44 research outputs found

    Training Physics-based Controllers for Articulated Characters with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In this thesis, two different applications are discussed for using machine learning techniques to train coordinated motion controllers in arbitrary characters in absence of motion capture data. The methods highlight the resourcefulness of physical simulations to generate synthetic and generic motion data that can be used to learn various targeted skills. First, we present an unsupervised method for learning loco-motion skills in virtual characters from a low dimensional latent space which captures the coordination between multiple joints. We use a technique called motor babble, wherein a character interacts with its environment by actuating its joints through uncoordinated, low-level (motor) excitation, resulting in a corpus of motion data from which a manifold latent space can be extracted. Using reinforcement learning, we then train the character to learn locomotion (such as walking or running) in the low-dimensional latent space instead of the full-dimensional joint action space. The thesis also presents an end-to-end automated framework for training physics-based characters to rhythmically dance to user-input songs. A generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture is proposed that learns to generate physically stable dance moves through repeated interactions with the environment. These moves are then used to construct a dance network that can be used for choreography. Using DRL, the character is then trained to perform these moves, without losing balance and rhythm, in the presence of physical forces such as gravity and friction

    Sindrom plućne hipertenzije u brojlera: pregledni rad

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    ll as right ventricular hypertrophy, are collectively known as ascites syndrome of broilers. Ascites was first noticed as a problem in commercial poultry farms located at high altitude. There are four general factors in ascites fluid buildup, that is: vascular damage that allows capillaries to leak; blockage of the lymphatic system that prevents drainage; decreased plasma oncotic pressure, and increased vascular hydraulic pressure, which can be caused by several types of pathologies, including hepatic, cardiac or right atrioventricular and pulmonary hypertension. Most cases of these metabolic diseases seen in commercial poultry farm are due to pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension originates from various causes such as: environmental causes i.e., altitude, cold stress and incubator environment; management causes i.e., feed management, the form of feed, dietary content etc.; developmental causes i.e. growth rate, oxygen requirement, organ size and capacity, hematological parameters. All these factors cause ascites syndrome by inducing hypoxia in commercial birds. Genetic selection has great potential to influence and end ascites syndrome. In the past, genetic selection tools were used for rapid growth, high meat yield and good feed conversion. However, genetic selection may have aggravated the ascites problem and now it is the best solution for eliminating this metabolic disorder. With the advent of molecular genetics research and the development of genetic markers, it is possible to determine the exact genetic basis of ascites; genetic markers may be used to eliminate ascites syndrome from modern commercial broilers.Nakupljanje tekućine u abdominalnoj Å”upljini, srčane anomalije, uključujući povećanje srca, meko srce te desna ventrikularna hipertrofija poznati su kao sindrom ascitesa brojlera. Ascites je kao problem uočen najprije na komercijalnim farmama peradi koje su se nalazile na velikim nadmorskim visinama. Četiri su glavna čimbenika nakupljanja tekućine u abdominalnoj Å”upljini: oÅ”tećenje krvnih žila koja utječu na pojačan izlazak tekućine iz kapilara, blokada limfnog sustava Å”to sprečava drenažu limfe, smanjen onkotski tlak u plazmi i povećan vaskularni hidraulički tlak, Å”to može biti uzrokovano razvojem patoloÅ”kih procesa, uključujući jetrenu, srčanu ili desnu atrioventrikularnu i plućnu hipertenziju. Većina slučajeva ovih metaboličkih bolesti na komercijalnim farmama peradi nastaje zbog plućne hipertenzije. Brojni su uzroci plućne hipertenzije: uzroci iz okoliÅ”a (npr. nadmorska visina, stres zbog hladnoće i uvjeta u inkubatoru), tehnopatije, (npr. vrsta hrane, sadržaj hranjivih tvari itd), razvojni uzroci (npr. stopa rasta, zahtjev za kisikom, veličine i zapremnine organa) te krvnih pokazatelja. Svi su ti čimbenici odgovorni za sindrom ascitesa uzrokujući hipoksiju u komercijalno uzgajane peradi. Genetička selekcija mogla bi znatno utjecati na rjeÅ”avanje problema ascietsa. U proÅ”losti je genetička selekcija služila za postizanje brzog rasta, visokog prinosa mesa i dobre konverzije hrane. No, mogla je i pogorÅ”ati probleme s ascitesom, dok je danas ona najbolje rjeÅ”enje za uklanjanje ovog metaboličkog poremećaja. S pojavom molekularnogenetičkih istraživanja i razvojem genskih biljega postalo je moguće odrediti genetički temelj ascitesa: genski biljezi mogu se upotrijebiti za uklanjanje sindroma ascitesa u brojlera na modrenim komercijalnim farmama

    The Effect of Different Foam Concentrations on Sperm Motility in Japanese Quail

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    A study was conducted to determine the effect of foam extract on sperm motility in the male Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Adult male quails (<12 weeks) of heavy body weight strain were housed in individual cages and divided into 5 groups according to the size of their cloacal glands. The data indicated that the size of the cloacal gland was positively correlated with the frequency of foam secretion and total foam production. One gram of freshly collected clean foam was mixed with 1.0ā€‰mL of normal saline and homogenized for 10 minutes. After centrifugation at 35ā€‰000ā€‰rpm, the supernatant was used as 100% foam extract. The extract was diluted to 1:40, 1:20, 1:10, and 1:4 with normal saline to produce 2.5, 5.0, 10, and 25% foam extracts, respectively. 5% foam extract enhanced sperm survival at room temperature (30Ā°ā€“35Ā°C) for 2 to 3ā€‰hrs, whereas higher concentrations (10% and above) suppressed sperm motility. From this study, it may be concluded that foam secretion and quantity of foam are directly proportional to the size of the cloacal gland and that the foam enhances and prolongs sperm motility, in vitro at an optimum concentration of 5%

    A Study of Antepartum Cardiotocography in Mothers with Reduced Fetal Movement at Term and Its Correlation with Fetal Outcome

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    Maternal perception of fetal movement is one of the first signs of fetal life and is regarded as a manifestation of fetal wellbeing. Reduced or absent fetal movements may be a warning sign of impending fetal death. According to the various tracingsobtained on cardiotocography (CTG), categorization can be done into normal, suspicious or abnormal/pathological and therebyfetal jeopardy can be reliably predicted. This study was designed to evaluate the CTG findings in mothers with complaint ofreduced fetal movement and their fetal outcome at term. It was seen that abnormal and suspicious CTG were more commonlyassociated with meconium-stained liquor at delivery; also they were associated with a higher rate of cesarean section with fetaldistress being the most common indication among these two groups

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    This experiment was to investigate the age-related changes in hormonal concentration and biochemical constituents of blood plasma in Indian native desi fowl. One hundred and sixty two (54 from each breed, i.e., Kadaknath (KN), Aseel peela (AP), and White leghorn (WLH)) day-old female chicks were randomly divided into nine groups each of 18 chicks (3 groups Ɨ 3 replicates). WLH was taken in this study to compare the characteristics of Indian native desi fowl. The highest level of estrogen hormone in WLH and desi fowl in blood plasma was occurred at 18 and 24 wks of age, respectively. Whereas, the peak of progesterone hormone in WLH hens noticed around 24 wks, in case of desi fowls, it was at 30 wks of age. Irrespective of the breed, the hormonal profile of Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) in blood plasma was found highest around 6 to 12 wks of age. Activities of acid phosphatase (ACP) increased with the reduction of alkaline phosphate (ALP) activities at different time intervals. Irrespective of the breed, transaminases (glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT)) activities of blood plasma increased linearly with the advancement of the age. From this study, it may be concluded that sexual maturity of the Indian native desi fowl occurred nearly 6 wk later (24 wk) than WLH

    Development of Region Specific Hybrid Goat and their Performance Evaluation under High Altitude Condition

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    Goat meat (chevon) comprises an important source of protein to provide essential amino acids in addition to other meat and plant sources of proteins. Therefore, demands for chevon are huge from civil and defence sector in this region. However, there is limited availability of fresh tender chevon in Ladakh region round the year. Hence, there was a need of augmenting local availability of fresh goat meat by developing animal technology for fast growing region-specific crossbred goat for meat purpose that can efficiently perform under adverse climatic conditions prevailing in this region. The present crossbred goat was developed by using mixing genes of adaptive and meat traits through cross breeding between local goats (Changthangi and Gaddi breeds of goats) and Sirohi/Black Bengal goats. To develop this technology, we introduced Black Bengal and Sirohi from plain areas and native breed of goats viz. Gaddi and Changthangi goats for further adaptation and growth performance studies at Leh-Ladakh. After initial studies goats were divided into high altitude resistant/adapted and susceptible groups. High altitude resistant/adapted goats were taken for further cross breeding and pure breeding. All the kids produced out of this breeding were studied for physiological responses, growth performance, and blood biochemical parameters to know their adaptive and growth performance at high altitude. Crossbred kids of Sirohi ā™‚/Black Bengal ā™‚ X Changthangi ā™€ had significantly (P&lt;0.05) higher weight gain, adaptive physiological responses and blood biochemicals level as compared to exotic pure bred and other cross bred kids. These crossbred kids attained market weight faster than local as well as breeds from plain areas (Sirohi and Black Bengal goats). Average meat yield is 7-10 kg per adult crossbred goat if slaughtered at 9-12 month age. These cross bred (broiler goat) may be reared at Leh-Ladakh for meat purpose. Hence, this animal technology may help in increasing of fresh goat meat (chevon) supply to meet armyā€™s and civil requirements in Leh-Ladakh

    Changes in expression of monocarboxylate transporters, heat shock proteins and meat quality of Large White Yorkshire and Ghungroo pigs during hot summer period

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    Objective Present study explores the effect of hot summer period on the glycolytic rate of early post-mortem meat quality of Ghungroo and Large White Yorkshire (LWY) pig and comparative adaptability to high temperature between above breeds by shifting the expression of stress related genes like mono-carboxylate transporters (MCTs) and heat shock proteins (HSPs). Methods Healthy pigs of two different breeds, viz., LYW and Ghungroo (20 from each) were maintained during hot summer period (May to June) with a mean temperature of about 38Ā°C. The pigs were slaughtered and meat samples from the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles were analyzed for pH, glycogen and lactate content and mRNA expression. Following 24 h of chilling, LD muscle was also taken from the carcasses to evaluate protein solubility and different meat quality measurements. Results LWY exhibited significantly (p<0.01) higher plasma cortisol and lactate dehydrogenase concentration than Ghungroo indicating their higher sensitivity to high temperature. LD muscle from LWY pigs revealed lower initial and ultimate pH values and higher drip loss compared to Ghungroo, indicating a faster rate of pH fall. LD muscle of Ghungroo had significantly lower lactate content at 45 min postmortem indicating normal postmortem glycolysis and much slower glycolytic rate at early postmortem. LD muscle of LWY showed rapid postmortem glycolysis, higher drip loss and higher degrees of protein denaturation. Ghungroo exhibited slightly better water holding capacity, lower cooking loss and higher protein solubility. All HSPs (HSP27, HSP70, and HSP90) and MCTs (MCT1, MCT2, and MCT4) in the LD muscle of pigs inclined to increase more in Ghungroo than LWY when exposed to high temperature. Conclusion Effect of high temperature on the variation of HSPs and MCTs may play a crucial role in thermal tolerance and adaptation to different climatic conditions, pH regulation, muscle acidification, drip loss, protein denaturation and also in postmortem meat quality development