1,841 research outputs found

    Evaluation of social personalized adaptive E-Learning environments : end-user point of view

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    The use of adaptations, along with the social aïŹ€ordances of collaboration and networking, carries a great potential for improving e-learning experiences. However, the review of the previous work indicates current e-learning systems have only marginally explored the integration of social features and adaptation techniques. The overall aim of this research, therefore, is to address this gap by evaluating a system developed to foster social personalized adaptive e-learning experiences. We have developed our ïŹrst prototype system, Topolor, based on the concepts of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia and Social E-Learning. We have also conducted an experimental case study for the evaluation of the prototype system from diïŹ€erent perspectives. The results show a considerably high satisfaction of the end users. This paper reports the evaluation results from end user point of view, and generalizes our method to a component-based evaluation framework

    Analisis Distribusi Ayam Broiler di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Production of broiler chicken at Yogyakarta Province exceeds its consumption so that Yogyakarta province becomes one of suppliers of chicken for other regions, especially Jakarta. The objective of this research is to formulate distribution channel of broiler chicken, to determine transmission price elasticity and to estimate margin among distribution chanÂŹnels. The results show that pattern of production system consists of non-cooperative sysÂŹtem and cooperative (nucleus-core) system. Distribution channel of the non-cooperative system is more various than of that nucleus-core system. The margin of former system is also more efficient but more risky. Finally, producers are less responsive to price changes than distributors

    Mindfulness and Creative Process Engagement: The Mediating Role of Workplace Relational Systems

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    Purpose Despite widespread recognition of the importance of mindfulness in organizational science literature, little is known about how mindfulness motivates individuals to configure information processing and team member exchange relationships to increase creative process engagement. Drawing on motivated information processing theory, this study conceptualizes and empirically examines whether and how mindfulness motivates individuals toward creative process engagement. Design/methodology/approach The authors collected data through an online survey from 311 respondents working in the Research and Development (R&D) departments of organizations in multiple industries in Pakistan. For analytical purposes, the authors have applied the structural equation modeling technique. Findings This study advances a different view of individual mindfulness on the creative process engagement in the following ways. First, mindfulness enables individuals to self-regulate in specific situations and become effective in fostering creative process engagement. Second, this study extends research on relational information processing by linking it to mindfulness and creative process engagement. Relational information processing partially mediates the relationship between mindfulness and creative process engagement. Third, this study highlights that mindfulness motivates individuals to focus more on developing quality working relationships, but they seem less willing to participate in idea generation and problem-solving solutions. Originality/value The study findings provide implications for research on mindfulness, creativity and motivated information processing to enhance individuals’ creative process engagements. The authors also discuss the implications for executives on the relational and creative benefits of mindfulness

    Democratic Model for Village Economic Resource Management in Nglanggeran, Gunungkidul

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    This article seeks to describe the results of the research with the topic of developing a model of governance of natural resources at the level of the rural communities involving community participation, both in terms of production, distribution aspects, and aspects of the control of the factors of production. By taking the case of the village Nglanggeran, it sought to create a model of governance “alternative” in the failure of the model of “state” and “market” in protecting people's socio-economic interests of the community from systemic poverty and the threat of sustainable ecological environment. The experience of developing governance of a natural democracy in this village is expected to illustrate the potential, problems and alternatives completion faced by communities in improving the welfare in a fair and equitable manner

    Design and realization of a frequency reconfigurable multimode antenna for ism, 5g-ub-6-ghz, and s-band applications

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    This paper presents the design and realization of a compact size multimode frequency reconfigurable antenna. The antenna consists of a triangular-shaped monopole radiator, originally inspired from a rectangular monopole antenna. Slots were utilized to notch the desired frequency while the PIN diodes were utilized to achieve frequency reconfigurability. The antenna can operate in wideband, dual-band, or tri-band mode depending upon the state of the diodes. To validate the simulation results, a prototype was fabricated, and various performance parameters were measured and compared with simulated results. The strong agreement between simulated and measured results along with superior performance as compared to existing works in the literature makes the proposed antenna a strong candidate for ISM, 5G-sub-6 GHz, and S-band applications

    Etiological Profile and Treatment Outcome of Epistaxis at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Northwestern Tanzania: A Prospective Review of 104 Cases.

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    Epistaxis is the commonest otolaryngological emergency affecting up to 60% of the population in their lifetime, with 6% requiring medical attention. There is paucity of published data regarding the management of epistaxis in Tanzania, especially the study area. This study was conducted to describe the etiological profile and treatment outcome of epistaxis at Bugando Medical Centre, a tertiary care hospital in Northwestern Tanzania. This was a prospective descriptive study of the cases of epistaxis managed at Bugando Medical Centre from January 2008 to December 2010. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS computer software version 15. A total of 104 patients with epistaxis were studied. Males were affected twice more than the females (2.7:1). Their mean age was 32.24 ± 12.54 years (range 4 to 82 years). The modal age group was 31-40 years. The commonest cause of epistaxis was trauma (30.8%) followed by idiopathic (26.9%) and hypertension (17.3%). Anterior nasal bleeding was noted in majority of the patients (88.7%). Non surgical measures such as observation alone (40.4%) and anterior nasal packing (38.5%) were the main intervention methods in 98.1% of cases. Surgical measures mainly intranasal tumor resection was carried out in 1.9% of cases. Arterial ligation and endovascular embolization were not performed. Complication rate was 3.8%. The overall mean of hospital stay was 7.2 ± 1.6 days (range 1 to 24 days). Five patients died giving a mortality rate of 4.8%. Trauma resulting from road traffic crush (RTC) remains the most common etiological factor for epistaxis in our setting. Most cases were successfully managed with conservative (non-surgical) treatment alone and surgical intervention with its potential complications may not be necessary in most cases and should be the last resort. Reducing the incidence of trauma from RTC will reduce the incidence of emergency epistaxis in our centre

    A novel application of Lobatto iiia solver for numerical treatment of mixed convection nanofluidic model

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    The objective of the current investigation is to examine the influence of variable viscosity and transverse magnetic field on mixed convection fluid model through stretching sheet based on copper and silver nanoparticles by exploiting the strength of numerical computing via Lobatto IIIA solver. The nonlinear partial differential equations are changed into ordinary differential equations by means of similarity transformations procedure. A renewed finite difference based Lobatto IIIA method is incorporated to solve the fluidic system numerically. Vogel's model is considered to observe the influence of variable viscosity and applied oblique magnetic field with mixed convection along with temperature dependent viscosity. Graphical and numerical illustrations are presented to visualize the behavior of different sundry parameters of interest on velocity and temperature. Outcomes reflect that volumetric fraction of nanoparticles causes to increase the thermal conductivity of the fluid and the temperature enhances due to blade type copper nanoparticles. The convergence analysis on the accuracy to solve the problem is investigated viably though the residual errors with different tolerances to prove the worth of the solver. The temperature of the fluid accelerates due the blade type nanoparticles of copper and skin friction coefficient is reduced due to enhancement of Grashof Number

    Design of Multicationic Copper-Bearing Layered Double Hydroxides for Catalytic Application in Biorefinery

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    Ethanol has been used as a renewable hydrogen-donor in the conversion of a lignin model molecule in subcritical conditions. Noble metal-free porous mixed oxides, obtained by activation of Cu-Ni-Al and Cu-Ni-Fe layered double hydroxide (LDH) precursors, have been used as heterogeneous catalysts for Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley (MPV) hydrogen transfer and further hydrogenation by ethanol dehydrogenation products. Both the Cu/(Cu+Ni) ratio and the nature of the trivalent cation (Al or Fe) affect the activity of the catalysts, as well as the selectivity towards the different steps of the hydrogenation reactions and the cleavage of lignin-like phenylether bonds. Accounting for the peculiar behaviour of Cu2+ and M(III) cations in the synthesis of LDHs, the coprecipitation of the precursors has been monitored by titration experiments. Structural and textural properties of the catalysts are closely related to the composition of the LDH precursors

    High rate, fast timing Glass RPC for the high {\eta} CMS muon detectors

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    The HL-LHC phase is designed to increase by an order of magnitude the amount of data to be collected by the LHC experiments. To achieve this goal in a reasonable time scale the instantaneous luminosity would also increase by an order of magnitude up to 6.1034cm−2s−16.10^{34} cm^{-2} s^{-1} . The region of the forward muon spectrometer (∣η∣>1.6|{\eta}| > 1.6) is not equipped with RPC stations. The increase of the expected particles rate up to 2kHz/cm22 kHz/cm^{2} (including a safety factor 3) motivates the installation of RPC chambers to guarantee redundancy with the CSC chambers already present. The actual RPC technology of CMS cannot sustain the expected background level. The new technology that will be chosen should have a high rate capability and provides a good spatial and timing resolution. A new generation of Glass-RPC (GRPC) using low-resistivity (LR) glass is proposed to equip at least the two most far away of the four high η{\eta} muon stations of CMS. First the design of small size prototypes and studies of their performance in high-rate particles flux is presented. Then the proposed designs for large size chambers and their fast-timing electronic readout are examined and preliminary results are provided.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, Conference proceeding for the 2016 Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detector

    Arabs and Atheism: Religious Discussions in the Arab Twittersphere

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    Most previous research on online discussions of atheism has focused on atheism within a Christian context. In contrast, discussions about atheism in the Arab world and from Islamic background are relatively poorly studied. An added complication is that open atheism is against the law in some Arab countries, which may further restrict atheist activity on social media. In this work, we explore atheistic discussion in the Arab Twittersphere. We identify four relevant categories of Twitter users according to the content they post: atheistic, theistic, tanweeri (religious renewal), and other. We characterise the typical content posted by these four sets of users and their social networks, paying particular attention to the topics discussed and the interaction among them. Our findings have implication for the study of religious and spiritual discourse on social media and provide a better cross-cultural understanding of relevant aspects.Comment: Accepted as a full paper at Socinfo 2019. Please cite the Socinfo version. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2019
