Clinical Evaluation with Referrence to Operative Specificity on Tracheal and Bronchial Reconstruction


The clinical specificity were evaluated in those 11 cases who underwent tracheal recon - structive surgery and in those 25 cases who underwent bronchial reconstructive surgery respectively. Its prognosis after tracheal reconstruction at the level of intrathoracic region was extremely poor. The operative specificity with regard to tracheal surgery consist of being a poor genera- condition preoperativelly and of having an urgent demand of removal of tracheal stenotic lesion to alleviate respiratory distress . The prognosis after tracheal surgery was commonly poor and was similar to that after emergency operation as a general accep - tance for the reason of unfavorable general condtion . The present study was to define clinical problems in which the salvage after tracheal surgery was entirely difficult. The improvement of the prognosis following tracheal surgery should be found in maximum endeavor for prevention of postoperative complication related to operative death intimately. However, terminal tracheostomy employed for lesions of cervical trachea was one o

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