68 research outputs found

    Analysis of Acute Transfusion Reactions and Their Occurrence Times

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    Acute transfusion reactions (ATRs) are significantly relevant to the morbidity and mortality of patients. ATRs are mostly not severe and rarely cause severe conditions, including anaphylactic shock. The aim of this study was to clarify the frequency of ATRs and the time of event occurrence. A total of 18,745 transfusions were administered to 11,718 patients during a 3-year period. Adverse reactions including at least one sign or symptom were collected through a report system in 143 of 2,478 (5.7%) platelet concentrate transfusions, 105 of 6,629 (1.6%) red blood cell component transfusions and 51 of 2,307 (2.2%) fresh frozen plasma transfusions. Allergic signs and symptoms accounted for 70% of all adverse events. Severe signs and symptoms were observed in 7.1% of patients. These events appeared significantly earlier than those of non-severe signs and symptoms (median time 20 min vs 100 min, P < 0.05). For patients who have had repetitive transfusion-associated adverse events, preventive treatments for adverse events should be proactively promoted

    Spread of infection and treatment interruption among Japanese workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in treatment interruption for chronic diseases. The scale of COVID-19 in Japan has varied greatly in terms of the scale of infection and the speed of spread depending on the region. This study aimed to examine the relationship between local infection level and treatment interruption among Japanese workers.MethodsCross-sectional internet survey was conducted from December 22 to 26, 2020. Of 33,302 participants, 9,510 (5,392 males and 4,118 females) who responded that they required regular treatment were included in the analysis. The infection level in each participant's prefecture of residence was assessed based on the incidence rate (per 1,000 population) and the number of people infected. Age-sex and multivariate adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of regional infection levels associated with treatment interruption were estimated by multilevel logistic models, nested by prefecture of residence. The multivariate model was adjusted for sex, age, marital status, equivalent household income, educational level, occupation, self-rated health status and anxiety.ResultsThe ORs of treatment interruption for the lowest and highest levels of infection in the region were 1.32 [95 % confidence interval (CI) were 1.09–1.59] for the overall morbidity rate (per 1,000) and 1.34 (95 % CI 1.10–1.63) for the overall number of people infected. Higher local infection levels were linked to a greater number of workers experiencing treatment interruption.ConclusionsHigher local infection levels were linked to more workers experiencing treatment interruption. Our results suggest that apart from individual characteristics such as socioeconomic and health status, treatment interruption during the pandemic is also subject to contextual effects related to regional infection levels. Preventing community spread of COVID-19 may thus protect individuals from indirect effects of the pandemic, such as treatment interruption

    Organized and Sustainable Education Program for Drug Abuse Prevention by Yogo-teachers

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     学校における喫煙・飲酒・薬物乱用防止教育の充実には,問題行動が顕在化する中学校期だけでなく小学校期 における指導の推進が重要であり,系統的な指導計画を立て,指導者や時間の確保,教材作成などに組織的に取 組み,継続可能なプログラム開発を行う必要がある。そこで,地区内12 校の養護教諭が協働して,発達段階に応 じた系統的・組織的かつ継続可能な地区共通の指導計画を開発し,各校の教育課程・年間計画に位置付けた実践 研究を行った。その結果,指導計画の実施状況は,小学校11 校中,学級活動10 校,ミニ保健指導10 校,長期 休業前指導6 校,広報活動9 校となり,特別支援学校1 校では広報活動のみを行うことができた。小学校におけ る喫煙・飲酒・薬物乱用防止教育の推進には,学校保健活動の中核的役割を担う養護教諭が専門性を活かし協働 して,系統的な指導計画を各校の教育課程に位置付け組織的で継続可能なプログラムとする取組が有効であった

    ショウガク 1ネンセイ ニオケル ヨウチエン シュッシンシャ ト ホイクショ シュッシンシャ ノ エイヨウ セッシュ ジョウキョウ ノ ヒカク

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    京都市内の一小学校の1年生120名を対象者に, 6月の休日および平日各1日に摂取した全食品の摂食量の記録を保護者に依頼し, 回答のあった男子41名, 女子47名, 計88名(73.3%)の栄養素および食品群別摂取量を出身別に比較検討した。その結果, 幼稚園出身者が保育所出身者より有意に高値を示したのは, 男子の果実類摂取量, 女子の脂質摂取量, 脂肪エネルギー比率であった。その他の項目では出身別に有意な差は認めなかった。全体において, 推定平均必要量以下の者の割合は, カルシウムは男子56.1%, 女子55.3%, 鉄は男子29.3%, 女子27.7%, ビタミンCは男子34.1%, 女子31.9%, 脂肪エネルギー比率が30%以上の割合は男子61.0%, 女子63.8%, 食塩6g以上の割合は男子78.0%, 女子68.1%と高かった。これより, 小学1年生において出身別の差は少ないこと, カルシウム, 鉄の不足者割合が高く, 脂質及び食塩の摂取量が目標量を超える者の割合が多い可能性が示唆された

    Modal Shift from Cars and Promotion of Walking by Providing Pedometers in Yokohama City, Japan

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    Mobility management is a transportation policy aiming to change travel behavior from car use to sustainable transportation modes while increasing people&rsquo;s physical activity. Providing pedometers and visualizing step counts, popular interventions in public health practice, may constitute a mobility management program. However, the ease of modal shifts and changeability of walking habits differ across neighborhood environments. Using questionnaire data from 2023 middle-aged and older participants from Yokohama, Japan, in May 2017, this study examined (1) the relationship between the physical and social environments of Yokohama Walking Point Program participants who volunteered to use free pedometers and their modal shifts from cars to walking and public transport, and (2) whether participants&rsquo; modal shifts were associated with increases in step counts. Multivariate categorical regression analyses identified the frequency of greetings and conversations with neighbors as well as health motivation as important explanatory variables in both analyses. Participants living in neighborhoods far from railway stations and in neighborhoods with a high bus stop density tended to shift to walking and public transport, a modal shift that was highly associated with increased step counts. These results suggest that mobility management should be promoted in collaboration with public health and city planning professionals

    Optimal telework frequency in terms of sleep and labor productivity depends on the workers' psychological distress: A cross-sectional study in Tokyo, Japan.

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    ObjectivesThis study aimed to determine that workers' sleep and labor productivity differ with the telework frequency and that the optimal telework frequency depends on workers' psychological distress.MethodsA cross-sectional study using an online-based questionnaire was conducted with 2,971 workers employed by Japanese companies from October to December 2021. We used the 6-item Kessler Scale, K6, as a nonspecific psychological distress scale to screen mental health conditions. A score of ≤ 4 was defined as low psychological distress (LPD), and a score of ≥ 5 was defined as high psychological distress (HPD). We used the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) as a measure of sleep quality. The Utrecht Work Engagement (UWES) and Work Functioning Impairment (WFun) scales were used as measures of labor productivity. Series of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used for the data analysis.ResultsThe analysis included 2,013 participants (1,390 men and 623 women; mean age 43.2 years, standard deviation 11.3). Multiple comparison tests showed that among the participants categorized HPD (HPD type), the AIS estimates were lowest in the 1-2 d/wk group, with significant differences between the 0-3 d/m and ≥ 5 d/wk groups. UWES estimates were lowest in the 3-4 d/wk group with significant differences between the participants categorized LPD (LPD type) and HPD type, while no significant differences were observed among the LPD type. The WFun estimates among the LPD type decreased significantly with increasing telework frequency, while no significant differences were observed among the HPD type.ConclusionsThe optimal telework frequency for sleep and labor productivity may depend on the workers' psychological distress. The finding of this study could make a great contribution to occupational health activities and health promotion for teleworkers, which is necessary to make teleworking a sustainable work style