116 research outputs found

    Les officialités normandes et la lutte contre les mariages clandestins à la fin du Moyen Age

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    Il s’agit de prĂ©ciser ce que les tribunaux poursuivent au titre de la lutte contre lesmariages informels, ce que cela rĂ©vĂšle du rĂŽle que la cour diocĂ©saine entend jouer dans le contrĂŽle du processus matrimonial, et de quelle maniĂšre les officialitĂ©s ont pu profiter de la dĂ©finition in fine extensive de la clandestinitĂ© pour mettre au point des instruments de renforcement de l’autoritĂ© diocĂ©saine (notamment par le contrĂŽle de la mobilitĂ© matrimoniale). De nombreuses infractions dĂ©noncĂ©es concernent les promesses de mariage suivies de relations charnelles qui font prĂ©sumer un consentement de prĂ©sent. Au stade de l’échange des paroles de prĂ©sent, les mariages clandestins mis Ă  l’amende sont des mariages marquĂ©s par un dĂ©ficit de preuves, ou conclus sans publication prĂ©alable des bans, cĂ©lĂ©brĂ©s dans une autre paroisse que la « propre paroisse » des Ă©poux, ou sans respect de formes rĂ©glementaires imposĂ©es par les Ă©vĂȘques, notamment pour contrĂŽler les mariages des extradiocĂ©sains, par la prĂ©sentation de lettres testimoniales ou de dispense de bans, dont on constate la standardisation croissante Ă  la fin du XVe siĂšcle. Au nom de la lutte contre ces irrĂ©gularitĂ©s matrimoniales, les autoritĂ©s diocĂ©saines rouennaises ont renforcĂ© et Ă©largi toujours plus leurs exigences rĂ©glementaires. Les candidats au mariage en paient le prix : pour faire rĂ©gulariser a posteriori leur union ou pour s’acquitter de l’amende due, mais aussi pour obtenir les certifications nĂ©cessaires afin de se prĂ©munir contre toute irrĂ©gularitĂ©. Les cĂ©lĂ©brants en paient Ă©galement le prix quand ils pensent pouvoir se contenter de lettres certificatoires de publication de bans dĂ©livrĂ©es ailleurs que dans la juridiction rouennaise. Les officialitĂ©s, comme instance de mise en ordre matrimonial, permettent ainsi aux autoritĂ©s diocĂ©saines de s’imposer comme gardiennes du salut des couples tout en prĂ©servant et renforçant leur assise juridictionnelle

    Les mariages clandestins: impasse disciplinaire, scandale ou moteur de la réflexion doctrinale?

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    The history of the formalization of marriage law in the Latin medieval West is very much like a series of normative tensions. Although the conflicts of norms cannot be restricted to theological and legal controversies, their interest lies in the fact that they sometimes gave rise to the expression of contradictory norms, depending on the forum at stake. It was more particularly the case when it came to the question of settling the moral and judiciary issues in connexion with the hierarchical status of clandestine marriages and that of public ones, or the one of a “sexual intercourse followed by words of future” and that of a marriage contracted by “words of present”. Which of these processes guaranteed a « true » marriage ?  And according to which normative references ? The different solutions provided by canonical doctrine, theology, the manuals for parish priests and confessors or even synodal statutes enable us to assess the different goals of the clerics concerned by matrimonial issues. Much is at stake, because what is concerned is the salvation of the laity and the balance of the whole society. These normative tensions sometimes led to conceptual and lexical evolutions, but they also entailed certain forms of competition that could undermine the usual means of social regulation, which the actors of matrimonial could sometimes take advantage of

    Accueillir l’enfant illĂ©gitime : modalitĂ©s, enjeux, limites de la benignitas canonica. Des thĂ©ories romano-canoniques aux pratiques sociales (XIIe-XVe siĂšcles)

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    This paper purposed to study figures of children considered as bastards through medieval sources, as rejected and stigmatized one because they were born outside of wedlock but also as children whom society and parents had to take care, who were symbolically, legally and judicially protected. They could not inherit of their father, at least in theory, but those had to feed and educate them, or to contribute by alimenta to do it. Canonists diverged from romanists who nevertheless defined what nutrire or alere meant because from the second part of the twelfth century, popes and decretalists, step by step, demonstrate that parents had to take care of their children, even those who had been born spurii. The idea that supported this form of representation of bastards had nothing to do with favor prolis but simply sollicitudo or benignitas canonica that obliged everyone to put at the first rank the jus naturale instead of human laws that might had restricted bastard’s rigths. But those canonical demonstrations had to be precisely qualified by notarial or judicial sources that proved fatherhood obligations but also difficulties for spurii. Those medieval representations, sometimes paradoxal ones, were finally compared with conclusions of some anthropological studies

    Effect of Electron Correlation on the Bragg Reflection

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    We study the effect of correlation on the Bragg reflection in the 3D electron gas, the 1D Luttinger liquid, and the 1D Hubbard model in an alternating periodic potential at half-filling. In the last system, we suggest a Luttinger-liquid-type quasi-metallic state in the crossover region from the band insulator to the Mott insulator. We explain the appearance of this state in terms of the incompatibility of the Bragg reflection with the concept of Luttinger liquids.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Medication errors at hospital admission and discharge in Type 1 and 2 diabetes

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    International audienceAIMS: To assess the prevalence and characteristics of medication errors at hospital admission and discharge in people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and identify potential risk factors for these errors. METHODS: This prospective observational study included all people with Type 1 (n~=~163) and Type 2 diabetes (n~=~508) admitted to the Diabetology-Department of the University Hospital of Montpellier, France, between 2013 and 2015. Pharmacists conducted medication reconciliation within 24~h of admission and at hospital discharge. Medication history collected from different sources (patient/family interviews, prescriptions/medical records, contact with community pharmacies/general practitioners/nurses) was compared with admission and discharge prescriptions to detect unintentional discrepancies in medication indicating involuntary medication changes. Medication errors were defined as unintentional medication discrepancies corrected by physicians. Risk factors for medication errors and serious errors (i.e. errors that may cause harm) were assessed using logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 322 medication errors were identified and were mainly omissions. Prevalence of medication errors in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes was 21.5% and 22.2% respectively at admission, and 9.0% and 12.2% at discharge. After adjusting for age and number of treatments, people with Type 1 diabetes had nearly a twofold higher odds of having medication errors (odds ratio (OR) 1.72, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-2.94) and serious errors (OR 2.17, 95% CI 1.02-4.76) at admission compared with those with Type 2 diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: Medication reconciliation identified medication errors in one third of individuals. Clinical pharmacists should focus on poly-medicated individuals, but also on other high-risk people, for example, those with Type 1 diabetes

    Discours normatifs et transmissions des savoirs médicaux sur les nourrices (Antiquité-Renaissance) - Partie MOYEN AGE

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    Ce chapitre (dont j\u27ai eu la responsabilitĂ© de la partie mĂ©diĂ©vale) doit trouver sa place dans la section Transferts du volume 1 qui a pour objectif d’accueillir des Ă©tudes dĂ©volues aux transactions, tant Ă©conomiques que symboliques, gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par l’allaitement. Il s\u27agit ici de faire le point sur le nourrissage mercenaire et la maniĂšre dont les savoirs mĂ©dicaux (antiques) sur les nourrices se sont diffusĂ©s dans la sociĂ©tĂ© mĂ©diĂ©vale et ont faconnĂ© un ensemble de discours normatifs et prescriptifs sur les dangers mais aussi les avantages pragmatiques de la mise en nourrice

    Charge and spin inhomogeneous phases in the Ferromagnetic Kondo Lattice Model

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    We study numerically the one-dimensional ferromagnetic Kondo lattice. This model is widely used to describe nickel and manganese perovskites. Due to the competition between double and super-exchange, we find a region where the formation of magnetic polarons induces a charge-ordered state. This ordering is present even in the absence of any inter-site Coulomb repulsion. There is an insulating gap associated to the charge structure formation. We also study the insulator-metal transition induced by a magnetic field which removes simultaneously both charge and spin ordering.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure
