1,719 research outputs found
Carbon dynamics of young experimental afforestations in Thuringia
Nach Artikel 3.3. des Kyoto-Protokolls können Aufforstungen als Kohlenstoff (C) Senken angerechnet werden. Junge Aufforstungen können jedoch signifikante C-Quellen darstellen, wenn der C-Austrag durch Bodenatmung die C-Speicherung durch den Biomassezuwachs der BĂ€ume ĂŒbersteigt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, i) die Faktoren zu untersuchen, die den Anwuchserfolg der BĂ€ume bei FreiflĂ€chenaufforstungen bestimmen, ii) den Einfluss der FlĂ€chenvorbereitungsmaĂnahmen und VerĂ€nderungen im FlĂ€chenmanagement auf die C-Bilanz des Systems zu quantifizieren, iii) den Einfluss historischer Landnutzungswechsel und der Bodenfauna (RegenwĂŒrmer) auf die C-Dynamik zu untersuchen und iv) die HeterogenitĂ€t der C-VorrĂ€te im Boden auf zwei AufforstungsflĂ€chen zu analysieren, um ein optimiertes Beprobungsdesign fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Untersuchungen auf diesen FlĂ€chen zu entwickeln.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien sind in sechs Publikationen zusammengefasst. Sie bilden die Grundlage fĂŒr das Langzeitexperiment BIOTREE, in dessen Rahmen diese Arbeit angefertigt wurde. Das Experiment umfasst drei FlĂ€chen von insgesamt 70 ha in ThĂŒringen. Das Ziel dieses Experimentes ist es in Zukunft den Einfluss der Baumartenvielfalt auf ökosystemare Prozesse zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden 300 000 Setzlinge 19 verschiedener Baumarten gepflanzt.
Der Anwuchserfolg der 19 verschiedenen Baumarten, sowie die Einflussfaktoren, die den Anwuchserfolg bestimmen, wurde untersucht. AusfĂ€lle von bis zu 79% pro Baumart verlĂ€ngern die Zeit bis die AufforstungsflĂ€che zu einer Netto-C-Senke wird. UntersuchungsflĂ€chen mit hoher Baumartenvielfalt waren resistenter gegenĂŒber VerbissschĂ€den durch SchermĂ€use und Hasen als FlĂ€chen mit geringer Baumartenvielfalt.
Die FlĂ€chen Mehrstedt und Kaltenborn wurden vor 23 und 29 Jahren teilweise von Acker zu GrĂŒnland umgewandelt. Diese vergangenen LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen ergaben keine signifikanten VerĂ€nderungen der C-VorrĂ€te im Boden aber eine verĂ€nderte vertikale C-Verteilung. Hohe C-VorrĂ€te wurden unterhalb der Pflugsohle auf den tonreichen Böden der AckerflĂ€che Mehrstedt gefunden. Die Quell- und Schrumpfdynamik der Tonminerale fĂŒhrte zu einem beschleunigten C-Transport in den Unterboden. 14C Altersbestimmungen des organischen Kohlenstoffs bestĂ€tigten diese Hypothese. Nur im obersten Bodenhorizont auf der GrĂŒnlandflĂ€che Kaltenborn sind die mineralischen OberflĂ€chen C-gesĂ€ttigt und können deshalb keinen zusĂ€tzlichen Kohlenstoff physikalisch stabilisieren. Die groĂen ungesĂ€ttigten mineralischen OberflĂ€chen der Unterböden stellen ein ungenutztes Potenzial zur Stabilisierung und Speicherung von zusĂ€tzlichem Kohlenstoff dar.
Der Netto-C-Fluss zwischen der LandoberflĂ€che und der AtmosphĂ€re wurde auf der AufforstungsflĂ€che Mehrstedt und einem angrenzendem GrĂŒnland mit zwei Eddy- Kovarianz-TĂŒrmen gemessen. Die BruttoprimĂ€rproduktion der AufforstungsflĂ€che war um 41% (erstes Jahr) bis 14% (drittes Jahr) geringer als die der benachbarten GrĂŒnlandflĂ€che. Die FlĂ€chenvorbereitung der Aufforstung mit TieffrĂ€sen der Pflanzreihen zerstörte 30% der nicht-verholzten Vegetation, die die C-FlĂŒsse der FlĂ€che bestimmten. Eine beschleunigte Mineralisierung von Bodenkohlenstoff auf der AufforstungsflĂ€che fĂŒhrte im ersten Jahr zu einem Netto-C-Verlust von 1.2 t ha-1. Dahingegen war die saisonale C-Dynamik durch klimatische Faktoren bestimmt und durch Störungen durch das FlĂ€chenmanagement.
Die Detektierbarkeit von VerĂ€nderungen der C-VorrĂ€te im Boden wird durch deren rĂ€umliche und vertikale HeterogenitĂ€t bestimmt. Die VariabilitĂ€t der Bodenkohlenstoff-konzentration war ein bis zwei GröĂenordnungen gröĂer als die der Feinbodendichte. Aus diesen beiden Parametern werden die C-VorrĂ€te im Boden errechnet. Mit einem Simulationsmodel konnte gezeigt werden wie diese Information genutzt werden kann, um das Beprobungsdesign zu optimieren mit 12 - 19% weniger Proben aber unverĂ€nderter statistischer Genauigkeit.
Der Einfluss von RegenwĂŒrmern auf den C-Transport und die C-Stabilisierung wurde untersucht, um den Effekt von verringerter Regenwurmabundanz in WĂ€ldern auf die C Dynamik im Boden abschĂ€tzen zu können. Tiefgrabende RegenwĂŒrmer haben frischen Detritus schnell und effektive in den Unterboden transportiert und dort an den GangwĂ€nden abgelagert. Entgegen der Hypothese, dass RegenwĂŒrmer zur C Stabilisierung beitragen wurde ein schneller C-Abbau in den RegenwurmgĂ€ngen gemessen mit Umsatzzeiten von 3 bis 5 Jahren. Ein NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) Relexationszeit-experiment und Messungen zur EnzymaktivitĂ€t in den RegenwurmgĂ€ngen ergaben keine Hinweise auf eine C-Stabilisierung durch RegenwĂŒrmer.
Die C-Dynamik der untersuchten AufforstungsflĂ€chen wird durch verschiedene Faktoren bestimmt, von denen sich einige kontinuierlich mit Heranwachsen des Waldes Ă€ndern werden, wie z.B. die Regenwurmabundanz oder die Bodenfeuchtedynamik. Dies wird zu RĂŒckkopplungen auf den C-Kreislauf und auf die C-Speicherfunktion der Aufforstung fĂŒhren.Afforestations are acknowledged as C sinks under the Kyoto protocol article 3.3. However, young afforestations may be considerable C sources. Losses of soil C may offset the C sink of the tree biomass. The aim of this thesis was to i) investigate the factors that affect the establishment success of the new forests, ii) quantify the impact of site preparation and management changes along with the afforestation on the C balance of the system, iii) understand how soil C dynamics are influenced by historical land use changes and activity of the soil fauna (earthworms), and iv) to explore soil C variability to set up an optimized sampling scheme for future soil C studies at the two afforestation sites.
The essence of this research is presented in the form of six manuscripts. This thesis sets the basis for the long-term experiment BIOTREE which was started at three sites in Thuringia with a total of 70 ha. The future aim of this experiment is to investigate the influence of tree diversity on ecosystem processes. Therefore, 300 000 seedlings from 19 different tree species were planted. The design of the experiment is outlined in manuscript 1 together with a description of the three study sites.
Manuscript 2 explores the differences between the establishment success of the tree species and the influencing factors. Establishment failure of the species up to 79% extends the time before afforestations become net C sinks. Experimental plots with higher tree diversity were found to be more resistant against damages by voles and rabbits than plots with less tree species.
Parts of the sites Kaltenborn and Mehrstedt were converted from cropland to grassland, 23 and 29 years ago, respectively. The impact of this historical land use change on soil C stocks and C fractions was investigated (manuscript 3). Surprisingly, there was no significant difference in soil C stocks between both land use types but a different vertical C distribution was observed. High C stocks at the clay rich Mehrstedt site were found below the ploughing horizon. The swelling and shrinking dynamic of the clayey soil was expected to enhance the C transport into the subsoil. Measurements of the 14C age of this subsoil C confirmed this hypothesis. In the uppermost horizon of the sandy soil in the Kaltenborn grassland mineral surfaces were found to be C-saturated, thus, this horizon cannot physically stabilise additional C. The large area of unsaturated mineral surfaces in the subsoil provides an unused capacity to stabilise and store additional C at of both sites.
Net C exchange fluxes between land surface and atmosphere were measured with two eddy covariance towers at the afforestation site Mehrstedt and an adjacent grassland site (manuscript 4). Gross primary productivity of the afforestation was reduced by 41% (first two years) to 14% (third year) compared to the grassland. Site preparation of the afforestation with deep ploughing damaged parts of the herbaceous vegetation that dominated the C fluxes. Enhanced C mineralisation was detected at the afforestation only during the first year, causing a net C loss of 1.2 t ha-1. Seasonal C dynamics were determined by climatic factors (mainly precipitation during summer) and disturbances by site management (grazing on grassland site, mowing on the afforestation site).
The probability to detect expected soil C stock changes depends on the vertical and spatial heterogeneity of the C stocks. The variability of the soil C concentration was found to be one to two magnitudes higher than the variability of the bulk density. Both parameters directly affect the calculated soil C stocks. A simulation model revealed the possibility to improve the sampling design for soil C stocks with sample numbers reduced by 12-19% but unchanged statistical power. This is of major importance because high sample numbers are usually needed to make soil C stock changes detectable.
The effect of earthworms on soil C translocation and stabilisation was investigated to understand how afforestations may influence the C cycling indirectly by reducing the earthworm abundance (manuscript 6). Deep burrowing earthworms were found to be effective in translocating recently assimilated C into the subsoil by depositing it along the burrow walls. Contrary to the original hypothesis of C stabilisation due to earthworm gut passage, organic C in earthworm burrows was lost rapidly with half life times of only 3 5 years. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation experiments and enzyme activity measurements showed no enhanced C stabilisation by earthworms.
The C dynamics of the investigated afforestation sites were found to be influenced by different factors. Some of them, such as earthworm abundance and seasonal soil moisture pattern, change along with the forest development feeding back on the C cycle and the C sequestration
Substrate quality of drained organic soilsâImplications for carbon dioxide fluxes
Background: Peatlands only cover a minor fraction of the global terrestrial surface, but due to drainage, they are major contributors to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soils. Previous studies have shown that hydrological conditions, nutrient availability and anthropogenic disturbance play an important role in the mineralisation of organic matter. Furthermore, microbial turnover depends on peat quality, which is determined by its botanical origin and degree of transformation under natural conditions. Aims: The objective of this study was to shed light on the interdependence between mineralisation rates, secondary transformation of peat and chemical composition by examining the differences between bog and fen peat and between strongly degraded topsoil and well-preserved subsoil. Methods: Bog and fen peat from ten different peatlands under grassland use in Germany were analysed for their chemical composition using standard 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and wet chemical extractions for fibre analysis. The radiocarbon age was determined as well. The results were combined with CO2 fluxes from a previous incubation study. Results: Topsoils had higher shares of proteins and lipids, and lower shares of carbohydrates and aromatics than subsoils. Bog peat subsoils were characterised by higher shares of carbohydrates and lower shares of aromatics than fen peat subsoils. Topsoils were more similar to each other in their chemical composition than the subsoils. Considering all samples, aromatics and phenolics were negatively correlated with CO2 fluxes. Measured CO2 fluxes from topsoils were significantly higher than from subsoils. However, no influences of chemical composition on CO2 fluxes were detected when examining topsoils and subsoils separately. Even though aromatics and phenolics showed positive relationships with radiocarbon age, differences in age alone were unable to explain the higher amounts of these compounds in the subsoil. Conclusions: The results imply that chemical composition of topsoil peat is not the reason for higher mineralisation rates compared to subsoil peat, but rather a consequence of decomposition and transformation. Thus, peat mineralisation of drained organic soils under agriculture might not slow down over time due to gradually decreasing peat quality but could increase further
Does conversion to conservation tillage really increase soil organic carbon stocks in organic arable farming?
Aggravation of weather extremes increases awareness of climate change consequences. Mitigation options are in demand which aim to reduce the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. Amongst others, conversion from ploughing to conservation tillage is argued to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. Yet, main findings of reviews and meta-analyses comparing SOC stocks between tillage systems show different results: from a significant increase of SOC stocks to the question if there is any effect at all. Reasons are a sampling bias as in many campaigns only topsoil layers are assessed and horizons thickness is not considered adequately, different methods for SOC and bulk density determination, and the comparison of SOC stocks based on equivalent soil masses instead of equal sampling depths.
In order to address these limitations, we initiated the SOCORT consortium (Soil Organic Carbon in Organic Reduced Tillage) â an international network of nine agronomical long-term trials. All trials represent common mixed organic farming systems of the respective region with organic fertilisation and crop rotations including leys. Climatic conditions are similar, but age and soil texture vary (7 to 21 years and sandy to clayey soils). A common sampling campaign was consequently elaborated to answer the question if the combination of conservation tillage and organic farming can really increase SOC stocks. Undisturbed soil cores were taken with driving hammer probes (8 cm in diameter) to a maximum depth of 100 cm. Each core was divided in the increments 0-30, 30-50, 50-70, 70-100 cm. The topsoil layer (0-30 cm) was further divided into the different tillage depths of the respective trial. All samples were analysed in the same laboratory for bulk density, organic carbon content, pH and texture. We compiled the yields for each trial to assess carbon inputs. The SOCORT consortium in combination with the common sampling campaign will entangle the driving factors of carbon sequestration through reduced tillage and add important knowledge on carbon dynamics in agro-ecosystems
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Direct nitrous oxide emissions from oilseed rape cropping â a meta-analysis
Oilseed rape is one of the leading feedstocks for biofuel production in Europe. The climate change mitigation effect of rape methyl ester (RME) is particularly challenged by the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during crop production, mainly as nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils. Oilseed rape requires high nitrogen fertilization and crop residues are rich in nitrogen, both potentially causing enhanced N2O emissions. However, GHG emissions of oilseed rape production are often estimated using emission factors that account for crop-type specifics only with respect to crop residues. This meta-analysis therefore aimed to assess annual N2O emissions from winter oilseed rape, to compare them to those of cereals and to explore the underlying reasons for differences. For the identification of the most important factors, linear mixed effects models were fitted with 43 N2O emission data points deriving from 12 different field sites. N2O emissions increased exponentially with N-fertilization rates, but interyear and site-specific variability were high and climate variables or soil parameters did not improve the prediction model. Annual N2O emissions from winter oilseed rape were 22% higher than those from winter cereals fertilized at the same rate. At a common fertilization rate of 200 kg N haâ1 yrâ1, the mean fraction of fertilizer N that was lost as N2O-N was 1.27% for oilseed rape compared to 1.04% for cereals. The risk of high yield-scaled N2O emissions increased after a critical N surplus of about 80 kg N haâ1 yrâ1. The difference in N2O emissions between oilseed rape and cereal cultivation was especially high after harvest due to the high N contents in oilseed rape's crop residues. However, annual N2O emissions of winter oilseed rape were still lower than predicted by the Stehfest and Bouwman model. Hence, the assignment of oilseed rape to the crop-type classes of cereals or other crops should be reconsidered
Fifty years after deepâploughing: Effects on yield, roots, nutrient stocks and soil structure
Deepâploughing far beyond the common depth of 30âcm was used more than 50âyears ago in Northern Germany with the aim to break rootârestricting layers and thereby improve access to subsoil water and nutrient resources. We hypothesized that effects of this earlier intervention on soil properties and yields prevailed after 50âyears. Hence, we sampled two sandy soils and one silty soil (Cambisols and a Luvisol) of which half of the field had been deepâploughed 50âyears ago (soils then reâclassified as Treposols). The adjacent other half was not deepâploughed and thus served as the control. At all the three sites, both deepâploughed and control parts were then conventionally managed over the last 50âyears. We assessed yields during the dry year 2019 and additionally in 2020, and rooting intensity at the year of sampling (2019), as well as changes in soil structure, carbon and nutrient stocks in that year. We found that deepâploughing improved yields in the dry spell of 2019 at the sandy sites, which was supported by a more general pattern of higher NDVI indices in deepâploughed parts for the period from 2016 to 2021 across varying weather conditions. Subsoil stocks of soil organic carbon and total plantâavailable phosphorus were enhanced by 21%â199% in the different sites. Root biomass in the subsoil was reduced due to deepâploughing at the silty site and was increased or unaffected at the sandy sites. Overall, the effects of deepâploughing were siteâspecific, with reduced bulk density in the buried topsoil stripes in the subsoil of the sandy sites, but with elevated subsoil density in the silty site. Hence, even 50âyears after deepâploughing, changes in soil properties are still detectable, although effect size differed among sites.BonaRes
http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100022576Peer Reviewe
The availability of carbon sequestration data in Europe
With growing interest in the carbon sequestration potential of soils, experimental research and mapping projects have produced a wealth of datasets in this subject area. However, the coverage, quality and scope of available data vary widely across Europe, and the extent to which these data are accessible to experimental researchers and modellers is also highly variable. This report describes the availability of soil carbon data at the global and European levels, and reviews the on-line resources for accessing these data and meta-data. The extent to which researchers in the field share findings, based on institutional links in projects and on-line resources, is investigated. Future priorities for research and data accessibility relating to carbon sequestration are discussed. Many soil data resources are available online. Global and European soil data portals draw together much information from across Europe, and include the outcomes of major soil carbon mapping exercises. However, much project and national research is not accessible through these portals, and information on datasets derived from many research initiatives is difficult or impossible to locate online. Data on carbon sequestration (carbon fluxes in soils) specifically is more limited, although some such datasets are available through the general soil data resources described. Improved clarity in the presentation of research, and work to link more national and sub-national data to European and global online resources is required, with initiatives such as GSIF (Global Soil Information Facility) active in encouraging direct reporting of soil-related data at the global level. Priorities for research on SOC stocks include measuring carbon storage below the topsoil (>30cm), improving records of SOC in peatlands, improving the number and distribution of samples available for Europe-wide soil carbon mapping, and developing recognised methodological standards to allow easier comparisons of datasets. In the field of carbon sequestration research specifically, priorities include linking long-term SOC data to historical land use, developing understanding of the movement of SOC between top-soil and sub-soil and increasing dialogue between modellers and empirical researchers to improve dynamic modelling of SOC
Fate and stability of dissolved organic carbon in topsoils and subsoils under beech forests
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Oa horizons has been proposed to be an important contributor for subsoil organic carbon stocks. We investigated the fate of DOC by directly injecting a DOC solution from 13C labelled litter into three soil depths at beech forest sites. Fate of injected DOC was quantified with deep drilling soil cores down to 2 m depth, 3 and 17 months after the injection. 27 ± 26% of the injected DOC was retained after 3 months and 17 ± 22% after 17 months. Retained DOC was to 70% found in the first 10 cm below the injection depth and on average higher in the topsoil than in the subsoil. After 17 months DOC in the topsoil was largely lost (â 19%) while DOC in the subsoil did not change much (â 4.4%). Data indicated a high stabilisation of injected DOC in the subsoils with no differences between the sites. Potential mineralisation as revealed by incubation experiments however, was not different between DOC injected in topsoil or subsoils underlining the importance of environmental factors in the subsoil for DOC stabilisation compared to topsoil. We conclude that stability of DOC in subsoil is primary driven by its spatial inaccessibility for microorganisms after matrix flow while site specific properties did not significantly affect stabilisation. Instead, a more fine-textured site promotes the vertical transport of DOC due to a higher abundance of preferential flow paths. © 2020, The Author(s)
CO2-Zertifikate fĂŒr die Festlegung atmosphĂ€rischen Kohlenstoffs in Böden: Methoden, MaĂnahmen und Grenzen
Agrarböden besitzen durch den Aufbau von organsicher Bodensubstanz (Humus), die zu etwa 58% aus Kohlenstoff (Corg) besteht, ein groĂes Potential zur Kohlenstoffbindung. Positive Anstrengungen im Humusmanagement könnten daher einen wesentlichen Beitrag fĂŒr den Klimaschutz leisten. FĂŒr Landwirtinnen und Landwirte stellen so genannte CO2-Zertifikate fĂŒr den Aufbau von Corg (âHumuszertifikateâ) einen zusĂ€tzlichen Anreiz dar, humusfördernde BewirtschaftungsmaĂnahmen umzusetzen. Diese CO2-Zertifikate werden von privatwirtschaftlichen Initiativen und Unternehmen im Bereich des freiwilligen CO2-Markts vergeben. Insbesondere im Bereich der Landwirtschaft wĂ€chst im deutschsprachigen Raum derzeit der Zertifikatehandel fĂŒr den Aufbau von Corg in Agrarböden. Um zum Klimaschutz beizutragen, mĂŒssen bei der Vergabe von Zertifikaten bestimmte Kriterien eingehalten werden. Wissenschaftliche Mindeststandards wurden dabei in der Praxis bislang jedoch wenig berĂŒcksichtigt. In dieser Studie werden Empfehlungen hinsichtlich der Erfassung von Corg (Probenahme, Analytik, Vorratsberechnung), eine Bewertung von MaĂnahmen zum Corg-Aufbau, sowie Hinweise zu generellen EinschrĂ€nkungen hinsichtlich des Klimaschutzes ĂŒber CO2-Zertifikate gegeben. CO2-Zertifikate können einen positiven AnstoĂ geben, damit sich Landwirte verstĂ€rkt mit einer nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung und Humusversorgung ihrer Böden auseinandersetzen. Da Humus die zentrale SteuergröĂe fĂŒr viele Funktionen des Bodens und nicht zuletzt der Bodenfruchtbarkeit darstellt, ist jede Anstrengung fĂŒr mehr Humus sinnvoll. Landwirtinnen und Landwirte, die sich fĂŒr Humusaufbau interessieren, sollten daher hinsichtlich standort- und betriebsspezifischen Optionen zum Aufbau von Corg umfassend unterstĂŒtzt und beraten werden
Relevance of aboveground litter for soil organic matter formation â a soil profile perspective
In contrast to mineral topsoils, in subsoils the origin and processes leading to the formation and stabilization of organic matter (OM) are still not well known. This study addresses the fate of litter-derived carbon (C) in whole soil profiles with regard to the conceptual cascade model, which proposes that OM formation in subsoils is linked to sorptionâmicrobial processingâremobilization cycles during the downward migration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Our main objectives were to quantify the contribution of recent litter to subsoil C stocks via DOC translocation and to evaluate the stability of litter-derived OM in different functional OM fractions.
A plot-scale stable isotope-labeling experiment was conducted in a temperate beech forest by replacing the natural litter layer with 13C enriched litter on an area of 20âm2 above a Dystric Cambisol. After 22 months of field exposure, the labeled litter was replaced again by natural litter and soil cores were drilled down to 180âcm soil depth. Water extraction and density fractionation were combined with stable isotope measurements in order to link the fluxes of recent litter-derived C to its allocation into different functional OM fractions. A second sampling was conducted 18 months later to further account for the stability of translocated young litter-derived C.
Almost no litter-derived particulate OM (POM) entered the subsoil, suggesting root biomass as the major source of subsoil POM. The contribution of aboveground litter to the formation of mineral-associated OM (MAOM) in topsoils (0â10âcm) was 1.88±0.83âgâCâmâ2 and decreased to 0.69±0.19âgâCâmâ2 in the upper subsoil (10â50âcm) and 0.01±0.02âgâCâmâ2 in the deep subsoil >100âcm soil depth during the 22 months. This finding suggests a subordinate importance of recent litter layer inputs via DOC translocation to subsoil C stocks, and implies that most of the OM in the subsoil is of older age. Smaller losses of litter-derived C within MAOM of about 66â% compared to POM (77â%â89â%) over 18 months indicate that recent carbon can be stabilized by interaction with mineral surfaces; although the overall stabilization in the sandy study soils is limited. Our isotope-labeling approach supports the concept of OM undergoing a sequence of cycles of sorption, microbial processing, and desorption while migrating down a soil profile, which needs to be considered in models of soil OM formation and subsoil C cycling
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