121 research outputs found

    Valoració de la condició física en el context de l’educació infantil: aplicacions pràctiques

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    La valoració de la condició física en població escolar per mitjà de test de camp és un tema àmpliament estudiat en el camp de les ciències de la salut i l’esport. No obstant això, molt poc se sap sobre quin tipus de proves poden ser considerades de major utilitat en el context del segon cicle de l’educació infantil (3-6 anys). Aquesta revisió bibliogràfica tracta d’aportar informació sobre els tests de camp considerats més aconsellables per valorar la condició física en nens i nenes en edat preescolar, basant-se en l’estudi de les seves propietats psicomètriques, facilitat i senzillesa d’aplicació, necessitat de recursos materials i possibilitat de localitzar valors mitjans orientatius que permetin conèixer el nivell de competència de l’avaluat. Els resultats obtinguts apunten que, malgrat que hi ha diferents proves per a cada component de la condició física, són escassos els tests que compleixen tots els requisits anteriorment esmentats

    Valoración de la condición física en el contexto de la educación infantil: aplicaciones prácticas

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    La valoración de la condición física en población escolar por medio de test de campo es un tema ampliamente estudiado en el campo de las ciencias de la salud y el deporte. Sin embargo, muy poco se sabe acerca de qué tipo de pruebas pueden ser consideradas como de mayor utilidad en el contexto del segundo ciclo de la educación infantil (3-6 años). Esta revisión bibliográfica trata de aportar información sobre los test de campo considerados cómo más aconsejables para valorar la condición física en niños y niñas en edad preescolar, basándose en el estudio de sus propiedades psicométricas, facilidad y sencillez de aplicación, necesidad de recursos materiales y posibilidad de localizar valores medios orientativos que permitan conocer el nivel de competencia del evaluado. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que, a pesar de que existen diferentes pruebas para cada componente de la condición física, son escasos los test que cumplen todos los requisitos anteriormente mencionados

    Benefits of Pilates in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    [ES] Pilates may be a beneficial method of exercise for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, no studies have critically reviewed the scientific evidence in this regard. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of Pilates as a rehabilitation strategy for PD. A systematic search of the electronic databases PubMed, PEDro, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus was conducted to identify studies related to the effect of Pilates on PD. The search timeframe ranged from the inception of each database to March 2019. The search resulted in the identification of four randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and four non-RCT studies. The methodological quality of the investigations ranged from poor to fair. The descriptive analysis of the eight investigations showed that Pilates resulted in beneficial effects on fitness, balance and functional autonomy. A subsequent meta-analysis on the four RCTs indicated that Pilates was more effective than traditional training programmes in improving lower limb function. Pilates can be safely prescribed for people with mild-to-moderate PD. Preliminary evidence indicates that its practice could have a positive impact on fitness, balance and physical function. Its benefits on lower-body function appear to be superior to those of other conventional exercises. Future randomized studies with greater samples are needed to confirm these observations

    The effect of Brain Gym on cognitive function in older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This review aimed to systematically evaluate and meta-analyze the available data on the effects of Brain Gym (BG) on cognitive function in older people. Six electronic databases were searched systematically using: “Brain Gym” AND “elderly, “Brain Gym” AND “older people”. The PEDro and MINORS scales were used to evaluate methodological quality. For the meta-analysis, inverse variance or generic inverse variance was used and heterogeneity was assessed with the Chi2 test and I2 test. Ten research studies with a high to low quality. Significant changes intra- and inter-group were observed for neurocognitive outcomes in the BG groups. Findings from the metaanalysis indicated changes in the BG groups, on cognitive function by means of the Mini–Mental State Examination, were not greater than those reported in the control/comparison groups. BG will not lead to improvements in cognitive function in people with and without cognitive impairment, supported by low to high evidence

    Exercise for nonagenarians : a systematic review

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    The Efficacy of Re-Warm-Up Practices during Half-Time: A Systematic Review

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    [EN] Background and Objectives: The passive nature of rest breaks in sport could reduce athletes’ performance and even increase their risk of injury. Re-warm-up activities could help avoid these problems, but there is a lack of research on their efficacy. This systematic review aimed at analyzing the results of those randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that provided information on the effects of re-warm-up strategies. Materials and Methods: Four electronic databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and SPORTDiscus) were searched from their inception to January 2021, for RCTs on the effects of re-warm-up activities on sports performance. Interventions had to be implemented just after an exercise period or sports competition. Studies that proposed activities that were difficult to replicate in the sport context or performed in a hot environment were excluded. Data were synthesized following PRISMA guidelines, while the risk of bias was assessed following the recom- mendations of the Cochrane Collaboration. Results: A total of 14 studies (178 participants) reporting data on acute or short-term effects were analyzed. The main outcomes were grouped into four broad areas: physiological measures, conditional abilities, perceptual skills, and sport efficiency measures. The results obtained indicated that passive rest decreases physiological function in athletes, while re-warm-up activities could help to improve athletes’ conditional abilities and sporting efficiency, despite showing higher fatigue levels in comparison with passive rest. The re-warm-up exercise showed to be more effective than passive rest to improve match activities and passing ability. Conclu- sions: Performing re-warm-up activities is a valuable strategy to avoid reducing sports performance during prolonged breaks. However, given that the methodological quality of the studies was not high, these relationships need to be further explored in official or simulated competitions

    Nordic walking for overweight and obese people : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Nordic walking (NW) is a potentially beneficial exercise strategy for overweight and obese people. To date, no reviews have synthesized the existing scientific evidence regarding the effects of NW on this population. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to identify the characteristics, methodological quality, and results of the investigations that have studied the effects of NW in overweight and obese individuals. Methods: Six electronic databases were searched up to June 2019 for studies that examined the effects of NW on people with a body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2. The methodological quality of the included randomized controlled trials was retrieved from the physiotherapy evidence database or evaluated using the physiotherapy evidence database scale. Results: Twelve studies were included in the review. The investigations were mostly good-to-fair methodological quality. NW groups had a significant improvement on parameters such as fasting plasma glucose, abdominal adiposity, and body fat compared with the baseline, but no significant improvements were found when compared with control groups. Conclusions: NW can potentially lead to improvements in parameters related to major health outcomes in overweight and obese people. The lack of control for confounding variables in the analyzed studies prevents further elaboration on its potential benefits. © 2020 Human Kinetics, Inc

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on University Students' Physical Activity Levels: An Early Systematic Review

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    [EN] Purpose: This systematic review aimed to analyze the impact that the COVID-19 lockdown had on the amount of physical activity performed by university students. Materials and Methods: A systematic electronic search for studies providing information regarding physical activity levels pre and during COVID-19 pandemic in university students was performed up to 20th October 2020 in the databases Cochrane Library, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science. The risk of bias of external validity quality of included studies was assessed by means of those the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). The quality of the evidence for main outcomes was graded using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach. Results and Conclusions: A total of 10 studies were selected. Physical activity levels were assessed by means of questionnaires (10 studies) and accelerometer (1 study). Risk of bias was regarded as low and high in six and four investigations, respectively. The quality of evidence was downgraded to low. A significant reduction of physical activity levels were observed in 9 studies. Compared to pre-lockdown values, five studies showed a reduction of light/mild physical activity (walking) between 32.5 and 365.5%, while seven studies revealed a reduction of high/vigorous physical activity between 2.9 and 52.8%. Walking, moderate, vigorous, and total physical activity levels have been reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic confinements in university students of different countries. Despite of the reductions, those who met the current minimum PA recommendations before the lockdown generally met the recommendations also during the confinements

    Efecte d'una modificació reglamentària en la incidència de lesions en la lluita lleonesa

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    Objectiu: Conèixer la incidència de lesions greus en la lluita lleonesa i valorar-ne l’efecte d’una modificació reglamentària. Material i mètodes: Estudi de cohorts retrospectives (2006 i 2007) i prospectives (2008, reglament modificat). Hi van ser inclosos tots els lluitadors en competició en categoria sènior (edat mitjana 22±6,8 anys) en la lliga d’hivern durant les temporades 2006, 2007 i 2008. Les fonts d’informació utilitzades van ser les actes dels corros o rotlles, els comunicats d’accident i un qüestionari específic emplenat en entrevista dirigida als lluitadors. Es va entendre com a lesió greu qualsevol que es produís durant el combat i tingués com a efecte una baixa superior a 28 dies. Es va calcular la incidència de lesions greus per nombre de rotlle, lluitadors, combats i caigudes. Resultats: En les tres temporades van participar en total 143 lluitadors homes. Es van documentar en total 14 lesions, que van afectar 13 lluitadors. Les zones anatòmiques més afectades van ser l’espatlla i el genoll, i el tipus de lesió més freqüent observada va ser l’esquinç, seguit de les contusions i les luxacions. En el total de les temporades estudiades va haver-hi una lesió greu cada 7 rotlles, es va lesionar de gravetat un de cada 36 lluitadors i es va produir una lesió greu per cada 161 combats o 400 caigudes. Es van registrar 4 lesions greus durant les temporades 2006 i 2007 i cap durant la temporada 2008 (en la qual es va introduir una modificació del reglament); les diferències observades en les incidències no van aconseguir la significació estadística. Conclusió: La lluita lleonesa presenta una incidència de lesions semblant a la d’altres esports de combat. Penalitzar les “deixades” i totes les caigudes com senceres i mantenir els combats a dues caigudes sembla que ajuda a reduir la incidència de lesions greus. Amb tot, calen més estudis amb sèries temporals més llargues que confirmin aquesta troballa