28 research outputs found

    Measurement and modeling of fluid-fluid miscibility in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems

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    Carbon dioxide injection has currently become a major gas injection process for improved oil recovery. Laboratory evaluations of gas-oil miscibility conditions play an important role in process design and economic success of field miscible gas injection projects. Hence, this study involves the measurement and modeling of fluid-fluid miscibility in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems. A promising new vanishing interfacial tension (VIT) experimental technique has been further explored to determine fluid-fluid miscibility. Interfacial tension measurements have been carried out in three different fluid systems of known phase behavior characteristics using pendent drop shape analysis and capillary rise techniques. The quantities of fluids in the feed mixture have been varied during the experiments to investigate the compositional dependence of fluid-fluid miscibility. The miscibility conditions determined from the VIT technique agreed well with the reported miscibilities for all the three standard fluid systems used. This confirmed the sound conceptual basis of VIT technique for accurate, quick and cost-effective determination of fluid-fluid miscibility. As the fluid phases approached equilibrium, interfacial tension was unaffected by gas-oil ratio in the feed, indicating the compositional path independence of miscibility. Interfacial tension was found to correlate well with solubility in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems. The experiments as well as the use of existing computational models (equations of state and Parachor) indicated the importance of counter-directional mass transfer effects (combined vaporizing and condensing mass transfer mechanims) in fluid-fluid miscibility determination. A new mechanistic Parachor model has been developed to model dynamic gas-oil miscibility and to determine the governing mass transfer mechanism responsible for miscibility development in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems. The proposed model has been validated to predict dynamic gas-oil miscibility in several crude oil-gas systems. This study has related various types of developed miscibility in gas injection field projects with gas-oil interfacial tension and identified the multitude of roles played by interfacial tension in fluid-fluid phase equilibria. Thus, the significant contributions of this study are further validation of a new measurement technique and development of a new computational model for gas-oil interfacial tension and miscibility determination, both of which will have an impact in the optimization of field miscible gas injection projects

    Surfactant-induced relative permeability modifications for oil recovery enhancement

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    Surfactants have been considered for enhanced oil recovery by reduced oil-water interfacial tension. However, these surfactants may enhance oil recovery via wettability alteration as well. This study experimentally determines the influence of surfactant type and concentration on oil recovery, oil-water relative permeabilities and wettability in reservoir rocks. Several coreflood experiments were conducted using Yates reservoir fluids in Berea rocks and two types of surfactants (nonionic and anionic) in varying concentrations. A coreflood simulator was used to calculate oil-water relative permeabilities by history matching recovery and pressure drop measured during the corefloods. These relative permeability variations were interpreted using Craig\u27s rules-of-thumb to characterize wettability alterations induced by the surfactants. The two main mechanisms behind the use of surfactants to enhance oil recovery are (1) reduction in interfacial tension and (2) alteration of wettability. To discern the relative contributions from these two mechanisms on enhanced oil recovery, two series of coreflood experiments have been conducted using a nonionic surfactant in varying concentrations. The first series used decane as the oil phase to quantify the effect of reduction in interfacial tension on oil recovery, while considering wettability effects in the decane-brine-Berea system to be negligible. The second series used Yates crude oil in place of decane to quantify the effects of reduction in interfacial tension as well as wettability alteration on enhanced oil recovery. The same two sets of experiments are then repeated with the anionic surfactant. The comparison of results of these four sets of experiments showed significantly higher oil recoveries for second series of experiments, indicating that the surfactants have altered wettability. The optimum surfactant concentration was found to be 3500 ppm. In three of the four cases studied, oil/water emulsions caused high pressure drops during the flooding experiments, strongly affecting the relative permeability curves. Craig\u27s rules-of-thumb may not be applicable in systems containing emulsions. This study suggests that the development of a mixed-wettability state yields significantly higher oil recoveries observed in Yates crude oil systems. The significant contributions of this study are the quantification of the wettability altering capability of surfactants and the consequent enhancement of oil recovery

    Response of crude oil deposited organic layers to brines of different salinity:An atomic force microscopy study on carbonate surfaces

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    The various microscopic processes that take place during enhanced oil-recovery upon injecting low salinity brines are quite complex, particularly for carbonate reservoirs. In this study, we characterize the in-situ microscopic responses of the organic layers deposited on flat Iceland spar calcite surface to brines of different salinity using Atomic force Microscopy (AFM). Organic layers were deposited from crude oil at the end of a two-step aging procedure. AFM topography images reveal that the organic layers remain stable in high-salinity brines and desorb upon exposure to low-salinity brines. In addition, the organic layers swell in low-salinity brines, and the stiffness of the organic layers is found to directly proportional to the brine salinity. These observations are explained in terms of ā€˜salting-outā€™ effects, where the affinity of organic layers to solvent molecules increases upon reducing the brine salinity. The swelling and desorption of organic materials provide access for the brine to mineral surface causing dissolution and change in wetting properties of the surface. Our results show the significance of de-stabilizing the organic layer on rock surfaces in order to design any successful improved oil recovery (IOR) strategy

    Microscopic Characterization of Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation at Variable Salinity for Improved Oil Recovery in Carbonate Reservoirs

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    Aging of carbonate mineral surfaces in brines of variable salinity and crude oil leads to massive transformations of surface topography and chemical composition including the formation of mixed organic-inorganic interfacial layers. The response of these interfacial layers to variations in brine composition is responsible for local (chemical) wettability alteration and therefore becomes the main microscopic driver for improved oil recovery in low-salinity water flooding or SmartWater flooding. In this study, a new method was developed to directly visualize local nanoscale dissolution and (re)precipitation around the three-phase contact line on model calcite surfaces in the presence of crude oil and ambient brine upon aging. The sessile microscopic oil drops on calcite surfaces were exposed to brines of variable composition at room temperature (22 Ā°C) and at elevated temperatures (95 Ā°C) for up to 2 weeks. Brines ranged from hypersaline formation water to diluted high-salinity water, in part enriched with Mg2+ or SO42- ions. In situ optical and ex situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging of the calcite surfaces was performed prior to and after aging, complemented by confocal Raman imaging. Optical images show that crude oil drops remained attached to the mineral surfaces throughout all aging procedures studied and displayed only occasional minor relaxations of their shape at elevated temperatures. Ex situ AFM images after calcite cleaning and drying displayed strong marks of the original droplet positions that appeared either as holes or as protruding mesas with respect to the surrounding surface level, with height differences up to several hundred nanometers. The sessile oil drops are thus found to protect the underlying calcite surface from both precipitation and dissolution, in overall agreement with the macroscopic calcite saturation of the brines. The qualitative trends are consistent for all conditions investigated, notwithstanding a higher degree of variability at elevated temperatures and upon preaging in oil-equilibrated formation water. In contrast to the calcite-brine interface that undergoes these massive transformations, the oil-calcite interface remains overall remarkably inert. Only at 95 Ā°C does the occasional appearance of roundish rims accompanied by hillocks suggest the growth of water drops during aging, possibly via exchange across thin aqueous layers.</p

    Absence of anomalous underscreening in highly concentrated aqueous electrolytes confined between smooth silica surfaces

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    Recent surface forces apparatus experiments that measured the forces between two mica surfaces and a series of subsequent theoretical studies suggest the occurrence of universal underscreening in highly concentrated electrolyte solutions. We performed a set of systematic Atomic Force Spectroscopy measurements for aqueous salt solutions in a concentration range from 1 mM to 5 M using chloride salts of various alkali metals as well as mixed concentrated salt solutions (involving both mono- and divalent cations and anions), that mimic concentrated brines typically encountered in geological formations. Experiments were carried out using flat substrates and submicrometer-sized colloidal probes made of smooth oxidized silicon immersed in salt solutions at pH values of 6 and 9 and temperatures of 25 Ā°C and 45 Ā°C. While strong repulsive forces were observed for the smallest tip-sample separations, none of the conditions explored displayed any indication of anomalous long range electrostatic forces as reported for mica surfaces. Instead, forces are universally dominated by attractive van der Waals interactions at tip-sample separations of ā‰ˆ2 nm and beyond for salt concentrations of 1 M and higher. Complementary calculations based on classical density functional theory for the primitive model support these experimental observations and display a consistent decrease in screening length with increasing ion concentration


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    ABSTRACT Laboratory measurement as well as modeling of gas-oil miscibility conditions are essential for success of any gas injection improved oil recovery process in the field. The conventional slim-tube technique currently used by industry for gas-oil miscibility evaluation is time consuming (4-5 weeks) and is not cost-effective. However, recently a new experimental technique of vanishing interfacial tension (VIT) has been reported, relating miscibility with interfacial tension. This technique is based on the concept that, at miscibility, the value of interfacial tension between the two phases is zero. This new technique, being rapid, enables cost-effective determination of gas-oil miscibility. In this paper, we discuss the experimental measurements of gas-oil miscibility conditions determined using the VIT technique for a simple standard gas-oil system as well as for a complex real crude oil-solvent system. The gas-oil interfacial tension measurements reported in this study were made using the pendent drop shape analysis and capillary rise techniques. The paper also provides experimental validation for VIT technique by comparing the results of gas-oil miscibility with the other conventional techniques. The gas-oil miscibilties measured were effectively modeled in both the systems studied, using the mechanistic modification of Parachor model for mass transfer effects. This study thus demonstrates the usefulness of a new technique, with supporting experimental data and modeling results, for optimization of miscibility conditions in gas injection improved oil recovery field projects

    A new mechanistic Parachor model to predict dynamic interfacial tension and miscibility in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems

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    Widely used traditional Parachor model fails to provide reliable interfacial tension predictions in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems due to the inability of this model to account for mass transfer effects between the fluid phases. In this paper, we therefore proposed a new mass transfer enhanced mechanistic Parachor model to predict interfacial tension and to identify the governing mass transfer mechanism responsible for attaining the thermodynamic fluid phase equilibria in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems. The proposed model has been evaluated against experimental data for two gas-oil systems of Rainbow Keg River and Terra Nova reservoirs. The results from the proposed model indicated good IFT predictions and that the vaporization of light hydrocarbon components from crude oil to gas phase is the governing mass transfer mechanism for the attainment of fluid phase equilibria in both the gas-oil systems used. A multiple linear regression model has also been developed for a priori prediction of exponent in the mechanistic model by using only the reservoir fluid compositions, without the need for experimental measurements. The dynamic nature of interfacial tensions observed in the experiments justifies the use of diffusivities in the mechanistic model, thus enabling the proposed model predictions to determine dynamic gas-oil miscibility conditions in multicomponent hydrocarbon systems