34 research outputs found

    Study for a morphological assessment: Impact of a new project on urban form of Galata, Istanbul

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    Cities are in a continuous process with the change and re-adaptation of different parts. Cities are deliberately planned under different socio-economic, natural, religious, and political conditions in different historical periods. While cities are growing, new urban projects are planned that will affect urban morphology. Thus, the research problem is that new urban design projects require planning and integrated policy in interaction with the city. One of the aspects of ensuring this is examining the city from the historical point of view and comprehending urban morphology analysis. Within this framework, the Galata Region is chosen as the study area. The main reason for choosing the study area is; that it is thought the planning of the Galataport Project, the characteristics of the district and its impact should be questioned. Therefore, the study aims to first determine the change and development of the Galata Region over time with the Conzenian approach. In this section, historical maps of the area will be examined through the spatial development of the city, and the determination of the areas affected by the planning decisions will be revealed. Morphological region analysis will be done to identify the focus area boundary. Secondly, the aim is to reveal the impact of the Galataport Project on the region and on the use of the coastline by space syntax method. In this part, the effect of the Galataport Project will be explained comparatively by axiality, convexity, integration and intelligibility, and synergy concept through the 1980 and 2020 maps. As a result, it is seen that the study area has its spatial characteristics, cultural values, and historical process. In the general analysis of the area, it is seen that the old city center is seen as a high potential area for transformation due to its central location. The old city center plays a central role in the marketing of the city because of its economic potential. New design projects are done in the study area because of the transformation potential. It is observed that the Galataport project together with the morphological structure led to functional changes in the field and caused differences in the characteristics of the use of space. It has affected the area and old trading functions began to transform the leisure and tourism sector. Lastly, recommendations are given according to the results

    Investigating morphological changes of a capital city: The case of Ankara

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    Capital cities have a major role in carrying the symbolic meanings of their countries. Planning decisions and historical periods affect their urban forms and development processes. This research examines the morphological evaluation of Ankara—the capital city of Turkey—and provides an approach to understanding its unique physical structure. Ankara has witnessed strategically important planning periods through its history that are reflected in its urban form. The historical periods affecting the developing process of the capital city are analyzed through a mathematical method called "Space Syntax" which contributes to the field of urban morphology with a quantitative perspective. The analytical framework investigates the changing process of Ankara's unique urban axis and morphological structure. Its different historical periods show that the capital city is constantly changing. Ankara's monumental city axis, which shows its traces since the formation of the city, still exists today. However, this unique axis, which connects the historical core areas of the capital city, has lost its potential today. Due to economic and political demands, the main axis, namely Atatürk Boulevard, has been replaced by a newly formed western artery. Understanding Ankara's forming and changing process will enhance its subsequent development plans. By evaluating a unique capital city from Turkey with a morphological perspective, this research will contribute an approach to future studies

    Antakya ve Konya tarihi kent dokularının morfolojik açıdan karşılaştırılması

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    The present study focuses on the comparative examination of the changes that occurred in the physical structures of the cities through the morphological analysis of urban textures in the cases of two Anatolian cities, Konya and Antakya, which have been shaped through the influence of different cultures in historical period.Within the scope of the study, in identifying the morphological differences, the areas of the two cities that characterize urban pattern features were determined and examined through the analytical analysis method. In these examinations, first, the urban patterns selected from the two cities were compared in terms of numerical values by taking the road areas, green areas and built-up areas as basic indicators. Second, the physical formation and development periods and times of the cities of Antakya and Konya were comparatively evaluated by using aerial photographs, texture map analysis and visual materials such as pictures-photographs. As the result of the study, it was determined that the use of built-up areas, road areas and green areas showed similarities in terms of numerical levels. On the other hand, it was observed that the two cities showed differences in terms of spatial construction and perception. Accordingly, the differences observed in the spatial construction and perceptions of the cities were attributed to their different locational characteristics and to the fact that the cities were shaped through the influence of different cultures in historical period.Bu çalışma, tarihsel süreçte farklı kültürlerin etkisi ile biçimlenmiş, Anadolu kentlerinden Konya ve Antakya örneklerinde, kentlerin fiziksel yapısındaki değişimlerin, kentsel dokuların morfolojik analizi yoluyla karşılaştırmalı incelenmesi üzerine odaklanmaktadır.Çalışma kapsamında morfolojik farklılıkların belirlenmesinde, her iki kentin tarihi kent dokusu özelliği gösteren bölgeleri belirlenerek, analitik analiz yöntemi ile irdelenmiştir. Bu irdelemelerde, ilk olarak her iki kentten seçilen kentsel dokular yol alanları, yeşil alanlar ve yapılaşmış alanlar temel göstergeler olmak üzere sayısal değerler açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. İkinci olarak, Antakya ve Konya kentlerinin fiziksel oluşum ve gelişim dönem ve süreleri hava fotoğrafları, dokusal harita analizleri ile resim fotoğraf gibi görsel materyallerden yararlanılarak karşılaştırmalı değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, Konya ve Antakya kentlerinde, yapılaşmış alan, yol alanı ve yeşil alan kullanımlarının sayısal düzeyde benzerlikler gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Buna karşılık; her iki kentin mekânsal kurgu ve algılanma açısından farklılıklar gösterdiği görülmüştür. Buna göre; kentlerin mekânsal kurgu ve algılanmasındaki farklılıkların, kentlerin farklı konumsal nitelikleri ve tarihsel süreçte farklı kültürel değerlerinin etkisi altında şekillenmiş olmalarına dayandırılmıştır

    Investigation and evaluation of the impacts of the proposals related with the Golden Horn Cultural Valley Project on Galata area

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    Bu çalışma; “Kültür Vadisi” olarak tanımlanmış olan Haliç ve çevresinin temizlenerek, tarihi ve doğal değerleri ile birlikte yeniden kültürel ve sosyal yaşama kazandırılması için önerilen yeni projelerin Galata bölgesi üzerine etkileri; yaya ve mekân arasındaki ilişkiyi yürünebilirlik endekslerine dayanarak inceleyen bir araştırmanın bulgularından yola çıkarak araştırılmaktadır. Böylece, oldukça merkezi bir konuma sahip olmasına rağmen şehrin diğer kısımlarından kopuk kalmış olan Galata ve yakın çevresinin yaya hareketlilik dokuları incelenerek, sözü edilmiş olan bu yeni kentsel tasarım proje önerilerinden Galataport ve Perşembe Pazarı projelerinin, Galata’nın yaya hareketlilik dokuları üzerine olası yansımaları değerlendirilmiştir. Galata’da yaya hareketlilik dokularının gözlemlenmesi ve tespitini gerektiren uygulamalar çalışma kapsamında geliştirilmiştir. Yürünebilirlik oranları ile ilgili karşılaştırmalar yapılabilmesi ve hareketlilik dokusunu etkileyen çevresel faktörlerin tespit edilmesi amacıyla belirlenen değişkenler; güvenlik, görsel kalite, çekicilik ve konfor, arazi kullanımı, eğim ve erişilebilirlik olarak beş ana başlık altında ele alınmıştır. Erişilebilirlik değerinin belirlenmesinde İngiltere University  College London bünyesindeki Space Syntax Laboratuarı tarafından geliştirilen bir şehirsel tasarım modeli olan Space Syntax (Mekânsal Dizin) yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Gözlemlenen yaya hareketlilik dokusu bağımlı değişken olarak ele alınarak, belirlenen beş bağımsız değişkenle çoklu regresyon yapılmıştır. Çoklu regresyon modelinin sonuçları, Galata’da yaya hareketlilik oranlarını etkileyen faktörleri %60 oranında açıklamaktadır. Modele göre, yaya hareketlerinde; “güvenlik”, ”erişilebilirlik” ve ”arazi kullanımları” değişkenleri belirleyici etkenlerdir. Çalışma, ileriki aşamalarda, uygulama modeli sonucunda yaya hareketlerini etkilediği tespit edilen değişkenlerin, hareketlilik dokularını ne oranda ve hangi şekilde etkilediğinin araştırılması için alt başlıklarda incelenmesinin önemini ortaya koymaktadır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Yaya hareketleri, kentsel tasarım, Space Syntax (Mekânsal Dizin), yürünebilirlik.Even though pedestrian movement is one of the critical issues in urban design, a determinate method for evaluation of attractiveness of an area for walkability has not been established yet. This paper presents the findings of a comprehensive study on walkability developed on a historical centre of Istanbul, named Galata that has become segregated in recent years. Although Galata has been a significant region due to its location in the commercial core of Istanbul as well as its architectural, cultural and religious history, the area has been losing its value rapidly. Despite its lively neighborhood that has been developing, Galata remains disjointed and rigidly separated from its surroundings and in the process of deterioration. The study has researched the possible effects of the environmental variables on the levels of activity in urban spaces. The aim is to shed light on key variables that affect the attractiveness of an area for pedestrian movement, which in turn can help to develop an objective methodology to evaluate walkability. This study made use of earlier research that measured the pedestrian attractiveness of spaces, including Space Syntax. Space Syntax specializes in the analysis and design of urban environments and, in particular, the design of pedestrian linkages and public spaces. It makes direct observations of pedestrian and vehicular activity and uses purpose-designed computer programs to forecast the effects of new developments on such patterns. The method is being used in many European countries and gives consistent results. Within the context of the study, the existing pedestrian movement patterns in Galata have been observed and a range of variables have been determined to analyze the relationships. Pedestrian movement levels have been recorded separately for men, women, elderly, teenagers and children. The variables have been evaluated under five headings: 1. Slope of the area, 2. Land use pattern, 3. Visual quality and comfort, 4. Safety and 5. Accessibility (Space Syntax analyses) The data recorded in this study have been analyzed with a multiple regression analysis, in which pedestrian movement levels are considered as the dependent variable. The multi-regression analyses have been carried out for different categories of users (male, female, elderly, teenagers and children) and for both weekday and weekend activity levels separately. The model that explains the pedestrian movement levels with the highest accuracy has been generated with the total pedestrian levels of weekend. This model accounts for 60 % of the variation in pedestrian movement. According to the findings of the model, pedestrian movement levels are explained with three out of five variables: safety, accessibility (Space Syntax integration values) and land use pattern. Golden Horn that lies between Beyoğlu and the Historical Peninsula is being planned as a cultural valley with its 16km long coast. The “Cultural Valley” project is dealing with the refinement of the coasts and surroundings of Golden Horn and regaining its vitality with its historical and natural values. In this study, the possible effects of these proposals on Galata area have been analyzed through Space Syntax and walkability models. The outcomes of the analyses served to the purpose of evaluating two proposed development projects; Persembe Pazarı and Galataport, which seem to have a far reaching influence in future development of the area. The projects are evaluated under the headings land use, safety & security and accessibility. The results of the evaluation have shown that both the two proposals are likely to have a multiplier effect on pedestrian movement, which is crucial for the vitality of the area. The method and the findings of this study constitute an analytical model that could shed fresh light for future research on walkability as well as for evaluating proposals to regenerate historical city centers that have lost their vitality. The research enables to determine possible problems that may cause socio-economic inactivity such as decrease in accessibility among facilities and by this way contributes not only to practice but also to scientific research. The study suggests the importance of investigating the defined variables in subheadings in order to understand the degree and the aspect of their effects on movement patterns. Keywords: Pedestrian Movement, urban design, Space Syntax, walkability.&nbsp

    Analysis of relationship between land values and residential areas

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    İnsanın çevre koşullarına tepkisi sadece doğal bir tepki değil, aynı zamanda düzenleyici bir eylemdir. Kent de insanın şekil verdiği ve kendi kültürü içinde geliştirdiği bir yapay çevresidir. Bu çalışmada konut bölgelerindeki arazi değerine etki eden kentsel ve mekânsal değişkenlerin neler olduğu ve arazi değerine ne derecede etki ettiğinden yola çıkılarak, şehirlerin yeniden yapılanmasında, tasarım projelerinde, gayrimenkul yatırımlarında daha sağlıklı kararlar verilmesi için bilimsel bir yaklaşım geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu çerçevede konut bölgelerindeki arazi değerleri değişimini mekânsal boyutta etkileyen etmenlerle ölçümünün yapılmasına yönelik araştırmanın özgünlüğünü yansıtan bir model kurgulanmıştır. Bu çerçevede kurgulanan model bir dünya metropolü özelliği taşıyan İstanbul örnekleminde ele alınmıştır. Bu modelde mevcut ekonomik arazi değerlerinin tespiti, mekânsal kurgunun sayısal olarak yorumlanması (mekân sentaks yöntemi kullanılarak), taşınmaz değerini etkilediği düşünülen kentsel değişkenlerin tespiti, elde edilen verilerin birleştirilmesi ve bir istatistik programı yardımıyla aralarındaki ilişkilerin istatistiksel olarak irdelenmesi ile farklı yöntemler bir arada kurgulanmıştır. Çalışma neticesinde arazi değerlerini bağımlı değişken kabul edip arazi değerlerini etkileyen kentsel etmenleri bağımsız değişken kabul ederek regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak modele giren kentsel etmenlerden mekân sentax analizinde elde edilen bütünleşme değerleri, sokakların denize uzaklığı, sokakların merkezi iş alanına uzaklığı, sokakların üniversiteye uzaklığı, sokakların sağlık tesisine uzaklığı ve sokaklardaki yapıların cephe-renk uyumu ölçümünü ifade eden kalite parametrelerinin İstanbul örnekleminde arazi değerlerinin değişiminde etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Arazi değerleri, kentsel yapı, mekân sentaks.  The importance of real estate property to the national economy is vital. The demand of people for a place to live in, accommodation, and investments has been ongoing for a long period of time. Urban land values particularly, have a determining effect on both urban planning and real estate activities. Knowing the factors affecting the urban land values could be an important advantage in order to determine the future of urban development, and foresee the probable changes. In this study it is aimed to develop a scientific approach in order to be able to make proper decisions in regenerating urban areas, urban design projects, land use planning and real estate investments starting from what the urban variables are and how do they affect the land values. The goal of this study is to highlight the effect of locations of the housing unit in the city, and the structure of the neighbourhood other than the effect of construction quality of the buildings which have the same construction costs. At the same time, it is aimed to make this study a source to be used as a guide for decision makers in using the urban land more economically, in a world metropolis such as Istanbul. In the context of the study 504 street from 13 neighbourhoods around Istanbul (9 from European side and 4 from Asian side) were analysed with random size sampling technique. These samplings reveal a residential function of land use in the study area. In the scope of this paper it is aimed to find out the factors according to which land values differ, by determining the land values street by street in different residential areas of Istanbul. This study has become a paper in which many different methods are used. They include determining the economical values, forming a location model using space syntax, evaluating the location structure numerically, determining the urban variables that are thought to be effecting (arisen from a literature research) the urban values and combining the collected data on a database and considering the relation between them with a statistical program.  In the research in order to define the factors affecting the value of residential units and their measurement, a method reflecting the originality of the study has been used.  Parallel to the model formed in this perspective, axes have been drawn on the street basis to form a location model for every neighbourhood selected. A combination value for every street has been calculated using the space syntax method which is developed for location studies and which evaluates the locations numerically. Later, the accessibility parameters for every street and the distance of every street to the facilities have been determined. For the measurement of the visual quality and comfort, again on the street basis buildings, pavements, landscape and security factors have been graded. After all these calculations all data is gathered in statistical program. In the next section, after evaluating the relation of the data with the land values, a regression analysis has been made. Factors that affect the values of residential units and explain the model have been determined. As a result of the analysis, the factors have been determined as following; integration values of the space syntax analysis, the distance of the streets to the sea, the distance to the central business district, the distance to the university, the distance to the hospital and the buildings' colour harmony. This model contributes to residential values by analyzing the spatial factors. The spatial factors with different methods (space syntax, density analysis categorical evaluation and regression analysis) employed in order to define relationship between land values and residential areas. Further research should focus on using different techniques that revealed significant results as in this model  Like in many other developing countries, research conducted in Turkey issuing the values of residential units regarding the public benefit and directing the people to investments with high profits are not adequate. This aims to help planners, designers, investors, and decision makers running residential policies.  Keywords: Land values, urban structure, space syntax.

    Analyzing Fringe Belt Phenomenon in the Historico – Geographical Structure of Milan, Italy

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    The object of this paper is to identify the specific land use patterns in relation to a general framework of the fringe belts formation and modification through the urban expansion of Milan, a city with solid Italian planning tradition, by defining strong characteristics and land use transformations through comparative map analysis in a consistent timeline period. Adapting the study of fringe belts, as signatures of the pulsations of urban growth, and a reflection of urban space needs beyond those of the residential and retail sectors, is pertinent as it contributes to understand each phase of city alteration and urban growth and relate them to economic and political forces linked to the contemporary development of metropolitan areas.  Applied adequately, fringe belt studies have been taken in different parts of Europe, but few have been done in Italy. This research, as a comparative study of superposition data approach, has aimed to verify the true development pattern of a city with dynamic typo-morphological transitions, with powerful industrial and service sector shifts recently, strictly reflecting on the shaping of the overall urbanized territory. A general study of the urban evolution has been undertaken and development of the municipality has been observed with a focus on defining land use maps, and obtaining a comparative data analyzes by overlapping and tracking land use transformations and expounding fringe belt modifications through different expansion periods of the urban territory. In the contemporary city, fringe belts can play crucial role as vast green open spaces for recreation and leisure, natural boundaries from harmful industrial surroundings, as well as ecological corridors and mediums for natural systems maintenance and natural remedy to improve the quality of life and provide healthier environments for the overall urban systems. Adapting the study of fringe belts in a regulated conceptual framework, and referring them into the historico-geographical structure of the urban development could lead up to adequate planning and urban design strategies that aim to improve the quality of life in contemporary urban landscapes

    Proposals on adaptability of urban renewal in Turkey

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı şehir yenileme olgusunu planlama, mevzuat ve yönetim tabanında bir yaklaşım olarak ele almak suretiyle, Türkiye’de şehir yenilemenin uygulanabilirliğini irdelemek ve bu konuda öneriler oluşturmaktır. Hedefe ulaşmak üzere şehir yenileme olgusu, farklı ülkelere referanslar göndererek gözden geçirilecektir. Bu genel çerçevenin çizilmesinin ardından, ülkemizin planlama süreci ve mevzuatı içinde şehir yenilemenin yeri konusunda Ankara, İzmir ve İstanbul’da yapılan yerel yönetimler araştırmasının sonuçlarını da ihtiva eden saptamalar yapılacak; sonuç olarak öneriler sunulacaktır. Öneriler Türkiye’de sürekli bir devingenlik içinde bulunan şehirlerin sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamanın temel kurallarından olan şehir yenilemeyi etkin kılmak üzere ilkelerin saptanması, planlama, mevzuat ve yönetim zemininde yapılması gerekli düzenlemelerden oluşmaktadır.The objective of this research is to examine the applicability of the urban renewal in Turkey, having considered the act of urban renewal as an approach based on planning, regulations and administration, and to develop suggestions in this respect. For achieving such an objective, the act of urban renewal will be reviewed by having made references to different countries. After having underlined the matters as above, we hereby aim to make determinations containing the results of such researches carried out before the local administrations of Ankara, İzmir and İstanbul under the planning process of our country and the relevant by-laws, and consequently the suggestions will be made accordingly. The relevant proposals and suggestions will be comprised of the arrangements that require to be carried out on the basis of planning, by-laws and administration so as to give influence to the urban renewal which is one of the basic rules of providing the sustainability of the cities which are in continuous change today in Turkey


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    Proceedings of the XXV ISUF International Conference “Urban Form and Social Context: from Traditions to Newest Demands” (Krasnoyarsk, July 5–9, 2018)This research seeks to find scenic attributes of the Historical Peninsula within its environment. By morphological understanding of its structure and space, the study will help to increase recognition for urban plazas and pedestrians with the management of visual impacts. It is a fact that Istanbul has been hosting some of the world’s historically significant structures and predominantly, they located in the Historical Peninsula. The Historical Peninsula was the former capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires therefore in present day it carries the culture and historical assets that overlapped on top of each other. The Bosphorus and the hilly topography of Istanbul together serve as a strong bounding element between the historical assets and it creates broad prospect among them. Those views carry a potential to capture and decode the spatial configurations and reveal the embedded patterns within the urban form. This paper will be an empirical study to designate the views from Ayvansaray district which is located on the sixth hill of the historical peninsula, along with the Golden Horn. Designated views seek for building defined corridors and plazas referencing the viewing point and landmark connections. These connections will be supported by enhanced public and pedestrian accessibility. The purpose is to strengthen the strategic views by highlighting Historical City Walls, revealing embedded patterns and designate corridors among them to clarify visual integrity and ease the management of visual impacts. Benefiting from the silhouette of the Historical Peninsula and protecting it, carries significant importance therefore seek to deeper understand the city structure. To be able to accomplish the purpose, the study firstly will fallow a method to understand and protect the characteristics in the historical background and designate plazas considering foreground, middle ground and background of the views. These provided inputs will be integrated with each other regarding to physical and visual aspects; in a manner of historically important structures, urban plazas and linear, panoramic views along with the Golden Horn prospect. Therefore, visual impact analysis will act as a supporter instrument