42 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Eklektik pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas VI SDIT Anak Sholeh Mataram

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran guru bahasa arab dalam menerapkan metode eklektik pada siswa kelas VI SDIT anak sholeh Mataram. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, interview (wawancara) dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk analisisnya, penulis mengunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu berupa data-data yang tertulis atau lisan dari orang dan pengamatan kegiatan pembelajaran sehingga dalam hal ini penulis berupaya mengadakan penelitian yang bersifat mengambarkan secara menyeluruh tentang keadaan yang sebenarnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode eklektik dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab digunakan guru untuk mempermudah proses belajar-mengajar didalam kelas. Selain itu juga, metode eklektik dapat menggambarkan variasi metode mengajar bahasa Arab yang lebih efektif, sehingga siswa tidak cepat bosan dalam menerima materi yang diajarkan

    Ethnic Diversity Of Bantenese Society

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    Ethnic Diversity of Bantenese Societ

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    International Symposium on Religious Literature and Heritage (ISLAGE

    Ethnic Diversity Of Bantenese Society

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    As an area that had ever been under the authority of Hindu Kingdom of Padjajaran in which the majority of its society professed Hindu and it had ever become one of the International trading centres and one of the central spots of Islamic studies in the archipelago during The Islamic Sultanate of Banten period in which many people of various ethnics came into Banten not only for conducting trading activities, but also for conducting religious proselytizing (dakwah) and studying Islam, Banten looked like becoming a magnet for people from many ethnics to earn a living, even to live permanently in Banten. Furthermore, they assimilated, integrated and conducted social interaction with local community of Banten. The majority of Bantenese society basically consisted of two dominant ethnics, "Jawa Banten people" and "Sunda Banten people". However, it is wrong to consider that Sundanese ethnic of Banten is the same as Sundanese people of Priangan, Jawa Barat and Javanese ethnic of Banten is similar to Javanese people in Central and East Java due to the difference of languages and cultures among them. As stated on the title, this article discusses the ethnic diversity of Banten. Furthermore, this article also tries to explain the social structure of Bantenese society in the sultanate period, the pre-colonial period, and post-colonial period

    Penggunaan Magic Dalam Politik Lokal Di Banten

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    Village-head elections frequently become unhealthy competitions among the candidate. They employ various ways to win the election, including using magical means. This article aims to explain social phenomena occur in local politics in the use of magic village-head elections in rural Banten; particularly in two sub-districts, Ciomas and Padarincang. It tries to answer several main research questions: (1) why do the candidates make use of magic during the village election process?; (2) what kinds of magic used by the candidates; (3) How does magic influence the winning chance of village head elections? (4) and how is the process of the magic USAge during the village election process?. This article is the result of a field research using ethnographical method based on anthropological perspective. To analyze the data, the researcher uses structural-functional approach. Library research, participant-observation, and depth-interview are methods used to collect the data. Based on the result of field research, it can be concluded that almost all of the candidates in these two sub-districts made use of magic in order to win the village head elections. They visit several magicians and made use of their super natural powers for their own purposes. They believed that magical power possessed by these magicians could influence their winning chance in the village-head elections. Various fundamental reasons also become an important consideration why the candidates need to use magic in local politics process

    Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Leverage terhadap PPH Terutang

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    This research aim was to determine the effect of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Mechanisms and Leverage on the Income Tax Payable with the company size and profitability as control variables. The income tax payable measured by calculating the income tax burden of the company within one tax period. The population were 14 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2014 with purposive sampling technique. These results indicated that GCG mechanisms and leverage had significant effect simultaneously on the income tax payable. The partial test results showed that only the external auditor reputation had a positive effect on the income tax payable. Generally, GCG mechanisms embracing the size of commissioner and board directors, the proportion of independent commissioner, managerial ownership, the size of audit committee, and leverage were not affected by the income tax payable

    Diplomasi Tiongkok Terhadap Amerika Serikat Dalam Paris Agreement Tahun 2015-2016

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    This research describes the China‟s diplomacy in a global climate change agreement. This research will focus on how China‟s diplomacy in paris climate change agreement towards the United States. This study interesting because describe about the diplomatic efforts of China as developing country and the world‟s biggest emitter of carbon dioxcide towards United States as developed country in global agreement on climate change.Climate change is recognized as a threat to International peace and security. The Paris Agreement marks a global commitment to tackling climate change and to reduction greenhouse gas in the world. I argue that diplomacy plays a significant role in process of climate treaty making. China's diplomacy as a developing countries toward the United States in the paris agreement has affected the United States policy in global climate agreement from convenient country towards commited country.China‟s Diplomacy in paris agreement has resulted ratification of the United States through joint ratification in China. For the first time, an International agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions includes contributions from all of the major emitting countries and, indeed, a large majority of the countries of the world