35 research outputs found

    Feminist Shadow Networks: 'Thinking, Talking, and Making' as Praxes of Relationality and Care

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    In the face of the constraints and pressures of the neoliberal university, this article argues for the importance of feminist shadow networks as a response to the unequal academic grounds on which scholars and students are asked to situate themselves. Calling for such networks as a model of relationality, we suggest that critical friendship and careful support are necessary for addressing the exacerbated correlating class-, race-, and gender-based inequities that continue to haunt us. We outline three praxes of “think, talk, and make” that we, the Feminist Think Tank, a research-creation collective that advances work on feminist media, art, and design, rely on in our feminist shadow work. In the section on THINKING, we offer the guiding orientations to our work that are grounded in epistemologies of un-learning, feminist relationality, and critical friendship. Next, in TALKING, we discuss our approaches to collaboration, analysis, and community, which are nested within epistemologies of careful support and trust. Last, in MAKING, we outline recent projects that Feminist Think Tank has undertaken, offering examples of how we create our own digital feminist interventions from the space of the feminist shadow network. Overall, this work contributes to more careful and critical approaches to research, data, technological affordances, and feminist histories via our feminist shadow networks, offering alternative stories and ways of being in the academy. Face aux contraintes et aux pressions de l'université néolibérale, cet article défend l'importance des réseaux fantômes féministes comme réponse aux inégalités académiques sur lesquelles les chercheurs et les étudiants sont invités à se situer. En appelant à de tels réseaux comme modèle de relationnalité, nous suggérons qu'une amitié critique et un soutien attentif sont nécessaires pour aborder les inégalités exacerbées et corrélées basées sur la classe, la race et le genre qui continuent à nous hanter. Nous décrivons trois pratiques de "penser, parler et faire" sur lesquelles nous, The Feminist Think Tank, un collectif de recherche-création qui fait avancer le travail sur les médias, l'art et le design féministes, nous appuyons dans notre travail de l'ombre féministe. Dans la section PENSER, nous présentons les orientations qui guident notre travail et qui sont fondées sur les épistémologies du désapprentissage, de la relationnalité féministe et de l'amitié critique. Ensuite, dans la section PARLER, nous discutons de nos approches de la collaboration, de l'analyse et de la communauté, qui s'inscrivent dans des épistémologies de soutien attentif et de confiance. Enfin, dans MAKING, nous décrivons les projets récents entrepris par The Feminist Think Tank, en offrant des exemples de la manière dont nous créons nos propres interventions féministes numériques à partir de l'espace du réseau fantôme féministe. Dans l'ensemble, ce travail contribue à des approches plus prudentes et critiques de la recherche, des données, des possibilités technologiques et des histoires féministes par le biais de nos réseaux fantômes féministes, offrant des histoires et des manières alternatives d'être dans le monde académique

    A Video Introduction to the IPinCH Project

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    Who defines and owns cultural heritage? Is it the people who create it? What if heritage is being used in ways that are considered inappropriate, or even harmful? Who owns Native culture? These questions are at the heart of the IPinCH project and are explored in the new IPinCH introductory video, created by Aynur Kadir (IPinCH RA, PhD student in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology, SFU Surrey) and Alexa Walker (IPinCH Research Assistant).   The video is the result of the efforts and enthusiasm of many different IPinCH team members. Interviews were conducted with George Nicholas (IPinCH Director), John Welch (IPinCH Steering Committee Member), Kate Hennessy (IPinCH Associate), Sarah Carr-Locke (IPinCH Fellow), and Robin Gray (IPinCH Fellow and Student Representative). The song that opens and closes the video is titled The Journey, and was gifted to IPinCH by Mique’l Dangeli (IPinCH Fellow), and her husband Mike, who co-direct the Vancouver-based Git Hayetsk mask-dancing group. Finally, George Nicholas, Brian Egan, Kate Hennessy, and Kristen Dobbin provided invaluable guidance and feedback on the video at its various stages.   &nbsp

    Genişlemiş Spektrumlu Beta Laktamaz Üreten Escherichia coli'nin Neden Olduğu Üriner Sistem İnfeksiyonlarında Aynı Etkenin Dışkıda Taşıyıcılığının Saptanması: Araştırma Makalesi

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    Introduction-Objective: We aimed to determinate the risk factors, contribution of fecal carriage to the infection and precautions to be taken in the prevention of infection in (+) E. coli-induced UTIs in urinary tract infections (UTI) caused by ESBL (+) E. coli Method: This study was designed as a single-center, prospective and cross-sectional. 64 patients between the ages of 18-79 who were hospitalized and ESBL(+) E.coli isolated in their urine culture were included. Stool samples taken from the patients (0,3,5 and 7 days) were inoculated on EMB agar containing cefotaxime and ceftazidime and IMVIC was used to identify colonies. Strains determined as E. coli according to their reproductive characteristics were included in the study. Phenotypic confirmation tests for the detection of ESBL(+) strains. Genotyping was performed using the ERIC PCR method. Descriptive statistics were expressed as numbers and percentages. Chi-square and trend chi-square tests were used for analytical comparisons. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Of the 64 patients 40 (62.5%) were female and the mean age was 56.5 ± 17.5 (18-79). 47 (69%) were diagnosed with CA- UTI, and 17 (31%) with HA-UTI. Having more than three episodes per year and presence of a foreign device were found to be a risk factor for CA- ESBL (+) E. coli-induced UTI (p:0.035and 0.006). It was found that faecal colonization of ESBL (+) E. coli persisted in 15 (23%) of 64 patients after UTI treatment, and, of them 20% (n: 3) was in the same phylogenetic class with the ERIC PCR method. Faecal colonization was found to be significantly higher in patients with invasive intervention in the previous year (p:0.037). Conclusion: Unnecessary antibiotic use should be avoided due to resistant infections and increased colonization. The importance of fecal colonization in infections with ESBL-producing bacteria (especially UTI) has been demonstrated in studies. More prospective studies are needed to understand the epidemiology of ESBL enzyme types.Giriş-Amaç: GSBL (+) E. coli’nin neden olduğu ÜSİ’de aynı etkenin dışkı kolonizasyonunun ve hem idrar hem de dışkı izolatlarından elde edilen fenotipik olarak benzer etkenlerin moleküler olarak birbirleriyle benzerliklerinin araştırılması ve GSBL (+) E. coli kaynaklı ÜSİ’ lerde risk faktörleri, fekal taşıyıcılığın infeksiyona katkısı ve infeksiyonun önlenmesinde alınması gereken önlemlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Tek merkezli, ileriye dönük, kesitsel çalışmada idrar kültüründe GSBL üreten E.coli izole edilen, 18-79 yaş aralığında 64 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastalardan alınan dışkı örnekleri sefotaksim ve seftazidim içeren içeren EMB agara ekildi ve Enterobacteriaceae ailesine ait kolonilerin identifikasyonunda IMVIC testi kullanıldı. Üreme özelliklerine göre E. coli olarak belirlenen suşlar çalışmaya alındı. GSBL taşıyan kökenlerin tespiti için fenotipik doğrulama testleri ve DNA izolasyonu için ERIC PCR yöntemi kullanıldı.Tanımlayıcı istatistikler sayı ve yüzde olarak ifade edildi. Analitik karşılaştırmalar için ki-kare ve trend ki –kare testleri kullanıldı. p<0.05 değeri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: 64 hastanın 40’ı (%62.5) kadın ve yaş ortalaması 56.5 ± 17.5 (18-79) idi. Hastaların 47 (%69)’ si TK 17 (%31)’ si ise HK-ÜSİ tanısı almıştı.Yılda üçten fazla ÜSİ atağı geçirmek ve yabancı cisim bulunması TK- GSBL (+) E. coli’ ye bağlı ÜSİ için risk faktörü olarak bulunmuştur (p:0.035 ve 0.006). 64 hastanın 15 (%23)’inde ÜSİ tedavisi sonrası GSBL (+) E. coli’nin fekal kolonizasyonunun persiste ettiği ve bunların üç (%20)’ ünün dışkı ve idrar izolatlarının aynı filogenetik sınıfta olduğu bulunmuştur. Son bir yılda invazif girişim varlığı olanlarda fekal kolonizasyon anlamlı olarak yüksek saptanmıştır (p:0.037). Sonuç: Dirençli infeksiyonlar ve kolonizasyon artışı nedeni ile gereksiz antibiyotik kullanımı önlenmelidir. GSBL üreten bakterilerle meydana gelen infeksiyonlarda fekal kolonizasyonun önemi ve GSBL enzim tiplerinin epidemiyolojisinin anlaşılabilmesi için ileriye dönük daha büyük çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır