7 research outputs found

    Association Between Out of Pocket Patient's Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention at Wisma Jaya's Community Health Centre, Municipality of Bekasi, 2007

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    Number of out of pocket patient tends to decrease during 2005 - 2006. Patient satisfaction affects to patient’s repurchase intention of health services. This research aim is to identify the association between out of pocket patient’s satisfaction and their intention to repeated visit to Puskesmas Wisma Jaya Bekasi in 2007. Research design used cross sectional approach. Data were collected from 219 respondents. Statistical multiple logistic regression analysis was used to analysis the data. The result shows proportion of respondent who wanted to re-utilize Puskesmas Wisma Jaya is 93.2 %. This study found out of pocket patient who satisfied will have 7.5 times to repeated visit Puskesmas Wisma Jaya than out of pocket patient who don’t satisfied after education, age and expenses are controlled. Health District Office of Bekasi City should use service coverage and patient satisfaction as indicators to asses the efficacy performance of Puskesmas

    The Implementation of Measles Immunization in Teluk Batang Community Health Center, Kayong Utara, West Kalimantan

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    Background: Measles incidence is increasing each year worldwide to reach 11,000 cases. In April 2017, there were 9 cases of measles in the Paduan river village, West Kali­­mantan. The cases increase to 33 cases with 10 positive measles and 2 serum damaged. This study aimed to investigate the implementation of measles immuniza­tion in Teluk Batang community health center, Kayong Utara, West Kali­man­tan. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study using the Rapid Assessment Pro­ce­dure (RAP). This study was conducted at the Community Health Center (Puskes­mas) Teluk Batang in North Kayong, West Kalimantan, on June 2019. Five infor­mants were selected in this study. Head of Puskesmas and main staff of immunization pro­gram in the health office were the key informants in this study, based on triangu­la­tion source. The data were collected using in-depth interview and analyzed The data were collected using in-depth interview and analyzed using Interactive Model Analysis. . Results: The implementation of measles immunization in Puskesmas Teluk Batang showed that: (1) Structure: human resources (HRs) were lack of quality (never attended training for immunization), facility and infrastructure for immunization activities were incomplete, funding was adequate, policies and SOP had been implemented sub­optimal; (2) Process: the measles immunization activity plan and organization had been carried out well, the implementation of the SOP was not carried out to the maximum, monitoring had not been carried out in accordance with the guideline and the final stage i.e. evaluation had been routinely carried out every three months; and (3) Outcome had reached the target, however it was not in accordance with the field condition because the recording and reporting were not optimal. Conclusion: The structure aspects of Puskesmas Teluk Batang including HRs, facility, fund, and infrastructure are good. The policy and SOP still need to be in accordance with Ministry of Health Regulation Number 12, 2017. In the process aspects, planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluation are not optimal enough. The outcome shows an improved performance is needed between the Puskesmas and the Health Office. Keywords: measles, immunization, program analysis, community health cente

    Assessment of the Documentation Information System for Primary Health Care Accreditation Using Six Sigma Method in Bekasi, West Java

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    Background: Accreditation is a method used to improve and measure the quality of health service. Documentation information system is a basic accreditation assessment in primary health care. However, it has some barriers to implement, which reduced its quality. Six sigma is a management tool that may be used to improve the quality of documentation information system. This study aimed to assess the documentation information system for primary health care accreditation using six sigma method. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted at Bekasi District Health Office, Bekasi, West Java, from July to August 2019. A sample of 7 informants was selected for this study by purposive sampling, including 1 manager of the quality of health service and accreditation, 3 accreditation companions, 3 representatives from accreditation working group. The data were obtained from in-depth interview and document review. The data were analyzed using six sigma method with 5 stages namely DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control), Results: The six sigma included: (1) Define- clarified objective and test the benefit of each process, determine the resources needed, and the impact they cause; (2) Measure- measuring the performance by explaining it through process metric; (3) Analyze- analyze the main causes in the process by using cause and effect diagram; (4) Improve- proposed improvement to overcome the problem. This study was carried out only at the improve stage. Man, Money, Method, and Material were associated with the quality of documentation information system in primary health. Conclusion: The method of documentation is significant factor that associated with the quality of documentation information system. Keywords: six sigma, documentation, information system, accreditation, primary health car

    Supervisi Kepala Ruangan Berdasarkan Kelengkapan Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan

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    Nursing care documentation holds the accountability aspect of professional nursing practice. This quantitative-descriptive research attempted to recognize the relationship between head of nurse's communication and supervision with the completeness of nursing care documentation by staff nurse at Hospital X, Cianjur. The data was collected by using questionnaire and visitation list from 106 staff nurse that represented total population. The data was analyzed with the logistic regression of risk factor model. Univariate analysis result showed that staff nurse averagely had less positive perception toward the head of nurse's communication and supervision. It was also revealed the nursing care documentation which was lack of comprehensiveness with cut of point 80%. The result of bivariate analysis indicated the significance correlation of head of nurse's communication and supervision with the completion of nursing care documentation by staff nurse (p< 0,05). It was ultimately found that the completeness of nursing care documentation was mostly influenced by the head of nurse's supervision. Thus, it is recommended to strengthen the supervision process and ability of the head of nurse to enhance the nursing care documentation quality by both formal and non-formal continuing education

    Peningkatan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Melalui Kebijakan Dan Motivasi

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    Regulation, supervision system, and motivation are several factors which affected nurse\u27s satisfaction. This study used cross sectional design to identify the relationship between regulation, supervision system, and motivation with the work satisfaction of the associate nurse at one of the hospitals in East Java. The sample taken was the total population of was 146 nurses. Based on univariate analysis, it was known that most of the nurses had positive perception toward the regulation, supervision system, and motivation; more over they were also satisfied with their work. The regression logistic result showed that motivation was the most related variable with the work satisfaction of the nurses (OR 11.688; p= 0.000). This condition showed that the nurse who got motivation to work would gain 12 times of satisfaction level compared with the nurse who was not motivated by the nurse manager. Meanwhile, regulation was the second highlyrelated variable with the work satisfaction (OR 2.436; p= 0.017). The researcher concluded that motivation and regulation were the variables which could explain the work satisfaction. Based on this research, it was recommended to conduct the evaluation toward the current regulation periodically and socialize for the new regulation

    Perawatan Diri Klien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dengan Neuropati Perifer

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    Buku ini menguraikan tentang konsep dasar DM, Neuropati Perifer Diabetes (NPD), perilaku perawatan diri diabetes secara holistic, serta upaya peningkatan perilaku perawatan diri diabetes. Buku ini menambahkan uraian tentang perilaku perawatan diri dengan pendekatan mindfulness (pemusatan kesadaran). Pembahasan perilaku perawatan diri mencakup perilaku diet, latihan fisik, pengobatan, pemeriksaan gula darah mandiri, perawatan kaki, adaptasi psikososial dan koping spiritual