A Study of Antepartum Cardiotocography in Mothers with Reduced Fetal Movement at Term and Its Correlation with Fetal Outcome


Maternal perception of fetal movement is one of the first signs of fetal life and is regarded as a manifestation of fetal wellbeing. Reduced or absent fetal movements may be a warning sign of impending fetal death. According to the various tracingsobtained on cardiotocography (CTG), categorization can be done into normal, suspicious or abnormal/pathological and therebyfetal jeopardy can be reliably predicted. This study was designed to evaluate the CTG findings in mothers with complaint ofreduced fetal movement and their fetal outcome at term. It was seen that abnormal and suspicious CTG were more commonlyassociated with meconium-stained liquor at delivery; also they were associated with a higher rate of cesarean section with fetaldistress being the most common indication among these two groups

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