9 research outputs found

    Ndikimi i marrëdhënieve me publikun në media gjatë fushatave elektorale

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    Rritja dhe fuqizimi i industrisĂ« sĂ« marrĂ«dhĂ«nieve me publikun (MP) ka ndikuar drejtpĂ«rdrejt nĂ« pĂ«rmbajtjen mediatike. NĂ« median shqiptare sot Ă«shtĂ« thuajse e pamundur qĂ« nĂ« njĂ« program televiziv, talk show, edicion lajmesh, gazetĂ«, revistĂ«, etj. tĂ« mos ndihet ‘aromë’ MP. Kjo edhe pĂ«r shkak tĂ« marrĂ«dhĂ«nies sĂ« ndĂ«rvarĂ«sisĂ« mes medias dhe MP. Por ajo çka vlen tĂ« theksohet Ă«shtĂ« fakti se prezenca e MP nĂ« media Ă«shtĂ« mĂ« e madhe gjatĂ« fushatave zgjedhore pasi nĂ« sektorin e politikĂ«s janĂ« partitĂ« politike, politikanĂ«t tĂ« cilĂ«t pĂ«rpiqen me tĂ« gjitha mĂ«nyrat tĂ« ndikojnĂ« nĂ« linjĂ«n editoriale pĂ«r tĂ« pĂ«rmbushur qĂ«llimet e tyre. Ky studim ka pĂ«r qĂ«llim tĂ« tregojĂ« sa dhe si ndikojnĂ« MP nĂ« pĂ«rmbajtjen mediatike, veçanĂ«risht gjatĂ« fushatave zgjedhore. Pyetjet kĂ«rkimore qĂ« shtrohen nĂ« kĂ«tĂ« studim janĂ«: Si ndikojnĂ« MP nĂ« cilĂ«sinĂ« e informacionit qĂ« pĂ«rcillet nĂ« media? Cili Ă«shtĂ« roli i MP nĂ« tĂ« ashtuquajturĂ«n ‘agenda settings’ tĂ« medias? A ka ndikim kriza financiare e medias nĂ« raportet gazetari-MP dhe nĂ«se po, si? PĂ«r realizimin e studimit jemi mbĂ«shtetur nĂ« tĂ« dhĂ«na empirike, intervista tĂ« realizuara me aktorĂ« tĂ« fushĂ«s sĂ« medias si: gazetarĂ«, kryeredaktorĂ«, kemi analizuar studime tĂ« mĂ«parshme, etj


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    One of the challenges faced by the Albanian media today is maintaining its independence in an environment in which the governmental or corporate advertising attempt (and in many cases succeed) to impose rules. Cracking of the “Chinese Wall” distinguishing the commercial from the media is just another form of the influence of advertising influence not only in traditional media but also to new ones. Media specialists consider sharing of content of the advertisements one of the main mechanisms guaranteeing editorial freedom and independence, which is very important not only for the media but also the development of society as a whole. Another problem in Albania involves lack of transparency on the data for advertising media market. No concerted efforts are observed on the side of the media industry neither to measure the audience nor to publish data on the advertising market. Market advertising problems are unknown and unexplained, in a situation lacking basic information upon which the “advertising cake” is logically divided. However, the fact that for most of the Albanian governmental and large corporations media advertising are the main source of income, shows how easy it can influence the editorial policies. This study focuses on the relationship among advertising and journalism; characteristics and impacts of these reports on the quality of journalism. In order to conclude this research, we utilized empirical data, media content analysis and interviews conducted with journalists and the most influential media editors in chiefs of media in the countr


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    One of the challenges faced by the Albanian media today is maintaining its independence in an environment in which the governmental or corporate advertising attempt (and in many cases succeed) to impose rules. Cracking of the “Chinese Wall” distinguishing the commercial from the media is just another form of the influence of advertising influence not only in traditional media but also to new ones. Media specialists consider sharing of content of the advertisements one of the main mechanisms guaranteeing editorial freedom and independence, which is very important not only for the media but also the development of society as a whole. Another problem in Albania involves lack of transparency on the data for advertising media market. No concerted efforts are observed on the side of the media industry neither to measure the audience nor to publish data on the advertising market. Market advertising problems are unknown and unexplained, in a situation lacking basic information upon which the “advertising cake” is logically divided. However, the fact that for most of the Albanian governmental and large corporations media advertising are the main source of income, shows how easy it can influence the editorial policies. This study focuses on the relationship among advertising and journalism; characteristics and impacts of these reports on the quality of journalism. In order to conclude this research, we utilized empirical data, media content analysis and interviews conducted with journalists and the most influential media editors in chiefs of media in the countr

    Public Relations influence in media during election campaigns

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    Increasing and strengthening the MP’s industry has impacted directly media content. Nowadays in Albanian media is almost impossible to find TV programs, talk shows, news, newspapers, magazines, etc. that public relations to not be noticed. The main reason is that media and public relations are highly correlated. We can underline that the presence of public relations in media is higher during the election campaigns because in the political department of media are political parties, politicians that try by all means to influence the editorial line to meet their goals. This study aims to show how public relations impact media content especially during election campaigns. Research questions of this study are: how public relations impact quality of information communicated to the media? What is the role of public relations in the so-called “agenda settings” of media? Does the media financial crisis affect the journalism – public relations relationships and if so, how? To conduct the study we are based on empirical data, interviews conducted with stakeholders in the field of media as journalists, editors, previous studies, etc

    The impact of Public Relations in media during election campaigns

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    The increase and strengthening of the public relations (PR) industry has directly impacted media content. Nowadays, in Albanian media it is almost impossible to find TV programs – talk shows, news, newspapers, magazines and the like – in which public relations are not present. The main reason is that media and public relations are considerably correlated. It should be noticed that the presence of public relations in media is higher during the election campaigns because political parties and politicians try all they can to influence the editorial line of the newscasts in order to meet their political goals. This article aims to show how public relations impact media content, especially during election campaigns. The research questions that this study poses are: how public relations impact quality of information communicated to the media? What is the role of public relations in the so-called “agenda-setting” theory of media? Does the media financial crisis affect journalism- public relations relationships and, if that is the case, in what way? In conducting this research, we have relied on empirical data, which include interviews conducted with stakeholders in the media industry, such as journalists, editors, as well as previous research in this field

    The Variables Brand’s Relationships and Brand Equity: A Case Study of Mobile Phone Brands Catering to Albanian Consumers

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    Managers today are aware of the fact that the brand name has become an important asset for the company and is required for their focus on creating brand equity. A strong brand is one that possesses high brand equity . What is evident in all studies is the fact that brand equity is considered as a key factor that can bring the following to the company: higher profits, brand extension opportunities, protection against the competition leading to a strengthening of the consumers purchasing intentions and customer loyalty. Feelings generated by the brands are different from one brand to another and this becomes more evident when customers are emotionally connected only with a certain number of brands. These emotional connections with the brand reflect a specific connection with said brand and thus include feelings toward it which include: attraction, passion and consumer involvement with the brand. The level of customer involvement in this relationship depends on the consumers’ perception of the brand as well as the importance that the product brings to the consumer. The power of a brand lies within the mindset of existing or potential customers and through what they have experienced directly or indirectly with the particular brand over a period of time. Brand relationships are not only the main aspects related to brand equity but also are key aspects of the buying process as well as indicators of brand loyalty. Brand relationships consist of thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs and attitudes of consumers associated with the brand. Brand relationships can be described by some sub-dimensions such as values, personality, and organizational dimensions or some features of a company that gets incorporated within a brand and therefore identify a brand with the company itself. Brand relationships represents a psychological connection with the brand stored in the consciousness of the consumer and also represents aspects of the dimensions referred to tangible or intangible such as attributes, lifestyle, usage etc. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship that exists between brand relationships and brand equity for the mobile-telephone brands included in the study. Furthermore it will also aim to identify the variables of brand relationships that are considered the most important to Albanian consumers and have significant impact on brand equity. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n3p32

    Film Advertising in the Albanian Press before World War II

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    This paper aims at studying the development of film advertising in the 1930’s Albanian press. Through advertising we struggle to read a piece of the Albanian monarchy’s history. Considering advertising as a historical source tends to reflect the economic, social and cultural life of the country. The study focused on the features, characteristics and uniqueness of advertising the films in relation to other ads present in print. Who were the people who created the ads, how does the Albanian press film advertising compare to advertising in the foreign press and what were the difficulties facing advertising at this time, are the other important issues addressed in this study. Over a century has passed since Harper's Weekly wrote that 'advertisements are a reflection of real life, a kind of fossil by which chroniclers can rewrite history in order to complete the graphic, even if all other historical evidence may have disappeared

    Creating Value via the Circular Economy: Practices in the Tourism Sector

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    Among major international research and practice issues, the issue of the circular economy has emerged recently as “an alternative economic paradigm” to address the current needs of the present and to search for innovative solutions for the future. The objective of this paper is to explore the initiatives and practices of the circular economy that could be actuated by tourism firms with the aim of understanding the value that could be created and its contribution to sustainable development based on decarbonization, energy efficiency, and the use of renewable sources. To achieve this objective, an in-depth, qualitative case study of a tourism resort is presented and analyzed to identify the key CE practices activated, with the aim of creating greater value and contributing to sustainable production and consumption. The results show that the main CE practices implemented focus primarily on enhancing resource efficiency, reducing emissions, and minimizing environmental impacts. This research also emphasizes the benefits that the CE provides in terms of economic, environmental, and social efficiency. The study enriches the relevance of CE and the sustainability approach for the tourism sector by highlighting the main value opportunities that tourism firms could grasp from the application of CE. Also, the paper contributes to providing practical suggestions regarding possible initiatives and practices that tourism managers could adopt for deploying CE practices

    Creating value via the circular economy: Practices in the tourism sector

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    Among major international research and practice issues, the issue of the circular economy has emerged recently as "an alternative economic paradigm" to address the current needs of the present and to search for innovative solutions for the future. The objective of this paper is to explore the initiatives and practices of the circular economy that could be actuated by tourism firms with the aim of understanding the value that could be created and its contribution to sustainable development based on decarbonization, energy efficiency, and the use of renewable sources. To achieve this objective, an in-depth, qualitative case study of a tourism resort is presented and analyzed to identify the key CE practices activated, with the aim of creating greater value and contributing to sustainable production and consumption. The results show that the main CE practices implemented focus primarily on enhancing resource efficiency, reducing emissions, and minimizing environmental impacts. This research also emphasizes the benefits that the CE provides in terms of economic, environmental, and social efficiency. The study enriches the relevance of CE and the sustainability approach for the tourism sector by highlighting the main value opportunities that tourism firms could grasp from the application of CE. Also, the paper contributes to providing practical suggestions regarding possible initiatives and practices that tourism managers could adopt for deploying CE practices