29 research outputs found

    Images of bronchiectasis in thoracic surgery

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    The bronchial dilations also called bronchiectasis are permanent and irreversible increase in the bronchial tubes. They can be extended or localized especially in pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae. This affection is serious, because it is at the origin of an embarrassing obstructive pulmonary disease, leading to social discomfort and preferentially in CĂ´te d'Ivoire, it affects young subjects between 30 and 40 years old and former tuberculous. The place of surgery is still debated. Mr Coulibaly is 30 years old, hospitalized in the Thoracic Surgery Department of BouakeTeaching Hospital for pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae type symptomatic left lower bronchiectasis lobe and well localized (A). After a satisfactory preoperative evaluation, we performed a left lower lobectomy on this patient. Transection in the third world of the bronchial lower lobe resected reveals multiple tubular dilations with thickened wall containing purulent secretions (B). The specimen was sent to the pathology laboratory for confirmation of tuberculosis sequelae.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Screening of the kernels of Pentadesma butyracea from various growing sites of Benin and evaluation of their antioxidant pigments content

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    Pentadesma butyracea Sabine (Clusiaceae) is a ligneous forest species of multipurpose uses. It is widely distributed in Africa from Guinea-Bissau to the West of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This study screened the kernel of P. butyracea on the basis of their physico-chemical properties. Six types of kernels were distinguished. The plant producing type 1 kernels (with medium length, low width and high thickness) and type 5 kernels (with high length, high width and high thickness) predominate within accessions representing 63% of the collections. Significant differences were found in the structural composition of the kernels. The average level of oil concentration in the kernels was 46.77%. The 1000 kernel weight averaged to 6.46 kg. The kernel hardness averaged to 550.81 N and is similar for all accessions but revealed that P. butyracea kernel is harder than shea kernel. The total phenolics and the total anthocyanins contents of the kernels varied significantly among accessions with a mean value of 164.03 and 152.78 mg/100 g, respectively. The antioxidant activity in the extract from P. butyracea kernel ranged from 30.22 to 58.57% of the remaining 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and is comparable to many traditional sources of antioxidants.Key words: Pentadesma butyracea, kernel, butter, antioxidant, cosmetic

    Evolution post-opératoire des séquelles de tuberculose pulmonaire chez les séropositifs VIH

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    Cette étude rapporte les aspects cliniques et évolutifs des séquelles pulmonaires tuberculeuses (SPT) opérées chez les séropositifs (VIH+). Il s'agit d'une étude prospective transversale réalisée entre  Novembre 2005 et Octobre 2012. Elle a porté sur 20 patients VIH+, ayant dans leurs antécédents, une tuberculose pulmonaire (TP) traitée et déclarée guérie, et admise dans ladite période pour une chirurgie de la SPT secondaire. Une enquête sérologique VIH a été réalisée systématiquement au cours du bilan pré-opératoire. Le diagnostic pré-opératoire de la SPT, la mortalité, les complications post- opératoires (CPOP), le séjour hospitalier, le suivi à moyen terme des STP opérées ont été évalués. Les séropositifs étaient VIH1+ (n=12; 60 %), VIH1&2+ (n=4; 20 %) et VIH2+ (n=4; 20 %). La durée moyenne  d'évolution des STP était de 26,22 ± 21,3 mois. Les STP étaient les pyothorax ou pleurésies enkystées  (n=16; 80%), le poumon détruit (n=2;10%) et les dilatations de bronches (n=2;10%). Les VIH+ ne présentaient pas d'aspergillome pulmonaire. Le séjour hospitalier moyen était 13,1 ± 10,2 jours. Le suivi total était de 82 patients-année avec une moyenne de suivi de 4,2 ± 2,3 ans (extrêmes : 1 et 7 ans). Le taux de mortalité à court et moyen terme était nul. Aucun décès post-opératoire immédiat n'a été noté. Les CPOP immédiates étaient les bullages prolongés chez 75% des immunodéprimés. Les CPOP tardives (n=3) étaient un syndrome restrictif pulmonaire, un pyothorax  persistant et une pachypleurite résiduelle restrictive. A court terme, le taux de guérison radiologique était de 80 % (n = 16).Key words: VIH/SIDA, séquelles, tuberculose pulmonaire, chirurgie, evolutio

    Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Adults: Surgical Experience in Ivory-Coast

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    Background: Patent ductus arteriosus surgery is well documented. Hospital Mortality has reduced to almost 0%. Yet, with adults, this surgical cure is likely to be difficult and require some technical skills Method: A retrospective study of surgical procedures and results after surgery of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in adults. Results: Since 1978 to 2000 we have reported 16 operated cases. The average age was 22.5 years. There was female predominance with a sex ratio of 2.3/1. All patent ductus arteriosus had been confirmed by two dimensional echocardiography (2D echocardiography) and cardiac catheterization. All hemodynamic types of Nadas classification were observed. Double or triple ligation supported on Teflon felt was the most frequent technique used (69%). This technique gave good results in view of the absence of hospital mortality and only 1 case of recanalisation after a long follow up of all patients from 1 - 7 years (mean 5 years). Conclusion: Double or triple ligation on Teflon felt according to Wright technique is a good technique.Introduction: La chirurgie persistance du canal art\ue9riel est bien codifi\ue9e. Mortalit\ue9 hospitali\ue8re devient plus inf\ue9rieure ou presque 0%. N\ue9anmoins, chez des adultes, ce rem\ue8de chirurgicale parait \ueatre difficile et demande quelque connaissance technique. M\ue9thode: Le but de cette \ue9tude r\ue9trospective est d'analyser notre attitude chirurgicale et nos r\ue9sultats au cours de la chirurgie de la persistance du canal art\ue9riel (PCA) chez l'adulte. R\ue9sultats: De 1978 \ue0 2000, nous avons collig\ue9 16 cas op\ue9r\ue9s. L'\ue2ge moyen \ue9taitt de 22.5 ans. Il y a une pr\ue9dominance f\ue9minine avec un sex ratio de 1.6/1. Chez tous les patients, la PCA a \ue9t\ue9 confirm\ue9e par l'\ue9chocardiographie bidimensionnelle et le cath\ue9t\ue9risme cardiaque droit. Tous les types h\ue9modynamiques de la classification de Nadas \ue9taient retrouv\ue9es. La double ou triple ligature appuy\ue9e sur bandelette de T\ue9flon a \ue9t\ue9 le proc\ue9d\ue9 technique le plus souvent ex\ue9cut\ue9 (69% des cas). Cette m\ue9thode chirurgicale ne nous a apport\ue9 des r\ue9sultats satisfaisants avec une mortalit\ue9 op\ue9ratoire nulle, 1 cas de reperm\ue9abilisation imm\ue9diate corrig\ue9e avec succ\ue8s et une absence de reperm\ue9abilisation du canal art\ue9riel \ue0 long terme apr\ue8s un suivi moyen de 5 ans (extr\ueames 1 \ue0 7ans) de tous nos patients. Conclusion: Au vu de notre exp\ue9rience, la double ou triple ligature sur bandelette de T\ue9flon selon Wright peut s'envisager efficacement dans la cure chirurgicale de la PCA de l'adulte

    THe Kora at the cultures confluence: a study of the transmission of a cultural object within a contemporary transcultural context

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    La kora est un instrument de musique d’origine ouest-africaine. Aujourd’hui jouée par plusieurs individus qui ne proviennent pas forcément de son milieu d’origine, elle a été transmise de son cercle culturel endogène vers d’autres cercles exogènes. Nous-même sommes joueur de kora et appartenons à ce cercle exogène. Dans notre itinéraire d’artiste et dans notre histoire personnelle, nous avons ressenti le besoin de production d’un jeu hybride. C’est ainsi qu’en tant qu’artiste et chercheur, nous avons eu pour premier objectif de thèse de doctorat une recherche de processus d’hybridation à partir d’un répertoire dit « traditionnel » et d’un autre dit « moderne ». Notre parcours académique nous fit remettre en question ces qualificatifs catégoriels : « traditionnel », « moderne ». Cette remise en cause est passée par l’observation de processus de transmission de la kora. Elle a été faite à partir de l’histoire même de l’instrument qui ne peut se dissocier de l’histoire des individus et des communautés qui l’ont adopté. Cependant, étant donné la grande diversité des histoires, il fallait penser à mettre en place des outils de collectes de connaissances liées à des contextes et des objets matériels et immatériels, ayant trait à la kora. Afin d’atteindre le but premier que nous encourions, nous avons finalement dirigé cette recherche vers la proposition d’une méthode d’approche d’étude de la transmission. Il intervient donc dans ce travail de recherche une dialectique entre l’objet approché et l’approche utilisée. C’est cette dialectique qui correspond à l’objectif principal de ce travail. Ainsi, cette thèse de doctorat se veut répondre à la question suivante : « Comment penser la transmission de la kora “objet-témoin” de la rencontre des cultures ? » Elle est une double recherche portant à la fois sur la transmission de la kora et sur les moyens permettant d’étudier et de se rendre compte de cette transmission. Cette recherche a abouti par la suite à un projet d’anthropologie appliquée, voire d’ingénierie culturelle. Ce présent écrit est le résumé d’une aventure académique entre pratique et théorie.The kora is a musical instrument of West African origin. Now played by several individuals who do not necessarily come from her native background, it has been transmitted from her endogenous cultural circle to other exogenous circles. We ourselves are kora players and belong to this exogenous circle. In our artistic journey and in our personal history, we have felt the need to produce a hybrid game. Thus, as an artist and researcher, our first objective of a doctoral thesis was to research hybridization processes from a so-called "traditional" repertoire and another called "modern". . Our academic career made us question these categorical qualifiers: "traditional", "modern". This questioning took place through the observation of the process of transmission of the kora. It was made from the very history of the instrument which cannot be dissociated from the history of the individuals and communities who adopted it. However, given the great diversity of the stories, it was necessary to think about setting up tools for collecting knowledge related to contexts and material and immaterial objects, relating to the kora. In order to achieve the primary goal we were pursuing, we finally directed this research towards proposing a method of approach to the study of transmission. There is therefore a dialectic between the object approached and the approach used in this research work. It is this dialectic that corresponds to the main objective of this work. Thus, this doctoral thesis aims to answer the following question: "How to think about the transmission of the kora" object-witness "of the meeting of cultures? "It is a double research focusing both on the transmission of the kora and on the means to study and realize this transmission. This research subsequently led to an applied anthropology and even cultural engineering project. This present writing is the summary of an academic adventure between practice and theory

    Correlation of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) infestation of major mango cultivars in Borgou (Benin) with abiotic and biotic factors and assessment of damage

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    Fruit flies associated with mango trees were monitored in two orchards in Benin using traps baited withmethyl eugenol, terpinyl acetate andToruladuring 2005–2006. Population fluctuations were analysedwith respect to environmental factors including air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall in relationto different mango cultivars. Mangoes were sampled every two weeks during the two crop years, toassess the damage caused by these quarantine pests on ten main cultivars. Three native species ofCeratitisand a recently described new exotic species,Bactrocera invadensmade up the complex ofeconomically significant fruit flies associated with the mango tree in Borgou.Ceratitisspecies occurredduring the dry season and the main species,Ceratitis cosyra, reached a peak at the end of the dry season.B. invadenspopulations were scarce during the dry season, but increased steadily from the end of April toreach a peak at the end of June during the rainy season. Regression analyses indicated that minimum–maximum temperature, relative humidity and rainfall were the major climatic factors influencing flypopulations. Daily rainfall was the factor showing the strongest positive correlation withB. invadenspopulations. Host plant was another essential factor influencing the population fluctuations. Trappingand rearing data indicated thatCeratitis quinariaandCeratitis silvestrii, were abundant only in the dryseason, causing damage only to early cultivars.C. cosyra, also common during the dry season, attackedboth early cultivars or mid season cultivars. A consistent population increase ofB. invadensin the earlyrainy season caused considerable damage to mid season and late cultivars. The seasonal increase of theB.invadenspopulation coincided with the fruiting period of the main mango cultivars in this NorthernGuinean savannah, but mango availability influenced the population of this new invasive species onlywhen the rains had arrived. Mean damage on mangoes for the two seasons and two studied orchardsincreased from 17% in early April to 73% at mid June

    Filtrations on a set and asymptotic deviations

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Generalized samuel numbers and filtrations on a set

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Filtrations on a ring and asymptotic deviations

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Asymptotic bounded deviations and strongly noetherian filtrations

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal