del deportista
A Small Platform for Astrophysical Research Based on the UPM-Sat 1 Satellite of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
UPM-Sat 1 is a small scientific, in-orbit demonstration, educational satellite which has been designed, built, tested, integrated, launched and operated by a team of professors, students, and auxiliary personnel belonging to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). After completion of UPM-Sat 1 Mission a new small satellite, UPM-Sat 2, oriented to low-Earth-orbit scientific mission has been designed. In this paper the different subsystems of UPM-Sat 1 are described and the main characteristics of the second small satellite UPM-Sat 2 are outlined
Antimony distribution and mobility in different types of waste derived from the exploitation of stibnite ore deposits
[EN]Wastes derived from the exploitation of stibnite ore deposits were studied to determine their mineralogical, chemical, and environmental characteristics and establish the Sb distribution and the current and long-term risks of Sb mobilization. Representative samples of mine waste rocks, mine tailings, and smelting waste were studied by X-ray powder diffraction, polarized light microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, and digestion, leaching, and extraction procedures. The main Sb-bearing minerals and phases identified in the smelting waste were natrojarosite, iron (oxyhydr)oxides, mixtures of iron and antimony (oxyhydr)oxides, and tripuhyite; those in the mine tailings and mine waste rocks were iron (oxyhydr)oxides and/or mixtures of iron and antimony (oxyhydr)oxides. Iron (oxyhydr)oxides and natrojarosite had high Sb contents, with maximum values of 16.51 and 9.63 wt% Sb2O5, respectively. All three types of waste were characterized as toxic; the mine waste rocks and mine tailings would require pretreatment to decrease their leachable Sb content before they would be acceptable at hazardous waste landfills. Relatively little of the Sb was in desorbable forms, which accounted for <0.01 and <0.8% of the total Sb content in the smelting waste and mine waste rocks/mine tailings, respectively. Under reducing conditions, further Sb mobilization from mine waste rocks and mine tailings could occur (up to 4.6 and 3.3% of the total content, respectively), considerably increasing the risk that Sb will be introduced into the surroundings. Although the smelting waste had the highest total Sb content, it showed the lowest risk of Sb release under different environmental conditions. The significant Fe levels in the smelting waste facilitated the formation of various Fe compounds that greatly decreased the Sb mobilization from these wastes
Resistance to DNA Damaging agents produced invasive phenotype of rat glioma cells-characterization of a new in vivo model
Chemoresistance and invasion properties are severe limitations to efficient glioma therapy. Therefore, development of glioma in vivo models that more accurately resemble the situation observed in patients emerges. Previously, we established RC6 rat glioma cell line resistant to DNA damaging agents including antiglioma approved therapies such as 3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and temozolomide (TMZ). Herein, we evaluated the invasiveness of RC6 cells in vitro and in a new orthotopic animal model. For comparison, we used C6 cells from which RC6 cells originated. Differences in cell growth properties were assessed by real-time cell analyzer. Cells’ invasive potential in vitro was studied in fluorescently labeled gelatin and by formation of multicellular spheroids in hydrogel. For animal studies, fluorescently labeled cells were inoculated into adult male Wistar rat brains. Consecutive coronal and sagittal brain sections were analyzed 10 and 25 days post-inoculation, while rats’ behavior was recorded during three days in the open field test starting from 25th day post-inoculation. We demonstrated that development of chemoresistance induced invasive phenotype of RC6 cells with significant behavioral impediments implying usefulness of orthotopic RC6 glioma allograft in preclinical studies for the examination of new approaches to counteract both chemoresistance and invasion of glioma cells
Development and characterization of a microfluidic model of the tumour microenvironment
The physical microenvironment of tumours is characterized by heterotypic cell interactions and physiological gradients of nutrients, waste products and oxygen. This tumour microenvironment has a major impact on the biology of cancer cells and their response to chemotherapeutic agents. Despite this, most in vitro cancer research still relies primarily on cells grown in 2D and in isolation in nutrient- and oxygen-rich conditions. Here, a microfluidic device is presented that is easy to use and enables modelling and study of the tumour microenvironment in real-time. The versatility of this microfluidic platform allows for different aspects of the microenvironment to be monitored and dissected. This is exemplified here by real-time profiling of oxygen and glucose concentrations inside the device as well as effects on cell proliferation and growth, ROS generation and apoptosis. Heterotypic cell interactions were also studied. The device provides a live ‘window’ into the microenvironment and could be used to study cancer cells for which it is difficult to generate tumour spheroids. Another major application of the device is the study of effects of the microenvironment on cellular drug responses. Some data is presented for this indicating the device’s potential to enable more physiological in vitro drug screening
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