764 research outputs found

    Exploring GeoHumanities and Post-Colonial Discourse: An Analysis of Assamese Geographical Space in the Poetry of Kamal Kumar Tanti

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     GeoHumanities, as an emerging field of study, focuses on exploring the multifaceted intersections between space, society, culture, and human experiences. In the realm of artistic expression, various art forms like literature, painting, and sculpture often find resonance with specific geographic landscapes. This article delves into the socio-cultural implications of British Colonial rule in India, particularly in the North-Eastern regions, where widespread tension and social unrest ensued. Colonial policies led to the displacement of Indigenous communities from their ancestral lands, forcing them into labor-intensive tea gardens. Over time, the distinctive tribal identities of these communities gradually eroded as they assimilated into dominant cultural narratives within their new geographic contexts. The study centers around the poems of Kamal Kumar Tanti, whose works vividly capture the struggles and transformations faced by these communities in the aftermath of colonialism. Shalim M. Hussain’s translation of Tanti’s work, published as Post-Colonial Poems (2019), serves as the primary focus of this research. By employing a humanistic approach, this study seeks to analyze the profound impact of geographical spaces on the experiences, conflicts, and disruptions faced by the Assamese community in the North-Eastern region. Through an exploration of Tanti’s poems, this research aims to shed light on the complex dynamics between cultural identities and new geographic spaces. The findings will contribute to a deeper understanding of the loss of tribal characteristics experienced by these communities and the challenges they encounter while assimilating into new cultural environments. Ultimately, this study underscores the significance of GeoHumanities in illuminating the intricate relationships between space, culture, and human existence, particularly in post-colonial contexts.&nbsp

    Strategi Internet Marketing Band Indie Pekanbaru Dalam Mempromosikan Karya Musik Melalui Reverbnation.com

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    Evolution of independent music begins when some bands got to entry the studio because a conflict interest between the owner of record company with idealism in music of the band itself. Some record company think that the flow of the music can not be enjoyed by the public, dont have the quality and do not follow mainstream music market. This makes indie musicians chose the internet as a promotional strategy to embrace the market share of his own music at social networking. ReverbNation advantages lie in the field of music as well as the latest music features are audio streaming for free. This study aims to determine strategy indie band marketing on internet with content marketing, mobile marketing, continuous marketing, digital intergrated marketing, and visual marketing in promoting piece of music at ReverbNation.com. This study uses qualitative research methods with the presentation of descriptive analysis. The collection of data obtained based on the fact that occurred in the field through observations, interviews, and documentation. New media theory approach by Livingstone. Informants in this study amounted to 5 by using purposive sampling technique, which consists of musicians indie band Pekanbaru simultaneously active users ReverbNation account. Data were analyzed using analysis interactive model of Miles and Huberman. And testing techniques using the data validity extension of participation and triangulation. From the results of this study found that internet marketing strategies indie band Pekanbaru in promoting piece of music at ReverbNation.com through a variety of indicators including: 1.) Content marketing to upload songs, videos and photos of bands such as documentation during a gigs, selling merchandise, then share location using google maps. 2.) Mobile marketing using a smartphone and access the Internet directly from their gadget so that the campaign carried out more efficiently. 3.) Continuous marketing, informants established communication with visitors of the page to create closeness and respond to criticism for the sake of improvement of quality. 4.) Integrated digital marketing, linking uploads the band to all applications of social media such as twitter, facebook, myspace to reach variety consumers. 5.) Visual marketing, informants create unique designs and creative to create a good impression so as to attract the eyes and ears of consumers first.Keywords : Internet marketing strategy, indie band, ReverbNatio

    Desorption kinetics of a xanthenol-dioxane clathrate

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    The host xanthenol compound forms a 1:1 clathrate with dioxane, namely 9-(1-naphthyl)-9H-xanthen-9-ol–1,4-dioxane, C23H16O2·C4H8O2. The structure of this clathrate is reported, along with a study of the kinetics of desolvation and the determination of an activation energy. The guest mol­ecules are stabilized by Ohost—H⋯Oguest hydrogen bonds [O—H = 0.968 (2) Å, O⋯O = 2.7532 (13) Å and O—H⋯O = 151.9 (4)°]

    Ruthenium and osmium carbonyl clusters incorporating stannylene and stannyl ligands

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    The reaction of [Ru₃ (CO)₁₂] with Ph₃SnSPh in refluxing benzene furnished the bimetallic Ru-Sn compound [Ru₃(CO)₈(μ-SPh)₂(μ3-SnPh₂)(SnPh₃)₂] 1 which consists of a SnPh₂ stannylene bonded to three Ru atoms to give a planar tetra-metal core, with two peripheral SnPh₃ ligands. The stannylene ligand forms a very short bond to one Ru atom [Sn-Ru 2.538(1) Å] and very long bonds to the other two [Sn-Ru 3.074(1) Å]. The germanium compound [Ru₃(CO)₈(μ-SPh)₂(μ₃-GePh₂)(GePh₃)₂] 2 was obtained from the reaction of [Ru₃ (CO)₁₂] with Ph₃GeSPh and has a similar structure to that of 1 as evidenced by spectroscopic data. Treatment of [Os₃(CO)₁₀(MeCN)₂] with Ph₃SnSPh in refluxing benzene yielded the bimetallic Os-Sn compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ-SPh)(μ₃-SnPh₂)(MeCN)(ƞ¹-C₆H₅)] 3. Cluster 3 has a superficially similar planar metal core, but with a different bonding mode with respect to that of 1. The Ph₂Sn group is bonded most closely to Os(2) and Os(3) [2.7862(3) and 2.7476(3) Å respectively] with a significantly longer bond to Os(1), 2.9981(3) Å indicating a weak back-donation to the Sn. The reaction of the bridging dppm compound [Ru₃(CO)₁₀(μ-dppm)] with Ph₃SnSPh afforded [Ru₃(CO)₆(μ-dppm)(μ₃-S)(μ₃-SPh)(SnPh₃)] 5. Compound 5 contains an open triangle of Ru atoms simultaneously capped by a sulfido and a PhS ligand on opposite sides of the cluster with a dppm ligand bridging one of the Ru-Ru edges and a Ph₃Sn group occupying an axial position on the Ru atom not bridged by the dppm ligand

    Evaluate the effectiveness of various diagnostic criteria and treatment outcomes in colposcopy screening for cervical cancer in a tertiary care medical college and hospital

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    Background: Cervical cancer is a significant health concern, particularly in developing countries like Bangladesh. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of diagnostic criteria and treatment outcomes in cervical cancer screening using colposcopy. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College and Hospital, involving 110 female participants from January 2016 to December 2018. Inclusion criteria included women with symptoms such as vaginal discharge or postcoital bleeding, an unhealthy cervix or cervical erosion, abnormal Pap smear results, or positive VIA tests. Exclusion criteria were applied to ensure the integrity of the study. Results: The study included participants ranging from 20 to 60 years old. Among the age groups, individuals aged 31-40 were the most represented, accounting for 43% of the total population. The second largest group was those aged 20-30, comprising 29% of the participants. The mean and SD of the population is 27.5±14.36. The most prevalent reasons for referral were an unhealthy cervix (31%), white discharge (26%), and cervical erosion (18%). Other indications included post-coital bleeding (9%), abnormal Pap smear results (11%), positive results for VIA (3%) and HPV DNA (2%). LLETZ was performed in 6% of cases for the treatment of abnormal cervical cells, while EC was conducted in 18% of cases to collect tissue samples from the endocervical canal. Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of colposcopy in the screening process for cervical cancer, allowing for the detection of abnormalities and subsequent interventions. The findings contribute to the understanding of diagnostic criteria, treatment outcomes, and the need for early detection and prevention of cervical cancer.

    Markov equivalence for ancestral graphs

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    Ancestral graphs can encode conditional independence relations that arise in directed acyclic graph (DAG) models with latent and selection variables. However, for any ancestral graph, there may be several other graphs to which it is Markov equivalent. We state and prove conditions under which two maximal ancestral graphs are Markov equivalent to each other, thereby extending analogous results for DAGs given by other authors. These conditions lead to an algorithm for determining Markov equivalence that runs in time that is polynomial in the number of vertices in the graph.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS626 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Multimodal role of amino acids in microbial control and drug development

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    Amino acids are ubiquitous vital biomolecules found in all kinds of living organisms including those in the microbial world. They are utilised as nutrients and control many biological functions in microorganisms such as cell division, cell wall formation, cell growth and metabolism, intermicrobial communication (quorum sensing), and microbial‐host interactions. Amino acids in the form of enzymes also play a key role in enabling microbes to resist antimicrobial drugs. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and microbial biofilms are posing a great threat to the world’s human and animal population and are of prime concern to scientists and medical professionals. Although amino acids play an important role in the development of microbial resistance, they also offer a solution to the very same problem i.e., amino acids have been used to develop antimicrobial peptides as they are highly effective and less prone to microbial resistance. Other important applications of amino acids include their role as anti‐biofilm agents, drug excipients, drug solubility enhancers, and drug adjuvants. This review aims to explore the emerging paradigm of amino acids as potential therapeutic moieties

    An electron-deficient triosmium cluster containing the thianthrene ligand: Synthesis, structure and reactivity of [Os₃(CO)₉(μ3-η2-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)]

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    Reaction of [Os₃(CO)₁₀(CH₃CN)₂] with thianthrene at 80 °C leads to the nonacarbonyl dihydride compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ-3,4-η²-C₁₂H₆S₂)(μ-H)₂] (1) and the 46-electron monohydride compound [Os₃(CO)₉(μ₃-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (2). Compound 2 reacts reversibly with CO to give the CO adduct [Os₃(CO)₁₀(μ-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (3) whereas with PPh₃ it gives the addition product [Os₃(CO)₉)(PPh₃)(μ-η²-C₁₂H₇S₂)(μ-H)] (4) as well as the substitution product 1,2-[Os₃(CO)₁₀ ((PPh₃)₂] (5) Compound 2 represents a unique example of an electron-deficient triosmium cluster in which the thianthrene ring is bound to cluster by coordination of the sulfur lone pair and a three-center-two-electron bond with the C(2) carbon which bridges the same edge of the triangle as the hydride. Electrochemical and DFT studies which elucidate the electronic properties of 2 are reported

    Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation and Collaborative Deep Learning for Dual Sentiment Analysis

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    Sentiment classification is a much needed topic that has grabbed the interest of many researchers. Especially, classification of data from customer reviews on various commercial products has been an important source of research. A model called supervised dual sentiment analysis is used to handle the polarity shift problem that occurs in sentiment classification. Labeling the reviews is a tedious and time consuming process. Even, a classifier trained on one domain may not perform well on the other domain. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we propose semi-supervised domain adaptive dual sentiment analysis that train a domain independent classifier with few labeled data. Reviews are of varying length and hence, classification is more accurate if long term dependency between the words is considered. We propose a collaborative deep learning approach to the dual sentiment analysis. Long short term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network is used to handle sequence prediction to classify the reviews more accurately. LSTM takes more time to extract features from the reviews. Convolution neural network is used before LSTM layers to extract features resulting in the reduction of training time compared to LSTM alone