25 research outputs found

    Six Newly Discovered Eclipsing Binary Systems in the TESS field

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    We present the first detailed investigation of six eclipsing binary systems in the TESS field. The TESS light curves of the targets are analysed by determining the initial effective temperatures via SED fits. The absolute parameters are derived and the systems are compared to well-known binaries of the same type. Results show that CD-58~791, CD-62~1257 and TYC~9356-355-1 are detached binary systems. CD-54~942 and UCAC4~136-007295 are contact binaries while TYC~8508-1413-1 is a semidetached system.Comment: Accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 9 figure

    Investigation of bioprocess operational parameters for phenol removal from wastewater discharges by halomonas sp. aad12

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    HALOMONAS SP. AAD12’NİN ATIK SULARDAN FENOL GİDERİMİNE YÖNELİK BİYOPROSES PARAMETRELERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI Fenolik atıksu insanlar ve çevre için önemli bir sorundur. Mikrobiyal degredasyon ile fenol içeren atıksuları arıtabilmek de önemli bir yaklaşımdır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin Ege Bölgesi’ndeki Çamaltı Tuzlası’ndan izole edilmiş olan ılımlı halofilik gram negatif bir bakteri olan Halomonas sp. AAD12'nin değişen fenol ve tuz konsantrasyonlarında ki adaptasyonu incelenmiştir. % 5 NaCl içeren modifiye Brown besi yerinde 200 ve 800 mg⋅L-1 fenol varlığında mikroorganizmalar kayda değer miktarda büyümüşlerdir. Fenol konsantrasyonu 1000 mg⋅L-1 yüksetilmesiyle hücre büyümesi inhibe olmuştur. NaCl konsantrasyonu % 10’a yükseltildiğinde ise mikroorganimazlar sadece 200 mg⋅L-1 fenol varlığında belirgin büyüme göstermişlerdir. Farklı büyüme evreleri ile çeşitli tuz ve fenol varlığında büyüyen hücreler tarafından sentezlenen başlıca ozmolitler (prolin, ektoin ve hidroksiektoin) NMR spektroskopisi ile tanımlanmış ve miktarları tayin edilmiştir. Önemli bir ozmolit olan prolin tüm büyüme safhalarında artan eğilim göstermiştir. Diğer taraftan ektoin sentezi ise tuz konsantrasyonu arttırıldığında tetiklenmiştir. Hücre duvarı yapısının mikroorganizmanın stres koşullarına adaptasyonu ile yakın ilişkisi olduğundan aynı koşullar altında mikroorganizmanın lipit profili de incelenmiştir. İTK analizi lipit ekstraktı içindeki fosfolipitlerin kardiyolipin ve fosfatidilgliserol olduğunu göstermiştir. Hücredeki temel yağ asitleri olarak bulunan palmitik asit ve stearik asit hücresel yağ asitlerinin 70 %'ini oluşturmaktadır. ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF BIOPROCESS OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS FOR PHENOL REMOVAL FROM WASTEWATER DISCHARGES BY HALOMONAS SP. AAD12 Phenolic wastewater is an emerging problem for the environment and human health. Treatment of such phenolic wastewater using microbial degradation is a novel approach. In this work, we have focused on the adaptation of the moderately halophilic, gram negative bacterium Halomonas sp. AAD12 to the presence of varying NaCl and phenol concentrations. There was significant cell growth in the presence of 200 and 800 mg⋅L-1 phenol in modified Brown medium supplemented with 5 % NaCl. Increasing phenol concentration to 1000 mg⋅L-1 inhibited cell growth. When NaCl concentration was raised to 10 %, cells could grow only in the presence of 200 mg⋅L-1 phenol. NMR spectroscopy was then used to identify the major osmolytes (proline, ectoine, and hydroxyectoine) synthesized by this microorganism under different salt and phenol concentrations in different phases of growth. One of the important osmolytes, proline showed an increasing trend in all conditions. On the other hand ectoine synthesis was triggered by an increase in salt concentration. Microbial adaptation to stress conditions is correlated with the cell wall structure; hence the lipid distribution of the microorganism under different conditions has been investigated. TLC analysis showed that among the phospholipids identified were cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol. Palmitic acid and stearic acid were the major saturated fatty acids that made up about 70 % of the total cellular fatty acids

    Effects of Oral Alprazolam and Oral Tramadol on Anxiety and Analgesia in Patients Undergoing Breast Cancer Surgery

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to determine postoperative pain and anxiety condition of patients undergoing elective breast cancer surgery who recieved preoperative combination of Tramadol and Alprazolam

    A review on the current dental treatment practices in adults and adolescents with obesity

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    Obesity is a disease characterized by abnormal fat increase and its prevalence is increasing globally. Excessive and malnutrition habits, insufficient physical activity, and numerous genetic, environmental, socio-cultural and psychological factors are effective in the etiology of obesity. Obesity is associated with various systemic diseases such as high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases, and respiratory diseases. Obesity may also cause oral diseases such as tooth cavity, loss of teeth, periodontitis, xerostomia, traumatic tooth injuries, bruxism, and dental erosion. Some risk factors related to diet are determinant in the correlation between obesity and oral diseases. With the increasing prevalence of obesity, dentists encounter individuals with obesity more often in clinics. Dental clinics should be designed suitable for the treatments of individuals with obesity in terms of accessibility, the comfort of waiting rooms, the ergonomic structure of units. Comorbid systemic diseases in individuals with obesity, and drugs used to require some specific approaches in conservative and surgical treatments. Dentists should perform dental treatments considering the effect of obesity on oral and dental health. This study aimed to examine dental treatment practices in adults and adolescents with obesity in line with the literature. [Med-Science 2021; 10(2.000): 658-61

    Correlation of alvarado scoring system with C - Reactive protein and leukocytes in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis

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    In this study, we aimed to investigate the correlation of Alvarado scoring with C-reactive protein and leukocytes and the reliability of Alvarado scoring, and to guide clinicians for patient management. This study was planned as a prospective study. Data of the patients who presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain and diagnosed with acute appendicitis, and the control group were examined by the researchers. After a detailed physical examination, patients Alvarado scoring parameters and laboratory outcomes were recorded. Pathologic outcomes of the patients who were considered to have acute appendicitis and operated were studied. A different pathology other than appendicitis was found in 13 (15.1%) of 86 patients who were considered to have acute appendicitis and operated (negative appendectomy). According to the pathologic outcomes of the patient group, the most common cause of acute appendicitis was found to be fecalloids by 84.9%. Whereas simple appendicitis was observed in 85% of the patients, perforation was found in 8.2%. The most common finding of physical examination was right iliac fossa (95.8%), while the most common symptom was nausea / vomiting (67.1%) the in the cases of acute appendicitis. Among the Alvarado scoring parameters, fever was the least common symptom by 12.4%. In our study, we found a significant correlation between Alvarado scoring and leukocytes both in patients and control groups. Whereas there was no correlation between Alvarado scoring and C-reactive protein in the patient group, there was a correlation between these two parameters in the control group. There was a weak negative correlation between Alvarado scoring and acute appendicitis. Although Alvarado scoring has been reported to be a guiding scoring system in management of patients considered to have acute appendicitis, in our study this scoring was found to be statistically insignificant. Alvarado scoring alone is not sufficient in establishing a diagnosis, and the diagnosis should be supported by laboratory tests or imaging methods. [Med-Science 2019; 8(1.000): 132-7

    The study of the somatotypes of the Turkish National Rafting Team

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    Aim: In the study, it was aimed to determine the somatotype characteristics of the male athletes of the Turkish National Rafting Team. 8 male rafting athletes from the Turkish National Rafting Team voluntarily participated in the study during the national team camp in Rize before 2015 World Rafting Champs-Indonesia. Material and Methods: The age, height, weight, skinfold thickness, circumference, and width measurements of the athletes participated in the study were taken at the Performance Lab of Physical Education and Sports Academy, Karadeniz Technical University. Heath-Carter method was used to determine their somatotypes. The statistical analyses of the measurements were carried out by using SPSS 13. Results: The mean values of the participant male rafting athletes of the Turkish National Rafting Team (n=8) were found as follows; mean age 21 years old; mean height 175.68±3.32 cm; mean body weight 76.00±7.96kg. The mean values of the somatotype components of the athletes were found as endomorphy 2.23±0.88, mesomorphy 5.04±0.91, ectomorphy 1.92±0.94. Although there are various studies on determining somatotype characteristics in Sports Science, those related to rafting are limited in number. Conclusion: We are of the opinion that our study, in addition to determining the somatotype characteristics of the male rafting athletes of the Turkish National Rafting Team, will also contribute to the studies carried out in this field

    Ahmet Ertegün'ün hayatı ve müzik tarihindeki önemi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2014.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Öztürk, İbrahim Mert