24 research outputs found

    Countering Local Disaster Capitalism

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    Disaster capitalism creates political and economic space for neoliberal projects to benefit the wealthy disproportionately while marginalizing Indigenous groups. This paper examines how and the extent to which local disaster capitalism has affected Indigenous communities in Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley, as they recover from the 2015 earthquakes, and how local disaster capitalism ought to be countered. Based on an in-depth analysis of local disaster capitalism in Rudrayani Guthi, Nepal, the findings of this study demonstrate that Indigenous peoples have been negatively affected by state-sponsored disaster recovery schemes, whereas wealthy people and businesses have benefitted from them. Such schemes focus on “physical reconstruction” and “economic development”, dispossessing Indigenous lands to pave the way for housing, motorways, greenfield urban development, and hydropower. Many Indigenous groups are forced to be part of such schemes, while local disaster capitalism continues in the name of “disaster recovery”. The paper highlights the unfortunate reality of the local disaster capitalism taking shape and destroying Indigenous lives and livelihoods. The paper concludes by offering some principles used by Indigenous peoples while countering local disaster capitalism through confrontations with powerful actors and while protecting their land during the process of disaster recovery

    Analysis of phytochemicals and biological activities of rhizome of Curcuma longa, aerial parts of Centella asiatica, and corn silk of Zea mays

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    Nepal is a storehouse of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants like the rhizome of Curcuma longa, the aerial part of Centella asiatica, and corn silk of Zea mays were used traditionally as medicine for diseases like inflammation, hepatic disorders, cough, etc. In this study, these selected plants were subjected to the analysis of phytochemical constituents, and biological activities following standard methods. Phytochemical analysis of the methanolic extract of these selected plants revealed the presence of different chemical constituents such as polyphenols, flavonoids, glycosides, quinones, saponins, and tannins. C. longa rhizomes also showed the strongest DPPH radical scavenging activity with IC50 of 55.06 µg/mL which was very close to standard ascorbic acid (49.09 µg/mL) than that of the aerial part of C. asiatica (72.56µg/mL) and corn silk of Z. mays (131.96 µg/mL). Total phenolic and total flavonoid content was found highest in C. longa with the values of 195.95 ± 0.899 mg GEA/g and 56.45 ±4.056 mg QE/g respectively. The phenolic and flavonoid content of methanolic extract of aerial parts of C. asiatica was found to be 110.78 ± 1.984 mg GEA/g and 30.00 ± 2.358 mg QE/g and corn silk of Z. mays were found to be 65.92 ± 1.244 mg GEA/g and 18.50 ±1.424 mg QE/g respectively. The methanolic extract of rhizomes of C. longa exhibited high α-amylase inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 382.30 µg/mL than that of C. asiatica with IC50 value of 520.48 µg/mL and Z. mays with IC50 value 593.09 µg/mL

    Analysis of phytochemicals and biological activities of rhizome of Curcuma longa, aerial parts of Centella asiatica, and corn silk of Zea mays

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    Nepal is a storehouse of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants like the rhizome of Curcuma longa, the aerial part of Centella asiatica, and corn silk of Zea mays were used traditionally as medicine for diseases like inflammation, hepatic disorders, cough, etc. In this study, these selected plants were subjected to the analysis of phytochemical constituents, and biological activities following standard methods. Phytochemical analysis of the methanolic extract of these selected plants revealed the presence of different chemical constituents such as polyphenols, flavonoids, glycosides, quinones, saponins, and tannins. C. longa rhizomes also showed the strongest DPPH radical scavenging activity with IC50 of 55.06 µg/mL which was very close to standard ascorbic acid (49.09 µg/mL) than that of the aerial part of C. asiatica (72.56µg/mL) and corn silk of Z. mays (131.96 µg/mL). Total phenolic and total flavonoid content was found highest in C. longa with the values of 195.95 ± 0.899 mg GEA/g and 56.45 ±4.056 mg QE/g respectively. The phenolic and flavonoid content of methanolic extract of aerial parts of C. asiatica was found to be 110.78 ± 1.984 mg GEA/g and 30.00 ± 2.358 mg QE/g and corn silk of Z. mays were found to be 65.92 ± 1.244 mg GEA/g and 18.50 ±1.424 mg QE/g respectively. The methanolic extract of rhizomes of C. longa exhibited high α-amylase inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 382.30 µg/mL than that of C. asiatica with IC50 value of 520.48 µg/mL and Z. mays with IC50 value 593.09 µg/mL

    Perancangan Interior Fitness And Wellness Center, Kota Bandung

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    Fitness berasal dari bahasa inggris fit yang artinya bugar, maka terjemahan dari kata fitness adalah kebugaran. Menurut KBBI, bugar merupakan sehat dan segar sehingga kebugaran dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah kemampuan tubuh manusia pada saat melakukan aktifitas fisik dalam waktu lama tanpa merasa kelelahan. Sedangkan wellness didefinisikan sebagai suatu proses yang panjang untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang baik yaitu berfikir positif, keadaan fisik yang optimal, psikologikal, dan fungsi social. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini bersifat deskriptif, analisis dan sintesa. Sehingga desain baru yang diciptakan dapat memberikan manfaat terhadap manusia agar selalu tampil menjaga kebugaran dan kesehatan untuk mencapai gaya hidup yang produktif melalui suatu objek dan elemen interior yang dapat mendorong semangat. Konsep yang akan di terapkan dalam Fitness and Wellness Center ini adalah active melalui physical active dengan tujuan untuk mendukung aktifitas pengguna dan menyadarkan manfaat dari aktifitas yang dilakukan di perancangan ini. Tema yang akan digunakan dalam perancangan adalah healthy lifestyle yang dapat membantu mengubah pola hidup masyarakat menuju yang lebih baik. Kata kunci : Fitness, wellness, activ


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    Balanced Scorecard diperlukan daim.l.l. penilaian kinerja perusahaan yang ie~ih k01.l.1prehensif, selain faktor keuangan saja, juga meliputi faktor non keuangan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengevaillasi pengukuran kinerja yang diiakukan dan penyusunan kerangka Balance Scorecard dalal.l1 penilaian kinelja oleh PT. Eracanta. Pen gembang an konsep Balanced Scorecard ini sesuai gagasan yang dikemukakan oleh RO~lt Kaplan dan David P. NOlton. Pen.11asaiahan yang dihadapi pada PT. Eracanta dalam penerapan adalah : tidak pernah dilakukan evaluasi pengukuran kinerja, sehingg:::. tidak diketahuinya kinelja yang teljadi se.teiU1..11Jlya. Meskipun perusahaan Ibelum 1.l1elakukan pengukuran kinelja sesuai dengan konsep Balanced Scorecard, akan tetapi terdapat datadata perusahaan yang dapat 1.l1e1.l.1)bantu penerapan Balanced Scorecard seibagai pengukuran kinelja alternatif. Tolok ukur, dan sasaran pengukuran kinelja dalam Balanced Scorecard yang terdapat pada perusahaan diidentifikasi oleh peneiiti, selta mencoiba menyusun Balanced Scorecard dari elemen-elemen yang ada pada perusahaan i'terdasarkan keel.l1pat perspektif daIm.11 Balanced Scorecard terseibut. Dari studi kasus ini ternyata peneliti dapat menyusun kerangka penerjemahan strategi perusahaan ke daia\'11 sasaran keempat perspektif terse.but yaitu : Financial Perspective, Customer Per::.pective, internal Business Process Perspective, dan Learning & Growth Perspective. Adanya kemungkinan penyusunan Balanced Scorecard pada PT. Eracanta Sura~aya diharapkan dapat diterapkan oleh perusahaan selanjutnya se1bagai pengukuran kinelja perusahaan yang didasarkan tujuan, 1.l.1isi, visi,strategi dan sasaran perusahaan


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    Balanced Scorecard diperlukan daim.l.l. penilaian kinerja perusahaan yang ie~ih k01.l.1prehensif, selain faktor keuangan saja, juga meliputi faktor non keuangan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengevaillasi pengukuran kinerja yang diiakukan dan penyusunan kerangka Balance Scorecard dalal.l1 penilaian kinelja oleh PT. Eracanta. Pen gembang an konsep Balanced Scorecard ini sesuai gagasan yang dikemukakan oleh RO~lt Kaplan dan David P. NOlton. Pen.11asaiahan yang dihadapi pada PT. Eracanta dalam penerapan adalah : tidak pernah dilakukan evaluasi pengukuran kinerja, sehingg:::. tidak diketahuinya kinelja yang teljadi se.teiU1..11Jlya. Meskipun perusahaan Ibelum 1.l1elakukan pengukuran kinelja sesuai dengan konsep Balanced Scorecard, akan tetapi terdapat datadata perusahaan yang dapat 1.l1e1.l.1)bantu penerapan Balanced Scorecard seibagai pengukuran kinelja alternatif. Tolok ukur, dan sasaran pengukuran kinelja dalam Balanced Scorecard yang terdapat pada perusahaan diidentifikasi oleh peneiiti, selta mencoiba menyusun Balanced Scorecard dari elemen-elemen yang ada pada perusahaan i'terdasarkan keel.l1pat perspektif daIm.11 Balanced Scorecard terseibut. Dari studi kasus ini ternyata peneliti dapat menyusun kerangka penerjemahan strategi perusahaan ke daia\'11 sasaran keempat perspektif terse.but yaitu : Financial Perspective, Customer Per::.pective, internal Business Process Perspective, dan Learning & Growth Perspective. Adanya kemungkinan penyusunan Balanced Scorecard pada PT. Eracanta Sura~aya diharapkan dapat diterapkan oleh perusahaan selanjutnya se1bagai pengukuran kinelja perusahaan yang didasarkan tujuan, 1.l.1isi, visi,strategi dan sasaran perusahaan

    Epidemiology of maxillofacial injuries during monsoon and non-monsoon season in India: a data-based retrospective study from a tertiary care dental teaching hospital [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background Maxillofacial Injury (MFI) is a major public health concern that is multifactorial in etiology-road traffic accidents (RTAs), falls and violence. RTAs are the major cause of maxillofacial injuries (MFIs) in countries like India. Recent studies have shown that maxillofacial fractures (MFF) constitute a significant proportion of facial injuries seen in hospitals (56.5%). The incidence of maxillofacial fractures can vary depending on several factors, including age, gender, and environmental factors. Of particular concern is the impact of seasonal variations, such as the monsoon season, which lead to high incidence of maxillofacial fractures due to hazardous conditions. Methods A retrospective review of medical records was done in a tertiary-care dental teaching hospital was done. Results Data of 200 subjects including 154 males (77%) and 46 females (23%) with a mean age of 35.38 ± 16.541 years; age range: 1 – 80 years was analyzed. A total of 200 MFI’s were recorded between 2021 and 2022. Soft tissue injuries were reported in 37.5% of the cases in non-monsoon season and 42.3% of the cases during the monsoon season. Dentoalveolar fractures were reported in 6.2% of the cases during the non-monsoon seasons and 7.7% during the monsoon season. In this study, mandible was the most fractured bone (n=104,52%) followed by zygomatic complex (n=50, 25%). The frequently observed pattern among mandibular fracture was condyle 8.3% during the non-monsoon season and 2.9% during the monsoon season). Conclusions The results of the study indicate that mandibular fractures are most commonly seen in maxillofacial fractures, followed by fractures of the zygomatic complex. The study also reveals a higher incidence of soft tissue injuries and dentoalveolar fractures during the monsoon season. Further research is warranted to explore the factors that contribute to the seasonal variation in maxillofacial fractures for effective interventions to reduce their occurrence

    A mixed-mode ginger and turmeric solar dryer: design, simulation, biochemical and performance analysis

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    Postharvest loss of vegetables and fruits is higher in developing countries due to the lack of post-processing equipment. Although the production of ginger and turmeric is high in Nepal, farmers practices open sun drying, which leads to poor quality, and the products do not get to the market at reasonable prices. In this study, a simple, easy to assemble and disassemble mixed-mode solar dryer has been designed, fabricated, and biochemical and performance analyses were done. The dryer was designed considering the solar irradiation, sunshine hours, latitude of the location, locally available materials, moisture content (MC) of the product, and drying capacity. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis was performed using ANSYS Fluent simulation software to predict the dryer’s temperature and air flow behavior. The experiment was carried out in November in the harvesting season of ginger. The dryer performance is compared with the open sun drying using ginger and turmeric. The biochemical properties such as Oleoresin and Essential oil were determined using Soxhlet and Steam distillation methods and compared with the product of open sun drying. The experiment results showed that ginger and turmeric took only about 14 sunshine hours to reach from 88% to 10-12% moisture content. The maximum collector and drying efficiency were recorded at about 45.32% and 31.364%, respectively. The temperature distribution inside the dryer obtained from the experiment correlated with the results obtained from the CFD analysis. The retention of essential oil was found more in product drying with dryer than open sun drying. Among the various drying models, Wang and Singh model was found suitable for describing the drying model. It is concluded that the designed dryer is suitable for ginger and turmeric drying into a safe moisture level, ensuring product quality. BIBECHANA 19 (2021) 40-6

    A mixed-mode ginger and turmeric solar dryer: design, simulation, biochemical and performance analysis

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    Postharvest loss of vegetables and fruits is higher in developing countries due to the lack of post-processing equipment. Although the production of ginger and turmeric is high in Nepal, farmers practices open sun drying, which leads to poor quality, and the products do not get to the market at reasonable prices. In this study, a simple, easy to assemble and disassemble mixed-mode solar dryer has been designed, fabricated, and biochemical and performance analyses were done. The dryer was designed considering the solar irradiation, sunshine hours, latitude of the location, locally available materials, moisture content (MC) of the product, and drying capacity. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis was performed using ANSYS Fluent simulation software to predict the dryer’s temperature and air flow behavior. The experiment was carried out in November in the harvesting season of ginger. The dryer performance is compared with the open sun drying using ginger and turmeric. The biochemical properties such as Oleoresin and Essential oil were determined using Soxhlet and Steam distillation methods and compared with the product of open sun drying. The experiment results showed that ginger and turmeric took only about 14 sunshine hours to reach from 88% to 10-12% moisture content. The maximum collector and drying efficiency were recorded at about 45.32% and 31.364%, respectively. The temperature distribution inside the dryer obtained from the experiment correlated with the results obtained from the CFD analysis. The retention of essential oil was found more in product drying with dryer than open sun drying. Among the various drying models, Wang and Singh model was found suitable for describing the drying model. It is concluded that the designed dryer is suitable for ginger and turmeric drying into a safe moisture level, ensuring product quality. BIBECHANA 19 (2021) 40-6


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    Penelitian ini bertolak dari fenomena kebutuhan siswa sekolah dasar agar dapat diterima dalam lingkungan dan kelompok teman sebaya, sesuai dengan tuntutan tugas perkembangannya. Tujuan akhir penelitian ini adalah tersusunnya program hipotetik bimbingan pribadi-sosial untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menjalin relasi pertemanan siswa sekolah dasar. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian kemampuan menjalin relasi pertemanan sekolah dasar secara umum berada pada tingkatan tinggi. Secara khusus pencapaian aspek inisiatif mencapai 70%, pencapaian aspek menyangkal pernyataan negatif mencapai 77,24%,pencapaian aspek pengungkapan diri mencapai 76,2%, pencapaian aspek dukungan emosional mencapai 76,08%, dan pencapaian aspek manajemen konflik mencapai 69,75%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kemampuan menjalin relasi pertemanan siswa sekolah dasar berada pada kategori tinggi. Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat bagi sekolah dalam membuat kebijakan yang dapat menciptakan budaya sekolah yang memfasilitasi kemampuan menjalin relasi pertemanan, bagi Guru Kelas dapat merancang program untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menjalin relasi pertemanan siswa sekolah dasar, bagi orang tua siswa, mengetahui tingkatan kemampuan menjalin relasi pertemanan anaknya dengan realistis. Selain itu, bagi peneliti selanjutnya perlu mengaplikasikan program untuk mengetahui keefektifannya, menganalisis kebutuhan berdasarkan faktor demografis, sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan kurikulum khusus dari sekolah, dengan menggunakan metode, strategi, serta pendekatan penelitian yang beragam