10 research outputs found

    The Effect of Surgical Repair for Pectum Excavatum on Cardiopulmonary Function

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    In five patients with corrective surgery for pectus Excavatum, the effectiveness of surgical repair were evaluated from the results of pulmonary function test as well as the finding on ECG according to follow-up study postoperativelly. Of five patient undergone the corrective surgery which sternoturnover with costalplasty employed in 4, and sternoplasty alone in I, all of them were male and the average age except 3 years of age was 14.8 years ranging from 10 to 21 years. There are no manifestation of clinical syndrome in all 5 cases. However, the fair mental growth demands psychologically the early corrective surgery in young chidren. By follow-up study after surgical correction for pectus excavatum during a period from 3 months to 3 years and 3 months, the finding on EKG of right ventricular overload revealed the improvement within 2 months after surgical correction in contrast the results of pulmonary function test disclosed no marked changes until 2 months following surgery. From the view of cosmetic efficacy of corrective surgery, sternoturnover with or without costalplasty are one of the adovocating operative procedures

    Clinical Evaluation with Referrence to Operative Specificity on Tracheal and Bronchial Reconstruction

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    The clinical specificity were evaluated in those 11 cases who underwent tracheal recon - structive surgery and in those 25 cases who underwent bronchial reconstructive surgery respectively. Its prognosis after tracheal reconstruction at the level of intrathoracic region was extremely poor. The operative specificity with regard to tracheal surgery consist of being a poor genera- condition preoperativelly and of having an urgent demand of removal of tracheal stenotic lesion to alleviate respiratory distress . The prognosis after tracheal surgery was commonly poor and was similar to that after emergency operation as a general accep - tance for the reason of unfavorable general condtion . The present study was to define clinical problems in which the salvage after tracheal surgery was entirely difficult. The improvement of the prognosis following tracheal surgery should be found in maximum endeavor for prevention of postoperative complication related to operative death intimately. However, terminal tracheostomy employed for lesions of cervical trachea was one o

    The Clinical Evaluation of Radical Lobectomy with Sleeve Resection of both the Bronchus and the Pulmonary Artery for Lung Cancer

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    Operative procedures of lobectomy with sleeve anastomosis of both the bronchus and pulmonary artery were evaluated in 5 patients undergone surgery. 1) The indications of this operation exist in patients with hillar type of lung cancer with cancerous invasion into the wall of the pulmonary artery segmentally. The lesions in left side were not infrequently indicated rather than that in right side. 2) Three patients were followed for three months to 2 years and 3 months. Two of them are alive from 3 months to 2 years and 3 months without recurrence respectively. The remaining one died in one year and half postoperatively of local recurrence and distant metastasis. 3) We encountered in 2 cases of hospital death unrelated operative techiniques. From one experience of autopsy on postoperative 12th day, the ischemic lesion of the lung was detected following the cessation of pulmonary flow by torsion in the anastomotic site. It was emphasized that pulmonary blood flow is necessary to nourish the lung under interruption of bronchial flow by bronchoplastic procedure. The cause of the remaining one was hemorrhagic diathesis owing to hyperfibrinolytic activity

    Prognostic Evaluation of Small Sized Lung Cancer Following Surgery

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    The prognosis after surgical treatment for so-called small sized lung cancer which was less than 2 cm in diameter was mainly evaluated in this study. From the present study, the prognosis after surgery of a small sized lung cancer which less than 1.5 cm diameter of tumor mass could not be necessarily satisfactory because of appearence of recurrence and metastasis after surgical treatment. We concluded that the term of lung cancer in early stage meant permanent curability from prognostic view of long term follow-up. Nevertheless, a small sized lung cancer from 1.0cm to 1.5 cm in diameter of tumor mass did not necessarily result in complete cure rate. Thirteen cases with a small sized carcinoma ranging from 1.0 cm to 2.0 cm in size were subjected to evaluate the prognosis after surgery. The distant metastasis occured in 45.5% of them except 2 deaths unrelated to carcinoma. Histological pattern of primary tumor, in which distant metastatic focus was seen in relatively early stage following surgery, showed adenocarcinoma except one of squamous cell carcinoma. Interestingly enough, a case with lung cancer of small cell carcinoma survived more than 6 years after surgery without any recurrence. Furthermore, the degree of immunological host response with small sized lung cancer was studied by skin reaction agaist PPD. In addition, histological findings with regard t

    The Effect of Surgical Repair for Pectum Excavatum on Cardiopulmonary Function

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    In five patients with corrective surgery for pectus Excavatum, the effectiveness of surgical repair were evaluated from the results of pulmonary function test as well as the finding on ECG according to follow-up study postoperativelly. Of five patient undergone the corrective surgery which sternoturnover with costalplasty employed in 4, and sternoplasty alone in I, all of them were male and the average age except 3 years of age was 14.8 years ranging from 10 to 21 years. There are no manifestation of clinical syndrome in all 5 cases. However, the fair mental growth demands psychologically the early corrective surgery in young chidren. By follow-up study after surgical correction for pectus excavatum during a period from 3 months to 3 years and 3 months, the finding on EKG of right ventricular overload revealed the improvement within 2 months after surgical correction in contrast the results of pulmonary function test disclosed no marked changes until 2 months following surgery. From the view of cosmetic efficacy of corrective surgery, sternoturnover with or without costalplasty are one of the adovocating operative procedures

    Clinical Evaluation with Referrence to Operative Specificity on Tracheal and Bronchial Reconstruction

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    The clinical specificity were evaluated in those 11 cases who underwent tracheal recon - structive surgery and in those 25 cases who underwent bronchial reconstructive surgery respectively. Its prognosis after tracheal reconstruction at the level of intrathoracic region was extremely poor. The operative specificity with regard to tracheal surgery consist of being a poor genera- condition preoperativelly and of having an urgent demand of removal of tracheal stenotic lesion to alleviate respiratory distress . The prognosis after tracheal surgery was commonly poor and was similar to that after emergency operation as a general accep - tance for the reason of unfavorable general condtion . The present study was to define clinical problems in which the salvage after tracheal surgery was entirely difficult. The improvement of the prognosis following tracheal surgery should be found in maximum endeavor for prevention of postoperative complication related to operative death intimately. However, terminal tracheostomy employed for lesions of cervical trachea was one o