4,335 research outputs found

    Existence and stability of limit cycles for pressure oscillations incombustion chambers

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    In this paper, we discuss two problems. First, using a second order expansion in the pressure amplitude, some analytical results on the existence, stability and amplitude of limit cycles for pressure oscillations in combusticm chambers are presented. A stable limit cycle seems to be unique. The conditions for existence and stability are found to be dependent only on the linear parameters. The nonlinear parameter affects only the wave amplitude. The imaginary parts of the linear responses, to pressure oscillations, of the different processes in the chamber play an important role in the stability of the limit cycle. They also affect the direction of flow of energy among modes. In the absence of the imaginary parts, in order for an infinitesimal perturbation in the flow to reach a finite amplitude, the lowest mode must be unstable while the highest must be stable; thus energy flows from the lowest mode to the highest one. The same case exists when the imaginary parts are non-zero, but in addition, the contrary situation is possible. There are conditions under which an infinitesimal perturbation may reach a finite amplitude if the lowest mode is stable while the highest is unstable. Thus energy can flow "backward" from the highest mode to the lowest one. It is also shown that the imaginary parts increase the final wave amplitude. Second, the triggering of pressure oscillations in solid propellant rockets is discussed. In order to explain the triggering of the oscillations to a nontrivial stable: limit cycle, the treatment of two modes and the inclusion in the combustion response of either a second order nonlinear velocity coupling or a third order nonlinear pressure coupling seem to be sufficient

    Measurements of interactions between acoustic fields and nonuniform mean flow

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    Two problems crucial to the stability of longitudinal acoustic waves in solid rocket motors are examined experimentally. The first is the dissipation of energy associated with an average flow inward at the lateral boundary. Measurements reported here, though subject to considerable experimental error, show that the actual losses are much larger than predicted by the approximate one dimensional analysis. The second problem is the attenuation of waves accompanying reflection by the nonuniform flow in a choked exhaust nozzle. Empahsis in this work has been on technique, to provide data relatively easily and inexpensively. It appears that good results can be obtained in a routine manner using small supersonic wind tunnel operated as an open cycle. At least for Mach numbers up to 0.04 at the nozzle entrance, difficulties with signal/noise are satisfactorily overcome with a tracking filter

    Intestinal epithelial responses to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis: Effects on intestinal permeability and ion transport

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    Salmonella infection of chickens that leads to potential human foodborne salmonellosis continues to be a major concern. Chickens serve as carriers but, in contrast to humans, rarely show any clinical signs including diarrhea. The present investigations aimed to elucidate whether the absence of diarrhea during acute Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (Salmonella Enteritidis) infection may be linked to specific changes in the electrophysiological properties of the chicken gut. Immediately after slaughter, intestinal pieces of the mid-jejunum and cecum of either commercial broiler or specific pathogen-free (SPF) chickens were mounted in Ussing chambers in 2 separate experimental series. Living Salmonella Enteritidis (3 Ă— 109) or Salmonella Enteritidis endotoxin (20 mg/L), or both, were added to the mucosal side for 1 h. In both experimental series, the Salmonella infection decreased the trans-epithelial ion conductance Gt (P < 0.05). In the jejunum of SPF chickens, there was also a marked decrease in net charge transfer across the epithelium, evidenced by decreased short-circuit current (Isc, P < 0.05). Interestingly, the mucosal application of Salmonella endotoxin to the epithelial preparations from jejunum and cecum of SPF chicken had an effect similar to living bacteria. However, the endotoxin had no additional effect on the intestinal function in the presence of bacteria. The decreasing effect of Salmonella and or its endotoxin on Gt could be partly reversed by serosal addition of histamine. To our knowledge, this is the first study to address the functional response of native intestinal epithelium of chicken to an in vitro Salmonella infection. For the first time, it can be reported that intestinal ion permeability of chicken decreases acutely by the presence of Salmonella. This type of response could counteract ion and fluid secretion and may thus, at least in part, explain why chickens do not develop overt diarrhea after Salmonella infection

    Higher Dimensional Taub-NUTs and Taub-Bolts in Einstein-Maxwell Gravity

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    We present a class of higher dimensional solutions to Einstein-Maxwell equations in d-dimensions. These solutions are asymptotically locally flat, de-Sitter, or anti-de Sitter space-times. The solutions we obtained depend on two extra parameters other than the mass and the nut charge. These two parameters are the electric charge, q and the electric potential at infinity, V, which has a non-trivial contribution. We Analyze the conditions one can impose to obtain Taub-Nut or Taub-Bolt space-times, including the four-dimensional case. We found that in the nut case these conditions coincide with that coming from the regularity of the one-form potential at the horizon. Furthermore, the mass parameter for the higher dimensional solutions depends on the nut charge and the electric charge or the potential at infinity.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Designing games for older adults: an affordance based approach

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    Campylobacter jejuni colonization promotes the translocation of Escherichia coli to extra-intestinal organs and disturbs the short-chain fatty acids profiles in the chicken gut

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    For a long time Campylobacter was only considered as a commensal microorganism in avian hosts restricted to the ceca, without any pathogenic features. The precise reasons for the symptomless chicken carriers are still unknown, but investigations of the gastrointestinal ecology of broiler chickens may improve our understanding of the microbial interactions with the host. Therefore, the current studies were conducted to investigate the effects of Campylobacter jejuni colonization on Escherichia coli translocation and on the metabolic end products (short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs). Following oral infection of 14 day old broiler chickens with 1 Ă— 108 CFU of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 12744 in two independent animal trials, it was found that C. jejuni heavily colonized the intestine and disseminate to extra-intestinal organs. Moreover, in both animal trials, the findings revealed that C. jejuni promoted the translocation of E. coli with a higher number encountered in the spleen and liver at 14 days post infection (dpi). In addition, Campylobacter affected the microbial fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract of broilers by reducing the amount of propionate, isovalerate, and isobutyrate in the cecal digesta of the infected birds at 2 dpi and, at 7 and 14 dpi, butyrate, isobutyrate, and isovalerate were also decreased. However, in the jejunum, the C. jejuni infection lowered only butyrate concentrations at 14 dpi. These data indicated that C. jejuni may utilize SCFAs as carbon sources to promote its colonization in the chicken gut, suggesting that Campylobacter cannot only alter gut colonization dynamics but might also influence physiological processes due to altered microbial metabolite profiles. Finally, the results demonstrated that C. jejuni can cross the intestinal epithelial barrier and facilitates the translocation of Campylobacter itself as well as of other enteric microorganisms such as E. coli to extra-intestinal organs of infected birds. Altogether, our findings suggest that the Campylobacter carrier state in chicken is characterised by multiple changes in the intestinal barrier function, which supports multiplication and survival within the host

    Asymmetric contextual effects in age perception

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    How old we think someone is determines how we interact with them [1–3], and most people regularly make age judgements based on facial appearance. For example, when assessing the age of a suspect in crime scenes, or in daily tasks such as determining eligibility to buy alcohol or tobacco (for meta-analysis on age perception, see [3]). Given the importance of making accurate facial age estimations, and how frequently we make them, one might assume our perceptual system is precise in judging age. Indeed, early research claimed that people make reliable age estimates, with errors of ±3–4 years [4,5]. However, those studies were limited in the number and quality of their stimuli. Faces change as we grow older, and ageing of facial skin is driven by factors such as gender, genetics, lifestyle, diet, smoking, and consuming drugs and alcohol [6,7]. Therefore, given the large amount of variability in faces, using a small set of test faces potentially biases age estimates to the specific test identities used. More recent work has addressed this issue by using both a larger number of stimuli and a broader sample of participants. In this case, the authors find that estimating age is less reliable than originally proposed with a reported mean error magnitude between ±6 years [8,9] and ±8 years [10]. Taken together, this reveals that people make errors in age judgements even for single faces viewed individually
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