45 research outputs found

    Multiparametric MRI of rectal cancer—repeatability of quantitative data: a feasibility study

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    PURPOSEIn this study, we aimed to analyze the repeatability of quantitative multiparametric rectal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameters with different measurement techniques.METHODSAll examinations were performed with 3 T MRI system. In addition to routine sequences for rectal cancer imaging protocol, small field-of-view diffusion-weighted imaging and perfusion sequences were acquired in each patient. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) was used for diffusion analysis and ktrans was used for perfusion analysis. Three different methods were used in measurement of these parameters; measurements were performed twice by one radiologist for intraobserver and separately by three radiologists for interobserver variability analysis. ADC was measured by the lowest value, the value at maximum wall thickness, and freehand techniques. Ktrans was measured at the slice with maximum wall thickness, by freehand drawn region of interest (ROI), and at the dark red spot with maximum value.RESULTSA total of 30 patients with biopsy-proven rectal adenocarcinoma were included in the study. The mean values of the parameters measured by the first radiologist on the first and second measurements were as follows: mean lowest ADC, 721.31±147.18 mm2/s and 718.96±135.71 mm2/s; mean ADC value on the slice with maximum wall thickness, 829.90±144.24 mm2/s and 829.48±149.23 mm2/s; mean ADC value measured by freehand ROI on the slice with maximum wall thickness, 846.56±136.31 mm2/s and 848.23±144.15 mm2/s; mean ktrans value on the slice with maximum wall thickness, 0.219±0.080 and 0.214±0.074; mean ktrans by freehand ROI technique (including as much tumoral tissue as possible), 0.208±0.074 and 0.207±0.069; mean ktrans measured from the dark red foci, 0.308±0.109 and 0.311±0.105. Intraobserver agreement was very good among diffusion and perfusion parameters obtained with all three measurement techniques. Interobserver agreement was very good, except for one of the measurement techniques. As far as interobserver variability is considered, only ADC value measured on the slice with maximum wall thickness differed significantly.ConclusionMultiparametric MRI of rectum, using ADC as the diffusion and ktrans as the perfusion parameter is a repeatable technique. This technique may potentially be used in prediction and evaluation of neoadjuvant treatment response. New studies with larger patient groups are needed to validate the role of multiparametric MRI

    Türk tarihinin kaynakları olarak İskandinav sagaları

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    Viking akıncıları, 9.-11. yüzyıllardaki Viking Çağı'nda Hazar, Bizans, Levant ve İspanya'ya inmişlerdir. Denizcilikte ileri durumda olmaları nedeniyle ve Avrupa nehirlerine uygun tekneleri vasıtasıyla Avrupa'nın içlerine kadar ulaşabilmişlerdir. Bu faaliyetleri sırasında hem akıncı/yağmacı, hem de tüccar kimlikleriyle hareket etmişlerdir. Bu bağlamda İskandinavya'da ele geçen İslam sikkeleri önemli buluntulardır. Rusya'yı kuranların da İskandinavlar olduğu, ortaçağ Rus metinlerinde ifade edilmektedir. Bu hareketli çağın diğer rotaları İngiltere, İzlanda, Grönland ve tartışmalı olmakla birlikte Kuzey Amerika'nın bugünkü Kanada kıyılarıdır. Çoğu 13. yüzyılın ilk yarısında ve neredeyse hepsi İzlanda'da yazıya geçirilen sagalar, konularını genelde -Çağdaşların sagaları dışında- Viking Çağı İskandinavyasından almakla birlikte, köklü bir sözlü gelenekten geldiği için diğer birçok unsurla katışık haldedir. Bunlar mitolojik ve efsanevi hikayelerdir. Çalışmamızda odaklanılan efsanevi ve efsanevi/tarihi unsurlar Türklükle ilgili olanlarıdır. Buna göre Odin, Don nehrinin doğusuna düşen, Turkland denilen anavatandaki Troya şehrinden kalkıp İskandinavya'ya kadar gelmiştir. Turkland dünyanın ortası olarak anılır ve Asya'da yer alır. Metinlerde, buradan yola çıkıp İskandinavya'ya gelenlerin aynı zamanda dillerini de beraberlerinde getirdikleri söylenir. Bunun yanında Odin'in oğlu Yngvi, Türklerin kralı olarak anılır. Geleneksel İskandinav alfabesi olan run harflerinin, bilinen en eski Türk alfabesiyle olan benzerliği de dikkat çekicidir. Alfabe benzerliği, üzerinde durulmaya değer görünmektedir. Zira Odin, efsanevi Turkland'dan başlatılan göçün önderi olmasının yanında yazının da Tanrısıdır


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    Yenilenebilir enerji kaynağı olarak kabul edilen hidroelektrik santral yatırımları Türkiye’de son yıllarda hız kazanmıştır. Yapılan santrallerin inşası ve işletmesi sırasında doğalve sosyal çevreye pek çok etkisi bulunmaktadır. Yasal prosedürler çerçevesinde, bölgeninkültürel ve çevresel yapısına uygun olarak kurulan santrallerin, bölgenin turizmi ile enerji ihtiyacına birlikte katkı sunması mümkündür. Enerji ihtiyacını karşılama girişimlerininçevrenin sürdürülebilirliğinin önüne geçmemesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı hidroelektrik santrallerin (HES) turizme etkilerini belirlemek ve çözüm önerileri getirmektir.HES’lerin turizme etkileri, nitel araştırma yaklaşımı, durum çalışması ile araştırılmıştır.Veriler 2019 Ocak ayında Uzungöl Solaklı Vadisinde görüşme tekniği ile toplanmış veverilerin analizinde betimsel analiz kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın en önemli sonuçları içindeözellikle aynı nehir üzerinde ardışık HES’lerin çevreye ve turizme zarar verdiği görüşününöne çıkmasıdır. Katılımcılar Uzungöl turizminin HES’lerden zarar görmemesi için dünyadaki iyi HES uygulamalarının (çevreye duyarlı) örnek alınmasını vurgulamışlardır. HESsayısının sınırlı tutulması, kuruluşu ve işletilmesi sırasında habitata zarar vermemesi içintüm önlemlerin alınması ve denetlenmesi önerilebilir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarının turizmin veenerji kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğine katkıda bulunacağı düşünülmektedir

    The United States and European Union's Approach to the 2019 Hong Kong protests

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    21. yüzyıl, küresel siyasette birçok bölgede protestolar ve toplumsal hareketlere tanık olmaktadır. Bu olaylar, ekonomik sorunlardan özgürlük mücadelesine kadar geniş bir yelpazede ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bu çerçevede özellikle dikkat çeken Hong Kong, tarihsel geçmişiyle ekonomik ve siyasi olarak Çin için önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Son yıllarda sıklıkla gündeme gelen Hong Kong protestoları Çin ile gerginliğin giderek artmasına neden olmuştur. Çin için hassas konular arasında yer alan Hong Kong, birçok aktörün dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu çerçevede, Hong Kong’daki protestolara küresel güçlerin yaklaşımları Çin açısından önemli olmaktadır. Çalışmada ele alınan iki aktör olan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Avrupa Birliği, Çin’in ekonomik ve siyasi hayatında ilk sıralarda olması nedeniyle önemlidir. Çalışmada öncelikle Hong Kong protestolarının genel bir değerlendirilmesi yapılmış, sonraki bölümlerde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Avrupa Birliği’nin protestolara yaklaşımları kronolojik olarak ortaya konulmuştur. İki aktörün yaklaşımı liderler, kurum ve organ temsilcilerinin söylemleri temelinde gösterilmiştir. Böylece, Hong Kong protestolarıyla ilgili olarak iki önemli aktörün yaklaşımlarındaki benzerlikler ve farklılıklar temelinde bazı çıkarımlar yapmak mümkün olacaktır. Çalışmada, protestolar karşısında ABD’nin AB’den daha sert söylemlerinin olduğu, Trump yönetiminin sorunun doğrudan taraflarından biri haline geldiği görülmüştürThe 21st century has witnessed protests and social movements in many regions in global politics. These events can occur in a wide range from economic problems to the struggle for freedom. In this context, Hong Kong has an important place for China in economic and political terms with its historical background. The Hong Kong protests, which have frequently been on the agenda in recent years, have led to increasing tension with China. Hong Kong, a sensitive issue for China, has attracted the attention of many actors. In this framework, the approach of global powers to protests in Hong Kong is important for China. The two actors in the study, the United States and the European Union, are important due to their high-ranking positions given their economic and political relations with China. In this study, firstly, a general evaluation of Hong Kong protests has been made, and in the following sections, the approaches of the United States and European Union to the protests have been presented chronologically. The approach of the two actors is shown based on the discourses of the managers of the institutions and the representatives of the state. Thus, it will be possible to draw some conclusions based on similarities and differences in the approaches of the two major actors regarding the Hong Kong protests. In the study, it was seen that the USA had harsher rhetoric than the EU in the face of the protests, and the Trump administration became one of the direct sides of the problem

    Analysis of Turkish residential construction market dynamics for the periods of 2010–2015, 2015–2019, and projections for the future

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    The Turkish residential market supported by macro-economic developments is of great importance for the country's economy and the construction industry. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the Turkish residential construction market dynamics, especially in terms of price-cost and supply-demand regimes and conduct future projections. For this purpose, analysis of construction cost and residential price indexes, total and mortgaged residential sales, and construction and occupancy permits were evaluated utilizing institutional data. In addition, positive and negative effects of the changes in the residential prices in the macro scale were examined. After, conducting the residential price and cost change analysis for between 2010-2023, future stock volume and residential market projections were carried out. As a result of the analysis, we can divide the residential market into 3 periods: positive development period between 2010 and 2015, the recession period from 2015 to 2019, and the period after 2020. In the projection, depending on the supply contraction and the results of demand changes, price and cost increases, the current residential stock volume will reach its lowest level by 2023. Following this, the last period is expected to reach a more balanced residential market shaped by need-based purchases rather than individual investments

    Egg shell quality in Japanese quail: characteristics, heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic relationships

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    The objective of the present study was to estimate heritabilities as well as genetic and phenotypic correlations for egg weight, specific gravity, shape index, shell ratio, egg shell strength, egg length, egg width and shell weight in Japanese quail eggs. External egg quality traits were measured on 5864 eggs of 934 female quails from a dam line selected for two generations. Within the Bayesian framework, using Gibbs Sampling algorithm, a multivariate animal model was applied to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations for external egg quality traits. The heritability estimates for external egg quality traits were moderate to high and ranged from 0.29 to 0.81. The heritability estimates for egg and shell weight of 0.81 and 0.76 were fairly high. The genetic and phenotypic correlations between egg shell strength with specific gravity, shell ratio and shell weight ranging from 0.55 to 0.79 were relatively high. It can be concluded that it is possible to determine egg shell quality using the egg specific gravity values utilizing its high heritability and fairly high positive correlation with most of the egg shell quality traits. As a result, egg specific gravity may be the choice of selection criterion rather than other external egg traits for genetic improvement of egg shell quality in Japanese quails

    Lu-177-Labeled Macroaggregated Albumin Imaging and Treatment Effect in Patient with Cystic Thyroid Nodule

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    A number of different peptides or antibodies have been labeled with Lu-177 and used for clinical imaging and treatment. To our knowledge, Lu-177 had never before been used to label macroaggregated albumin, and our radiopharmacy laboratory at Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa made a special effort to do so. We present the case of a 43-y-old man whose cystic thyroid nodule was treated with an intranodular injection of Lu-177-macroaggregated albumin and imaged with SPECT/CT

    The role of positive relationship events in romantic attachment avoidance

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    Motivated by the Attachment Security Enhancement Model (Arriaga et al., 2018), the present research investigated the associations between positive relationship experiences and romantic attachment avoidance in three dyadic studies that combined multiple methods including daily diaries, laboratory observations, and longitudinal follow-ups. Frequency of daily positive relationship events (but not external positive events) during a 21-day diary period predicted declines in romantic attachment avoidance (but not anxiety) from pre- to post-diary in fledgling couples (Study 1) and newlyweds (Study 2). Video-recorded discussions of fledgling couples’ shared positive experiences revealed that behaviors validating the relationship (but not simply showing conversational interest) predicted lagged declines in romantic attachment avoidance (but not anxiety) over one month (Study 3). The associations were mediated by positive affect during the diary period in Studies 1 and 2, and by changes in positive affect from pre- to post-discussion in Study 3. Positive relationship experiences did not significantly interact with time in predicting romantic avoidance over a one-year follow-up with quarterly assessments of attachment orientations in Study 1, over an eight-month follow-up with monthly assessments in Study 2, or over a two-month follow-up with monthly assessments in Study 3. Altogether, these studies provide one of the most comprehensive tests of how positive relationship experiences in non-distressing contexts are linked to romantic attachment