36 research outputs found

    Ontogenetic phenotypic plasticity and maternal effects during early stages of development in Iris pumila L.(Iridaceae)

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    Prikazana su proučavanja veličine i obrazaca fenotipske plastičnosti tokom ranih faza procesa razvića biljaka kao odgovor na promenu intenziteta svetlosti, kao i doprinos materinskih faktora ekspresiji juvenilnog fenotipa. Za ovo istraživanje izabrane su dve prirodne populacije I. pumila koje su izložene različitim svetlosnim uslovima u Deliblatskoj PeŔčari. Eksperimentalni dizajn obuhvatao je tri svetlosna intenziteta. Istražene su tri faze juvenilnog perioda I.pumila pri čemu je na svakom klijancu izvrÅ”eno merenje većeg broja osobina. Na osnovu procena i poredjenja različitih aspekata variranja ispitivanih osobina dobijeni su sledeći zaključci: 1. Veličina i pravac fenotipskog odgovora bili su specifični za osobinu, kao i za deo primenjenog svetlosnog gradijenta. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je plastičnost specifične lisne povrÅ”ine (SLA) najizraženiji odgovor na nizak intenzitet svetlosti; 2. Heritabilnost i genetičke korelacije kod vrste I.pumila variraju između različitih svetlosnih sredina;3. Plastičnost osobina, merena preko indeksa plastičnosti, bila je veća kod biljaka iz populacije Å uma; 4. Genotipovi I.pumila, ali i populacije, značajno su se razlikovali u ontogenetskim normama reakcije. Razlike razvojnih putanja izmedju populacija bile su manje u poređenju sa razlikama između svetlosnih tretmana; 5. Korelacije izmedju osobina značajno su se menjale tokom razvića; 6. Koeficijent materinskog efekta (m2) i koeficijent materinske varijacije (CVM) bili su specifični za osobinu i svetlosni tretman. Zavisnost ispoljavanja materinskih vanjedarnih uticaja od potomačkih sredinskih faktora pokazuje da selektivna vrednost materinskih genotipova zavisi od sredine u kojoj se odvija razviće potomaka; 7. U ranim fazama razvića I.pumila postoji značajna ontogenetska varijabilnost ispoljavanja materinskog efekta. Sa staroŔću klijanaca smanjuje se stepen ispoljavanja materinskih efekata. Materinske korelacije se značajno menjaju tokom ontogenije pri čemu su ove promene i sredinski zavisne.Study was about the size and patterns of phenotypic plasticity during the early stages of plant development in response to different light intensities, and the contribution of maternal factors expression of juvenile phenotype. For this study two natural populations of I.pumila were chosen. They were exposed to different light conditions in Deliblato sands. The experimental design consisted of three light intensities. The three phases of the juvenile period I.pumila where investigated. On each seedling a number of measurements were taken. Based on the evaluation and comparison of different aspects of the variation of plant traits the following conclusions were obtained: 1. The size and direction of phenotypic responses were specific for the trait, as well as to the part of the light gradient. The results show that the plasticity of specific leaf area (SLA) is most pronounced in response to low light intensity; 2. Heritability and genetic correlation in I. pumila vary significantly between different light environments; 3. Phenotypic plasticity, measured by the index of plasticity, was higher in plants from ā€œÅ umaā€ population; 4. Genotypes, as well as populations, of I.pumila, have significantly different ontogenetic reaction norms. The differences between the populations developmental pathways were lower in comparison with the differences between the light treatment; 5. Trait correlations significantly changed during development; 6. The coefficient of maternal effects (m2) and the coefficient of maternal variation (CV) were trait-specific and treatment-specific. The selective value of maternal genotype depends on the environment in which offspring development occurs; 7. In the early stages of development of I. pumila there was no significant ontogenetic variation of maternal effects. The degree of maternal effects decreased with seedlings age. Maternal correlations significantly change during ontogeny. These changes were environmentally dependent, too


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    We analyzed genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity of flowering pattern and reproductive success in 97 clonal genotypes of Iris variegata originating from contrasting light habitats in Deliblato Sands and expressed under different experimental light conditions. Rhizome segments were taken from each of these clones and transplanted in the experimental garden near the Institute for Biological Research in Belgrade. Significant differences between genotypes were found for two traits (start of flowering, average flowering time). Genotypes originating from open and understory habitats significantly differed for three traits (number of flowers, number of capsules/number of flowers, seed mass/capsule). Significant effect of light treatment were found for three traits (number of capsules/number of flowers, seed mass/capsule, average seed mass). Statistically significant correlations between explored traits were generally similar but also to some extent habitat and treatment specific. Comparing these results with research carried out on congeneric species we noted that there are similar responses for some traits, but also significant differences in some components of flowering and fruiting success.Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia ``Evolution in heterogeneous environments: mechanisms of adaptation, biomonitoring and conservation of biodiversity{''} {[}173025

    Radial and Bilateral Fluctuating Asymmetry of Iris pumila Flowers as Indicators of Environmental Stress

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    In this study we compared the biomonitoring potential of various types of flower asymmetry indices in Iris pumila (Dwarf Bearded Iris). We chose 197 naturally growing clones from the arid steppe habitat in the largest sandy area in Europe (Deliblato Sands Nature Reserve), and we transplanted two replicates of each clone to a polluted highway site with a heavy traffic flow. After a period of acclimatization, lower levels of photosynthetic pigment concentrations and higher stomatal density and specific leaf area in transplants verified that the chosen highway site was indeed more stressful and therefore suitable for estimation of the flower asymmetry biomonitoring potential. We analyzed radially and bilaterally symmetrical flower structures (radial fluctuating asymmetry (RA) and bilateral fluctuating asymmetry (FA)) on three perianth partsā€”falls, standards, and stylesā€”and calculated various asymmetry indices based on linear and geometric morphometrics. Despite utilizing a heavily polluted environment and fairly large sample sizes, only one asymmetry index was significantly higher on the polluted site with demonstrated stressful effects on utilized plants, indicating that flower asymmetry was not an efficient method for biomonitoring in the case of I. pumila RA and FA indices

    Stages of flower bud development in Iris pumila and between-habitat morphological differences

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    Previous studies revealed significant phenotypic plasticity and between-population differentiation in flower morphometric traits of Iris pumila in response to environmental variability between natural shade and exposed habitats. Since these habitats differed in flowering times as well, in this work we investigated at which stages of flower bud development differences between open and shaded habitats start to appear. Our analysis detected several groups of trait development patterns through the I. pumila bud development in two contrasting habitats, with stem length being the most suitable trait for application in further analyses of so-called 'shade avoidance syndrome'.Projekat ministarstva br. 17302

    Simulation of a classical swine fever outbreak in rural areas of the Republic of Serbia

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    Several different strategies for control and eradication of classical swine fever (CSF) were compared using a Monte Carlo method-based simulation model. The control strategy analysed in this paper, in addition to other CSF control measures, includes application of biosecurity measures on pig farms and rural backyard holdings. Elements of the control strategy are based on applicable regulations and include the simulation of detection of the disease, setting up the protected and surveillance zones, standstill of pig movements and restricted movement of animals, vehicles, equipment, and people with strong control measures in protection and surveillance zones, euthanasia of susceptible pigs, protective vaccination of pigs, compensation etc. During the simulation, different output parameters were compared such as: duration of epidemic of a disease, number of affected holdings and animals, direct costs such as those for dead or culled animals, costs of surveillance, disposal of infectious materials, cleaning and disinfection. Depopulation of affected animals with early diagnostics and vaccination in the protection and surveillance zone proved to be the most effective measures to stop the spread and for the eradication of the disease. Moreover, during the simulation, systematic implementation of biosecurity measures in all pig production clusters was demonstrated to be an appropriate strategy for sustainable control of CSF and the establishment of a stable epidemiological situation

    Between-clone, between-leaf and within-leaf variation in leaf epidermis traits in Iris pumila clones

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    The goal of this study was to analyze variation and covariation in epidermal characteristics (epidermal cell density -ECD, stomata density - SD, and stomata index - SI) on Iris pumila clones on between-clone, between-leaf and within-leaf levels. ECD (similar to the pattern previously observed for SD) increased from the base to the top of leaf, while SI remained constant. Results of profile analyses indicated that clones, individual plants whitin clones (ramets), and three successive leaves on the same plant were not significantly different for examined characteristics, but genetic variation for position effect was detected (significant Zone x clone interaction). Results of the contrast analysis confirmed differences between the base and middle leaf positions for ECD (similar to those for SD) as well as between clone variation for those differences. Observed differences between leaf zones and correlations between analyzed traits were mostly consistent with the expansion hypothesis of stomata differentiation. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI 173025

    Komparativna analiza različitih strategija za kontrolu klasične svinjske kuge upotrebom Monte Carlo simulacije

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    Several different strategies for control and eradication of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) were compared using a Monte Carlo method-based simulation model. The control strategy analyzed in this paper, in addition to other CSF control measures, includes application of biosecurity measures on pig farms and rural backyard holdings. Elements of the control strategy are based on applicable regulations and include the simulation of detection of the disease, setting up the protected and surveillance zones, standstill of pig movements and restricted movement of animals, vehicles, equipment, and people with strong control measures in protection and surveillance zones, euthanasia of susceptible pigs, protective vaccination of pigs, compensation etc. During the simulation, different output parameters were compared such as: duration of epizootic of a disease, number of affected holdings and animals, direct costs such as those for dead or culled animals, costs of surveillance, disposal of infectious materials, cleaning and disinfection. Depopulation of affected animals with early diagnostics and vaccination in protection and surveillance zone proved to be the most effective measures to stop spreading and eradication of the disease. However, during the simulation, systematic implementation of biosecurity measures in all pig production clusters demonstrated to be appropriate strategy for sustainable control of CSF and setting up a stable epizootiological situation.Nekoliko različitih strategija za kontrolu i iskorenjivanje klasične kuge svinja je upoređivano primenom modela simulacije zasnovanog na Monte Karlo metodi. Kontrolne strategije koje su obrađivane u ovom radu, pored opÅ”tih i posebnih mera suzbijanja KKS, uključuju i različite nivoe primenjenih biosigurnosnih mera na komercijalnim, porodičnim farmama i seoskim gazdinstvima na kojima se ga je svinje. Mere neÅ”kodljivog uniÅ”tavanja obolelih životinja i životinja koje su bile u kontaktu sa obolelim životinjama, uspostavljanje zaÅ”titnih zona pod nadzorom, kontrola i zaustavljanje prometa životinja i mehaničkih vektora (vozila i ljudi) unutar zona, rano otkrivanje bolesti i mera vakcinacije su bile uključene u simulaciju. Izlazni parametri kao Å”to su: vreme trajanja epizootije, broj zaraženih gazdinstava i životinja, broj uniÅ”tenih životinja, troÅ”kovi nadzora i direktne Å”tete nastale zbog pojavljivanja bolesti s upoređivani tokom simulacije. Vakcinacija, neÅ”kodljivo uklanjanje obolelih životinja i rana dijagnostika su se pokazale kao najefektivnije mere zaustavljanja Å”irenja i iskorenjivanja bolesti. Međutim, kao mera dugoročne strategije kontrole KKS i uspostavljanja stabilne epizootioloÅ”ke situacije, tokom simulacije pokazala se mera planskog i sistematskog podizanja biosigurnosnih mera u svim klasterima proizvodnje svinja (komercijalne farme, porodične farme tipa A, porodične farme tipa B i seoska gazdinstva)


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    In this work, we investigated the suitability of the threatened species, Iris pumila L., as a possible bioindicator of traffic pollution in its natural habitats (mostly protected areas and natural reserves). We examined its potential to accumulate lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) in polluted habitats, and the genetic variability for this capability, since it is an important facet of bioindicator suitability. We estimated the concentrations of Pb and Ni in the leaves of 17 I. pumila clones (genotypes) grown in one of their natural habitats, the unpolluted semi-arid habitat of the protected Deliblato Sands Special Natural Reserve, and in the leaves of 18 Iris pumila full-sib families grown in an experimental plot in a heavily polluted urban location in Belgrade, Serbia. Comparison of the contrasting habitats by one-way ANOVA analysis showed that both Pb and Ni concentrations were significantly higher (six-fold) in the I. pumila leaves collected from plants grown in the polluted urban habitat. Two-way ANOVA (randomized block design) analysis performed on the full-sib families grown in the urban location failed to detect significant genetic variation for metal accumulation in I. pumila leaves. A significant block effect on the concentration of Ni in leaves was detected, indicating responsiveness to microenvironmental variability. These results suggest that I. pumila can serve as a good indicator of traffic pollution in protected areas. The response is stable since genetic variability of I. pumila populations does not appear to influence its role as an indicator greatly.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia {[}OI 173025