26 research outputs found

    Rare congenital anomalies of the internal carotid artery: anatomic and radiologic aspects of three cases and review of the literature

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    Purpose Congenital anomaly of the internal carotid artery (ICA) is a rare entity. It is usually discovered incidentally by color doppler carotid sonography, angiography, computerized tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging of the head and neck region taken for some other reasons. The aim of this study was to detect congenital ICA anomalies, to delineate existing collateral vessels and to find out its incidence. Methods 1847 patients' CT angiography images of the head and neck region taken between May 2013 and February 2018 were retrospectively evaluated for ICA anomalies. Results We detected three cases (0.16%) with unilateral agenesis of ICA, bilateral agenesis of ICA and bilateral hypoplasia of ICA, respectively. Most patients are asymptomatic because of collateral cerebral circulation supplied by the communicating arteries of the circle of Willis, intercavernous anastomosis, communicating arteries from the external carotid artery, and by persistent embryologic arteries to the carotid artery territory. Conclusion Recognition of ICA anomalies has important implications during planned carotid or transsphenoidal surgery, in thromboembolic disease, and in the follow-up and detection of associated cerebral aneurysms

    Analysis of mandibular third molar impaction classification with different skeletal malocclusions

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    Background: Since the third molar teeth are the last to erupt in the oral cavity, they can become more impacted than other teeth. Insufficient retromolar space and the eruption direction of the third molars can affect this situation. The condition, distribution, and prevalence of impacted third molars in skeletal Class I, II, and III anomalies are important in treatment predictability. Purpose: The aim of this study is to classify impacted lower third molars in patients with different skeletal malocclusions. Methods: This retrospective study examined panoramic X-ray records of patients treated at Inonu University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, between 2014 and 2021. In total, 1219 mandibular third molar teeth were considered. Impacted mandibular third molar teeth of individuals with different skeletal structures were grouped according to the Pell and Gregory, Winter, and Archer classifications. Results: In this study, 37.74% of the participants were male, and 62.26% were female; 40.94% of examined teeth were skeletal Class I, 41.84% were Class II, and 17.23% were Class III. It was determined that 91.63% of all examined teeth were impacted, and 8.37% had erupted. According to the Pell and Gregory classification, 21.41% of teeth were Grade (I), 38.06% were Grade (II), and 40.53% were Grade (III). According to the Winter classification, 3.12% of examined teeth were buccal, 6.89% were horizontal, 23.71% were mesioangular, and 66.28% were vertical. According to the Archer classification, 14.44% of examined teeth were in position A, 30.02% were in position B, and 55.54% were in position C. No statistically significant relationship was established between grades and gender (p>0.05). Conclusion: A relationship was ascertained between the impacted positions of mandibular third molars in different skeletal structures

    Seizure Self-Efficacy Scale for Children with Epilepsy: Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analysis

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    Aim: In the past few years, the concept of self-efficacy in children with epilepsy has become increasingly important. This study aimed to analyze the psychometric aspects of the Turkish version of the Seizure Self-Efficacy Scale for Children. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey. The study data were collected using the Seizure Self-Efficacy Scale for Children and Child Introduction Form. The study sample included 166 children who were between 9 and 17 years of age. The authors assessed the reliability and construct validity of the study data using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Results: The original model was not confirmed by the CFA. The analysis tool included 15 items in two factors. Reliability analysis showed that the two factors were acceptable and valid. The tool was valid and reliable for measuring the self-efficacy of epileptic children. The factor structure was derived from and confirmed by the original tool. It was found that the Turkish version of the modified Seizure Self-Efficacy Scale for Children had excellent satisfactory psychometric aspects for a Turkish population. Conclusion: Health professionals can present a more effective drug process and nursing care by identifying and assessing seizure self-efficacy levels in children with epilepsy, and they can make a positive contribution to disease management and the way the child deals with the disease

    Thoughts of teachers about attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and training of teachers

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada öğretmenlerin Dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) ve bu bozuklara sahip çocuklar için uygun sınıf içi tutumlar hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerinin araştırılması ve öğretmen eğitiminin DEHB tedavisindeki yerinin tartışılması amaçlanmaktadır. Yöntem: Adana ili ve çevresindeki 3 ilköğretim okulunda çalışan 104 öğretmene DEHB' nin tanımlanması, tedavisi ve uygun sınıf içi tutumlarla ilgili eğitim toplantıları düzenlendi. Eğitimden önce ve sonra öğretmenlerin DEHB'ye yönelik bilgi ve tutumlarını araştırmak amacıyla hazırlanan 30 soru soruldu. Sonuçlar: Eğitimden önce uygulanan soru listesinde doğru cevaplanan soruların ortalması 26.3±2.3 iken, eğitimden sonra bu oran 27.8+4.1 olarak belirlendi. Bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p=0,001). Tartışma: DEHB'nin tanısından, tedavinin planlanmasına ve takibine kadar pek çok alanda öğretmenlerden alman bilgi ve destek önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, ilköğretim okullarında çalışan öğretmenlerin önemli bir kısmında DEHB ile ilgili pek çok bilgi eksikliği olduğu, kısa bir eğitimin bile bu eksikliklerin tamamlanmasında yarar sağlayabileceği düşünülmüştür. DEHB tedavisinde öğretmen eğitimine daha fazla önem verilmesi gerektiği önerilmektedir.Objective: In this study it has been aimed to investigate the knowledge level of teachers about attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and ideal classroom applications towards these children, and also this study has been conducted to discuss the importance of teacher training in ADHD treatment. Method: A training programme was conducted for 104 teachers working in 3 primary schools in and around Adana city on definition and treatment of ADHD and ideal classroom applications. Before and after training, teachers were asked 30 questions in order to investigate their level of knowledge about ADHD and their attitudes to the disorder. Results: The average score of the correct answers to the questions before training was 26.3 ± 2.3, the average score after training has been found to be 27.8 ±4.1. The difference was statistically meaningful (p=0.001). Discussion: ft is important to cooperate with teachers for diagnosis, treatment management and follow up of patients with ADHD. In this study, we have suggested that there is lack of knowledge about ADHD among teachers working in primary schools and even a short time training programme could be very useful to overcome this problem. It is advised to give more importance to teacher training in ADHD treatment

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Sub-types

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    Bu çalışmada 2002-2003 öğretim yılı boyunca polikliniğimize ilk kez başvuran ve Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (OEHB) tanısı konan olguların, bozukluğun alt tiplerine göre dağılımının, yaşa ve cinsiyete göre faklılıklarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışmaya 2002-2003 öğretim yılı boyunca polikliniğine ilk kez başvuran ve DEHB tanısı alan 401 olgu alındı. Değerlendirmeler aileden alınan bilgiler, çocuk ile görüşme, oyun odası izlenimleri ve öğretmenlerden alınan bilgiler ışığında yapıldı. DEHB tanısı tüm bu değerlendirmeler sonucunda DSM-IV ölçütlerinin ayrıntılı sorgulandığı klinik görüşmeler ile kondu. Bulgular: Erkeklerde bileşik tip X77.5 (n=238), aşırı hareketliliğin önde olduğu tip %18.8 (n=50) ve dikkat eksikliğinin önde olduğu tip %3.6 (n=11); kızlarda bileşik tip %79.8 (n=75), aşırı hareketliliğin önde olduğu tip %10.6 (n=10) ve dikkat eksikliğinin önde olduğu tip %9.6 (n=9) olarak belirlendi. Aşırı hareketliliğin önde olduğu tip erkeklerde daha sık olarak belirlendi (p<0.021). Bunun aksine dikkat eksikliğinin önde olduğu tip kızlarda daha sıktı (p<0.017). Bileşik tip tanısı konan olgular için ilk kez başvuru ve tanı alma yaşı ortalama 8.2±2.5, aşırı hareketliliğin önde olduğu tip için 4.6±2.1 ve dikkat eksikliğinin önde olduğu tip için 9.3±2.4 idi (p<0.000). Tartışma: DEHB'nin alt tipleri yaşa ve cinsiyete göre önemli farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu farkların iyi bilinmesinin, hastalığın tanınması ve tedavisinde önemli katkıları olacağı düşünülmektedir.Objective: In this study, we aim to investigate the sub-types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the cases who applied to our clinic for the first time during 2002-2003 academic year and the diagnosis is of with ADHD show any difference according to age and gender. Method: Four hundred and one children who applied to our clinic for the first time in the academic year, 2002-2003 and diagnosed with ADHD were included in this study. They are diagnosed with ADHD as a result of family interviews, child interviews, playroom observation, family and teacher questionnaires and DSM-IV. Results: We have found that in boys the mixed type is 77.5% (n=238), the hyperactive type is 18.8% (n=50) and the attention deficit type is .3.6% (n=10); in girls, the mixed type is 79.8% (n=75), the hyperactive type is 10.6%, (n=10) and the attention deficit type is 9.6 % (n=9). The hyperactive type was found to be more pervasive in boys (<0.021). On the contrary, the attention deficit type was more pervasive among girls (<0.017). The average age for first application and being diagnosed is 8.2±2.5 for the cases diagnosed mixed type, 4.6±2.1 for hyperactive type and 9.3±2.4 for attention deficit type (<0.000). Discussion: Sub-types of ADHD show significant differences according to age and gender. Sound knowledge of these differences will contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder

    Different prognosis of pervasive developmental disorders

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    Yaygın gelişimsel bozukluklar erken çocuklukta başlamakta ve yaşam boyu süren önemli belirtilere neden olmaktadır. Erken çocukluk döneminde otistik belirtiler görüldüğünde ilk akla gelen; yaygın gelişimsel bozukluk spektrumu içinde yer alan tanılardan biridir. Ancak bazı olgularda takip sırasında tanı değişebilir ya da eşlik eden başka bir bozukluk tabloda öne geçebilir. Bu çalışmada; 21 aylıkken otistik bozukluk tanısı alan ve okul çağına geldiğinde otistik belirtilerinin düzelmesi ile birlikte dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu belirtileri gösteren bir erkek olgu ve otistik bozukluk tanısı ile izlenirken, okul çağına geldiğinde hafif otistik belirtilerin yanı sıra belirgin obsesyon ve tikleri olan bir kız olgu aktarılmıştır.Pervasive developmental disorders appear every early in child-hood and cause life-long significant symptoms. When autistic symptoms are present in the early childhood, the first diagnoses to be considered is one of the disorders classified usually in the autistic spectrum disorders. However, the diagnosis of some cases may change during follow-up or a comorbid condition maysupercede the clinical picture. In this report, we present a boy who was diagnosed with autistic disorder at 21 mounts of age and showed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and has shown no autistic symptoms at school age; and a girl who was followed up with mild autistic symptoms and developed significant obsession and tics at school age

    A diabetes camp activity

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    Amaç: Diyabetli çocuklar için Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Endokrinolojisi Bilim Dalı’nın Çocuk ve Ergen Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı ile ortaklaşa düzenlediği yaz kampına katılan ergenlerde ruhsal belirtilerin değerlendirilmesi ve hastalığın eğitimi hakkında kampın etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Yöntem: Etkinliğe katılan 10-17 yaşlarında 18 (9 erkek, 9 kız) olguya kamp süresince verilen hastalık eğitiminin sonuçlarını değerlendirebilmek için Ç.Ü.T.F.Çocuk Endokrinoloji Bilim Dalı tarafından oluşturulan, çocukların diyabet hastalığı ile ilgili bilgilerinin sorgulandığı 20 soruluk test kamp öncesinde ve sonrasında uygulandı. Ayrıca Çocuklar İçin Depresyon Ölçeği (ÇDÖ), Maudsley Obsesif Kompulsif Soru Listesi (MOKSL) ve Çocuklar İçin Durumluk-Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri (ÇDSKE) uygulandı. Sonuçlar: Olguların hastalıkları ile ilgili bilgi düzeyi ortalaması 12.8±2.5 iken, kamp sonunda bu ortalama 16.7±3.0’e yükselmiştir (p=0.003). Olguların başlangıç ÇDÖ puanlarının ortalaması 10.1±4.3; MOKSL puanlarının ortalaması 18.7±6.6; Çocuklar İçin Durumluluk Kaygı Envanteri (ÇDKE) ortalaması 35.7±5.5 ve Çocuklar İçin Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri (ÇSKE) ortalaması 28.8±4.5 olarak belirlenirken kamp sonrasında bu ortalamalar sırası ile 9.8±7.2, 19.1±7.1, 33.7±6.2, 30.5±6.3’tü. Bu puanlar arasında anlamlı fark saptanamamıştır. Tartışma: Diyabetli çocuklarda depresyon ya da diğer psikiyatrik sorunlar diğer çocuklara göre daha sık olabilir. Bu nedenle psikiyatrik değerlendirmeleri ve izlenmeleri önerilmektedir. Kronik hastalıklar için düzenlenen kamp etkinlikleri çocuk ruh sağlığı çalışanları için böyle bir olanak tanımaktadır. Diyabet ve diğer kronik hastalıklarda, hastaların durumları ile ilgili bilgilendirilmesi, hastalığa ve tedaviye uyumları için önemlidir. Diyabet kampları bu amaçla düzenlenen etkinliklerdir. Bu çalışmada da kampın amacına ulaştığı söylenebilir.Objective: In this study it is aimed to evaluate efficiency of the diabetes summer camping in the mean of participants' psychological symptoms and diabetes education. A summer camp was organized for diabetic adolescent in the partnership of Çukurova University Medicine Faculty Pediatric Endocrinology Department and Çukurova University Medicine Faculty Child Psychiatry Departments. Methods: Eighteen (9 male, 9 female) participants aged between 10-17 were included in the scope of study. A test comprises 20 questions which are prepared by Çukurova University Medicine Faculty Pediatric Endocrinology Department was applied to participants before and after camping in order to measure knowledge of participants about diabetes. Children Depression Inventory (CDI), Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Questionnaire (MOCQ), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAI-C) was also applied to participants. Results: Correct answers ratio of diabetes pretest was 12.8±2.5 while this ratio was 16.7±3.0 after camping. This result was statistically meaningful (p=0.003). The mean point of was CDI 10.1±4.3 while MOCQ was found to be 18.7±6.6. The mean of STAI-1 was 35.7±5.5 and mean of STAI-2 was measured to be 28.8±4.5. After camping, the means were consecutively 9.8±7.2, 19.1±7.1, 33.7±6.2, 30.5±6.3. These results were not statistically meaningful. Discussion: Diabetic children may have depression or other psychiatric problems more than healthy children. In this respect, the psychiatric evaluation and follow-up is important. Camp programs which are organized for chronic diseases provide follow-up opportunities for child and adolescent psychiatrists. To inform patients about their situation is an important step of therapy in diabetes and such chronic diseases. Diabetes camps are activities which are organized for this purpose. In this study it can be said that the camping has reached its aim