5 research outputs found

    Karşıyaka Prevalance and Awareness of Hypertension Study (KARHIP)

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    Background: The study was planned to assess potential differences in hypertension prevalance and hypertension related demographic properties in an urban area with relatively higher income and cultural population compared to the national average. Methods: Fieldwork was done by educated and dedicated personnel at Karsiyaka Municipality Building by one by one interviewing poll, blood pressure measurement, rhythm and body composition analysis in February 2014. Hypertension was defined as an average systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or an average diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg. Results: Out of a total of 1417 (627 males and 790 females) people enrolled, 780 people were hypertensive (prevalence 55%). Hypertension prevalence in the middle age group (age 35-65) was 46% and in the geriatric age group (age>65) it was %79. 216 out of 780 hypertensive (27.7%) people were not aware of their disease. The proportion of people taking antihypertensive treatment was 69.4% and the proportion under control was 34.7%, whereas the control rate was 50.1% in 541 patients who were aware of their diseases. Conclusions: Hypertension prevalances in our study were similar to the PatenT 2 trial prevalances, which were 46 % for the middle age group and 78% for the geriatric age group. Compared to PatenT 2 data, the rate of hypertension awareness (54.7% vs 72.3%) and the rate of being under treatment (47.5% vs 69.4%) were higher. The rate of controlled hypertension was a little bit higher (28.7 % vs 34.7% ) in our group, whereas control rates in aware and treated groups were similar (53.9 % and 50.1 %) in both studies

    Gen expression and epigenetic analysis of 34 genes in invasive breast cancer

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    Meme kanserinin tanısal sürecinde, tedavi seçiminde yardımcı olabilmek ve tümörün moleküler olarak tanımlanabilmesini sağlayabilmek amacıyla 64 meme tümör, 51 tümör çevre, meme redüksiyon ameliyatından elde edilen 4 sağlıklı meme dokusunda 6'sı referans toplam 34 genin ekspresyon verileri kantitatif revers transkriptaz PCR ile değerlendirildi. Analiz, taze dokularda gerçekleştirildi. Yine aynı amaçla, aynı örneklerde CDH1 ve P16 genlerinin epigenetik değişimleri metilasyon spesifik PCR ile incelendi. Bunların histolojik ve klinik verilerle ilişkileri araştırıldı. Histolojik tiplere göre CDH1 metilasyon sıklığı: lobüler %32, duktal %10,5 miks tümörde %24 olarak bulundu. P16 metilasyonu evre sıfırda, CDH1 metilasyonu ileri evrelerde anlamlı olarak yüksekti. Histolojik derecenin %90.1'inin BRCA2, P16, P53, P73, CDH1, THBS1, PAX5, STK11, BCL2, CASP8, ESR, RARb, MLH3, evre'nin % 73.6'sının BRCA1, BRCA2, CDH1, P16, P15, P73, CDK6, GSTP1, TIMP3, CDH13, ATM, CASP8, ESR, HER2, MLH3, nükleer derecenin %42,2'sinin BRCA1, BCL2, CASP8, ESR, MSH6, MLH3, invaziv grade'in %52,9'unun P53, CDK6, TIMP3, RASSF1, PAX5, STK11, BCL2, RARb, diferansiasyonun %52.8'inin P53, CDK6, TIMP3, PAX5, STK11, BCL2, CASP8, RARb, lenf nodu tutulumunun %56.9'unun BRCA1, BRCA2, CDH1, P16, P15, CDK6, ATM, ESR, metastazın %55.5'inin CDH1, P73, P53, TIMP3, CDH13, ATM, CASP8, HER2, MSH6 gen ekspresyon değişiklikleri ile açıklanabileceği gösterildi. Ayrıca CDH1 ve TIMP3'ün gen ekspresyon değişiklikleri ile meme kanserinin histolojik tiplerine göre gruplandırılmasında %51.4æ ESR, HER2, GSTP1 ve CDH13 gen ekspresyon değişikliklerinin ise meme kanserinin hormon reseptörüne göre (ER+HER2+, ER+HER-, ER-HER+,ER-HER2-) gruplandırılmasında %85.5 başarılı bulundu. Elde edilen verilerin meme kanseri hastalarının daha doğru sınıflandırılmasında ve tedavi karar sürecinde yardımcı olabileceği düşünüldü. Quantitative Real Time PCR gene expression data of 34 genes (including 6 reference genes) from 64 breast tumor and 51 tumor neighboring tissues with 4 normal breast tissues obtained from breast reduction surgeries were analyzed to look for an opportunity of improving the period of diagnosis and determination of treatment modality by considering a molecular tumor classification. All PCR were performed on fresh tissue samples. Also epigenetic changes of CDH1 and P16 were examined by methylation specific PCR and their relation with histological and clinical data was studied. CDH1 methylation was observed as %32 in lobular, 10.5% in ductal and 24% in mixed tumors when sorted on the histologic types. Methylated states of P16 were significantly high at stage 0, while of CDH1 were found to be high at advanced grades. More than ninety percent of the histological grades could be estimated by levels of BRCA2, P16, P53, P73, CDH1, THBS1, PAX5, STK11, BCL2, CASP8, ESR, RARb and MLH3 when 73.6% of the stages by: BRCA1, BRCA2, CDH1, P16, P15, P73, CDK6, GSTP1, TIMP3, CDH13, ATM, CASP8, ESR, HER2, MLH3æ 42.2% of the nuclear grade by: BRCA1, BCL2, CASP8, ESR, MSH6, MLH3æ 52.9% of the invasive grade by: P53, CDK6, TIMP3, RASSF1, PAX5, STK11, BCL2, RARbæ 52.8% of the differentiation by P53, CDK6, TIMP3, PAX5, STK11, BCL2, CASP8, RARbæ %56.9 of lymph node positivity by: BRCA1, BRCA2, CDH1, P16, P15, CDK6, ATM, ESR and 55.5% of the metastasis by: CDH1, P73, P53, TIMP3, CDH13, ATM, CASP8, HER2 and MSH6. CDH1 and TIMP3 gene expression changes could predict 51,4% of histologic typing in breast cancer when ESR, HER2, GSTP1 ve CDH13 expression changes predicts 85.5% of the sorting on hormone receptor status (ER+HER2+, ER+HER-, ER-HER+,ER-HER2-). We suppose that these results could help in better classification of the breast cancer patients for their treatment decisions

    The effect of hypothermia on adnexal torsion/detorsion injury in a rat ovary model

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    Purpose Much attention has been given to hypothermia as it is effective in inhibiting inflammatory responses and also ischemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hypothermia on torsion/detorsion injury in rats. Methods Twenty-eight rats were randomly divided into four groups of sham-operated (SG), adnexal torsion/detorsion group (TG), adnexal torsion/detorsion + hypothermia group (THG) and hypothermia group (HG). In the SG group, right ovaries were excised after 3-h fixation to abdominal wall. In the TG, right adnexal underwent 720° torsion in a counterclockwise direction for 3 h and then excised after 3-h detorsion period. In the THG, after 3-h torsion period, ovaries were immediately subjected to hypothermia (4 °C) for 30-min and they were excised after 3-h detorsioned period. In the HG, the right ovaries were subjected to hypothermia for 30-min and excised after 3-h fixation period. One half of each ovary was immediately stored for antioxidant enzyme activity and tissue lipid peroxidation. The remainder was fixed for histopathological examination. Results Adnexal torsion and detorsion significantly increased the tissue level of Malondialdehyde, Superoxide dismutase and Reduced glutathione. On the other hand, hypothermia significantly reduced these oxidative stress parameters. The histopathological changes were less in the THG group; these changes were not statistically different from the other groups. Conclusion The results of this study suggested that hypothermia inhibited the production of oxidative stress in the ovaries subjected to torsion/detorsion injury. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Karşıyaka Prevalance and Awareness of Hypertension Study (KARHIP)

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    Background: The study was planned to assess potential differences in hypertension prevalance and hypertension related demographic properties in an urban area with relatively higher income and cultural population compared to the national average. Methods: Fieldwork was done by educated and dedicated personnel at Karsiyaka Municipality Building by one by one interviewing poll, blood pressure measurement, rhythm and body composition analysis in February 2014. Hypertension was defined as an average systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or an average diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg. Results: Out of a total of 1417 (627 males and 790 females) people enrolled, 780 people were hypertensive (prevalence 55%). Hypertension prevalence in the middle age group (age 35-65) was 46% and in the geriatric age group (age>65) it was %79. 216 out of 780 hypertensive (27.7%) people were not aware of their disease. The proportion of people taking antihypertensive treatment was 69.4% and the proportion under control was 34.7%, whereas the control rate was 50.1% in 541 patients who were aware of their diseases. Conclusions: Hypertension prevalances in our study were similar to the PatenT 2 trial prevalances, which were 46 % for the middle age group and 78% for the geriatric age group. Compared to PatenT 2 data, the rate of hypertension awareness (54.7% vs 72.3%) and the rate of being under treatment (47.5% vs 69.4%) were higher. The rate of controlled hypertension was a little bit higher (28.7 % vs 34.7% ) in our group, whereas control rates in aware and treated groups were similar (53.9 % and 50.1 %) in both studies

    Dokuz Eylül University Breast Tumor/DNA Banking: A pilot study

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    A pilot study was performed by the collaboration of Dokuz Eylül University Breast Tumor Group (DEBTG), Departments of Medical Biology and Genetics and The Institute of Oncology between 2004 and 2006 for setting up Dokuz Eylül University (DEU) Breast Tumor/DNA Bank, İzmir, Turkey. The DEU Breast Tumor/DNA Banking aims to facilitate the sharing of tumor DNA/RNA samples and related data from cases collected by collaborators specialising in the breast cancer diseases. We want to share our acknowledge about the breast tumor/DNA banking concept below