5 research outputs found

    The Effect of LDR Ratio, CAR Ratio and BOPO Ratio on ROA in Conventional Banking on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2015-2020

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the variables measured by the LDR Ratio, CAR Ratio and BOPO Ratio on ROA of Conventional Banking on the Indonesia Impact Exchange for the 2015-2020 period. This study uses 14 conventional banks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2020 period. The illustration method used is purposive sampling and 10 industries are obtained. This research uses secondary information in the form of financial statements that meet the criteria, the data obtained from the financial statements are obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange which can be accessed through https://www.idx.co.id/id . The analytical procedure used in this study is Linear Regression of panel data using the SPSS 25 program. The results of this study show that LDR and BOPO have a significant effect on ROA, while the CAR ratio has no effect on ROA

    The Best Marketing 4.0 Brand Model in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the best marketing 4.0 brand model in Indonesia, not just a brand that is a symbol of the current development of technology or industry 4.0. Marketing is a major part of the progress of a company, along with the development of technology, marketing becomes the main problem of survival of a company. Marketing 4.0 is the right answer in helping to solve these problems, especially in building a company brand. But how to build the right Marketing 4.0 so that the brand becomes the main breath of the company. The method used is a qualitative case study method, which describes in detail a program. The results of this study show an invention for the best Marketing 4.0 brand model in Indonesia, so it is expected to be a model for the company's progress in this 4.0 industry

    Mengimplementasikan Ekowisata Menjadi Strategi Pengelolaan Manajemen Pada Air Terjun Blangsinga

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    <p><i>The tourism sector in this era of globalization has made many changes and has experienced rapid development. This is all aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of the destination. Therefore, it is necessary for the tourism sector to implement an ecotourism system for tourism objects that are owned to be responsible for the preservation of unspoiled areas, provide economic benefits and maintain cultural integrity for the local community. This research is related to the development of the Blangsinga waterfall tourist area into an ecotourism area. Around the waterfall area there are many adequate places, but around the waterfall itself there are still many shortcomings in terms of supporting facilities and the absence of insightful activities. Methods This research was conducted qualitatively, with reference to the theory of ecotourism and sustainable tourism. In order to obtain comprehensive data. The focus of this research is on Blangsinga Waterfall, Saba Village, Blahbatuh District. Data collection is carried out through interviews and academic literature studies that are able to examine and dig deeper by taking into account the background, socialization patterns and implications for local communities and foreign tourists.</i></p&gt

    Pelestarian Daya Tarik Pura Uluwatu Setelah Pandemi Covid 19

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    <p><i>Pura Luhur Uluwatu or Uluwatu Temple is located in Pecatu Village, Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali. Uluwatu Temple, also called Luwur Temple, is one of the six Sad Kahyangan temples, the main spiritual pillars located on the island of Bali. Piodalan or ceremony commemorating the founding of the Temple is held on Anggara Kasih day, in Wuku Medangsia in Caka calendar. This ceremony usually lasts for three days attended by thousands of Hindus, Pura Luhur Uluwatu is one of the best places in Bali to see the sunset, with views directly overlooking the Indian Ocean. Without a doubt, what makes Uluwatu Temple even more beautiful is the 250-foot cliff above the waves of the Indian Ocean. A small forest is located around Uluwatu and hundreds of herds of monkeys live there. Who is believed to be the guardian of the purity of the area. Uluwatu Kecak dance or Fire Dance has a unique music or tone. A dance accompanied by human voices and rattles as well as the voices of dozens of people, the Kecak dance or "Cak" dance or Fire Dance actually departs from the Sang Hyang ceremony, a traditional ritual tradition where dancers meet with the gods. Or the spirits of ancestors will be in an unconscious state when communicating.</i></p&gt

    Problematika Ekonomi dan Pandemi Covid-19

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    Indonesia mengonfirmasi kasus pertama infeksi virus corona penyebab Covid-19 pada awal Maret 2020. Sejak itu, berbagai upaya penanggulangan dilakukan pemerintah untuk meredam dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 di berbagai sektor. Hampir seluruh sektor terdampak, tak hanya kesehatan. Sektor ekonomi juga mengalami dampak serius akibat pandemi virus corona. Pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat berpengaruh pada aktivitas bisnis yang kemudian berimbas pada perekonomian