8 research outputs found

    Individual-level determinants of depressive symptoms and associated diseases history in Turkish persons aged 15 years and older: A population-based study

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    BackgroundDepressive symptoms are associated with both long-lasting and short-term repetitive mood disorders and affect a person's ability to function and lead a rewarding life. In addition to predisposing genetic causes, other factors such as socioeconomic and demographic factors, and chronic diseases have also been reported to associate with depression. In this study, we analyzed the association between history of chronic diseases and presentation of depressive symptoms amongst Turkish individuals. MethodsWe employed the 2019 Turkey health survey to analyze data of 11,993 individuals aged 15+ years. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the eight-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) coded with a binary measure, a score of 10 as moderate-severely depressed. A number of sociodemographic characteristics were adjusted for in the analyses. Logistic regression models were used to test the association between chronic diseases and depressive symptoms in the study sample. ResultsOur analysis revealed that 6.24% of the 11,993 participants had reported an episode of depressive symptoms. The prevalence of depressive symptoms in men was 1.85% and in women, it was 2.34 times higher. Participants who had previously reported experiencing coronary heart diseases (AOR = 7.79, 95% CI [4.96-12.23]), urinary incontinences (AOR = 7.90, 95% CI [4.93-12.66]), and liver cirrhosis (AOR = 7.50, 95% CI [4.90-10.42]) were approximately eight times likely to have depressive symptoms. Similarly, participants with Alzheimer's disease (AOR = 6.83, 95% CI [5.11-8.42]), kidney problems (AOR = 6.63, 95% CI [4.05-10.85]), and history of allergies (AOR = 6.35, 95% CI [4.28-9.23]) had approximately seven-fold odds of reporting episodes of depressive symptoms. The odds of presenting with depressive symptoms amongst participants aged >= 50 were higher than in individuals aged <= 49 years. ConclusionAt individual level, gender and general health status were associated with increased odds of depression. Furthermore, a history of any of the chronic diseases, irrespective of age, was a positive predictor of depression in our study population. Our findings could help to serve as a reference for monitoring depression amongst individuals with chronic conditions, planning health resources and developing preventive and screening strategies targeting those exposed to predisposing factors

    Effects of Tennis Training on Personality Development in Children and Early Adolescents

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week basic tennis training program on the personality development of early adolescents aged between 9 and 11 years. The research methodology consisted of a single group pre-test/post-test design implemented with a total of eight volunteer children (three boys and five girls). The Personality Inventory (PERI), a data collection tool used to quantify (openness to experience, sense of responsibility, extraversion, compatibility, emotional balance). The mean calculation for each personality trait is provided in the form of descriptive statistics while the Wilcoxon test was used to identify differences between the pre- and post-tests. In conclusion, the research team observes that by improving early adolescents’ openness to new experiences, tennis training facilitates the development of related characteristics, such as individuality, well-roundedness, ability to generate new ideas, creativity, flexibility, optimism, even temperament, low anxiety, attention to detail, discipline and ability to plan

    Acil serviste hasta ve hemşirelerin bakım davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    1. Çalışmanın amacı acil serviste tedavi ve bakım gören hastalar ve acil servis hemşireleri tarafından, hemşirelik bakım davranışlarını değerlendirmektir. Çalışma Haziran-Aralık 2013 tarihleri arasında, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı‘nda 378 hasta ve 12 hemşire ile tanımlayıcı türde prospektif olarak yapıldı. Veriler “Hasta Bilgi ve Onam Formu”, “Hemşire Bilgi ve Onam Formu” ve “Bakım Davranışları Ölçeği-24” ile elde edildi. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, tanımlayıcı istatistik yöntemler (Ortalama, Standart Sapma, Medyan, Frekans, Oran), Student t Testi, Mann Whitney U testi Kruskal Wallis testi kullanıldı. Anlamlılık p<0.05 düzeylerinde değerlendirildi. Bu çalışmada acil serviste uygulanan hemşirelik bakımının değerlendirilmesine yönelik BDÖ-24’ünün ölçek toplamı hastalarda 5.12±0.87, hemşirelerde 5.06±0.72 olarak bulundu. Hastaların demografik özelliklerinin hemşirelik bakım davranışlarının değerlendirilmesini etkilemediği, acil serviste verilen hemşirelik bakımını “kısmen yeterli ve yetersiz” bulan hastalara göre “çok yeterli bulan” hastaların BDÖ-24 alt boyut ve toplam puan ortalamalarının istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu bulundu (p<0.001). Bakım kalitesini yetersiz ya da kısmen yeterli bulmayan hastaların bu yetersizliği hasta sayısına göre hemşire sayısının yetersizliğine ve buna bağlı olarak bakıma ayıracakları zamanın kalmamasından kaynaklandığını, bununla birlikte hastaların büyük bir çoğunluğunun bakımdan memnun kaldıkları görüldü. Sonuç olarak, çalışma bulguları hasta ve hemşirelerin hemşirelik bakım davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi açısından aralarında istatistiksel anlamda bir fark olmadığını ve hemşirelik bakımının pozitif yönde anlamlı algılandığını göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Acil servis, hemşirelik bakımı, bakım davranışı, memnuniyet. 2. SUMMARY Emergency Service and Patient Care Behavıor Evaluation of Nurses Purpose of this study is to make an assessment on emergency department nurse caring behaviours by the department nurses and by the patients ,who are treated at emergency service . This study was conducted in a form of prospective and descriptive type as of the dates june-December 2013 at Kocaeli̇ University Health Application and Research Hospital Emergency Medical Main Science by participation of 378 patinets and 12 nurses. The data of the survey were collected through “Patient Information and İnformed Consent”, “Nurse Information and İnformed Consent” ve “Caring Behaviors Inventory-24” .During the assessment of the collected data the descriptive statistical methods (Median, Standard deviation, Frequence , Ratio ), Student t Test, Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test were used. Signifinance was assessed by p<0.05 levels. Regarding the emergency nursing care of all patients, the total CBI-24 score of patients and nurses found 5.12±0.83 and 5.06±0.72, respectivty. Demographic characteristics of patients for nursing care behavior assessment does not affect, in emergency department nursing care "partially adequate and inadequate" blurred compared to patients "very adequate discoverer" of patients with CBI-24 subscales and total score was statistically significant was found (p <0.001). The explenation of the patients who evaluate the nurse carin quality “inefficient or moderately” was not because of the nurse caring behaviours. It depends on insufficent nurse count with this issue, most of patients were pleased with this nurse caring behaviours. In conclusion, the findings of the evaluation of patients and nurses in nursing care behaviors in a statistical sense there is no difference between them in terms of nursing care and demonstrate that significant positive perception. Key words : Emergency service , Nurse caring , Care Behaviour

    Acil serviste hasta ve hemşirelerin bakım davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    1. ÖZETÇalışmanın amacı acil serviste tedavi ve bakım gören hastalar ve acil servis hemşireleri tarafından, hemşirelik bakım davranışlarını değerlendirmektir. Çalışma Haziran-Aralık 2013 tarihleri arasında, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı‘nda 378 hasta ve 12 hemşire ile tanımlayıcı türde prospektif olarak yapıldı. Veriler “Hasta Bilgi ve Onam Formu”, “Hemşire Bilgi ve Onam Formu” ve “Bakım Davranışları Ölçeği-24” ile elde edildi. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, tanımlayıcı istatistik yöntemler (Ortalama, Standart Sapma, Medyan, Frekans, Oran), Student t Testi, Mann Whitney U testi Kruskal Wallis testi kullanıldı. Anlamlılık p<0.05 düzeylerinde değerlendirildi. Bu çalışmada acil serviste uygulanan hemşirelik bakımının değerlendirilmesine yönelik BDÖ-24’ünün ölçek toplamı hastalarda 5.12±0.87, hemşirelerde 5.06±0.72 olarak bulundu. Hastaların demografik özelliklerinin hemşirelik bakım davranışlarının değerlendirilmesini etkilemediği, acil serviste verilen hemşirelik bakımını “kısmen yeterli ve yetersiz” bulan hastalara göre “çok yeterli bulan” hastaların BDÖ-24 alt boyut ve toplam puan ortalamalarının istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu bulundu (p<0.001). Bakım kalitesini yetersiz ya da kısmen yeterli bulmayan hastaların bu yetersizliği hasta sayısına göre hemşire sayısının yetersizliğine ve buna bağlı olarak bakıma ayıracakları zamanın kalmamasından kaynaklandığını, bununla birlikte hastaların büyük bir çoğunluğunun bakımdan memnun kaldıkları görüldü. Sonuç olarak, çalışma bulguları hasta ve hemşirelerin hemşirelik bakım davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi açısından aralarında istatistiksel anlamda bir fark olmadığını ve hemşirelik bakımının pozitif yönde anlamlı algılandığını göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Acil servis, hemşirelik bakımı, bakım davranışı, memnuniyet. 2. SUMMARYEmergency Service and Patient Care Behavıor Evaluation of Nurses Purpose of this study is to make an assessment on emergency department nurse caring behaviours by the department nurses and by the patients ,who are treated at emergency service . This study was conducted in a form of prospective and descriptive type as of the dates june-December 2013 at Kocaeli̇ University Health Application and Research Hospital Emergency Medical Main Science by participation of 378 patinets and 12 nurses. The data of the survey were collected through “Patient Information and İnformed Consent”, “Nurse Information and İnformed Consent” ve “Caring Behaviors Inventory-24” .During the assessment of the collected data the descriptive statistical methods (Median, Standard deviation, Frequence , Ratio ), Student t Test, Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test were used. Signifinance was assessed by p<0.05 levels. Regarding the emergency nursing care of all patients, the total CBI-24 score of patients and nurses found 5.12±0.83 and 5.06±0.72, respectivty. Demographic characteristics of patients for nursing care behavior assessment does not affect, in emergency department nursing care "partially adequate and inadequate" blurred compared to patients "very adequate discoverer" of patients with CBI-24 subscales and total score was statistically significant was found (p <0.001). The explenation of the patients who evaluate the nurse carin quality “inefficient or moderately” was not because of the nurse caring behaviours. It depends on insufficent nurse count with this issue, most of patients were pleased with this nurse caring behaviours. In conclusion, the findings of the evaluation of patients and nurses in nursing care behaviors in a statistical sense there is no difference between them in terms of nursing care and demonstrate that significant positive perception.Key words : Emergency service , Nurse caring , Care Behaviour

    Effects of inadvertent perioperative mypothermia on metabolic and inflammatory mediators

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of perioperative undesirable hypothermia on inflammatory (interleukin (IL)-8, IL-10, IL-18, IL-23 and pentraxin (PTX)-3) and metabolic responses (cortisol and insulin) and recovery time.Methods: A total of 60 patients between the ages of 18 and 65 years who were in the lumbar stabilisation operation were included in the study. In this prospective, randomised controlled study, two groups were constituted as with warmed (Group N) and not warmed (Group C) patients before and during the operation. Diuresis, blood loss, body temperature and side effects were recorded with IL-8, IL-10, IL-18, IL-23, PTX-3, cortisol and insulin levels.Results: Perioperative diuresis was significantly higher in Group C. Aldrete score was significantly higher in Group N with less shivering and vom-iting in the postoperative period. IL-10, PTX-3 and cortisol levels were found to be significantly higher in Group C in the first postoperative hour. PTX-3 and cortisol were found to be significantly higher in Group C after 24 h of the operation. Insulin was significantly higher in Group N. In 72 h, IL-8 in Group N and cortisol level in Group C were significantly higher.Conclusion: Positive effects of heating the patients in the perioperative period on haemorrhage, diuresis, complications and recovery time were observed in our study. In addition, maintenance of normothermia appeared to modulate the biomarkers that indicate the inflammatory and met-abolic responses

    Effects of acetylsalicylate overdose on lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury in rats: the role of the VEGF

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    WOS: 000314288600002Aim: Vascular endothelial growth factor production is decreased depending on the alveolar epithelial cell damage. Acute over expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in lung tissue contributes to the formation permeability. Excessive doses of acetylsalicylate (ASA) may induce pulmonary edema by increasing pulmonary vascular permeability. In this study, the effects of acetylsalicylate overdoses were evaluated on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid levels of vascular endothelial growth factor in the presence of lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury in rats. Materials and Methods: Lung injury was induced by intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Rats were divided into six different sets consisting of 7 rats each for control, ASA-300, ASA-500, LPS, LPS+ASA-300 and LPS+ASA-500 series. ASA, 300 mg and 500 mg/kg doses were given by gavage. Acetylsalicylate was given 24 hours after lipopolysaccharide injection in LPS+ASA groups. Rats were sacrificed 6 hours after acetylsalicylate administration and bronchoalveolar lavage was performed. Results: In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and nitric oxide levels were increased in group of ASA-500, and were decreased in groups of LPS+ASA. In addition, plasma salicylate half-life was prolonged in LPS+ASA groups. Conlusion: Lipopolysaccharide increases the time of being metabolized of acetylsalicylate. The lung tissue damage increases due to vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and nitric oxide related mechanisms and recovery period is affected adversely. Also in humans, severe toxic effects on the lung tissue that can be generated by 300 and 500 mg/kg acetylsalicylate doses in rats showed less toxic effect

    Clinical Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed with Synthetic Cannabinoid (Bonsai) Intoxication in Intensive Care Unit

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    Objective: In recent years, synthetic cannabinoids (bonsai) poisoning is a widely seen case that needs to be treated in intensive care unit (ICU) in our country. In this study, it was aimed to discuss the clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with synthetic cannabinoid intoxication followed in ICU. Material and Method: Patients followed in ICU of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University and Çanakkale State Hospital between 2014 and 2015 were studied retrospectively. Results: Twelve cases were included. In neurological system; confusions (n=4), drowsiness (n=7), restlessness/agitations (n=5), hallucinations (n=2), anxieties/panics (n=3), acute psychosis (n=1) and amnesias (n=11) were detected. One patient was intubated. In cardiovascular system; tachycardias (n=3), bradycardias (n=2), hypertensions (n=2), hypotension (n=1), and arrhythmias (n=2) were observed. In laboratory tests, leukocytosis (n=4), leukopenia (n=1), hypoglycemias (n=3), elevation in liver and renal function tests (n=1) were identified. The average recovery time was 19.3-hours and the average ICU stay was 3-days. Conclusion: In the synthetic cannabinoid intoxication cases; it should be kept in mind that seizure activities may occur in the first hours, myocardial infarction risk in the first 3-days. Liver-kidney functions should be monitored. Hypopotasemia is the most common electrolyte disorder. Cases without any complication are expected to recover in 24-hours. However, new types of synthetic cannabinoids are put on the market every day