11 research outputs found

    Teknik Reduksi Energi Pada Perancangan Data Logger Parameter Matahari

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    The research discusses about the energy saving techniques in the design of data logger devices based on AVR microcontroller for monitoring parameters of the air temperature and sunlight intensity in the visible light spectrum. These energy reduction techniques include hardware aspects such as the use of the minimum system, peripherals power supply control and software such as sleep-mode. When the intensity of sun light increases, the interrupt pin will activate the system, otherwise the system is in a state of sleep-mode. The electrical energy consumption of the data logger is continuously observed and recorded on an external memory (SD card) in real-time as so the 24 hours energy consumption can be known and the long-term-used energy can be predicted. Based on the results of measurements and calculations it is known that it takes energy of 8.23 Wh to turn the data logger for 24hours. With this reduction technique, the data logger energy consumption can be reduced by 68.5%

    Analisa Kualitas Air Minum Isi Ulang Ditanjung Pati

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    Air merupakan kebutuhan pokok bagi kehidupan manusia, tetapi air bersih yang layak minum semakin sulit. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat hanya mengandalkan air dari depot air minum isi ulang. Depot air minum merupakan USAha industri yang melakukan proses pengolahan air baku menjadi air minum dan menjual langsung pada konsumen. Proses pengolahan air pada depot air minum pada prinsipnya adalah filtrasi dan disinfektan. Air minum isi ulang belum bisa dikatakan sepenuhnya bebas dari bakteri, oleh karena itu diperlukan pengujian air minum yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bakteri yang berbahaya yang terdapat pada air minum isi ulang. Bakteri Coliform dan E. coli merupakan suatu golongan bakteri yang digunakan sebagai indikator adanya polusi kotoran dan kondisi yang tidak baik di dalam air. Coliform adalah indikator kualitas air, makin sedikit kandungan coliform artinya kualitas air semakin baik. Untuk menguji adanya bakteri di dalam air dapat digunakan metode MPN yang terdiri dari tiga tahap, yaitu uji pendugaan, uji konfirmasi, dan uji pelengkap. Hasil uji laboratorium dari lima contoh sampel, semua sampel positif terdapat bakteri Coliform. Berdasarkan Permenkes RI No.492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010, pada semua sampel melebihi kadar maksimum Coliform yang diperbolehkan oleh Permenkes yaitu dengan kadar maksimum 0 mg/l. Hasil dari laboratorium pengujian beberapa parameter dari lima sampel didapatkan pH, TDS, Kekeruhan, Kesadahan memenuhi standar baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan Permenkes RI No.492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010

    Perancangan Dan Pengujian Piranti Pemantauan Visual Untuk Menentukan Volume Lalu Lintas

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    Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applies information and communication technologies for transportation management. The problem in the study is the importance of computer vision tools to determine the volume of traffic on the highway. The design of computer vision device is performed using a static camera and the bounding box method for determining the traffic volume based on vehicle type, namely light vehicles, heavy vehicles (trucks) and motorcycles that are applied on the Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). The classification is based on the pixel area of vehicle objects. The tests were carried out at Jalan T. Nyak Arief, Jambotape, Banda Aceh. The test results of the system achieved an accuracy of 79.32%

    A Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) for Indonesian Car Licence Plate Identification System

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    Volume 7 Issue 10 (October 201

    Perancangan Lengan Robot 5 Derajat Kebebasan Dengan Pendekatan Kinematika

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    This study discusses the design of arm robot model with 5 degree of freedom that is designed to be a small-scale model of the articulated robot industry to simulate the movement of the robots industry. The objective of this research is to build a real arm robot based on kinematic aspects with the movement of waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist pitch, wrist roll and gripper, and to analyze the robot movement. The design includes building the real arm robot based on Arduino Uno board controller and the movement of the robot using servo motor DC. The robot can be controlled automatically from the computer with the RS-232 or USB port interface and it learns about the kinematic of the robot\u27s arm when an experiment on the forward kinematic is accomplished. The robot was running well, with the maximum distance that can be reached by the robot on the coordinate axis x = 425 mm, y = 425 mm and z = 480 mm

    Efficient Relay Selection Algorithm for Non-Orthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Systems over Block-Fading Channels

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    In this paper, an efficient relay selection (RS) algorithm for non-orthogonal amplify-and-forward (NAF) cooperative systems over block-fading channels, also known as block-fading NAF (BFNAF) protocol, is developed. The best relay is selected from a subset of available relay nodes based on the maximum criterion of their capacity bounds in half-duplex (HD) mode, together with the power allocation, to obtain the energy efficiency (EE) for the proposed RS scheme. We derived an exact closed-form expression of the outage probability and throughput for evaluating the system performance. The energy consumption was also numerically evaluated to determine the optimized EE of the proposed RS scheme for each transmission protocol with two modulation schemes. The numerical results indicated that the proposed RS scheme with the BFNAF protocol outperforms the previous RS scheme with orthogonal AF (OAF) protocol in terms of both the outage probability and the throughput as the number of relays is increased and the average transmit power is optimally allocated for each transmission phase. Moreover, in the case of the optimized EE, it is found that by using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), the EE of the proposed RS scheme is 48.9% higher than that of binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulation