57 research outputs found

    A Study of the Bacterial Population Fluctuations During Poultry Processing

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    The microbial assessment of skin-washed water samples taken from 39 poultry carcasses and the wash water from a poultry processing unit revealed cumulative increases z"n the number of microflora at each stage of processing. A comparison of the bacterial population densities on the skin at the' start and at the end of processing showed that the levels of E. coli and coli forms increased by 231.1% and 263.1% respectively whereas the Salmonella concentrations decreased by about 9%. A positive correlation was obtained between the occurrence of bacterz"a and parameters such as wash water pH and temperature, and suspended solids concentration. An examination of the storage tank effluent which was used to store the poultry carcasses pri"or to packaging showed that E. coli and Salmonella were able to thrive in the liquid. During the 4 h incubation period, the levels of both organisms decined rapidly during the initial half hour, but quickly became adapted and multipUed z"n the subsequent hours. The implications of both, the field and laboratory studies are discussed with a view of reducing the level of contamination during processing

    Facility Management in Private Finance Initiative project in UTHM Pagoh Campus

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    Facility management (FM) in Private Finance Initiative (PFI) involved a long-time process and duration in improving the infrastructure and associating the facilities. FM will give a support role or service within an organisation that have been strategically integrated approach to operating, maintaining, improving, and adapting the buildings and supporting services in order to create natural environment. In a long-term relationship, facility management need to evolve to a higher strategic level in compliance with the organisation’s strategy. At the end of the process, it will achieve best value and performance on delivery of support services. In this research, direct observation has been done to analyze facility management provided in UTHM Pagoh Campus. Furthermore, the satisfaction level of building occupants also was investigated by using different measurement factors in a structured questionnaire to measure the effectiveness. Hence, the results concluded that the total overall satisfaction of users towards facility provided by private sector are mostly satisfied among building occupants. From the results obtained, outdoor area was ranked first out of eight measurement factors. An interview has been done in order to clarify the success of facility management. It can be summarized that all the facility supplied by private sector were meets Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), by meant it also need to improvise their services provision

    Derivative estimation of triangular patch by using cubic least square method

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    Smooth surface reconstruction of scattered data built from Delaunay triangulation need the partial derivatives to be defined at the vertices of the triangles for all the data points. Partial derivatives at the vertices of triangular elements and at the midpoint of each side usually are unavailable therefore it is a needed to approximate the derivatives information at the vertices and at the midpoint of each side. The common method use to estimate partial derivatives was the quadratic approximation of least square method. This research focused to estimate partial derivatives by using cubic approximation of least square method and compare the surface obtained between quadratic and cubic approximation. The research also implement the use of interpolating surface of cubic Bezier triangular patch. The result of the study shows comparison of interpolating surface produced by different type of functions for quadratic and cubic least square. The maximum and minimum error was also calculated and maximum error between quadratic and cubic least square was generated when using saddle function while the minimum error is on the exponential function


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    Among the many types of interaction at the workplace are communication at the organisation level and communication among employees. Effective communication at the operational level provides good foundation for interaction within and outside the organisation. effective communication at individual levels among the employers’ help create positive work environment and therefore enhance productivity of each employee in the long run. This quantitative pilot study was carried out in a government organisation. 68 respondents answered a 34-item survey on 5-likert scales. Findings showed that employees felt that besides effective communication at top-down level, there should also be good communication within the organisation and among the employees themselves. Positive interaction would lead to positive communication and thus improve motivation at work as well as productivity.  Article visualizations

    Polarity Classification Tool for Sentiment Analysis in Malay Language

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    The popularity of the social media channels has increased the interest among researchers in the sentiment analysis (SA) area. One aspect of the SA research is the determination of the polarity of the comments in the social media, i.e. positive, negative, and neutral. However, there is a scarcity of Malay sentiment analysis tools because most of the work in the literature discuss the polarity classification tool in English. This paper presents the development of a polarity classification tool called Malay Polarity Classification Tool (MaCT). This tool is developed based on the AFINN sentiment lexicon for English language. We have attempted to translate each word in AFINN to its Malay equivalent and later, use the lexicon to collect the sentiment data from Twitter. The Twitter data are then classified into positive, negative, and neutral. For the validation purpose, we collect 400 positive tweets, 400 negative tweets, and 200 neutral tweets, and later, run the tweets through our sentiment lexicon and found 90% score for precision, recall and accuracy. Our main contribution in the research is the new AFINN translation for Malay language and also the classification of the sentiment data

    Penerapan Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) Berbasis Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Dalam Pemilihan Mobil Bekas

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    Perdagangan pembelian kendaraan mobil untuk mendukung perpindahan dari satu tempat kepada yang lain merupakan salah satu alasan utama masyarakat dalam memilih mobil bekas. Harga mobil dalam kondisi baru terbilang tinggi maka tidak sedikit masyarakat lebih memilih mobil bekas. Pemilihan mobil memiliki beberapa faktor yang mesti dipertimbangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kriteria berbeda dari setiap individu. Kebutuhan tersebut sebagai latar belakang pembuatan sistem pendukung keputusan dalam pemilihan mobil bekas. Sistem akan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) berbasis Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Sistem dibuat dengan menggunakan database MySQL. Metode ini dipilih karena mampu menyeleksi alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang ditentukan. Hasil dari sistem ini akan memberikan rekomendasi pilihan mobil bekas untuk pelanggan berdasarkan kriteria yang dipilih

    Filling sharp features on corner of triangular mesh by using Enhanced Advancing Front Mesh (EAFM) method

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    Repairing an incomplete polygon mesh constitutes a primary difficulty in 3D model construction, especially in the computer graphics area. The objective of hole-filling methods is to keep surfaces smoothly and continually filled at hole boundaries while conforming with the shapes. The Advancing Front Mesh (AFM) method was normally used to fill simple holes. However, there has not been much implementation of AFM in handling sharp features. In this paper, we use an AFM method to fill a holes on sharp features. The Enhanced Advancing Front Mesh (EAFM) method was introduced when there was a conflict during triangle creation. The results of the study show that the presented method can effectively improve the AFM method, while preserving the geometric features and details of the original mesh

    Filling simple holes of triangular mesh by using Enhanced Advancing Front Mesh (EAFM) method

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    Triangular meshes are extensively used to represent 3D models. Some surfaces cannot be digitised due to various reasons such as inadequacy of the scanner, and this generally occurs for glossy, hollow surfaces and dark-coloured surfaces. This cause triangular meshes to contain holes and it becomes difficult for numerous successive operations such as model prototyping, model rebuilding, and finite element analysis. Hence, it is necessary to fill these holes in a practical manner. In this paper, the Enhanced Advancing Front Mesh (EAFM) method was introduced for recovering missing simple holes in an object. The first step in this research was to extract the feature vertices around a hole on a 3D test data function. Then the Advancing Front Mesh (AFM) method was used to fill the holes. When conflicts occurred during construction of the triangle, the EAFM method was introduced to enhance the method. The results of the study show that the enhanced method is simple, efficient and suitable for dealing with simple hole problems