595 research outputs found

    Variability in modelled Arctic Sea-Ice Volume

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    In this thesis, the Arctic sea ice volume and thickness evolution over the time period 1850-2100 is analysed. The analysed data is provided by the CMIP5 climate models, which contributed their output for the IPCC Fifth Assessment. The results were compared to the reanalysis data series PIOMAS. Three RCP projections, with different greenhouse gas emission scenarios, were used for the time period 2006- 2100. The change in seasonal cycle was investigated throughout the time period and for the three RCP scenarios. Two of the models were evaluated in more detail, these were MPI-ESM and EC-EARTH. Maps showing the thickness change, according to the two models MPI-ESM and EC-EARTH, were made. The evolution of the sea ice volume shows a dependence on the change in radiative forcing, thus the emissions of greenhouse gases. For the high emission scenario, ice-free conditions in September are reached before 2100. The models are able to reproduce some characteristics of the sea-ice, but are generally underestimating the total volume. The most important finding is that none of the models is able to reproduce the rapid decrease in volume which is seen in PIOMAS and supported by observations. This indicates that there is some component missing in the models. The sea-ice retreat can also be expected to go faster than seen in the models if greenhouse emissions are not decreased. The reduction would, according to the models, slow down when the ice gets thinner, since thick ice reacts stronger than thin to changes in radiative forcing. The models show that the sea-ice would have some quasi-equilibrium, depending on the climate, and no so called tipping point after which the sea-ice would not be able to recover. It would then still be possible for us to stop further sea-ice reduction

    Covalent fixation of pepsin to agarose derivatives

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    SmÀrtlindring i samband med vaccination av fisk

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    Vaccination of fish can be assumed to cause pain. This study was designed to see if we can minimize the suffering of fish following vaccination. Fishes are cold-blooded animals and thus more primitive than warm-blooded animals. Despite this, many organs, e.g. the nervous system, have the same basic structure as that of other vertebrates. The fibre system for conducting pain is more diffuse than in humans. No specific pain conducting tract seems necessary for pain transmission. All ethical rules and laws for animals include fish, but pain killing is still not common in fish production. Prostaglandins and bradykinin are substances which are released in the inflammatory process and cause pain. Vaccination causes peritonitis and adherence between organs and the abdominal wall (scarring). The peritonitis can be assumed to cause pain, which may be one reason why the fish stops feeding for several days following vaccination. Many analgesics inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin, and thus inhibit both pain and inflammation. The local anasthetics used to immobilize fish are given in the water and taken up via the gills. This gives systemic effects. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, was used. 1980 parr were allocated in 14 tubs. Later another 400 parr in two tubs were used. The fish had free access to feed and had continuous daylight. The study was split into two parts. In the first part, two methods for measurement of feed intake was evaluated. In the second part different feeding models (starvation/feeding) and Aqui-S (isoeugenol, which probably diminishes the pain), was used to see if we could affect the time for recovery following vaccination. Before vaccination all groups besides the feed group were starved for two days. Following vaccination, the fish was fed again, except for the starvation group, that was not fed until day three after vaccination. The first feeding day the fish was fed for 10 hours. The pain level was measured as feed intake in percent of biomass, since feed intake is a very good indicator of the well-being of the fish. Before vaccination the fish was sedated with benzocain, the routine sedative at vaccination. The vaccine used was Norvax Compact 6 vet. for furunculosis, cold water vibriosis, vibriosis, winter wounds and IPN. The injection dose was 0,1 ml. This dose is used independent of the size of the fish. The group of fish that was fed all the way through the study recovered fastest; followed by the group that was starved for three days following vaccination. The Aqui-SÔgroup recovered much slower, and the feed intake was significantly lower than for the feed- and starving groups. The control group recovered more slowly than the starvation group but faster than the Aqui-S group. The Aqui-SÔgroup had most adherences, and the feed group had the least. The study clearly shows that starvation prior to vaccination of the fish is wrong. The pharmacological effects of Aqui-S need to be evaluated and more experiments need to be done before we can come to any conclusions about its effectiveness as an analgesic.Det finns anledning att tro att vaccinering av fisk orsakar smĂ€rta. MĂ„let med denna studie var att se om vi kunde minska fiskens lidande efter vaccination. Fisken Ă€r ett kallblodigt djur och mer primitivt Ă€n varmblodiga djur, men bl.a. nervsystemet har samma basala byggnad som hos övriga vertebrater. SmĂ€rtfibersystemet Ă€r dock mer diffust Ă€n hos oss, och ingen specifik smĂ€rtledningsbana verkar vara nödvĂ€ndig för smĂ€rtöverföring. Alla djuretiska regler och lagar gĂ€ller Ă€ven för fisk, men smĂ€rtlindring Ă€r Ă€ndĂ„ ett eftersatt omrĂ„de inom fiskerinĂ€ringen. SmĂ€rta medieras av bl.a. prostaglandiner och bradykinin, Ă€mnen som ocksĂ„ Ă€r aktiva i den inflammatoriska processen. Vaccinering framkallar en inflammation, ofta med adherenser som följd. Fisken slutar Ă€ta dagarna efter vaccinering, vilket tyder pĂ„ att inflammationen orsakar smĂ€rta. MĂ„nga analgesipreparat hĂ€mmar prostaglandinsyntesen, och skyddar pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt mot bĂ„de smĂ€rta och inflammation. De (lokal)anestesi- och analgesipreparat som anvĂ€nds pĂ„ fisk tillförs via vattnet och tas upp över gĂ€larna. DĂ€rmed pĂ„verkas hela kroppen. Fisken som anvĂ€ndes Ă€r Atlantlax, Salmo salar. Initialt anvĂ€ndes 1980 fiskar, fördelade pĂ„ 14 kar, och senare ytterligare 400 st. fördelade pĂ„ tvĂ„ kar. Fisken utfodrades 24 timmar om dygnet och hade ocksĂ„ belysning dygnet runt. Försöket delades upp i tvĂ„ delar. Under den första delen utvĂ€rderades olika metoder för mĂ€tning av foderintag. Under den andra delen, vaccinationsförsöket, undersöktes om olika utfodringsmodeller (svĂ€lt/full utfodring) eller Aqui-S (isoeugenol, trolig smĂ€rtlindrare), kunde ha nĂ„gon effekt pĂ„ Ă„terhĂ€mtningen efter vaccination. Inför vaccinering svĂ€ltes alla grupper utom fodergruppen under tvĂ„ dygn. Efter utförd vaccinering utfodrades fisken igen, utom svĂ€ltgruppen som inte utfodrades förrĂ€n dag tre efter vaccinering. Denna första utfodringsdag fick fisken foder under 10 timmar. För att registrera fiskens Ă„terhĂ€mtning anvĂ€ndes foderintag i procent av biomassan, eftersom foderintaget Ă€r en mycket bra indikator pĂ„ hur fisken mĂ„r. Inför vaccineringen sederades fisken med benzocain. Vaccinet som anvĂ€ndes var Norvax Compact 6 vet. mot furunkulos, kallvattenvibrios, vibrios, vintersĂ„r och IPN. Injektionsdosen var 0,1 ml. Denna dos anvĂ€nds oavsett fiskens storlek. Den fisk som utfodrades genom hela försöket Ă„terhĂ€mtade sig snabbast, tĂ€tt följd av svĂ€ltgruppen. Aqui-Sgruppen Ă„terhĂ€mtade sig lĂ„ngsammast och foderintaget var signifikant lĂ€gre Ă€n foder- och svĂ€ltgruppernas foderintag. Kontrollgruppen hamnade mellan svĂ€ltgruppen och Aqui-Sgruppen i Ă„terhĂ€mtning. Aqui-Sgruppen hade ocksĂ„ mest adherenser, medan fodergruppen hade minst adherenser. Försöket visar att det Ă€r olĂ€mpligt att svĂ€lta fisken inför vaccinering, men vad gĂ€ller Aqui-S behöver fler försök utföras och substansens farmakologiska effekter utredas innan nĂ„gra riktiga slutsatser kan dras

    Sprickor i anlÀggningskonstruktioner av betong : bakomliggande orsaker, bedömning och möjliga ÄtgÀrder

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    Inom den Svenska byggindustrin har Betonghandboken Material lÀnge tjÀnat som ett naturligt val av hjÀlpmedel för ingenjörer som har stött pÄ ett betongtekniskt problem. Den senaste utgÄvan av Betonghandboken material publicerades 1994. Detta gör att mÄnga av de kunskaper vi har idag inom betongomrÄdet gÄr outnyttjade dÄ man anvÀnder sig av Betonghandboken. Det finns ett behov att sammanfatta de kunskaper som finns gÀllande sprickorsaker, bedömning och reparation och presentera dem pÄ ett överskÄdligt sÀtt. Studien syftar till att beskriva orsaker, bedömning och möjliga ÄtgÀrder till sprickbildning i anlÀggningskonstruktioner av betong samt utreda för och nackdelar med de olika reparationsmetoder och material som finns tillgÀngliga pÄ dagens marknad. Resultatet presenteras i form av en modell för hantering av sprickor i anlÀggningskonstruktioner av betong. Denna modell Àr anvÀndbar som ett hjÀlpmedel för entreprenörer vid bedömning av sprickor och val av reparationsmetoder. Dock bör det slutgiltiga valet av reparationsprodukt göras i samrÄd med en materialleverantör

    The Nordic Subpopulation Research Programme: prediction of treatment outcome in patients with low back pain treated by chiropractors - does the psychological profile matter?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is clinically important to be able to select patients suitable for treatment and to be able to predict with some certainty the outcome for patients treated for low back pain (LBP). It is not known to what degree outcome among chiropractic patients is affected by psychological factors.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>To investigate if some demographic, psychological, and clinical variables can predict outcome with chiropractic care in patients with LBP.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective multi-center practice-based study was carried out, in which demographic, clinical and psychological information was collected at base-line. Outcome was established at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit and after three months. The predictive value was studied for all base-line variables, individually and in a multivariable analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all, 55 of 99 invited chiropractors collected information on 731 patients. At the 4<sup>th </sup>visit data were available on 626 patients and on 464 patients after 3 months. Fee subsidization (OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.9-5.5), total duration of pain in the past year (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.0-2.2), and general health (OR 1.2; 95% CI 1.1-1.4) remained in the final model as predictors of treatment outcome at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit. The sensitivity was low (12%), whereas the specificity was high (97%). At the three months follow-up, duration of pain in the past year (OR 2.1; 95% CI 1.4-3.1), and pain in other parts of the spine in the past year (OR1.6; 1.1-2.5) were independently associated with outcome. However, both the sensitivity and specificity were relatively low (60% and 50%). The addition of the psychological variables did not improve the models and none of the psychological variables remained significant in the final analyses. There was a positive gradient in relation to the number of positive predictor variables and outcome, both at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit and after 3 months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Psychological factors were not found to be relevant in the prediction of treatment outcome in Swedish chiropractic patients with LBP.</p

    Analyzing repeated data collected by mobile phones and frequent text messages. An example of Low back pain measured weekly for 18 weeks

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    BACKGROUND: Repeated data collection is desirable when monitoring fluctuating conditions. Mobile phones can be used to gather such data from large groups of respondents by sending and receiving frequently repeated short questions and answers as text messages. The analysis of repeated data involves some challenges. Vital issues to consider are the within-subject correlation, the between measurement occasion correlation and the presence of missing values. The overall aim of this commentary is to describe different methods of analyzing repeated data. It is meant to give an overview for the clinical researcher in order for complex outcome measures to be interpreted in a clinically meaningful way. METHODS: A model data set was formed using data from two clinical studies, where patients with low back pain were followed with weekly text messages for 18 weeks. Different research questions and analytic approaches were illustrated and discussed, as well as the handling of missing data. In the applications the weekly outcome “number of days with pain” was analyzed in relation to the patients’ “previous duration of pain” (categorized as more or less than 30 days in the previous year). Research questions with appropriate analytical methods 1: How many days with pain do patients experience? This question was answered with data summaries. 2: What is the proportion of participants “recovered” at a specific time point? This question was answered using logistic regression analysis. 3: What is the time to recovery? This question was answered using survival analysis, illustrated in Kaplan-Meier curves, Proportional Hazard regression analyses and spline regression analyses. 4: How is the repeatedly measured data associated with baseline (predictor) variables? This question was answered using generalized Estimating Equations, Poisson regression and Mixed linear models analyses. 5: Are there subgroups of patients with similar courses of pain within the studied population? A visual approach and hierarchical cluster analyses revealed different subgroups using subsets of the model data. CONCLUSIONS: We have illustrated several ways of analysing repeated measures with both traditional analytic approaches using standard statistical packages, as well as recently developed statistical methods that will utilize all the vital features inherent in the data

    The Nordic back pain subpopulation program: predicting outcome among chiropractic patients in Finland

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a previous Swedish study it was shown that it is possible to predict which chiropractic patients with persistent LBP will not report definite improvement early in the course of treatment, namely those with LBP for altogether at least 30 days in the past year, who had leg pain, and who did not report definite general improvement by the second treatment. The objectives of this study were to investigate if the predictive value of this set of variables could be reproduced among chiropractic patients in Finland, and if the model could be improved by adding some new potential predictor variables.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was a multi-centre prospective outcome study with internal control groups, carried out in private chiropractic practices in Finland. Chiropractors collected data at the 1st, 2<sup>nd </sup>and 4<sup>th </sup>visits using standardized questionnaires on new patients with LBP and/or radiating leg pain. Status at base-line was identified in relation to pain and disability, at the 2<sup>nd </sup>visit in relation to disability, and "definitely better" at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit in relation to a global assessment. The Swedish questionnaire was used including three new questions on general health, pain in other parts of the spine, and body mass index.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Swedish model was reproduced in this study sample. An alternative model including leg pain (yes/no), improvement at 2<sup>nd </sup>visit (yes/no) and BMI (underweight/normal/overweight or obese) was also identified with similar predictive values. Common throughout the testing of various models was that improvement at the 2<sup>nd </sup>visit had an odds ratio of approximately 5. Additional analyses revealed a dose-response in that 84% of those patients who fulfilled none of these (bad) criteria were classified as "definitely better" at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit, vs. 75%, 60% and 34% of those who fulfilled 1, 2 or all 3 of the criteria, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When treating patients with LBP, at the first visits, the treatment strategy should be different for overweight/obese patients with leg pain as it should be for all patients who fail to improve by the 2<sup>nd </sup>visit. The number of predictors is also important.</p

    Översikt, riskbedömning och förslag pĂ„ Ă„tgĂ€rder för puckellax (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)

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    Puckellaxen (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) tillhör ett slĂ€kte med tolv arter som brukar kallas stillahavslaxar. Flera arter inom slĂ€ktet, dĂ€ribland puckellaxen, Ă€r semelpara, d.v.s. de leker endast en gĂ„ng och dör efter leken. Puckellaxen Ă€r den minsta av stillahavslaxarna och Ă€r i sitt ursprungsomrĂ„de i Stilla havet den talrikaste. Flera av arterna i slĂ€ktet, dĂ€ribland puckellaxen, har introducerats pĂ„ olika platser i vĂ€rlden – utanför arternas naturliga utbredningsomrĂ„de. Det finns en befogad farhĂ„ga att invasiva frĂ€mmande arter ska ha negativ pĂ„verkan pĂ„ inhemska arter. En sammanstĂ€llning som gjordes 2004 visade att invasiva arter Ă€r inblandade direkt eller indirekt i 6 % av alla utdöende eller kraftiga populationsminskningar av inhemska arter. I Sverige finns det idag ca 2000 introducerade arter av vilka 350 Ă€r klassificerade som invasiva, d.v.s. de hotar den biologiska mĂ„ngfalden och ekosystemtjĂ€nster. Puckellaxen har pĂ„ senare tid, framförallt under 2017, fĂ„ngats eller observerats lĂ€ngs norska kusten, den svenska vĂ€stkusten, Jylland i Danmark och Ă€ven i Irland och Skottland. Flertalet av dessa puckellaxar hĂ€rrör frĂ„n ryska (sovjetiska) utsĂ€ttningar runt Kolahalvön under perioden 1956 – 1998. Allt pekar pĂ„ att arten har etablerat sig i omrĂ„det vid Norra ishavet och nu Ă€r inne i en snabb spridningsfas. Möjligheterna att utrota arten Ă€r förmodligen helt borta och det Ă€r osĂ€kert om de ryska myndigheterna har önskan eller möjligheterna att vidta nĂ„gra Ă„tgĂ€rder. Arten kan komma att pĂ„verka inhemska laxfiskar negativt och ur ett faunavĂ„rdsperspektiv vore det dĂ€rför bra om puckellaxen kunde begrĂ€nsas, bĂ„de dess numerĂ€r och dess spridning. Puckellaxen har en strikt tvĂ„-Ă„rscykel och i ursprungsomrĂ„dena runt Stilla havet förekommer bĂ„de udda- och jĂ€mna-Ă„rs-bestĂ„nd. Eftersom det Ă€r udda-Ă„rs-bestĂ„nden som lyckats bĂ€st i nordvĂ€stra Ryssland sĂ„ kommer förmodligen fĂ€rre puckellaxar att observeras 2018, men eventuellt kan det bli Ă€n fler under 2019, fĂ€rre 2020, fler 2021, och sĂ„ vidare
