88 research outputs found
Doğal Zeolit Klinoptilolitin Akış Borulu Taşkın-Akışkan Yatakta Kurutulması
TÜBİTAK MAG Proje15.09.2015Mikotoksinler, depolanan tahıllar ve kaba yemler üzerinde gelişen belirli küf formlarının toksik etkili metabolik yan ürünleridir. Mikotoksinler, son derece toksik, çoğu kansorejen, teratojen ve mutajen maddelerdir. Dolayısıyla, mikotoksinli ürünlerin doğrudan yenilmesi veya bu tip yem ile beslenen hayvanların et ve süt ürünlerinin yenilmesi sağlık açısından büyük risk oluşturmaktadır. Yemlerde bulunan mikotoksinlerin bazıları yem içerisinde salgılanırken, bazıları da yemler hayvanlar tarafından alındıktan sonra hayvan vücudunda salgılanırlar. Son yıllarda, yemlerde bulunan mikotoksinleri adsorbe edebilen ve hayvan sağlığını bozmayan doğal zeolitlerin yem katkısı olarak kullanılması gündeme gelmiştir. Zeolit mineralinin hayvanyemi katkı maddesi olarak güvenilir şekilde kullanılabilmesi için madenin çıkarıldıktan ve öğütüldükten sonra kurutma işlemine tabi tutularak nem değerinin yaş temelde maksimum %8 değerinde sabitlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ancak ülkemizde endüstriyel üretimi yapılan zeolit minerali yaz aylarında yüzey madenciliği ile çıkartılmaktadır ve çıkarılan madenin nem değeri %16 ile %24 arasında değişmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu projenin amacı, kısa kurutma süresi ve düşük enerji sarfiyatı ile yüksek verimde çalışacak, laboratuvar ölçekli, akış borulu bir taşkınakışkan yatak kurutucu sistemi tasarlamak ve kurmaktır. Bu amaçla, öncelikle soğuk yatak hidrodinamik çalışmalar yapılmış, gaz-katı akış dinamiği açısından en uygun tasarım ve işletim koşulları bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bu koşullar için 30 derecelik konik açıya sahip, akış borulubir taşkın-akışkan yatak kurutucu tasarlanıp, imal edilmiş ve kurutma deneyleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamı itibariyle literatürde bulunan akış borulu taşkınakışkan yataklar konusundaki en kapsamlı çalışmalardan biri, mikron boyutunda parçacıklarla yapılan ise ilk kapsamlı çalışmadır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, zeolit parçacıklarının kurutulması için endüstriyel boyutta kurulacak olan sistemlerin tasarımına ışık tutacaktır. Ayrıca, tasarlanan sistem mikronize boyuttaki parçacıkların uygulamalarında gösterdiği üstünlüklerden dolayı sadece madencilik sektöründe değil, kimya ve ilaç sektörlerinde de kullanılabilecekti
Assessment of the gate rudder system on the cavitation and underwater radiated noise characteristics of a containership
Predictions of model tests and numerical studies (Sasaki et al., 2016), both at model- and full-scale, as well as results of the recent sea trials, have demonstrated that the Gate Rudder System (GRS), a novel energy-saving device, increases propulsive efficiency and reduces fuel consumption of a ship. Despite detailed investigations into the impact of the GRS on powering performance and manoeuvring, studies on its effect on cavitation phenomena and underwater radiated noise (URN) are limited. In this study, the effects of the GRS on cavitation and URN were investigated experimentally and compared to a conventional rudder system (CRS). Cavitation observations and URN measurements were conducted on sister ships -one with the CRS, SAKURA, and the other with the GRS, SHIGENOBU- at Istanbul Technical University Cavitation Tunnel (ITUKAT). A wooden ship model was built to be used in resistance and propulsion tests and then truncated due to the cavitation tunnel's test section length limitation of 5.5 m. Numerical studies were performed for both the original and truncated models at model- and full-scale to assess their wake characteristics. The nominal wake distributions along the CRS and GRS propeller planes were measured using a Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) system. The test results supported the findings of the sea trials, showing that the GRS significantly reduces URN levels by up to 10 dB at high-frequencies, compared to the CRS, due to its effect on propeller loading and cavitation phenomenon
A Case of Hepatitis B Reactivation with Acute Flare Three Months After Tenofovir Prophylaxis Withdrawal in a Allogenic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Patient
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major health problem worldwide. HBV reactivation is associated with high mortality rates in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and, prophylactic antiviral treatment is suggested to prevent this phenomenon. However, the duration of antiviral treatment in HSCT patients is not fully defined and the time of immune recovery is considered the best parameter for a drug to be safely interrupted. We aimed to present a case of hepatitis B reactivation after cessation of one-year prophylactic tenofovir treatment in a anti-hepatitis B core immunoglobulin G-positive patient who received allogenic HSCT treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Serous Cystadenoma of the Pancreas Presenting as a Third Primary Neoplasm
Serous cystadenomas are the most common cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. They may occur solely or coexist with other neoplasms. A 10 cm mass involving the body of the pancreas was observed in the computed tomography of a 61-year-old man with a previous history of bladder and prostate carcinoma. Ultrasonography and computed tomography of the mass demonstrated multiple small cysts associated with a central calcified scar. A distal pancreatectomy was performed. Pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of serous microcystic adenoma. This is the first report of a serous cystadenoma of the pancreas with two metachronous neoplasms. This feature should be kept in mind during the diagnosis and evaluation of patients with serous cystadenoma
Immunosuppressive therapy and the risk of hepatitis B reactivation: Consensus report
This consensus report includes expert opinions and recommendations regarding the screening, and if necessary, the follow-up, prophylaxis, and treatment of hepatitis B before the treatment in patients who will undergo immunosuppressive therapy due to the risk of hepatitis B reactivation emergency. To increase awareness regarding the risk of hepatitis B reactivation in immunosuppressive patients, academicians from several university health research and training centers across Turkey came together and discussed the importance of the subject, current status, and issues in accordance with the current literature data and presented solutions
Semi-Automatic Annotation For Visual Object Tracking
We propose a semi-automatic bounding box annotation method for visual object tracking by utilizing temporal information with a tracking-by-detection approach. For detection, we use an off-the-shelf object detector which is trained iteratively with the annotations generated by the proposed method, and we perform object detection on each frame independently. We employ Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (MHT) to exploit temporal information and to reduce the number of false-positives which makes it possible to use lower objectness thresholds for detection to increase recall. The tracklets formed by MHT are evaluated by human operators to enlarge the training set. This novel incremental learning approach helps to perform annotation iteratively. The experiments performed on AUTH Multidrone Dataset reveal that the annotation workload can be reduced up to 96% by the proposed approach. Resulting uav detection 2 annotations and our codes are publicly available at github.com/aybora/Semi-AutomaticVideo-Annotation-OGAM
Is Gastric Xanthelasma an Alarming Endoscopic Marker for Advanced Atrophic Gastritis and Intestinal Metaplasia?
Gastric xanthelasma(s) is a warning endoscopic sign for the presence of multifocal atrophic gastritis and advanced intestinal metaplasia
A secure communication using cascade chaotic computing systems on clinical decision support
Clinical decision support systems (C-DSS) provide supportive tools to the expert for the determination of the disease. Today, many of the support systems, which have been developed for a better and more accurate diagnosis, have reached a dynamic structure due to artificial intelligence techniques. However, in cases when important diagnosis studies should be performed in secret, a secure communication system is required. In this study, secure communication of a DSS is examined through a developed double layer chaotic communication system. The developed communication system consists of four main parts: random number generator, cascade chaotic calculation layer, PCM, and logical mixer layers. Thanks to this system, important patient data created by DSS will be conveyed to the center through a secure communication line
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